Plumbers Are Team to Watch Prince Rupert Daiiy News re Saturday, January , 1951 ;1US GLOBETROTTERS Mixed LeaRue Trundlers in Action A&ain After Vacation n Prince Rupert Plumbers con Clowning Hoopsters Stage Fine Show-Win Two Games tinued to show that they are the team to beat In "A" Division us Mixed Bowiing League resumed this week after the Christinas recess. Meanwhile the race in "B" Division is being closely fought by at least five teams. In the present third play Prince l'rince Rupert fin were treated to comedy and plenty of it and smart big-time melon tossing too when the zaniest tuiys in basketball, the Harlem Globetrotters, clowned their way into the Civic Cen tre gym, yesterday and won the admiration and enthusiastic plaudit!, of two house-filling crowds. The ... jk.., "... ,fcJ...v,.. ii, i '' i i i hilarious Trotters played to . house full of school children in1 12, Strong 4. Milton 4, Wheeler, the afternoon and won over the! Collins 14, Hill 8, Cumberland 6, Bo-Me-Hl team bv a 63 to 40 1 Moore 1. Total 63. GARBAGE BOWL A foot ol snow, freezing tern peratures and ifniforms of pyjamas and winter underwear combined to give Montreal its seco nd Garbage Bowl game New Year's Day. The pyjamu-claU Southern Bombers defeated the N northern Combines, dressed in underwear, 6-0, on a rouge and a touchdown. Some 1,000 fans witnessed the affair. Trophy for the winners was Rupert Plumbing has lost only three points and Wednesday night they walked away with a 4-0 victory over Great West Life who had in previous play defeated Fashion Footwear in similar manner. High bowlers for the evening were: High ladies' single and three game total, P. Thompson, Fashion Fotwear, with 310 and 635. High men's single game, Ed Mussallam, Great West Life, 365 ( new season record ) . B. Brav, Miller Bay- Hospital, three game total of 776. Team results were as follows: (CP PHOTO I a garbage bowl. i.i.- High School Ratchlora 4 ie-tourneau 4, Simonscn 2, Nlcker-son 10, Krlstmanson 2, McChes-ney 6, Morrison, Blackaby 4, Young 4, Tait 4. Total 40. EVENING GAME GlobetrotUrs Sealy, Buie 10, Cumberland 20, Strong 11, Hill margin. In the evening they tooK the Prince Rupert Jets by a 03 to 46 total. The overflow crowd in the evening saw their friend of two years ago, Ted Strong, in just about the best clowning show of his career. They watched "Duke" 6, Moore fi, Cumberland, one of the all-time 14, Collins, Wheeler "But, mom, suppose the comoany doesn't come?" m greats of the team, rack up 20 1 Milton 6. Total 63. noints and thev marvelled at. Jets Holkestad 2, Flaten 2 Bulger's 4. Headplnners 0 i Boyd Buie as he scored 10 points, Scherk 6, Lavigne 4, S. Scherk in spite of his missing-arm ; 2, Sunberg 4, Carlson 8, Spring handicap. "Duke" Cumberland,1 8, Beynon 2, Morgan 6 team 2. BROADWAY Ci a lltt e latter ana wnn nis nair 1 roiai 40. REMARKABLE PING PONG Classified Advertising Is paya"blfe ill advance. ' Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per word per, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun Ft-ar Nidlcrti, Marrl-tge ind KiifeuEement Announcement . i2 00. "8PWCIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE onenion oneet t, rusiiuvers u i F.R. Plumbing 4, Great West' Life 0 I Cantels 4. Optimists 0 (default 1 1 Fashion Footwear 3.Blow-Outs: 1 I Cook's Jewellers 3. Wallace's 1 Social Welfare 4, Overwaltea 0 Miller Bay Hospital 4. Dihbsi Printing 0 Sons of Norway 4, Penguin j Hobby 0 I I fmA Best Foe a memory, is still one 01 me smoothest basketball players ever to appear on a court and Ted Strong of the big hands manipulated the ball as If !t were an orange, keeping the crowd happy with his antics and off-court remarks. The evening crowd saw 6T' Lee Collins in the pre-game warm-up which was a first class show in Itself. They watched WOltK WANTCJ) An added attraction to the Globetrotters' bill was the remarkable display of freak table tennis play at Intermission by Ted Bourne of England and Bobby Anderson, United States, travelling as supernumeraries with the Globetrotters. It was the fastest and most exciting display of ping pong ever se?n in Prince Rupert and a show in IN MEMORIAM FOIt SALE 1 7 Finest Cooking -I have good turnips about three tons, vou offer me fur A. Johnson. EXPERIENCED truckdriver wants work. Box 5, News Office. (Up) HELP WANTED FOR SALE-for sale. What do them? J. vale. B.C. ROSANG In luving memory of our beloved lather and grandfather, Eric Kusang. who passed awav January 6, 1950. Ever remembered bv Rose, Sven and Mel. (ltd Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 si For take home orders Phone 200 him jump up to dunk the ball itself ' FOR SALE Coal and Bourne won by the odd in a clowning display in from above the 10-feet-high point wood front 165. (tf) heater. Wartime nouse room style. FJiune Blue t'Altl) OF THANKS which was appropriate to the general tenor ol th; evening. with cries of disbelief. played for the students; afternoon but is still in I basket Collins in the HELP WANTED. FEMALE Wanted, clerk - stenoarunher for Citv Engineer's office. Knowledge of typing essential, shorthand preferred. Apply in writing giving age. marital status and previous experience to Citv Engineer. D. C. Stewart. Citv Engineer. (7 We wish to express our sincere thanks ami aunreciation to our Ladies' League traling for a regular spot on the tea. He Is 19 years of age and accounted for 14 points in FOR SALE Enterprise oil range, pot burner with blower. 1413 First Overlook. (308p) TOR SALE 1949 ,-ton Fargo. What oilers? Phone Red 232. (7p) the afternoon session. Tom ARTICLED clerk wanted bv local firm of chartered accountants. Senior matriculation, book nt Bowls Schedule Sealy, who was on the recen H European trip with the Trotters FOR SALE Man's CCM bicycle with all accessories. 3 speeds. Phone Blue 335. (6p) keeping and accounting training an asset. Box 203. Prince Rupert. 7c ) SOLD! Now at a Bargain Sale in BULGER'S Jan. 9 Rockettes vs Big Sis Bulkley Market 4, Ideal Cleaners 0 (default! Conrads 3, Cloverleufs 1 Scuby's Furs 3, Booth School 1. STANDINGS "A" League Pr. Rupert Plumbing 17 Bulger's 13 Cantels 13 Great West Life 11 Fashion Footwear 11 Shenton Sheet 11 Pushovers 10 Blow-Outs ". 9 Wallace's Dept 8 Headplnners B Cook's Jewellers 6 Optimists 4 "B" League Conrads 15 Sons of Norway 15 Social Welfare 14 Bulkley Market 14 Cloverleafs 11 Miller Bay Hospital 10 Booth School 9 Overwaitea 8 Penguin Hobby 7 Ideal Cleaners 1 , Scuby's Furs 6 Dibb Printing 4 presented some sparkling shooting in the afternoon game as he potted them from 'way out to HELP WANTED Retail sales ters; Black Cats vs Mansons; Wallace Pharmacy vs Shentons; Kkeena Giw vo nin.Drana nc SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES get 12 points. I It was a clerks. Permanent work. Apply Box 858 for- interview giv-ine full particulars as to experience, etc. (tff mixture of basket- p.t.- Battlers vs B.C.G.E.A.; Savoys vs many lnenus woo were so kind durina our recent bereavement and also lor the beautiful tlorul tributes. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sankev Prince Rupert; Mr. pjui Mrs. Joshua McKay, Prince Rupert; Mr. and Mrs. Georne Sawyer and family. Houston. B.C.; Mrs. Vera Beynon, Prince Rupert; Mrs. Lillian Ryan and family, Metlakatla; Harold Rvan. Port Simpson; Mrs. Amelia Ryan and Mrs. Gloria Green Port Simpson; the Y PE.A and Ladies' Aid of Y P.E.A.. Port Simo-f-on; P.S.A.C. ami Ladies' of the Ivv Guild, Epworth LeaHue, Mr. ana Jars, .ames Low-ton and familv. Mr and Mrs Wm Snen"e and family Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vulnv and Pansy, Mr. and Mrs. w F Dmloward Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mather and family, Et.nel and Mrs. Maud Koss Mrs Sarah .1 v0...-;-n ,,..H family. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Wesley. Mm. Kooerl Sankev and familv. Ulpi football a .4 1 n nl fill with ball, and baseball, CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW FOR Spring Examinations. Write M. C. C. School. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. (hi WANTED Truck driver for local JEWELER Commercial; Brownwoods vs C B of C: Stars vs Luckv Strikes; Wrathalls vs Rosa Lee; Annettes vs McMeekins: Toilers vs G. A A.; Lyons vs Belmont. deliveries, one capable of helping In store. Apply to Box 3. News Office. (7p) REAL ESTATE Jan. lc Stars vs G & A; Lyons WANTED Bookkeeper. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (tfl WRITING. CASES Regular $5.25 NOW J, FOUR-ROOM home in good condition; concrete foundations; i the Jets and High School teams playing the straight parts and the visitors acting the clowns. Referee Johnny Comadina got In the act in the last half when he was held out of the play by Duke Cumberland, and turned the table on Duke for being more I than tnree seconds in the key. I Tonight, with all tickets sold, the third and final game of the t series will be played. ; FIRST GAME ' Globetrotters-Sealy 12, Bul lenced: tool shed; new electric s'uve: moderately priced. Also two revenue homes and other vs C.B. of C: Brownwoods vs McMeekins; Toilers vs Rasa Lee; Belmont vs Luckv Strikes; Annettes vs Wrathalls: Black Cats vs B.C.G.E.A.; Savoys vs Big Sisters; Rockettes vs Gingersnaps; Battlers vs Mansons: Commercials vs Wallace Pnarm.; Skeena Uroc. v.s Shentons. i Made from eenuine Morocco. Cue, lisLnii'-s. See Armstrong Auen '. cies Phone 342 or Green 297 FOIt SALE leves.). . (8c) with zipper edge and stationer; FOR VOIR NEW YEAR l.ETTBj JANUARY STOCK CLEARlf BOYS WANTED A good opportunity for young lads with bicycles delivering D a 1 1 v News routes. Phone 748 or call at the Daily News office and leave your name, age and phone number. Hi; ROY WANTED Daily News route In west end of city available for reliable bov. Apply Oilice. (til LONO BY SHALLOW The Murray River flows for 1000 miles through the arid, western half of the state of New South Wales. LISTINGS WANTED SELLING vour home? List Willi an experienced realtor. For prompt inspection see Armstrong Agencies Phone 342 ol' Green 297 I eves. I. Il4ci !3 Savoys vs Wallace Rockettes v.s Shentons; Clio.-!, v.s Battlers; Com-vs B.C.G.E.A.; Big Sis- Jan. Pharm. Skeena moH'iul NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Lini.-lielt Speeder Knuviis; CraiK.s- l)r.i"!ines; A d a in Road Graders: Lill.leford Bros. Hluc-t Top Itaul Maintenunce Kmiioiiieiil.: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Hock Granules; T 1. Smith Concrete Mixers Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket ".oiule's for Stockpile and Know Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumps: National Driu'lliie Scrapers and In 1942 governments in paid out 127 million in salaries and wages; in 1949 the total Business and Profession was 8n miinuns. ( PERSONAL UNWANTED HAIR Permanently eradicated with Saca-Pelo. The moot remarkbale discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains no drugs or chemicals. LorBeer SALESMEN WANTED WANTED TWO MIDDLE-AGED BUSINESSMEN OR SALESMEN Wiin ted: Two mature buKlnrsBmrn or SiUt'fcnii'li to represent Cumwllau linn. Ci A. Holland, new mini sturt- About two-thirds of Canada s occupied fa 'm lands are In th" prairie provimvs. ters vs Giimersnaus: Black Cats vs Mansons; Lyons vs Lucky Strikes; Brownwoods vs Wrath-all's; Annettes v.s Toilers; B:i munis vs O U McMeeKlns vs C.E. of C; Stars vs Rosa Lee. Jan. 30 Brownwoods vs Toilers; Belmont vs Rosa Lee; l uck v Strikes vs G. & A.; Wrathalls vs C.B. of C; Annettes vs Stars; Lyons vs McMeekins; Big Sisters colussi'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the fim. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A L. BELL, O A. Resident Partner 324 Second Avenue Box 203 . Phone 88 Buckets; National All bleel 't a so II lie limits: National .'iirtable Sawmills: National Hoturv Screens -and Conveyors Full iiilm -nialion Iron. National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. 'til CLEARANCE SALE .303 Rifles Hi-Powered Long Range En-lields. Model P14 with built-in ti shot magazine, only $19.9;. SMLE Model (Mark I III with 10 -shot detachable magazine, $24.1.3 Blade loresights. Ad-iu.sLaljle rearsiKhts. Ranges to KiOO yards. 2(i inch parrels K n 1 1 v guaranteed- Box 48 litK mlu-yew. earned 2,1H4 3fl In a three months' period. Average of over I 700 00 )t month. D. W. Orr earnrd 4.44 78 Ilrst M-ven moliths D. H Jom-A earned a young fortune of WMUM in less than 4 years. Earn-Iiiko i-i:-;lit at start S. N. Tansley. HOS 00 lirst 2 hours. T. U. Stockwell, I$1J7(I5 first day. J. U McCullotlgh, Strikes: Lyons vs Wrathalls; C.B. of C. v.s Stars; McMeekins vs Toilers: Brownwoods vs Belmont; G & A vs Rosa Lee, Skeena Groc. vs Wallace Phann.' Shentons vs Savoy; Big Sisters vs Black Cats: Gingersnaps vs Battlers; Rockettes vs Commer Lab. 679 Granville, Vancouver, BC. (H) BUY YOUR New Year e-ikes and cookies at the Rupert Bakery Ltd Home-bak"d French bread, fresh daily. Phone 643. (M2l CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper batteries and radiators. Phone 543 -call 029 6th W 111 Musical Iiistrumuf PIANOS TUNED J AND RECONDITIONS. 210 4th St Ph. BlnrtJ vs Shentons; commercial vs Mansons; Wallace Pharm. vs B.C. O.E.A.; Gingersnaps Vs Savoys, .ikeena Groc. vs Black Cats-Rockettes vs Battlers. S-2fl(IO first week. Over 150 of our I men have enrned $400 to 3.000 In cial; B.C.G.E.A. vs Mansons. City. , (If) For Action. Advertise! (Thew are SWORN STATEMENTS I l Feb. 6 Savoys vs B.C.G.E.A.; Skeena Groc. vs Commercial; Gingersnaps vs Shentons; Rockettes vs Black Cats; Wallac Phar rounds ammunition with rifle order ili.'JS Prompt shipment C O I). H JNTKRS SUPPLY HELEN'S ' ' BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4t,h Street Phone 055 NORTHLAND Dairy milk dellv-ered -.24- per- nuart. Why pay more? Phone 18 for dallv delivery service IM-29) RORIE & LAIRCj ACCOUNTANTS fcAUrrf These gross earnings are. of course exceptional. Many of our top men have been doing this well for years. It's a foregone conclusion that the) will do even better now with increasing demand. Men who were '-bankrupt" COMPANY UK. Sparks St., Ottawa. Ontario. . (T.F.S-Hi macy vs Mansons; Big sisters vs Battlers; Lyons vs G. & A.; Annettes vs Belmont: McMeekins vs Wrathalls; Brownwoods v.s 20c BEER BOTTLES collected, per dozen. Phone 07H. Besner Block Phow P.O. Box 130 -h... i when they started now -nave big new 't" 1 ,. I.., n.. ,,f nne foil SALE .New chesterfield beds: beds complete- un laliil. Stars; Lucky Strikes vs Rosa Lee; C.B. of C. vs Toilers. ed chest of drawers; sewing FOR KENT B KW RT l l machine: Kiiciicn stoves; iirai- ers; hardware; coffee tables, slNnER sewine machines for Feu 13 Annettes vs Lucky end tables; bedroom suites; I renl bv lne j. or mont,h. ELECTROLUX Sales and Service W'JAUTV REPAlKa For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Reemd Aw are sending children ti college and rnJoyUiR security fur the future. Mun is needed for this areii also several others for nearby territories. Our most successful men are those who are able to be away from home travelling one or two weeks at a time outdoors in healthful, tasciiuittnK occujmtion. Our ProUtK't (Caimdiun Pat. No. 45651)1) ts sold on long trial credit terms, no down payment, to hlgh-rade, dignified trade sucJi as manufacturers. brand new carpets. Axminsiei, phone 864 Singer Sewing Ma-sizes 2' x 4'V; scores of other t.uln Co 639 zn Ave. West, useful furniture at lowest 5cl prices. See II. C. Furniture. . , Black 324 (t.HiTOlt RENT Room and board . ... . I for workiiif men in private R. W. COLLINS Phone 451 m For Henulne parts and PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND KNGINEERS home. Phone Red 140 or call liiS Olh Ave. East. (',)! HI-POWF.RED Sporting Rifles .3li3 Enlields. Also BSA. ri .1..,., .'....1 1.., ,1 U'll-1 n pommi ' lis touslneas officials, schools, merchants. phone or write aj rroin 3..i.y. uu. ci-m-nv .-. ;a.. . Olt'.tuc i I ROOM FOR RENT Men prefer- lies, aeim nauie wit .,;' , rar nil ';ih Aye Wed Rlne ' 1 3S or tree loiucrs unisti aw-u, , - : x,,,. large, tarm and ranch owners. Immediate delivery. Earnings advanced weekly. Big season Just ahead. Hush. name, nge for full details. Vice President, Dept. A, P.O. liox BH, Station J. Toronto .Six, Ontario. with prices and detailed upeci-i o k ms "- f'. ficufions. No iililii'.aiion i': SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 MARGARET McLt ers etiqulnt's inviwa. intivjii ; FOR RENT Sleeping room for i i n.wi 1'JU Iron and Brass Castings Electric aiwl Acetylene Welding inrpii R1 iil,!.:iwa. Ontario. WANTED CAREER ENDED Black Jack Stewart, star defeneeman for Chicago Black Hawks of the National Hockey League, will never play hockey again. The 34-year-old Pilot Mound, Man., native, one of the most colorful players of recent years, underwent surgery for a slipped disc in his spinal column, resulting from an injury in a game Dec. 14. The surgeon said Black Jack would have to wear a special brace .indefinitely and would never play again. An NHL. All-Star defeneeman five times, he played with Detroit Red 'Wings for nine years before going to Chicago last summer in tlw most famous hockey trade in history. (CP 0HOTO1 YANKEES ARE ' OPTOMETRIST Room 10 (T.F.S-IO I , , , ,, . iROOM FOR RENT 221 5th East. dinln! FOR RALE-Rock maple ,5,., room viuie with Welsh lreer 1 . and 72" refractory table. Me- , 41 U-DRIVE. Phone 41 711 Oren-Cl irv 7 cii. It. fridge, one year. ville Court. Fra-ser St. (14M) Thii tdvtrtitement it not published at Aiplaytd by the Liqu-Jt Control 6ord cm W 6 Government ol Briutk Colwubie. SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL und MINING MACHINERY WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass cooper,, etc. Honest grading Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd. 2fi0 Prior St Vancouver, B. C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tfl old Rebuilt cheslertield lloi-ai BTONE BUlL P" PHONE BLUE -G9S P.O. BOX H4 FOR RENT Front sleeping room. Phone Green 937. (Opi Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 8ccond Ave. W. desitui and Unlit wool. vacuum cleaner with all atu.-hiiienis. Phone Ori'd 93S or cull 1010 1st West. (DC) ACCOl'NTArTS For Take Out Orders WANTED Sleeping rooms close in for 2 professional men. P.O. Box 203. Prince Rupert. B.C. i6d PflRLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. (20ml FOR . SALE - 1948 Hvdramatlc Pontiae sedan. Under seat heaters, c)o-k, radio and cigarette Hunter. Good mechanical condition. Pliuiie Green WANTED Room or room and Phone 575 Fish & Chips Spaghetti Steaks CLEAN REPAIRS HANDYMAN TEAM OF YEAR 977 after 5, '8p U1ATCII BfPAlRH Pmmnt ef- beard Widow with familv preferred. Good pay. Box 4. Dally News. (5p) WANTED Junior stenographer bv Northern B. C. Power Co. HOME SERVit-j GENERAL CONTRACT-! MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 618. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert. B C. FOR SALE -195(1 table model fu.ient service George Cook combination radio with three- jPWeller. Satisfaction guaran- f-need record plaver. Apply 32( tecd Biairnr Place or uhone Red : PROMPT ! Apply Room 15. Besner Block. (tf) 706. dtp' 1 OIL BURNER SPECIALIST FOOD with a FLAVOUR at 1 stove service ana repairs, o Building and Repairs 0 1 kinds J ROOFS -CHIM3 LOS ANGELES W Casey Stengel took another bow today for his indomitable never-say-die New York Yankees. Sports writers and sportscasters have voted the Yanks the team of the year for 1950. FURNISHED or unfurnished liv FOR SALE 1950 Meteor custom' (tfl D Ronson. Black 503 sedan m showroom condition, low mileaue 405 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue 36b. (8pi OIL BUR" ing auarters with bathroom. Rea852. (7p WANTED TO RENT Two or three roms with bath. Phone 130. Miller Bay. 16c 1 SOLDERS & CONTRACTORS PLUMBING and HEATING Sheet metal work Tar and travel roofing. Call 029 6th West, Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. (tf SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 SANDY'S CAFE Ourn Week Days 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sundays 5 p.m. (Next Door to Belmont) PHONES Black 334 B1 WANTED Reliable housekeeper. Box (i. Daily News. (7p P.O. Box 167 FOR SALE Firewood kindling, 50c tier sack. Get vour winter, suuulv at a li Having. Kaien Transfer. Red 9i'2. (7p) ! FOR SALE Good buvs in used vacuums Electrolux Hoovers,. Roval, etc. R W. Collins, phone j 451, Green 279. Uf ' APPROPRIATE DATE 1 John Graves Slmcoe, first lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, arrived in Kingston on July 1, 1792. 40DERN Painting and Decorat ing ana MatuiK. -Furnished lop! WANTED TO RENT-house. Blue 756. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS! BRlNO Bl. Phone Black 215. evenings or I noon hour. P.O. Eos 1111. (tf J 1