‘ TAXI] — THE DAILY NEWS [=| 4707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE | vot. X. NO. 208 PRINCE hk ERT, B.G,, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1919. Se =. ae Pelcw IVS oF te <= Po ° htc vceneunde Dominion Government will S cums we :| GOVernor General Set Prices of all Foods; : ‘j Discussion i in Parliament: ee ote cee German aggression is to Member for District wires Mayor that | Duke of ire i The firm Handling of Profiteers is Demanded; Connor wy ee ae eS ee That Investigation will be made in all Lines xp. “hae taitncttorleng » ” yar fh ge Until And Profits will be Fixed. he ie; Belknap left for the in rio by the _train this morning. a nS: Mayor McClymont received a telegram from Lieut-Col. C. W. (Special to The News via G.T.P, Telegraphs Peck this morning saying that the Duke of Devonshire, Governor- Ottawa, Sept. 6.—The Dominion Government has decided to BRITISH N AVY EXPENDITURES ARE General of Canada, wil! visit Prince Rupert on Friday, September x the prices at which commodities can be sold. That is the | a * 26, and remain. until Sunday, September 28. atest announcement in regard to the regulation of prices. ae es ee ae The mayor says that a committee will be formed at once to “tt means that we will fix the profits on everything, just as | _ ALREADY CUT DOWN CONSIDER ABLY make arrangements to give him a proper reception and to show r on sugar,” said W. F. Connor, vice-chairman of the Board of | him the industries of the district. ommerce when asked the exact portent of the announcement that 1 en HR UH — Se. There is no information as to whether the Duchess will ac- he Board would make a series of inquiries and afterwards fix, JELLICOE ON FISHER’S STATEMENT company him or what other notables may be in the party. It is he scale of profits, to exceed which will be an offense under | a i expected, however, that there will be a number of distinguished eavy penalty. “All who disobey the order are liable to a fine of | visitors in the party. a = be guaranteed by Great i Saw Row Will Visit City %.. 7 ym: 4,000 a day or to imprisonment.” (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) The Canadian Club, the Board of Trade and other local or- 7 in the House of Commons yesterday the question of living | London, Sept. 6.—The daily expenditure for the British navy |canizations wiii jikely take part in entertaining the Governor. by osts was discussed. Demands for the firm handling of profiteers is now half what it was at the time of the signing of the armistice, | eee — as a feature of the debate on the address. From opposition according to an announcement made by Thomas J. McNamara, embers came the criticism of the Government in regard to cost financial secretary of the Admiralty. f living with a further plea for amnesty in favor of defaulters The personnel of the navy has been reduced from 400,000 to nder the military’service act. 170,000 and of more than 1,000 naval craft under construction The debate on the Peace Treaty has the right of way between| work on 584 has ceased. _The saving already made amounts to onday and Thursday and it is unlikely that it will be resumed 45.600,000 pounds sterling or approximately a quarter of a SEND EXHIBIT ; TOBIGFAR = Board of Trade Co-operates With fore Friday. oe ~ A aae ane of - older rea have ao been General Committee in Having ae ath i RE ARMA 8 $C an 500 trawlers have een resto to their original Products Forwarded to } ILL DISCUSS seceesenecsensees owners. Westminster. / Jellicoe’s Interpretation. ——-- * PREMI A * : * HAS Fm ng s Sydney, N.S. W., Sept. 6.—Lord Jellicoe, after reading the _At the meeting of the Board of SHORTER HOURS * ALL HIS CABINET *|cabled report of the letter written by Lord Fisher demanding the verre 7 ea ert. » &, Stewar oO TEC | * | scrapping of virtually half of the ships of the British navy be- that the mavor, H. 81. G. Lee and en a = * Charlottetown, Sept. 6. *]eause of their being obsolescent, expressed the opinion that himself had been appointed on ' ployers and Employees to Meet Pi Cane Arsnault has : underlying Lord Fisher’s demand for the scrapping of the older the general committee of the New in Ottawa at Conference \* tendered the resignation of vessels, wae the idea that a bigger and more modern navy be built. Westminster Exhibition and had During This Month. himself and his oe * sn eeeececneeess aeeenisatahant nn eatin aaenscnlataastianl been asked to have an exhibit sent ed * Hon. J. H. Bell, leader o * from this point. a) via 6. T.P. Telegraphs.) |* the opposition, will be * RAILWAY INTO | WIRELESS FAILED IN The proposal to send an exhibit Sent & . our * called upon to form anew + * as endorsed and A, ©, Garde was : oad “arama: * government. This follows * | EUROPEAN DIPLOMACY helt ‘teen the Board iz + i v unions and of col- * the defeat of the Conserva- * THE GROUNDHOG |that committee with a view to se- ra ‘ining, the right of | tive Government at the * Roumania Did Not Get Messages curing a mining exhibit and pos- ol nployees rzanize and the|* polls. * Sent by the Peace Conference lsibly an exhibit of fish from the | lablishing by provinees and not = # COAL FIELDS Hence Complications. | district. ' Cece eee eee eee itiiliniits albibellbiiiien ialbliiie 14 ‘on . . ates Ee eae (Special via G, T.P. Telegrapds.) car FREEMAN HAS ee, Wil De urge vy delegates ting the Trade . Board of Trade Will Deal With| Paris, Sept. 6.—It was the he Trades and La BRITISH SOLDIERS failure of the wireless trans- ' of Vancouver at the Matter at Next Meeting on AeTeNCe | employees and ei . . * a ploy i Motion of 0. H. Nelson caused Roumania’s silence re- held in Ottawa this garding the notes of the Supreme | That Was Opinion Expressed at Soldier Settlement Board Recom- At the next ee of thelGouncil of the Peace Conference: LEGITIMATE KICK ; Board of Trade Meeting ; anata mends They be Given Same Roard of Trade, 0. H. Nelson will to the Budapest Government, a| Last Night. LLEGED MURDERER Privileges as Canadians move & resolution in regard to the jdefect not discovered until Wed- | rivilege . building of a railway from Kit-! nesday, when the’ first of the DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE That Captain Freeman had a BEEN REARRESTED (Special by 3. +. P. Temerephe.) wangar into the Groundhog coai messages got through by rail. | Who is to visit Prince Rupert |legitimate kick at the regulations Ottawa, Sept. 5.—The Soldier 2 At the meeting last night Railway communication has | September 26. regarding launches was the opin- “pecial via G. T. P. Telegraphs.) Settlement Board of Canada has |- *, Nelson mentioned the matter begn interrupted by the destruc-|— ion expressed by the Board of Kdmonton, Sept. 6.—The man : and it was the opinion of the}rion of the bridge. Trade at its meeting last night on w ; f issued a recommendation for the : : at Mr. Nel should 7 , 5 son wh was arrested forlfree settlement of returned sol members that Mr. Nelson oul ‘ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY the reading of a communication : ; be : mi +d ‘olice Constable Nich-|qiers and others of the British a lait a as ee LOCAL WEDDING AT | OF STEWART DISTRICT arent. otaang omen se ere and wl escapes 1e re . nahan a o ° é 0 q , tak Bm oe Firs reas Ft gre = a 2 The proposal of ©, F. Lae mal | CATHOLIC RECTORY | —_—— : in order that he might see exactly his company be given 1000 acres Among those leaving for the} how tl regulations effec ted him. earre te i. ac 4 ve . « a . a . a ‘ ie « be noes cnnanaumnanunilieaassent break of the Great War. his j of eoal lands as an inducentent A on the Grand Trnuk boat ——— — = qja very decisive step to aid those to build the road was on the Miss Irene Ludgate Becomes the! Thursday evening was J. J. DOMINION Bmee found themselves exsleded recommendation of the Mines Bride of E. W. Davidson lO’Ne o has had Gharae of | mamee ie seinisnesrted: | ot This iy s.niudatal atten the Stewast{f PRESBYTERIAN were being offered to some by e) aed idistrict during the past few Ch arpeen teens. This at ele o’cloeK! months p e as long CHURCH autauqua ap talon STRIKE AGAINST ALL e tea nents Elst ae Men rage ge Rg aa mterested in FESTIVAL, 1919 CHAUTAUQUANS TO SCHUBERT PRODUCTIONS |:**° of De eon Ms work and a few summers ago lf Rey. Dr. Grant will occupy made a very particular survey of the pulpit mornin j eve ; ’ g and even- PRINCE RUPERT ARRIVE TUESDAY j nize d. Miss Clarice Griffiths WaSiihe Rocher de Boule neighbor- ; °y a ; sch 1 at 12:30 Startin W (Special by &. OTe a ‘the bridesmaid whilst James |hood and a very concise pamphlet ing. Sunday School at 12:30. q G0. ept. | oa London Sept. 6.—A strike of |/Mitchell supported the groom, has been published from the facts eo ( .p ' " > 8 we (in Tuesday the members of} j.06 nands in 169 theatres where | “ollowing the ceremony the newly |py the gévernment. Tomorrow is Rally"Sunday. hi from many of the privileges which Committee voted down. ia 2 PROGRAMS - the Demiaton Chantapeus oe Schubert productions are being | married couple left for the east on rhere was a party of five and nents, “Hes «and, Announce val will arrive in the city ant x offered, was ordered last night by'a brief honeymoon. It is very|/qamong them was B. YT. James, a . series of concerts here.|in. Alliance of Stage Hands and] probable that the bride will visit) science student of the University pin Wood Briggs Representatives of the or moving picture operators. her mother inthe east before re-| of British Columbia, who accom- LEMEN, ATTENTION! tion were here last year and were ——-5 — lturning to make her home in their} panied the expedition for the two RIF eee eee haulauqua Artist's Trio Li ise Comet 2 Ext: very favorably received by all. CHARGE AGAINST Inew residence on Eighth Avenue | months. ee pa he Craven Concert Com This year there are new lecturers ly icress the Creek. : The Craven Concert Com give a , eT ees eee A meeting will be held in the ‘ “t . o are at $ Miss Sumayeh Attive and musical artists, who are a At the rectory the friends who a0 yo . - the Serb ae " present entertaining the Alaskans, MALKIN DISMISSED. wore Buainak baeeaiae tie bene ROUMANIA WOULD Court House on Monday : evening at 8 p.m, for the rhe group will remain in the city inaih Retardes eat and will (Special via G, T, P, Telegraphs.) | Mony Waa. Tare free with the WITHDRAW TROOPS purpose of reorganizing the estra “aplain Wood Briggs sit ‘onfetti and rice and the party a D. Tamioe “4 : rr, Se 5 rhe }' : Prinee Rupert Civilian Rifle ; erbian Tamburica Orchestra, then leave for the east by train, Vancouver, oo oe 1 un.|¥2@8 showered very bountifully. icoaia te “anak at eaten Association. All interested ae . i , ‘e agent,icharge agains alkin ¢ uo - i > \ lian Special via G. T. y. = As! : . Admission Mis Mason, the advances agent cha ee inthinn Ast bas beer \t the depot there was a wild rush ra see halt in rifle shooting are re- i eason Ticket 3) e is expected to arrive on Sunday {det the ron id _ifor the observation platform as Paris, Sept. 5. oumanin as quested to attend War Tax not tneiuded : night. dismissed, the magistrate ho , om the train started to move and to threatened to withdraw her troops , ¥ erreur rrouronoonoooes -————————_—_——_—— that the Act permitted the use Of) | ine Gans it was very evi-|into Russia and give the respon- & ‘ aleohol in connection with tlavor laces thaltia beliel eounle wee sibility to the Peace Conference AGP enTy SUNDAY CONCERTS TO . jing extracts. : for the chaos that may follow, taking the trip. Wanted _ | “OMMENCE IN TWO WEEKS) ong PAPER» nonuiulvrooen,"wist- the MINERS THREATEN NOTICE 25 Muckers Ata ienetine of the ne FROM OCEAN FALLS Te ms was the recipient of a EXTENSIVE STRIKE Angone having Sai . “S32 === Epes eee we vestee =, — . t nga ri | Mr. Davidson is an old timer chat o. against the pn any h _—_ cided to hol« 1@ first of a series nities nae 2 Board should presen eing | he city and has for a long ; se) ind T! miners tions } ve acred con- he cargoes “of pa paper are being|jin ¢ Sidney, Sept. 5. ie on nm ; ; ; 4 J Apply ne aan an me a aoe i through this port to the/time been employed at the cold threaten a coast to coast strike accounts s sare - = ’ ~ e as ‘ . af sts vere | ; ; A ; ie “i k R. MORGAN LTD. on Buna S : 24. ‘There willleast from Ocean Falls. QOnejstorage, Miss Ludgate arrived] i¢ Winnipeg labor leaders are not Board's 0 o on ~ _ ' m Sunday, Sept, 24. ere wd sd eame in today and is|here some time ago and since her) pejeased by September 17, Avenue before September 6, §) : 8 - be no charge for these concerts /barse ane ee rhi is | irrival has made many friends. ° A. J. BJERRE, hipbui and they will 1 commence un-|being loaded into cars 8 é ‘ bn eens ‘ding Plant, til aft ; : . am _ , fier the|the second and the third 's to| ’ . Ladysm.th Coal. The best. Prince Port Captain 7 he ee arter nine Q GAF ater | Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. in nanieenenenene | wreverereress (Chueh services are over, eome ;