2 Prince Rupert Daily News Let's' Smile Decker Lake Anniversary I mlses, willingness to pay three or I six months' rent in advance, en- terrain onlv in moderation, and be prepared to pay $80 a month ! iur a inree-room suite. Enter-jtainmrnt will be in moderation, all right, all right. cross-cut saw through the nrxi i sectl"n of the big log in forty-one seconds as against the time of the power saw of 46 seconds, to provj, as he stated, "the supremacy of mon." The occasion was featured by Thursday, July 5, 1951 ray.. Reflects and Remin sees V SHOE POLISH . dlj 5 Are people in this town really as downcast as they would have us think? I look out the window very early in the morning and see men staggering to work and at about five in the afternoon I see them staggering home again. It makes cue think of the feudal days in England when the serf got up at dawn, worked until DECKER LAKE Decker Lake the official opening of the Yesterday was the Fourth of celebrated its semi-centennial Decker Lake Saw Mill, "the most July. Chines? Generals tell Gen-' wher the early pack trains gave modern in the Central Interior." c ral R.dgway they are prepared place to the modern cars hailing and Sievert Anderson, pioneer to discuss peace in Korea! What j irom mints between Mexico and1 timber man. was congratulated a golden opportunity for a few Alaska and from Newfoundland . by William Saunders, of Palling, pithy remarks from General to thi Queen Charlotte Islands, ion his ability to gather such a MacArthur! j riwiea of the Mannix Con-j crew as experts as headed by Istruetion engaged in the con- i Oliver Stalder who pulled the YES! HOW ABOCT IT? The expression "GI" has been ruled out so far" as the United States Army is concerned. This sunset for his master, and then Brighter ,.ij u, . ; , . appears officially in Liaison structwn of the huge dam oi the lever mat started ine nrst log Alcan Company wvre constantly to go through the mill to come off overhead and local fliers landed ; at the loading platform as fin-their planes in the sheltered lshed lumber. nines do anything but fall into bed (if DU, " Ik had one) Even with the in-wl l. "Q" t0 a weisc!,?ler as a sold.ler- JhJs ' llTb.e ternational situation as it is quite a iwinas iur uwuc. it 5 The Old Age Pension Board of British Columbia ask $00 for all persons of sixty, no charge against an estate, free hospitalization, free medical, dental, optical and hearing services, pension authorities civen Dower to waters of Decker Lake. ! The Mounted Police were in attendance, adding to the eclat T? nfl Tn slang, of course. "But where is the army without its sideline of informal speech? How about T. Atkins, gorblime? accept evidence of age of appll- ! of Ui occasion. They congratu-tant:; from relatives and others, mm he various committees on lree use of cortisone and cheques ' lht' maintenance of perfect two days before the end of each ! '"der. I llillilll I I I III I III! I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I III! I II I n hardly have the excuse to as-unte ' the characteristics of a serf. But watching the people go by, many of them seem half-way hi the grave. Could life be that dark? There's always a brighter side of things.-Think of the weather, for instance. I was told yesterday that I have a very sadistic view. The person ; said: "Do you really think everyone is going to be killed off?" Well, while optimism might very well be disastrous I don't believe ! that such a thing will cohvj to gi;nt Scandinavian named j month. It's just as well go over it again. As a rule, something is always missed. Eir:m-t. Carlson represented the STRICTLY AN AMATtTR They were chatting of things in general and, of course, Alean war. not neglected. "Think of it," remarked the visitor. "FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS! Can you imagine an amount like that?" "Can't," replied the local old timer. "Nevjr had any practice." help prevent it Canatlian Legion, playing the part of Paul Bunyan to perfection. He swung a huge axe with an eight-foot shaft and twelve-inch biits with easy nonchalence. In the log bucking contest a DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK Premier St. Laurent, accepting Mr. Drew's explanation of the ...FOR THE YEARS AHEAD! DURING CHILDHOOD sharp dispute with ! ?OTf s operated by Ot. Miller three days' An Independent daily re-spaper devoted to the upbuilding oi Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia, itiember of Canadian Fress Aucit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association t A. HUNTER, Managing Editcr. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 8y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c- Per Year. Tpv $8.00; By Mail. Per Month, 72c; Per Year, $8.00 SM Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Big and Magnanimous THOSE who are acquainted with George Drew personally know the Progressive Conservative leader is a big and jolly man and, of course, everyone knows he is a hard political fighter. Sometimes, in the heat of debate, by his own admission, he says thiripfc that are "unparliamentary and inappropriate." It takes a big man to take back statements such as mi- Drew said about Prime Minister St. Laurent when they quarrelled in the House last we?k over Mr. Howe and his company. But Mr. Drew came through with the eleventh hour apology which Mr. St. Laurent graciously and understanding accepted. The incident of "burying the hatchet" was a happy one in keeping with the harmony and goodwill which should well enough exist among men who, their political views and principles notwithstanding, ,lve fundamentally interested above all in the vel-. fare of their country and its people and in doing and seeing that things are done for the greatest good for the greatest number. Mr. Drew and Mr. St. Laurent may both have their faults, there may be things about them we do not like and certainly we cannot be all in accord with all their views and actions, but we do believe that both hold the common weal far and above personal interests and the same goes also for the other leaders such as Mr. Coldwell and Mr. Low. ; By and large, we are fortunate in our political leaders in Canada. In broadmindedness and traits of statesmanship, they are on a higher plane than some other countries where politics are a little too much of an actuating influence. Ui iJtt.xci iurie, luu un iO-iilCH cut from a newly fallen spruce U" lis f ?rty-six seconds, but his tin:.- was discounted when Hul-vor Eide, backed up by Piper the Minister of Trade, succeeds in burying the hatchet with considerable aplomb, and Par-Pamrnt becomes amiable again. "A lttle spice," he reminds the Bur., drove a cro's-cut saw house, "does no harm." Just so. T:o bad it can't, be applied with equal smoothness in wider international zones. through the adjoining cut in 23 seconds. Then the muscular Pipr-r of the Highlandvrs sav.-ivg alone, tore the eight-foot I ' 'i -i 1 1 r ' j i '..' . 1 I I 1 ' , " : :': 1 'f t jY pa.cs. Anyway, except for Korea there !s no war in which we are ! Prospective home makers in immediately involved. Or look Winnipeg should cultivate cold at It this way: There "are many courage, after reading a ques-people in the world who deserve tionnaire concerning apartment to be shot; maybe another war rentals. In the event of a family wculd eleminate the necessity, wi'hin three years there must be And as a person said to m-j the immediate cancellation of pre- population of the world is de- -- - veloptng beyond our means t) -f.y, wrrs a cheerful smile on feed it in our present predica- the way to work In the morning merit. A war has its possibilities. w3uirj help our m ;ra!e consider-However, this was not my idea. ' ab!y. Just think now, if'this were Though it may be practical, it is Russia and not Canada . . . just a trife cold-blooded. , (Thanks to Gordie Graham) But anyway it could be much,' DICK KILBORN Applewhaite on Fisheries V .rxl if Talks of Sea Lions, Halibut, Japanese and Aluminum expressed some fear that full and adequate protection might not be given. The B.C. member also referred to the plans of Aluminum Co. of Canada in hydro-electric development in Central British Columbia and read into the rec- C Sr (Mae I mUm OTTAWA (Special to Daily News) When the " House was discussing Fisheries Department estimates ju.st before the closing of the session, Fdward T. Annlpwha itp Tnemhpr for KtrmveA rds of the Commons a resolu-, Skeena, was critical of the re- duction in the funds allotted "on-on the subject by the Prince ; for destruction of seals and read RuP"t Fishermen s Co-opera- to the House a resolution of the tlvf- He urged assistance to new ( Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co- i industry but full protect. for; ,h existing salmon iiulustry. , operative asking for -a vigorous ; 1 l "I Molherl Give your children the benefit of thit promitlng new method of attacking tooth decay. policy of destruction of sea A giar.t new mill for the manufacture of cellulose pulp from the heavy forests alcuT the coasts and river valleys of northern B.C. has recently been opv-riPd a few miles from Prince Rupert. This event the 'Prince Rupert Daily News, in an excellent special edition to mark the occasion, heralds as the beginning of a newl era fcr the city. In this new era, a part of the vast Industrial expansion which is taking place across Canada, Prince Rupert may find its moisture the symbol of its progress. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix.' Certainly docs make it tough to SAVE lions. Fisheries Minister Mayhew replied that the department intends to initiate such a campaign in B.C., having found that bounties alone are not sufficient to meet the menace. Applewhaite also spoke on the halibut season and commended the department and the International Fisheries Commission for their action in providing two experimental areas where latr In preliminary tests condurted with thit famou formula at the University of lllinobt Foundation, can after ae of reduction in the incidence of twith decay was reported. No wonder it has caused such interest in dental circles! Now the manufacturers of Lis- terine Antiseptic make this sam( formula readily available to y and to your family. Use Listerine Ammoniatpd Tooth Paste regularly, as directed, morning and ni)lit right after eating. Lambert I'har-macal Co. (Canada ) Ltd.,Toronto. halibut seasons were being opened this year to. ascertain d.oiil Mtchanical chanical action actional eh e facm n tot us t! tec! h h are are I Scnplure f-aSiage for Jnday "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." St. Matt. 6:21 .. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Martin and Fiince Rupert for Duncan, Van-son, Keg, and daughter, Eliza- j couver Island, where they will beth, are sailing tonight on the I take up future residence. run whether or not certain fishing Chamlcal action reductt g mtfuth scidiiy. Mouth acidity encourages decay. heltw break up arci rnn deray-brceiling ueKt!i grounds are not being exploited at the proper season. The Skeena member also urg Chsmlcol actln checks acid-ftirmiiiK lmrtriit a iimjuf CBUe uf dtMay. ed the Canadian government to take .every possible action to assure that, when peace with Ja ft. ffO pan is formally signed, adequate steps be taken to assure that Canadian and American conserved waters are not exploited AMMONIATEff 1 in by Japanese fishermen. A. In this connection Apple MY . ' LICENSED BY UNIVEISP OF ILLINOIS FOUNCsIII ifv whaite referred to an article by Mad In Canodo Edward W. Allen, chairman' of Nk I the International Fisheries Com tfmM mission, in a recent issue of the American Journal of Interna tional Law in which Mr. Allen BOTTLE-FED SOUVENIRS POST CARDS TOTEM POLES (Hand Carved) LEATHER SOUVENIRS WOODEN SOUVENIRS smj g- f V y""?t TP ALL THE MORE REASON BABIES If your baby i4 bottle-fed. be sure to watch Itttle bowtls rloseiy. Mother's milk has natural laxative efft-ot whit-h hlpn tke care of babv's netd. Lacking this, a boUle-ffd baby oftn K't fretty, fvverish arnl PulTi-rs cofistipatinn and upset stornHt-h. l.ft Haiiv'H Own Tablet help you kep haby's boweU on achedul Bwet'len upset atur.iar!i-reliev fveriahnea and te'thin troubhirt. No "Ipptw" stuff no dullmtc efTicT. Kasily TO START 9 1 M i crushed to a powder, if desired. Don't let your baby suffer net Baby's Own TiibkU today at your drusuidt. Only Oc. k Iff,-iff' Mb . With the cost of living showing you its heels . . . villi new taxes biting into your income, you've got to do something about it. And that 'something' includes saving fV;- your own good and for the country's good. , That's why go-ahead Canadians are taking up Personal Planning. As one typical Personal Planner said the othi day, it's "a must for modern home-makers especially newly-weds WOMEN'S SHOES Qualified Steam Boiler, Refrigeration and Pipe Welders All Certified Operators We build Stacks, Fire Escapes and Tanks all sizes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 -1st E. Phone Green 884 I1F it CP ... a real practical help. Personal Planning will help you meet the high cost of living . . . AND save. Ask for your free copy of our "Personal Planning" booklet today ... at your neighborhood branch of "MY BANK". I Matured Bottled in NEW SHIPMENT OF iiinyiA PENNY LOAFERS' White, Grey, Wine, Black CASUAL8 IN ALL PRICES AND COLORS Jaiioring for Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor Bank of Montreal Prince Rupert Branch: O. R. 8. BLACKABY, ManajT Btewart Braneh: - MELVILLE Q, OENOE, Manager , ' WOKKINO WITH CANA9IANS IN 1VIIY WALK OF UPi SINCC 1817 H rms V- ROYAL NAVY LAST YEAR'S PRICES DEMERARA RUM This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ' Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Fashion Footwear Phone 649 220 Sixth St.