Prince Rupert Daily News ervi ces S $ CluircMl Saturday, January 6, 1951 SAVINGS MEN'S WOKH UI.OVKS jA big variety from, pair ... MEN'S Al l.-M (MM. WORK pa vis n oh Good for fishing BOYS" SCHOOL ft t)- TKOl'SERS BOYS' AM. WOOL WIND-BREAKERS rrt & M Of "iU NOW DIRECTORY An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnct Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association 1. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES Safurcau Sen mi on v'v- it Services In all rliimhrs at II i.m. :. p.m.; NiiihIiiI' hclliHtl at 1:2:15 PMTpl as shown. ANOI.M'AN VKII IIHM. 4th Ave W et Dilnsmulr at Holy Communion 8:30 am. Sunday School 2:00 p m. Canon Haiti 8. Prockter, J A.. B r Rector: (Blue TUi By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00; By Mail, Per Month. 50c; Per Year. $5.00. Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. mm FIRHT BAPTIXT 6th Ave. e at Tour Bt Mlbubtr: !. I-Trd Antronu SECOND COMING (By Rev. E. Soilanri, St. Paul's Lutheran Church) "The End, ba:.d on scattered portions of the Bible" In this life we are acquainted with the passing of time. We speak of yexterday, today or tomorrow. Then, in addition to time, God tells us of eternity, a place where times dos not exist. In eternity there is no past, present or future, but what we call time is continuous. It is in connection with these facts that Ood call our attention to the I " end of time. This world In which it SHOP AND SAVE AT By ELMORE PHILPOTT LEAVING SOON FOR INDIA IN ABOUT another week I expect to leave on a five-month trip which will take me to Britain, Egypt, Palestine, Pakistan, India. After a couple of months in India I . shall come home by whatever route then seems best. we live had n beginning. It will i I Daily Health Hint FIRST PHF.HBYTtfHMN r.h AvpniH Kurt R. E. A. Wright. D.D. (arisen 9M) FIRST IINITF.Il M Stn Ave. West Rev. L. a 8l'bcr (Own til) rui.i. ooorr.1. tahmimm'ui aOil dth Ave Writ Piuttor: c. Pawn-tt Services 11 am. and 7.30 pm. Sunday School 12.15. (Own sail LETTERBOX i .. Editor, Daily News: influential as any in India; and that means as influential as any on this (frrth at this great turning point in hifttory. Best of all, while in India I am to get the chance to tell some of the people, by voice over radio or through the press, what ordinary folks are thinking here in Canada. Take care of your feeU persis ! also have an end. The time of the beginning Is in the dim past and the time of the end 18 in the I uncertain future. Our life has I much In common with this I thought. None of us remember j when we were born and we do I would appreciate it if you I That Ls, I shall work my way tent fatigue, headaches, bark, aches, and other pains have bwi traced to foot disorders. Weji properly fitting shoes und butht and thoroughly dry your let would permit me space to thank jhome u;rough SU2h countries as the many good irienas in rnuce in then seem most important ! not know wh'n we will die. Yet ' Rupert who remembered me it It Is a deflnte fact that we were Certainly i can icu mem ,h d oroud we in Canada were when j the war-and-peace picture. I expect to attend a world conference on ways and means of our own minister, the Honorable MI.VATIO AHMT Prmser Ptiaef CO.! C'apt. W. Poulton tflrertory Clam a -30 p.m. Sunday Bcrxiol 1 tin p m. (Black SAM Christmas with gifts, cash and greeting cards. It was a pleasure, indeed, to hear from them all and receive their greetings. We had a wonderful Christmas here at the home. Thanking you for your space in the Daily News which we all ' born and we know that we will j die. i Before the end comes, there are ! some things that must be fln-: ished. Ood speaks about the ; man of sin being revealed who promoting world democratic Lester Pearson, was picked to - " ' " .''." government, due to take p!a:e act with India on the UN peace- horses on Canadian farms, a mil- lion less than in 1040. in Rome in April. : making attempt. Then I hope to spend some I can tell them how thrilled time in Yugoslavia, Austria,1 we were when India, having won the most powerful force in tin Germany and other parts of her complete independence, de- world for peace and decency u.MtMi, Rnrrme elded of her own free will and the Commonwealth which w -T. PAM.'ft M'THKNAN 6t,h Ave at McBrkle Bt Pantor: C Boll and (Black CIO' The Globetrotters ONE MAY NOT rure much for basketball. One may not be much interested in any kind of sport. But, if one likes entertainment of any kind, a show like that which is being put on by the Harlem Globetrotters is something to be seen. No matter what Captain Duke Cumberland may say about it, the clowning is the thing that gives the famous gang of basketball funsters their all-around appeal and garnishee their act of undoubted high class basketball. We have often dwelt on our good fortune in having the opportunity, through the enterprise of our Civic Centre maragement, to enjoy cultural entertainment such as is provided by big-name musical stars and groups coming to Prince Rupert. The Civic Centre management, the Prince Rupert Basketball Association, or whoever it is that arranges for the Globetrotters is deserving of a special word of commendation and appreciation. We are also reminded again of how fortunate we are in having a venue for such things as this in our Civic Centre. Meantime, anyone who did not get out last night and would like something new and different in the way of wholesome entertainment melon-tossing, clowning or what not would do well to try and get in on any spare tickets that may still be floating around for tonight although there probably aren't 'ciy. , It's great to have visitors like the Globetrotters here to cheer us up these drab days when there seems to be so much doom dispensing what with the international situation, the early-year letrdown and the hangover such as our correspondent friend i accord to stay in what Is still used to call the British Empire enjoy so much. FRED OLSEN Danish Home, Vancouver. THE MAIN purpose of this trip ST. PKTKR'N ANGLICAN mtnl tXlv iinlav iV'Ihk.; lUXi a.m. Bvenlftff Prayer 'i Mi p m (Blue 427) j rhall try to take the place of Ood , and who shall produce lyin; wonders? Ood tells us that the Oospel of Salvation shall be preached throughout the world. ; He tells us that there will be , earthquakes, signs in the heav-1 ens, the children will not be sub is to write about India. It ls no I secret to readers of this colamn j that I regard India as the most, influential country in the world '4.1... . 1 ir PROPOSES CKEMATORIl'M Make this your No 1 KMill.AK BAPTIST 629 6th Ave E. Blue 803 Pastor: Rev. Leonard A. TlHirrM' Editor, Daily News: missive to parents, men will not liv"? decent lives, knowledge shall From Information I have re be Increased, nations will not touuy. it. Aucnis iu me wiiii, u we are to escape World War Three, India will piav the key role in enabling us to do so. It also seems to me that if we do not escape World War FIRST UNITED CHURCH honor their word wars and ru- ceived there appears to be a serious limit to the space available at Fairview Cerrretery to meet future needs. As this Island is ! so mountainous and rocky, alter-, Three, the outcome of that war mor of wars shall plague men, war, pestilence and famine w'U destroy a third of mankind, ate. In God's own time the anvel shall sound the trumpet and the Lord Jesus shall return to judge the living and tfje dead. Some peop'e become alarmed when they think of the end of time. Is it any different than native sites are difficult to find.; will depend on happens in I am wondering whether the ad- India perhaps moie than on vlsabllity of erecting a crema- j what happens anywhere el.v. torlum has ever been discuswd. j I once attended a crematorium I HAVE NEVfcR tried to kl1 service In the Old Country and readers of this column, and don't was Impressed with the simplicity instend to start now. onri rrtwnrri the nb-1 Lets be crystal clear. 11:00 a.m. Morning Holy Communion Sermon: "God Girds Thee" Children's Story: "A New Name" Anthem: "Praise Ye The lather" Gounod 7:30 p.m.-Evening Worship Sermon: "A New Year Resolution" Anthem: "Come Unto Me, Ye Weary" Dix SUNDAY SCHOOLS at First Uni for I95I would not bet a single lol-seen often. sence of the anguish so r that we will not be plunged at the interment in the or- j I , death? Surely each one of us I has settled his eternal destiny at the time of death. 8o, when I '"'h'-ist returns, he will bring with Him the rewards we have al-I rpady chosen. For we will be rc- thodox manner. Besides, from a health and scientific point of! I into world war hi the next live months. If wonJ war comes, the ! vital area will be aionj the very ' arc which I intend to travel. ted ali at 12:15; at Conrad Uni view the cremation method is by far to be preferred. I think pub- Illustrated "-cied either because we have The lifeline of democratic ted Hall all at 1 p.m. open sessions. RESOLVE now to pay all charge accounts in full by the 10th of each month and installment accounts on due dates. (il : ij VOI R C'HKDiT AS A 8ACRF.I) TIUINT" Citdil Bureau ol Prince Rupert I I lt T 1 Hf., ... 1 .. V, , .1 4 tVtn ' " -e.w. w.,.. - " nc opinion ..aa u.m.iBeu '"", clvi..zaUon seems to me to be nr we have rejected Him. God respect and is now not antago-; ancnored on Brltaln ln the wesl First Presbyterian Church iDnui T,ne giorv 01 uie ones nisllC DUt would welcome sucn vhn have washed their robes in facilities locally. ri blood of Christ. They win he j W. D. GRIFFITHS inhered into the presence of the . md India in the east. If we can hold that line, the future Ls secure either in peace or war. But will the lifeline hold? Ca.i HeHvenly King. Their loy shall shall never cease for they have Floating Dock India stop thr spread of Communism? I'. Jte Gandhi background a nelp or hindrance? I Wnat "' E;jypt now seething his world of time and PtCTUR? FRAMES and FRAMED PICTURES MOW S1MPMFNT TST f'K'KIVKIl translated Into life eternal. Fov Montreal ("h-ltf will come suddenly, un- o-T-itriced. a, the end of Mm . n 'M come to ludge the living) 1 h dead. Those who have ), MONTREAI - PlanF are Jbelnft All ' ivisiri r Lawrence Drydock ..lh '....est, and demanding wi.hdrawul of British troops whLh liold the Sue Canal? What of reborn Israel? History p.ainly shows that that tiny land of ue.suiiy was always on the hot-spot ol empires because giourapny has plumped it down square in the middle .if ' will have their bodies and 1 made by bt Popular Prices I reunltd. Th dad in i ca, foi lr. first floating drydock. rh -. shilt ri-e first, Tholr Tf bf , bulu Montreal, the new Sizes Cliarlei ,,,7; h!'". "la President ''1 rhr -1 will he forever with, , I I I ! I 1 1 Ans 'H, ls designed t" 'xiena tne ( the cro.'.sroud.s of the contuieiits 231 Fourth Ave. East h'- .ord Th(we who a-e 'Ivin 1 .it the end of time will not. rd company's heie so that j II war tomes, it will be so as-uiii. -.i - n nnss through death, but th"v a bigger fleet of vessels needing rpf.PlVe rewards accord- he handled ' w,nter rrpalr8 ran ON THIS trip I shall be writ-! j mentioned yesterday. Canada's Outlook WE ENTER into a preparedness program under conditions far different from those of the early days of World War II, says the monthly commercial letter of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. We know that manpower and resources are being fully utilized and consequently the diversion of men and material for military production is bound to cause strains. The expansion of our economy during the past year makes it possible to meet the requirements immediately in sight without distorting the pattern of civilian production; should we find it necessary to expand military commitments beyond those recently established then inflationary stresses will become still more insistent. Events of recent weeks have served to emphasize the uncertainties that lie ahead. Undoubtedly three major tasks face us : to ensure a continuation of economic stability under conditions of military preparedness; full co-operation and assistance towards the mitigation of the basic causes of unrest and war; and also the expansion of trade which is basic to the maintenance of our well-being. These are challening objectives, yet the record shows ability and courage in facing other equally difficult problems that have arisen in the course of our history. I nor fur nuinu ninrf t-(iiniri f.hHii Minister: Rev. E. A. Ul j Organists: Mrs. E. 1. Smith. I John Curiie. J Sunday, January 7, 1051 t Mji tin ..ofshlj 11 (' 0('k. ! Subject: "Love's Dimension" adequately. It will be near the bt.toie. , huve pVer rea..hed mis on the site " c W11U "av' aci. rpi ru company s present signed column, which started in Tr crr I 'rro win Five vuii n(u ,, Canal near AtWaUT iQ-io hu ifclflnt uilth nun R i "s in tnp rionous place Av(.nue WmEC7, mils ji "eaven. Those who re weekly of 2000 circulation, will daily reach about two-thirds of . m'Uion Canadian homes while This, plus other winter construction iobs announced by Mr. Ansell, would, it Li reported, provide work for over 200 men at a time when drydocking Dullness was slow. I am on this trip. Naturally that pleases me. But what gives me ti.iiKia. hchojl 12:i& Eveiii..g Service -7 ij Subjest: "A New Way" "Remember the Sabuath Day to Keeo it Holy." We extend a cordial invitation to visitors to worship with us. a bipger thrill is this: I Because, year in, year out, I jected Him as their Lord will be of punishment reserved for the civ' and his nngels. r (- i"lrc! us B'OO'nt-d oiie"-i le'ls us that the world .h " 'lestroved with a feret'.t hn-t Then lie a-ks, since these ' tri he so what, kind o' j - .ovtd vnu rra' Isn't i; One of the biggest of the other championed the cause of inde- Jobs Is reconversion of a former pendente for India when that ilnnif! carriei the George 8. was a most unpopular (and l-Cleet, to a collier, -exnected to be! nanclally costly thins I to do, I ready for service when navlga- made friends of people, like the Prayer Week Drawing Many NOhru family, who are now cs rr to soknowlecUe .lesus tion open8 ln the sr)rinR rh i -t ns vour Lord now and look . (V.'-'ir'irH o meptiiuz Him in the . FOOTHILLS "HARD Klorls of heaven than to refuse to Rive Him vour heart now and Attendance at the Week . of Prayer meetings continues to oe rei'rrt. It for all eternity? If you good. Last night between au anu are wise you wri iace yoursr ii 00 turned out at the First Pies- the light of God's Word and ask byterian Church, where Rev. yourself: "What will it profit me h-ieci Anirobus, pastor of First' if i gain the whole world anu Baptist Church, was speaker. i,)Se ))eaven?" SCRIP1TRF. PASSAGE FOR TOOA t "That ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called vou out of darkness into hiR marvellous light." ALBERTA TELKWA COAL IN A 1.1. SII S Lump . . . Cobble . . . Egg Nut and Stoker PHONE Km Immediate Delivery PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. , 1 PeU-r z:u Rev Dr.-E. A. Wright was cnair- man and Mrs. E. J. Smith, or- Runlst Eskimo mothers receive Fam'ly Benptiire lessons were from Allowance payments In the form the fourth ampler of Ephesiun.s of credit notes on their local and the lllh chapter of Luke, trading posts. Mr. Antrobus spoke on tne subject "Prayer in the Knowledge oi the Holy Spirit." Mr. Anirobus said that one of the discipie.s of Jesus asked Him in ii. dim; m pim li s I.l'IVIItF.R Canada's western mountain system Is 400 mllea wide and covers 53(. 000 square miles. one of race, but through the Spirit who creates men new, ! to teach them to pray, where upon He gave them tne model Piayer. - We learn from this that making them sons of God when Uie first anu main activity in thev come through faith prayer is not to get something "So for the Christian church lor ourselves, but it is a prayer today," the pastor said, "her Lo God on behalf of God. that t wisdom and guidance and energy ; His Kingdom may come, and His for her work came through the I Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS take pleasure in announcing the admission to partnership of Jiff,, A X M C. A and the establishment of an office in Prince Rupert i ill may be done, as it is uone snlrit of God. it was tne spirit BUI'BHIER USED CAR Week-end Special Attention Truckerf 47 FORD BUSINESS COUPE, '48 CHEVROLET PICK I P One owner. 10.000 miles New rnotoi j Top shape. '49 PLYMOUTH, fully equip- '41 FORI) SEDAN PKI.IVF.KV ped, A-l condition Lots of miles heft $2015 $450 in heaven. Who gives victory over temptation, and all the virtues of the Chrtstlike life, the greatest of these being love. "From this model Jesus lea Uhem to the ultimate In pray?r i which was a prayer for the Holy , Spirit based upon the words, If ! ye then, being evil, know how I to give good gifts unto your "The purpose of the work ofj the Spirit, in the Individual and in the church was for the edi SYMBOLIC FLAGS Two flags, one of a war-torn nation, the other of a world organisation seeking to bring peace to that country, will be hung In Ouelph city hall. The South Korean ensign, In the background and the United Nations flajr, being examined by Jean Budd and Betty Graham, were sent to the city by Ma. Charles McGee, Roman Catholic chaplain serving with the United States forces In Korea, A native of Guelph, MaJ. McGee received th flags after a dedication ceremony at a children, how much more wi.l fying of the church, for .the per- your heavenly Father give the feoting of the Christians until Holy Spirit to them that ask an came - ln the unity of tha Him.' " faith and of the knowledge of Then followed the application, the Son of God unto a perfect Mr. Antrobus continued. Jesus man." said: "I cast out evil spirits by The meeting tonight will be In the Knirit of God Kiasliiu with the Solvation Army citadel. Phone 88 PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box 203 (CP PHOTO) Me Ls not a physical one, net Canon B. S. Prockter speaking. military cemetery near Inchon.