TODAY GLORIA SWAHSOM In Prince Rupert Daily News 7-9:10 "SUNSET BOULEVARD" Wednesday, February 21, 1951 CFPR RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles agimiiinii (Subject to Change) Thursday to Saturday - 7 9:10 p,m, mm V mm I (IN I i 1 CARTOON WEDNESDAY- -P.M. 4:00 Jimmy Shields 4:15 Music by Goodman 4:30 Xviaggie Muggins 4:45 Stock Quotations & Int. 4:55 CBC News 5:00 International Canity. 5:10 Rawhide :3U Prelude to Dusk 5:45 The Question Box i:u0 Supper Serenade 8:15 Freddy Mai tin & Orch. b:3d Vurieucn 6:45 Saddle Rockln' Rhythm 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Paul Torteller Cellist 8:00 "Goose Girl" 9:00 Spring Symphony 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News Round-up 10: 15 Supplement 10:30 Canadain Concert ll:0a -Weather Report mmm yarhs ; Sold Locally by WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE'- ill . LIGHT UP HOTEL FRASER HOUS ' v it' two-foot waves flood FLOODED FARMS Heavy winds whipped lnw waters that Inundated (CP PHOTO) SHIPS and WATERFRONT Sumas prairie 'arms. A dike broke under pressure of heavy rains where ore concentrate, loaded. t'rank wlTh . Chllllwack, Capt. berg, is loading to couver a full cargo lor thern run. Leaving Friday the Chtlliwack . 500 tons of coal ami C cargo for Skagway, tjy. is expected at the 'ta 11:08 Sign Off 1 HlRtiDA? AM 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here '8 Sill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 MorniiiR Devotions 8:45 UHle Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit Blackwood on Bridge By Eosley Blackwood Canadian Bat Northern Express in Port ; t liilliwaik Loading fur North I W .J V(Kn! At the drydock this morning monm. LONDON 9 Bacon Imported from Canada and Denmark is so mw.H it nnt.s Rritish bacon In the On her southbound j-week tlic Cliilliwackhit" Aain today I can not give you all of the bidding because my friend Mr. Muzzy jammed it up before oven the first round was completed. 10; 15-Moming Melodies shade, a food ministry official of concentrates Irom s was the Northern Express, Capt. 1 Pcuenson, of the Northern Ex press lines from Vancouver, unloading a 13-ton logging yarder j for the Columbia Cellulose woods i department. This afternoon a 10:30- Melody Time says. 10:45 Invitation to the WalU two-club call Over Mr. Abel Dr. Alex Calder, director of pig biioaK-Prcmier gold t 158 tons of sacked ort: tates from the Tow mine at A'.lce Arm. ministry, told ""-ivuiaergdi leu ui uie n.i cmnlin fnr t he a bid. Or Mr. Muzzy could make anv lecal call other than two Mr. Muzzy bid not once, but twice. First he bid two diamonds. A few seconds later, be H:15-Roundup Time Farmers1 ' Club that the cry. "Wc diamonds (including either two do.t want English bacon" is1 11:30 Weather Report small parcel of general li.ught, including mill supplies for Watson Island, are being unloaded. The Northern Express will con 1 nJM -1. heard all too often in the dis-! 11:31 Message period tributive trade. 1 11:33 Recorded Interlude The Deen Sea t& Union meeting lor not. to have been held last fore Mr. Dale had made up his hearts or pass) and in this case mind whether to bid again on mi Champion would be barred the South cards, Mr. Muzzy for the entire balance of the htnrtpH out- "Wait a minute, hirlriinir The public wants lean bacon I ll:45-Scandinavian Melodies tinue on with suppliej for Nor Ine has been postponed tt :: i. ... v,o,.i . .. ' . ... and will continue to dUciimin- iu-jr thern Pacific Cannery in mane it mu utaiu. Well. Mr. Muzzy slUDDorrwy ----- PS ...... ' u r-w. ,i i a i .. .mln.i.rH . .. ... . . ae aea nst fat bacon or bacon' Skeena River and Alice Arm, ing Sunday. CAUTIOUS RESIDENT This c-.icavaclon under the garage of a new house in Lvtnbrldge. Alta., is designed as an atom-bomb shelter. When completed, it will have three-foot concrete walls and its own air-conditioning system. Seventeen-t year-old Norman W.vbc. left, explains the lavout of the shelter to a reporter. (CP PHOTO) .... u uj ...orf in this , u'hii-h which Ic Is pnnrsii coarse and and st.rillDV stringy wn new auiiicoiniig iic ii.u i' antj triat enaea Mr. nampiuna column that trumo support v, tr. hiH ocratn nn this this through having come from heavy,' i2:25 Program Resume doesn't have to be as good for partlcular deal i old mgs' sald ur' aluer- raisins an overcall as it does for .... tl . ., ! The deficiencies of bacon pro- If It's SERVICE YouVli o IM ()W I riH IJU1U1UET wiia UIJ IU IVll .' . ... , : i raising an opening bid. He pick . ... . - duccd ai nome were empr.usmeu ?.ht.Mhde. by high-quality Canadian and ed quite a spot for his first use Fines Imposed In Game Cases of this bit of knowledge. He was Humanics o the sltua. Danish imports. Phone 383 CAB French Taxicab Vets Ready ODViousiy prouo oi rciiitiuuci iiig . b . . ,n 12:30 15. u Jarm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 ine Concert Hour 1:30 Musical Program 1:45 Deeds That Live, Cointy. 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast 2:30-Records at Random 2:45 At Home With Your Daughter 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Western Five 3:30 Listener's Choice that field. Mr. Dale knew that his cards C i shorts By PHILIP CLARKE it until Mr. Dale reminded him he had violated the laws by changing his bid and that a penalty was in order. South sides vulnerable South dealer Norlli (Mr. Alxl) , warranieu a ui nucc -iui. iitrilt'iunti g i I g 1 I'll I H f 1 j i But how well could he defend Wl",ll,""Jy GREER and BRIDDEf 1 . against, a neari com-radf inuw I too well, he thought. Mr. Cham- BUILDERS & CONTRACT; Appealing on charges of selling furs without a license. Weiler Inncs was fined $50 and costs before Magistrate W. D. Vance Saturday. Philip Shaw of KUkatla, charged under the Game Act for illicit trading in furs, was given suspended sentence for onu year. Suspended sentence was also I pion was barred from the bid- I I ding but Mr. Muzzy was not. j of the herbs which have sur-' And Mr. Muzzy's bidding is ab- vived in cooking, parsley is the PARIS i APi- Some of the cr'.z-1 zled veterans "of Paris, famed first, world war "Taxi Brigade" AVi ready to rush troops to thej l f i out at;ain if necessary this , 1 time for General Elsenhower. I 1 "I'd even shut off my meter and drive for nothing," said 63- TRAIN DRIVERS i EDMONTON do A driver- j training course for school teach- i S J H( H-A 5 D 3 2 C W 10 7 02 PHONE BLACK 3:1 most popular. Dill is next. Tarragon, which is the favorite flav- t n L"i 1 fit crs will be held at the University oring for vinegar, is a tender i or Aioena next August, opun- ' For Efficient Building and Remodclli" perennlal, but there is an annual sorea oy me aumomon He's one Kn-t (Mr. Mii7.iv) S-10 7 3 2 11 J 0 8 D A Q 10 0 5 C a Hrsl (Mr. t'lu(iHMni s a y H K Q 7 8 4 2 D J y 7 4 C J cd before Mr. Vance yesterday J-old lfu:n form which gives much th same i of about 20 survivors of the bri-, oi me rtiueria jvioior ivusutia-tion, it will have a maximum Prince RuP" l. Kox 731 flavoring. i class of 40. jsolutely unpredictable. If given i ' ' another chance, he might well ! bid four hearts. And that contract, if reached, would be plav-ed by a fine dummy player, Mr Champion. . . . "Pass," said Mr. t ; 'Dale. ' i Mr. Abel was smart enough to ; pass, too. And as you see. the East-West cards are cold for four hearts. Mr. Champion .would have lost only one club, ' one diamond and one heart. For Action Advertise! alternoon. , William Scuby of Prince Ku-per(( charged under the CJanie Act with not keeping a proper icord of furs bought from traders, pleaded not guilty. Co'in.iel for the accused was T. W. Biown, K.C. Magistrate Vance disir.i.-sed the case. MHItll (Mi. Unit-) S K H 5 H 10 3 D-K 8 C A K 8 6 4 3 The DltltllH!:: SulMIl Hi-.( Ninth Ashes of wood, soft coal and j hard c?al arc all valuable to, loosen heavy clay soil, but it isj best to ic.t soft coal ashes weather , for a season, to get rid of toxic: substances. Bade who still drive for a living.. The brigade some 3.000 re- j qulsitioned cabs in all won a place In historv bv driving 10,000 ; French troops o the Marne River: battlefront in September, 1914,! he'ping save Paris from the on-1 rushing Germans. Do it again? "Sure we would," j Baby told a reporter. "We follow Kiist IC 1 H 2 C The penalty was explained to Mr. Muzzy. Had he changed his HOSPITAL SURVEY PA. rNcws Ciassifieiis v!m!:s .Sales Quick-grown, young vegetables are the best, and only the home garden, where they may he harvested as needed, can provide them. " OTTAWA A survey that will show the number of hospitals i oia practically in the same But Babv. a proud little man breath, there would have been with grey ha'r and a bristly no penalty as it was, he could and shelters available, in Ihc mustache, said many young cab- allow his first .bid of two dia- event of national emergencies, is bies frvl differently 'they are monds to stand in which case about to commence. Knowing Communists and they might Mr. Champion would be barred where thqy are and how well drive the soldiers' the other way." when next it was his turn to equipped will hasten their use.- H.,hu n rVitl-wili. anil n rutrirf.. Lettuce seed germinates best in a foil temperature of 60 to 65 degrees. If necessary to sow when temperatures are higher, place the seed between motat cloths and store for several das on Ice. Dry the surface of the seed be PLUMBING fx'SfVl fHAflS Iorb Calm . fore sowing. WML INDIANS CVFRSE AS individualist, faces Comunism on the home front almost every day. Like most other anti-Commun;si Frenchmen, he is the butt of Red threats, ridicule and intimidation. Many young cab drivers taunt him and other oldsters for refusing tr join the Communist party or one of Us unions. "They nail us pigs and stunid old fools," he i said. "But it is they who are im-j brciles. Politics, bah!" In the V st World War 4,000 ' Canadian Indians saw active servi 'e overseas. Better Service for You Here's Whv iiiARDEN? Attention Fishermen! Highest trade-in allowance on i rl I PaM 3U- Servcd Willi pride u i Ifl I fHlrl ' n' llinsn siwcial occasion; W iSSijL:' when only Ihc finest To save money and get the test, bi sure your next engine Baby still works a regular 10-hour day at the wheel of his 15-year-old Renault sedan and boasts he hasn't been sick In years. "Red wine and raw garlic keep me going." , Master plumbers trained to :olve all your phunbing, heating problems . . the right tools '. . . service at your need ... all Insure a belter iob for you. PHONE HI. I E SKi SAANICH Plumbing & Heating is a GUARD SEED FROM DISEASE WITH ANTI-BIOTIC SPAGNUM Whenever scads are sown early, say half an Inch which has to grow In the home, or hot-bed, i been passe dthrough a sieve, may they should be protected from the be spread over the soil in a' seed danger of disease. This danger Is', box. Sow the seed in this, just as increased by low temperatures. you would in soil. Then cover excessWe dampness, absence of j with moss which has been rub-sunshine, and any departure bed through a sieve, firm and Kermath lpjp j 1 1 "J'Lf uffl? J;lp Write for Folders SAME BUILDER The Que.-n Mary and Queen Elizabeth, world's largest ships. HOMEWOOD MARINE LIMITED 1733 W. OnrKia Vancouver, B.C. John from the normal conditions of warm soil and full sun. I were both built, at the Brown Ynds at Glasgow. Is no when water from above. There danger of over-watering moss Is used. Steamer Hardy seeds sown directly in the garden when tha weather is stil' chilly, and they may lie for days before warmth sufficient to "I. Sri feCAHWp rf& Prince Rupert i germinate them arrives, should be treated with a disinftant. ' There are several of these available in powder form. A tiny amount shaken in the seed pack- BUY Right BUY beatiyl SAILS FOIt Vancouver j 5 "i I et w ill protect the seed. i But. in seed boxes, protection Beautiful Beatty Washers - and Intermrdiatc I'm Is Eoch Thursday at 11:15 !' For KETCHIKAN wi.!m;kiy ihiknm.iit Luxury at Lpv,L' For Reservations Write or Call $139.50 Ftoni SEE OUR . . . can be given by using sphagnum moss, an inexoensive material used bv florists and nurserymen to wrap around plant roots to keep them moist. This moss is believed to have anti-biolic qualities, since it destroys bacteria and fungi. Most plant diseases arc caused by fungi, which are themselves plants, which live as parasites on other plants or organic materials. The most common disease which thneal-ens Seed is known as ."damping off.'' This may attack seeds when they "first sprout, and prevent the growth from breaking through the soil; or it may wait until ihe seedling plant is growing well and cause it to wilt overnight. A thin layer of sphagnum moss CITY C)U Dtl'OT OFFICE , PRINCE RUPERT, CALVERT DIS-Mi! (Canada) LlM Ti AMHERSTBURG ONTARIO J B.C. i .Ernrrrrrv-r-irl FRIGIDAIRES TOO! Come in and see these new models of Frigidaire Refrigerators. 6 cu. ft. models from $299.75 GORDON & ANDERSON col P""- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Conti by the Cjovexuxneiit oi Hrtth tolurnjDU,