Ontario has 'Continued from page V r Prince Rupert Doiiy News Wednesday, February 21, 1951 CPORT OHOTS 3 ;w-t oi iP Tt-f rwic- L.ENTRE a li-ht iii,t., If you thinlt you know how to hook on a worm, David V. Red-dick thinks you don't. In "Fish wcight-or ft mst i " ' ' J! i ' ' .J - ' - i . ' i; ' -' ':-, , ' - ' -. Jrj3 1 ". " i i ing Is a Cinch" this Toronlu a W("it;"t She A ' lion over the last few years, the growth of hospital insurance .schemes and the Increased ! amount of spending money available to many Ontario resi- I dents has put hospitals within the reach of many who had i previously been unable to afford ' them. Health department officials also note an increased tendency on the part of physicians to put .siik persons in ho.spit.ai rather I ban to treat them in their ' homes. sportsman who has fished the waters of Ontario and Quebec for 25 years describes in detail Chop Sucy - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE Fur Oiiif.i'jc Or.lt -is Phone 133 Art Club As Joseph Delaney has not returned from Vancouver, this Thursday's Art Club meeting wi'l be Just work shop without a lecture. Flowers will be provided its a .subject to be drawn. Pastels or oil paints .should he brought. the fine art of affixing a f: squirming worm to a hook :i I such fashion ln.it it will uttnict - and cat::h a fish, , ?" I I I "" ' j! : - " v v . ' " 1 1 THEY PAY OFF He says: "Pierce the worm only twice with your finely wrough long-shank hook below the head and above the tall leaving a long hemstitch loop in the centre. Use gut or a snell." He compares this recommended melnod with that ot the fishermen 'who plunks In a half-dead worm stalled on an over-size hook followed by a k ' IT'S PROriTACLE IT'S EASY To the chunk of li .ul and a len ,ih Icuttyhunk for line." ' The bo 'k is fiiletc wi!h hiuli ft ' . - t 1 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Thorn Yourself on this Handy form Brownwoods j Dovrt Co-ops ! League l.a'lers Off Cjluti LaNt Night I C.uIUk -n High Kiirm Brownwoods scored an easy W to 52 win ast night over Co-Opts who have already inched the season's Senior Basketball League leadership. It was an off n:g!u for Co-Ops whose defence was foiled time after time by the shot-men. Red Sprint? ana An OI:en, scoring 18 and lb rcsp-e-ln.ly, set up many plays whicn, with fast hreakitiK. put and kept Btowiiwonds well ahead. Hut Don Si-berk, while his teammates may have been off color, played itn exceptionally tmd game liiiti.-eir and was hiifh man f"' the i.iidit nineteen points. In the Intermediate League Hi-G'olils looked like their old : Ives as they overwhelmed the 'l:uil-ilerhhds 7a to 34. The Holds, working effectively as a team, played an effective fa.sl-bicak-iic t'Lime and wore the Thundcr-birds down. Dudoward was hiiih man with nineteen points. Be it said in fairness, however, that Ihe Thunderbirds played only .six men. Worn out, they were . ut scored 20 to 5 by the Golds in Hi? final period. MeChesney, Ratch-ford and Morrison were hiuh men for the Golds with 17, 15 and 12 respectively. Sinionsen was effective in the pivot spot Rupert Hotel had an easy time winning another game from Conk's Jewelers 29 to 10. It was an uff-niuht for the Jewelers from the shooting standpoint. I FOI LS AND FREES Senior referees Comadina and Dominate called only eight personal fouls on the winners and seven on the losers. Brownwocdi made five of nine free shots while Co-Ops succeeded in six of j nine attempts. ' In the Intermediate Lt ague Referees Tene and Davidson called ten fouls on Thunde: birds ; and fifteen on the winning Hi-Golds. The losers made eight out . of nineteen free attempts and , Hi-G ;ld succeeded in gel ting I lir "PIH.iiilmriiUii, ax Niilr, MjiuiB (.militant i , (, 1'rrt.i.lrnt, M.B.N M r. JuinirMifi ii lite .lilt? truila tt for the fisherman, complete to the proer method of cleaning land cooKing the fish once tiny. are caught. It also is jam-pack-1 ed with anecdotes from Mr. i jReddick'.s years of pursuing the' j trout, the bass, the pike almost. .every kind of fresh-water game, THIRD STRAIGHT Suzanne Morrow, of Toronto, 20. successfully ,1-fended her title as Canada's senior figure-skating champion III She w.ll compete in Vancouver to take her third straight title i CP PHOTO) in the winter Olympics next year. RADIO & Alt SALES & SE! f.AS AM I I M IKK v Phuiif Wwi PACIFIC ELK fish in Canada's inkmd wat- j I is and take better ens. He has one basic precept: courteous driv Women Motorists arc of their autos. fish fine. He define this as using The men on the other hand' are always willing to "take a chance." They will take a chance j on parking under a "no parking" j sign where a woman would search fur a proper place to park her car. ' They take a chance on speeding and rutting in on other cars' in traffic, things a woman would be afraid to do, Mr. Girard said. Are Deemed Best MONTREAL (P "Women are much better drivers than men." This statment is bound to bring forth howls of protest from every male who ever sat behind a steering wheel, but according to police statistics it is the gospel truth. Says Montreal traffic inspector Aiinand Guard who made the statement, "The last time I said "The men relv loo much on their own ability to drive," Insp.j Gil aid declared. Women are' more nervous but nervousness In! it driver is a good thing if It: stops them from taking chances that may lead to accidents. this in public I was jumped on from all sides They even accused .sue i" i onvvr Number of Times - Enclosed Please Find me of trying to make a hit with the ladies.", Although there are fewer women drivers in the city than men (3c per word per insert ion e q. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 insertions for pricr? of four. Minimum cbarrje, SUc.) nine out of 21 gift shots, j Matthews and Sather called EASILY MINED ManeaneM ore is found on the surface in some parts of Brazil's territory of Am:ipa. their percentage of accidents and traffic, infractions is still lower on a percentage basis, Insp. Girard declared. For explanation, he pointed ; out that women, on the whole. four fouls on the losers and four j on Rupert Hotel in the Junior i League. Cooks made none of Name obey traffic regulations, are more Address Phone No. IS) i their foul shots while the win-! j ncrs succeeded in only one out of I six attempts. Individual scores: I Senior j Brownwoods Lavigne 5, Piercs I 1C, Olsen Hi, Thompson 14, Spring Classified Ailvertisini! is payable In advance. PU-a.se refrain from telephoning. Cia.- i in n n word per nisei linn, minimum charge 50c, Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, l 18, Ralchford, MeChesney. Total (13. Co-Op-Scherk D. 19, Davis 8. Schci k S. 7, Holkestad M. 9, Ar-nev 7, Morgan 2, MacDonald. I Total 52. (Jiijine33 and r roi-edSiona. Fuiu ial Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.1. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE 25 YEARS AGO February 21, 1926 The whole great empire of the north contributes to the prosperity of the city of Prince Rupert, according to a special article in the Vancouver Sunday Province written by H. F. Pullen, editor of the Daily News. ' Prince Rupert is just getting a start as a seaport," says the article. The population is placed at about 7000. KK.U ESI FOIl SALE FOR SALE Special Deluxe Plymouth coach, late '40 model, good condition. Blue 276. (4iin HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE I Intermc'iale ' Hi Gold - Ratchford 15. Mc-, Che.sncy 17, Kristmanson 2, Nick-I ersun 7, Morrison 12, Simonson ' 6. H. Blackaby 6, Letourneau 4. A. Blackaby 2,"youiik 4. Total 75. Thunderbirds Dudoward 19, FOR SUK OOLICHAN trrcase-Best auahtv. f or .sale at B C. Furniture. Uf) FOR SALE 2 White trucks, tandem dual drive 9(10 rubber. 214 wheelbase. Worked 3 months. Terms. Annlv Albert Houston. ; Dawson Creek. B.C. i63i)l FOR RALE Car tindcrcarriage-I uoi ul rubber $30.00. Car motor ! complete. $2500. Guitar. $500. FOR SALE-One 15 h p. gas engine. Blue 981. Vivian (47pi MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Dine 818. PO. Rox 520 330'Keeiiiul Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. MARGARET McLKOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 3TONE BUILDING . PRINCE p.: RF.Al.Tl' Over Bm:ui-For fiale-Waran. furniture in n dition. Vm Ft For fSiilf- tlltW : , l'tHiin hull. toilet. List vmir h-us lor 3( R. E. Benson, local photographer, has sent fine pictures White 4. Hetin B. 1 Wells 7. Helin uf the new local grain elevator GENERAL CONTRACTORS Build mi; and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS ! L. 3. Jeffrey. Total 34. FOR RALE Auto parts. Aimlv Midland Pines. P.o Box UDii, Phone Black 739. Cars to be wrecked tor parts: 1929 Chevrolet, sedan. 1SI29 Essex sedan, 1930 Buick sedan, 1930 Stucle-baker sedan. 1934 Chevrolet panel V-tun. (47D FOR SALE Business building with modern living Quarters In centre business section Burns hers to Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King and members of the government. In an accompanying letter, Mr. Benson is enthusiastic about the possibilities of the use of the port of Prince Rupert with its line harbor, i PHONE r.LUE r,a, p.o. nox inn PHONES lilark 7!"i2 Red CUJ P.O. Pox 1G70 HKLKN'S r.EAUTY SHOP Permanent WavinR lleuuly Cull ure in all it.s hranch-s 2044lli Street. Phone fin Junior Cooks - Stewart 2, Hodginson, Erik-son 2. Findlav D. 4, Jelfery 2, Black, Sedgwick, Findlay. Total 10. Rupert HoI jI McFarlane 4, Painell, McKay 12. Helin, Mcintosh 2, Sankev 3, Donaldson 4, Smith 4. Total 29. .."OR SALE-Cabir. dio. ku lamn p t-r bi-il. etc S cabin, Purl t,u' f(R SA1-K ,;'. V(, , llli-llldlli! heater, rntn I Co. Lake. Cement basement, furnace, plumbing. Applv owner, W. J. McKenna. (47p 1417 Pe;uott Pla.-e. (44pi NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMF.S - l.uu:-ue;t Sneeder Shovels; Crants: Dr.inlines: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros Black Too Road Maintenanet Kinilomenl .; Owen Clamshell Bticsels and Rock tiiaun.en T. t. Smilli Concrete Mixers Clark Ft.ikliK 1 rucks: Nelsol Bucket '.o:ulers lor HtockulU and Snow Removal: Rice Port able Cciitrilu'ial Pumos; Na liiinal Draciiiie Scraners ant Backets: National , Ail Stee la so line Hoists: Nationa Portable Knwinills: Nationa Rntarv Screens -and t'onvevort i'ull iiilormatlon Irom Na tiunal Macliuierv Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C. I tf FOR RALE 3 piece chesterfield, excellent, condition. 1348 Piw-gott Ave. (45c) 1IFI P WANTED I FMAI.E WOMAN to do dishwashing, pari ! James Bacon has .started de-I niolishing his fish smoking plant j ' on the government wharf to make way for the fisheries ex-j periinental station building which is to be erected there. Mr. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 0(i Evenings Black 809 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFU'E HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ceo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 Ai'ent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Rluck 787 311 Second Ave. W. Bacon will be provided with accommodation in the new COURTESY REPAID NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. fA local hotel discovered an oversight and mailed a cheque for $1 10 to a New Jersey doctor who had not been given a premium on his United States currency. Back came the cheque with an additional $3.90, a total of $5 for charity. time, automatic dishwasher. Plume HiiH or annlv Civl,-Centre Dining Room. I4ci NOTICE All resident anelln" licences expire at the end of the ealen-lar vear, differing from the firearms licences which expire June 30. This applies to all persons over 18, Includin? women. ED. MARTIN. District Game Warden. (Up) ACCOltNTAr'TN 10 YEARS AGO I QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second' Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL . WOT BRICKS I'AIU" steel. Honest etadini! meiit nuule Met als I.UI.. W', convci', B. 6357. UNENCUMBEKED pav 6 mfj. lor either tiallv furni--h-home Anv kiiuilv f""- Dailv Ncs-. WANTED-2orl or a -steadilv rooms fnipH' Daily News COUPLE wat ; ' house November. pr 8ok' , j FOR SALE 10 fool carvell built I rowboat. $35.00. Boat "Doxv," i New Finals. (45p) A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C A. and ROY SIIAND, C.A. 324 .Second Avenue Box 2C3 Phone 88 February 21, 1941 At the annual general meeting of the Liberal Association, addressed by Hon. T. D. Pat-tullo, MLA for Prince Rupert, ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1826 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. FOR SAl.E-Babv rarriage, new i condition, $-10.00. Blue 780 (4Gpl (Ipririrp Mitchell ul-.is elected 'tlBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Incnnif Tax specialist. S. O. Furk Stone Building. Red 593 20m FOR SALE New and used fur-c i reciidpiit Vict, 1 iinvies werr. C iLI lmun'- hardware and clothinf C. Mills ,h and J. Lindsay. Ar- a. ; at ,np k)W(,st. pos.SibiP Dri(.,,s thur Brook.sbank was secretary, I B. C. Furniture. 3rd Ave. W. BOYS WANTF.D and Jack Judge, treasurer. Mr colussi's music store Agents for the finest In. Musical Instruments T1ANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 21fl 4th St. Ph. Black 389 I,vu care Bed chesterfield $30.00. 324 11th Ave (44pi Pattullo spoke of the hopes for j anrt claJip pulp and paper mills at Prinze East. M. J. SAUNDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS A Bond onoortunttv tot vounr lads with bicvcles rieliveriii'i Dailv News routes. Phone 748 or call tit. the Dailv News office and leave your name, age anil phone number. (tfi Rupert, Terrace and Prince George. HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES ' RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Onaranlee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RON SON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 i FURNACES have cone up ir price and vou can expect ever I hiuher prices. Have 2 all-stee 1 furnaces in slock, .selling a1 I old price, if coiilcmnlating I new furnace, now is the tinu it" PERSONA!, A wrestling match between Jack McLaughlin of Vancouver, former Canadian champion, and Taizan Reynolds of Toronto is being negotiated by Doug Frlzzell and Bert Morgan. to buy. 'ven if stored until required. Thorn Sheet Metal Hlwk 8K4. (tf) SWAP RORIE &, LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS Si AUDITORS Be.-.ner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 Rock and Concrete Work Phone Blue 1)39 P.O. Ilox 711 rrinrp Rupert ROOMANe ROOM ami WfJj ?.IVE MOTHER a treat Take her home a fieshlv baked cuke or a dandy hie from the Rupert Bakerv Ltd. Phone 043 for orders. DID YOuHKNOThat-MrRae Bros, sell all apnliance.s at the same mice as Vancouver? No freight Is added. Did vou also know that vou can buv name brand annll.mres on the budget plan? 54ci CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper balleriei and radiators Phone 543 -call 629 6th W With reduced offers from 50 cents to 30 cenl.s per pound lor halibut livers, local halibut boat operators are considering the building of their own processing plant. ' ne w 654 j Train Schedule For the Easl Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays, fi p.m. From the Fast-Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. FOR EXCHANGE I have a I ui niched, lour-room bungalow in North Vancouver which I. would like to exchange for a similar home, or larger In Prince Rupert. House Is 42 by 32 with full basement and furnace, and Is located on a larue corner lot In a convenient district. It is close to Park . Royal .slumping centre and in-ter-citv buses. Large living room includes a fireplace. llou.se l.s newlv decorated. Inside and out. and of solid con- . . inline . ncMt-l'1'' PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STFUIO 218 - 4 lit Street Box 645 Phone GiTcn 339 Prince Rupert n i " ii' FOR M scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block (108 - 3rd Ave. W. Piince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 1 . ...-.lL' 95c pat detcn paid let empties. Pltt hva them teedy when the drivet calk nislied li"1"'" P City. 'tf' Inspector of Schools Alex Turiibull asked the Parent-Teacher's Association to he receptive to modern ideas which he said embrace the new report cards. WOl'KlUK News. - j fiitfl edveititcmem n not publitled of dtipleyed by the tiquot Cowiol Boerd ot by the Govctnment of British Columbis. tO NORTIR.AND Dairy m'llr delivered 24f per quart. Why pay more? Phone 18 for dailv delivery service M-W Want, Ads. Sure Results! stiuclion For further information, please phone 748. If ,rP ?: rt. I 41 U-"1"1. REPAIR! 711 tiieiiv!,- j vVATCH REPAIRS-Prompt. efficient service George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction Use "99" EVERYBODY ELSE DOES OIL BURNER 8PKCIALIST Stove service and repairs. D. Ronaon. Blck S03. (tf) West. nd Soas-