WITH ASSD BOARD dell, acting secretary, wanted to Prince Daiiv News , with all the trimmings. BREAK break them Rupert Still no definite dates set on "Continued from pae 1 i know. , , Gtof Hiii". Thursday, February 22. 1951 TRAILING the MELON ' the Clover Leaf Visit and it Is j "Just what you put into It,", formation L ' getting along in the season. sake of $40?- asked A. r. "Tony" -Mr. v-iuwiey I Associuted Prince G.goree will visit us i.i Crawley, visiting member of the Member Art Williams suiwest- h..f,.,. March also for a shot at the ed their membership should not' endorsed' 5 j senior "VT ti-Je according to ' senior body. ' . . i be drooped, and offered to m w c.....'. Georee "Citizen ana "I think it would be very ro'.l- .... , An... ... ., ,-...'::,"" Prist, P.ince tile 11 U tit.rt l..', u lull! 11 vnni-.i... i. we will be hauuv to see th.?v ish for you to do so." he said. snvlne hi .irlnt think nn rvt.n ' 1. . ". li: i names. Nat a ureat deal is ox adding with emphasis: ' Now, dollar from each member would est pak to the Ji,., art I pected of th? Prince George en-I I more than ever before, you convent try this year sine i is the.r I should keep in touch with de-I lirst try in this t.vrv of competi- velopments of the country M tit.n, yet it is a step in the rrvt'. around you. direction as far as Prince R i- lyii.yr DO HE (JET? . r T I , I r t am pcrts pasition is concerned. Willi 'What direct benefits do we Ret This advertisement Ij not publljheg or displayed by the Liquor ConUot U highway travel promised all yenr , ff ou. membership in the fcord Of by the Government 4 frit") Columbia our... in the near luttire inter- Ass(f.iatpd Boards?" Archie Wa- R li.wii rair.es with our interior ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY KfcWS BRINGS KFSIJ! TS iicikIs would prove very popular eacii year and would lend In th" vanity of visiting teams at thin soint . jf WW IN NOTICE r-. ..iv.le.:.t!i.r. f t'l rMX.ll". n nt A Y win In- Iii-H i.t 111' tl.iti'S fs'l-eiiil Kiikv-i hat lit lii lulloviliiK t''it UIKl tlllK-S llKlKaUll: Muiiiliiy. Fi'Druary aiiih, 9 011 m oclin I-'iill-s. Wiiliu-luy. fvijniury ailili. Ill:"" " ' - I'llliCC lillTl. l lmrsili.y. Murvh 1st. on m--T" r-rnrr. S.,tuniuv. Mureh Jnl, 4 0(1 nm. . smiLh.'is " M..iil:iv Mureh fit li. 9:00 n m Hams so that our all-star squad mi?,.'it i.'k.- get toKether for a Wil,.,' bcto-."" A;,ili.-:.li.n rurnm ami full imrtiru- $cagvmn$ Kings Plat Also Ask Your Grocer For 3 M;nire Saltan & Rice Croquettes The Priiue Rupert Basketball Association is inviting unsuspecting citizens to the Civic C't'iitre touifthl to witness n post-:-easoi: aliair between Brown-woods and Gordon and Ander-'li. 1 don't know what has been rausmg this belligerent attitucie I have recently adopted over liie .state of affairs in respect to the sesucr League playoffs, but, whatever it is. it i.s ah toe more aysjravjied by the asscciation! unnoune. menu that they will play off tlie remaining prainrs in Uie .schedule even t!i:u.,h the i tai.fliiiKs mid the ulliniai i-l..y-t.fl eaiKlidate.s have al-;ialy Ivi.'u decided. As it is now. Brownwoods and Co-op will l;.rs lli:iy IJ" uiJliinicu ii.iin 1 111- i..-.-Uict Knnsl.T lit I'rtuce r.uKTt ur 1 1H run-si I;iiii";rr'H i.lhcr :tt cxiiolll.at nut eciitr" Cii!tipl'U'tl ;iiJjlii'i,tuin li.. ins In, el. 1 li.- I.. 1 a .11 tl.-tt tu tin- III mi 1 1.,-c.tir bv l-rl)rii;"iy''.,:hi(l or linliii" 1. its nui'l df pr.-si'iiti'il to tlie x.ui-ill-- ;.v iIti- time nl the fsiinuiliit'.'i.: riics' t';iiiil!i;itinus lire iM-mi; ruii-'luctiMl to '.sl.:llill.,ll I'le lljll- llsls f.ii 1HM tll'f wii.'j'li emifi iiielit. hiiiii MJfll ll .t.S Hwllltm. HtH tO ).i.',tll'll.S new v;ie:int will Ik' in.uli' tt.-.'.irilen: to (-itl.dUlitte' st:ui(llns's It) (hf v-nmiiirit kins. CiiliditliO, s nlllt he riti.-'riis of oik of tht' hi. tin lis of (he liilti h .in-miiiiut'iilni ui'iil tniet leive re.-.ul.'il in hrlti-h ColninhiH lor on vine ) li. r'niitlKliit. niii.,1 lit' )hy il' illiy e.ill:tl:l of thf woiK Cm.tlliliitr.s iim .l. lie :il vt'itt's of d ; 10 eMimiiiiil ion li'' is eluire. tl ! "I''-l,H.ir,,'.!:! meeting the oppcsitii n tiiev may expett in tirj senior "li" playoffs. If it i.s necessary for ;Lc re-ii. of Uie li a cue that they l::i a senior game each night u 1 1 1. 1 1 liie icagUi- is completed ami 11 appears they intend to do s.i, v. ny nut cail Go den and Aii'ier.s'ni in on the finals and with HroAii-woods, start a three game M'ni.-iinal series tonight. Ihev aiv; ioing to play tho jiani ss any w:. find ralher than in.suil ihe io-U'Uigenee of tlie ta.ithlul fai who wishes to si,- cuihiielil i hi at ils best We ilii;i:t wiiii'.s ,i'i exeitiiiK series, I haven't spoken li Do" Monl - $canvaui$i! k'li S' wm v This advMthement h not published w di,(J( Ihe li.iKir Control Boiird or by the Gnveninirnhilt thr liquor C0M10I Utt'J Or by tt (jovtinmcnl t( flirtiih Co.umL P ft ' nVJJTI Ml ... J n of i. ic.se i, ays kick horn minis i r i lie ciij iiampion.ship; i,n;.! liny are ready to cAANSON'S : vohifty on Ill's mi!'.,, el l.ti! ili.l ltm' 19 s "nn. i,.iv,. ......... j , a,ivi .r. u iixkiiiier -M do so. Kjalon that Co-op had very ac- ft.ri'j , jf a a A. IfJ , i,-J ,lll'lli.:'oiiiii,o:lat,.n:'lv eiven , I. HVi I I T "I "3 B S j lr,,wvi',;,Kls Tues d nv " ven '.l ; j"CTlgV.4ii .' f Ijeni.t a.sKed m put w.lh two or thre." exhibit! ibitlon r:ai:e.s that will mean little and Jim was a ve:v tiisa.i, .in -ed athlete. Th." I'.rowiU". :. ! v1-:-; lory was the death knell (or th hardware flub and came at a he ;. layers or fans. To top it. i ff tonight's d:il is a postponed affair which could have been Classified Adver!i;;ii.g Ls payable in advance, r.rase refrain from teleplKiiilnf. (1 Woi'"l per in..eilion, roiiiiimini charge fillc. Birth Noliccs 5t)c. Cards of Thanki ' t'uneial Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Aniioiiiiccint iil.s$2). SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE thrown out in view of the cir-1 ljmp ;-iiinstanc."s. ' wern when I' ialen and c.ixp inv begir.ning t.i shew pron:: 1 Itlif! KNtiAliKMKM NOTK'K KOIl SALK One doesn't- have t:i consul hi.s cry tal bail to sec that w should pet in!o play-off ; at one U BlueBhdes 20 Gillette YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER Nc . . . This is not o scorch for buried treosure or pirate gold . . . but on opportunity to cosh in on fic BULOVA TRADE-IN SALE Generous iiuiU'-"n iiliii'vance for your old watch on a new -!!:! mmi.'!. fiup'-'ib lyiinv, in a'l the better makes of watches. ; Hands, Dispenser wn WATCH HEMI. lleii'iil .sriir Jewi'lltT. Sju teed. Mr. and Mrs. George E. HiilsifoH KALE- Auto parts. Apnlv wisp to announce the engage-1 Midland Pines P.O Box au.J, merit of their only daughter, pnon.. Bla.'K '1VJ Cars to be Kathleen Marguerite, to Mr. w recked for parts: 1929 fliev-Frank Kaloh Skidmore. onlv .son rolet sedan, l'J2'J Es-ex sedan, of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Skidmore I jyo Buick sedan, ll'ill) St tide- USED BUM COMPARTMENT OIL BUHNER oiOVt- w-;ti.r U. Holism b anaimo. B.C. 'I lie wedding wid ! baker .sedan. 134 Ciievriuel MHIAWRS COMING California Mohawks wllo gave us alifornia Mi. hawks v,.io vav.' i'i a great exhibition on th 'ir la ;t visit here, has anr.cur.ee 1 his intention of visiting us around March 15 with his California high sch i ll ail-stars. This leaf. , has Iven setting reco ds all ove: the country this year and ha exceeded the eenturv mark ie scoring at. two points tdri.iriy ii British Columijia. They ran ii' 118 at Kelowna and then la2 Trail. I do not know tiie s.'oc -of their' opposition in thru- -.nu p. .ure on lhursdav eve-1 (47pi -ton. panel RIAL I - Chow Mcin rung. March IS. l'Jal. at 7:30 u.m. in Kt. Andrew's Cathedral Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter of-iiciiitina. ( ll.pi ITMillAI. NOTICE AHONSON-In the eitv Thursday. F'cbruarv 15. 1951. Aron Aronvun. age 72 vears of Siesv-ai I. B.C. Canon Basil S. Prockter will conduit services at Gren- Cliop Sucy ACT NOW! Use Our Budget Plan 20 down - $1.25 per week t- - rzi FOR SALE Late '49 Meteor custom club coupe, lullv complied radio, healer, wlntcva.is. 2-tone naint It w nnlea..."'. Apply R3U Siuinml or phone Blue eyil after 5:3U p in. isupi FOR SALE Business builtiing with nioclern living quarters In l ent re business .section Hums Lake. Cement, basement, furnace, plumbing. Apnlv -owner, W. J. McKflm.l. I47pi IIP! l'HISCE heal: Over Bri. For Salf-'f I nt r 1 1 it 11 re it (lit ion. Vff Fur Sale-Hi' room hiw t'.llet. U-.l Villi' ' US -..-oMCS HOLLYWOOD CAFE Por fuitside Orders Phonu 133 I vilie Court Chanel at 2 p.m. Fii-dav. February 23. Interment to follow in Purview Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in charge of 1 arrangements. dti I FOR SALE New ami used furniture, hardware and clothing at the lowest possible prices. H C. Furniture. 3rd Ave. W. 9 IV $1000 00 lX'WS 4 W.irtinif price C' " Agi'iu'i"'". eves. Lisl r. sale. . games but am reasonably .su.'e that the fames weren't too close Th-v def.-aird M.igra.li. Alb: rt a night or so ago and M.r'ra'1 i.s one of the tap teams in Canada according to thci- record. ALASKA SKKIKS After listening t.i a couple e! James of the Juneau Gold M-'da. loiirnami 11 1 no w in i.'r.igres.s a I 1 lie Alaskan caoilal it. appear; that we should ba mighty proud :f our aii-star xiuad after their .CL-isive (l.-ci.sioiis over the high-v-rai(.l -new Mellakaila and I rom ine of cite I)ip-nwr you zip 0111 new Gillette Hlue Bbtlei, unwrajteu ami reatly for use. Turn ihe Dispenser uer an.i there's a handy com pan mem !r easy disport fif used blade. 20 BLADES FOR SALE -Special Deluxe Plymouth coach, late 4ti model, good condition. Blue 278. i4iipi OuMticM ' and rolessioiia r Oiui iii 1 V(1R SAW FOR SALE One 15 h p. gas eimine. Blue 9111. ijTni 1 i in. Kas FOR SM.F. NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Llnrr-belt Sneeder Stinvels. Cranes: i)railine.s: Ada m i Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Blactt Too Road Maintenance h.oiinmieiil.: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Hock Granules; T. 1. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Koiklift Trucks' Nelson Bucket, "Aiaders for Stocknile and Snow Removal; Rice Porl-,ie ieoi.i 11 total i'uinos: Nn- ' ' "' ! . i...,i ut,. t. 40 SHAVING eoCES fmummm: k I M M I'. IVAM KI) calllll. H 1 Jr,; "... I I HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE MATTSO'.S W'tni,RTF.RlNO IMione Blue Blfl. P.O. Box 831) Keeiind Aveiiui', rrhice Rupert., U C. iKetehikan teams. M 'tlakrlla ar i favored to take the Alaskan tonr-Inament and Ketchikan dropped a heart b eiiVi r to Pi't 'rsbur ! Alaska Wednesday night by on lAUtt s! tninal liraelhie Siisioeis and H.lc.ki'l.s: National All Steel O a s o 1 i n e Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Kijlarv Screens 'and Conveyors Full in 1 01 inal 1011 Irom National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. U C '.f GliNI'RAt. CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs ot all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS MAHCAUKT McLEOD DI'Tt iMF.TRTRT Room 10 iTONR mm.niNn rilONK p.lue rm r.o. nox 11:14 point. All we have to wait follow is awin over Metlakalla rtt THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CIVIL SERVICE REOU1RES A RADIO TECHNICIAN - tor the ax;, r-01 est service, Prince Rupert. B.C. Salary $223. rising lo $273 per mouth lincludni.; . Cos! -ol- Living Bon us 1, phis Sla special living allowance. Unties: To carry out repairs, overhaul and general maintenance of radio equipment: to construct equipment and perform related work as required. Oualilicatiiiits: High s.-hool graduation or equiva-' lent: .several vears' practical experience in construction and maintenance of radio receivers mid t r insmii icrs; knowl-edt'e of Morse Code. Candl- Metlakatla. This is something however, that we have been was; ing for for as long as I can remember and Ihe team that doc. PHONES i HELEN'S" ' J.EAUTY SirOP Permanent Wavin!; Beauty Cull tire in all its branches 204 -4th SI reel. Phone Black 7fi2 r.K kcu lit' 1 the job will rji."! a slate dinni FURNACES have gone up In price and vou can expect even hieher prices. Have 2 all-steel lurnaces in stock, .selling a! did price. If conleniplatinsr a new furnace, now is the time to buv. even if stored until P.O. Box 1G70 Hilt KALE Ave. I'," heater. l'n' Co. 1 OR "PAIS ' basement ar, k .si . rii": ' PHIUhh f si eel. lira''' Honest r ' ineiH MetalslUl -coiivcr. B 1 C3i)7 . DNENC'UMBff for I'llk' 1 tiallv f' hiini"'. Ai." Il'dlv N VVANTKD-'' .,.;tlll! UailV Ni'' COUPLER UY THIS LARG II. (i. HEIERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE rhone 98 Evenings Black 89'J SIDNEY CONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis . OFFICE HOURS f) a.m. to ,5 p.m. Geo. Cook's JewWler. Th. 212 reennred. Thorn Sheet Metal.: Black HB4. U j FOR SALE-lvfodcl Q li Johnson' 10 hp. outboard motor. Also' Mo.ssberg 22 rille. Both in ' good .'Condition. Phone Green j J2ii. (47pi ' FOR SALE-2 While trucks, tan- ilfiii dual drive 900 rubber. 214' wheelbase. Woi:i'd 3 niontlis. i Terms. Anplv Albert Houston, j naics must be British .subieets. not over 45 vears of age. except in the case of ex-service men who are given preler ence Application Forms, obtainable from all Government Agencies, the B.C. Civil Service Commission, Weiler Building. Victoria, or C3G Burrunl S'reel Vancouver to be completed and submitted lo the Chairman VKTOItlA. NOT vri'.K THAN iMAItt II X"'. Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 7!!7 311 Second Ave. W. 25 PACKAG s QUALITY REPAIRS , For Downtrodden Hivls and Worn Soles FOR VALUE I Daw.son Creek. B.C. G3pi 'OR SAI.K-in.-iO Pontine 8. two-door coach; radio and heater; low mileage Anplv Roy K Hinders. Port Edward I47p Box 774 Second Ave. A. P. CARDNEIi & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL. O.A. and ROY SI I AND. C.A. 3:!4 fci.'Ciiml Avenue Box 213 Phone J,8 sinele k,r.'AT MAC SHOE HOSPITAL and rm ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. rOTJJNR Thone Blue 970 Box 10.20 For gi'iiuine pails and service liiione or write above. paw Ilex 4a. HailV. II" III I.I' WANTED -I l iM M E WOMAN to do dishw.ishini'. part lime, automatic dishwasher. . Phone K08 or anplv Civr' Cent re IlnitiK' Room. t-Hlc' ACCOINTAMH PUBLfC ACCOUNTANT llifon"' T:iX speehihst. S O FlirK Stone, liiiildiii?. If "it 593 '0nl I.UII,l)i:ilS sTt'CINTItACTtlKS PLUMBING and HEATING--Sheel iiflal work. Tar ntirt ""a-'el riMilimr. (.::"!! 112!) 01 h Wesl Ph ne 543 Letonrneau and Soi.v . ff" jr FOR SALE 1949 Chev lour-door .scduu, eood condition, new rubber. Can be seen at Long Motors. tr.O.-i i"T)R SALE-3 piece oheslerfleld, excellent (findilion. 134H 1'ig-golt Ave. (4iicl FOR SALE - 10 fool carvell built rowboat, $35.00. Boat "Doxy." Ni'W Floats. Uiipi FOR SALE Babv carriage, new condition, $10.00. Blue 780. I4(,pl COLUSSPS MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in. Musical Instruments PI ANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED " pleased K)0M;,v M. J. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS 210 4lh St. Ph. Black 381 HEATERS ami AUTOMATIC . FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional' Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 fith Ave. W. Black 503 ROOM " ' , FOR SALE -high chair. - Babv buggy and Phone Blue 508. (40pl PERSONAL (1H KtS I OOLICHAN grease -Best finality. For sale at B C. Furniture. (I f) RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besncr Block Phone 337 P.O. Box 130 nl "'".. P Rock and Concrete Work Phone Blue 939 P.O. Box 711 Trinre Rupert SWAP i''0" ,1" .T n-arki"'" DID YOU KNOW that McRae Bros, sell nil fui'Unnces n I i nc same price ns Vancouver? No freight, is added. Did vou also know that vou can b"V pan'0 bisipr' iioiili-.mees on I'm biel eetr,lun? GIVE MOTHER n treat Ta''1 her home freshlv baked cake nr a ilandv pie from the H"-nrl. Bakerv Ltd. Phone (143 lor orders. CASH Tor scrap cfist, brass, copper batteries and riidritn'S Pi-mile. 543 -call (129 6th W CilV ''.fi NORTHT.AND Dairy milk delivered 2i" per nuart. Why pav more? Phone 18 for dailv delivery fiervice. IM-.J Train Schedule 1 or the Fast-Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, & p.m. From the East Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Ncs- . .,! 711 ''i v.i"i" (lelivfpV FOR EXCHANGE I have a furnished, four-room bungalow In North Vancouver which I would like to exchange for a similar home, or larger in Prince Rune't. House i.s. 42 bv 32 with full basement and furnace and Is located on a large corner lot, in a convenient district. It Ls close to Park Roval slumping centre and in-ter-cilv buses. Large living room includes a fireplace. House Is newlv decorated, inside and out. and of solid construction For further infor-' mation, please phone 748, tf PORTRAITS , Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE rn.XNDl.KlfS STUDIO 21fl - 4l.h Street. Box 64 fi Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert rcott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block (KI3 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert,' B.C. Thnne 347 P.O. Box 374 1 Want Ads, Euro Results! 2ndPl!'