ORDER gJL Prince Rupert Daily News Ray:.. Saturday, January 8, 1951 , " 1 I an d emtn ticei I , i t 'S c I Id , "" 111 1 . I , i, s For the first time, the St. Lawrence - . i Drydock Co. will have its VbTJBI Slill OF SHIFFEI -BILLMAB floating plant built in Montreal. Why not come around to Prince Rupert and avoid the ice. Thi.-, port has been doing it for nearly I :t ill ' j . A'A L... ' I IS forty years. HUMUS This is the time of year to say something good about your fel-lowman. Perhaps you wont b? speaking absolute truth. But say it, anyway. For a lie can b made to appear so agreeable it, can mingle In almost any society. Originally, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry expected to continue training We still have available limited stocks of extremely clean, good quality EDMONTON DEEP SEAM LUMP at 19.00 per ton ALBERTA "DIPLOMAT" EGG a 18.00 Per ton (Less than 5 sacks', $1.15 per sack) PHONE HQ -117 or 58 another few weeks in Korea, but later developments suggest they will go to the front earlier. Meanwhile, weather has a below zero feel, and the boys are thinking of January in Canada. As most of them are smart players, they might just as well organize a hockey league while awaiting the blarsted enemy. Most of Uncle Sam's foreign relations seem to be poor ones. Victoria Times. . YOU HE tmiED 10 SEE JBE C0UECT10H OfJlHE FOB F All" J WINTEK GASMENIS 10 I00BHEASBJi atts S Nickerson for Sick Children will be opened officially j I CJ CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL Toronto's new Hospital Marsha Petain, 95, and very I feeble, is believed near . death. I Since the Second Great War. he has been an exile. In the first, he was a national hero. The ! Germans in the second, occupied , Paris but the city was not des IN Jan. 15, and patients will be moved in from the old building Feb. 4. The new hospital, built at a cost of $12,500,000, will rate as a major world research and treatment centre for children. (CP PHOTO) Jbert & McCaffery troyed. Others were. Petain saved a great and a beautiful 1 AND city but plenty of his fellow eountrvmen have not yet for rpociAL given him. ted growth in Canada's m in the year ending 950, was 285,000. UNAL A refreshing freedom from worry ! is felt by members of. the Lang-luaee Association in convention Diane Kennedy Honored Queen When Senior Princess Heather Brewer declined the post of Honored . Queen of the Job's Daughters, Junior Princess Diane Kennedy was named to fill the vacancy left by Jea'i Calderwood who has moved to Prince George. Other officers are now: Cain for old gold. Bulger's Major R. Lahiff, who left sev at New Yo k. It concerns cram Mr and Mr1!. Ellis Enr:dse anrl I eral weeks ago to remain in Shaughnessy Hospital, Vancou mar. In future, there will be dixury Steamer no occasion to wonder which is ver, for a while, has moved, to son, Ralph Enridge, have returned to Prince Rupert after spend Burnaby. correct "shall" or "will." "whu or "whom" or "he'll" or "you'll MCE GEORGE ing the Christmas and New Year ATTENTION. ELKS Meeting season In Vancouver Mrs. Hanley, New President Officers of Canadian Legion W.A. Installed The Women's Auxlliariy to the Canadian Legion, at their first regular meeting Thursday night, Installed officers for 1951. Past President Mrs. W. Rothwell was installing officer. New officers are: President Mrs. G. V. Hanley First Vice President Mrs. D. Gomez Second Vice President The convention rules that, whoever your ciiolcp. so long as '! seems natural, anv will be right. This feels comfortable. ' SAILS FOR Princess Heather Senior Brewer. Junior VANCOUVER 9 Attention Fishermen! Thr-wise fisherman will order his boat tanks now U, Insure spring delivery. Thorn. Sheet Metal. Black 884. U; Princess Margar2t will be held in Oddfellows' Hall Sunday, January 7. at 2:30 p.m. John Shtta, Vancouver, who came to Prince Rupert Monday to be with his father, Knut Slatta, who passed away Wednesday, returned home on today's plane. ATTENTION SHRINE BAND d Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p m. New bill for Alaska statehood comln" uo! This much is certain. There will never be a tim? whn there will be less res sin f"t It than now. The North Pacific, alwavs of lmpo-tance. is becoming more sa as time goes on. St radian. . Guide Janet Rackow. Margit MacArthur was elected marshal to fill the vacancy left by Miss Rackow. Installation will be at the next meeting. A report from the committee or rtivnir.eAr MEMBERS. Band practice Looking l)M.SIY MIDNK1IIT uxury at Low Cast For Reservations Write or Call usual Monday night. S.O.N, meeting. Monday, January 8, 8 o'clock. Important. Ail memb-.-rs requested to attend. MliUUU Mrs. 3. Clccone j Secretary . j Mrs. K. Twaites Treasurer Mrs. 3. S. Black -Fxecutive ..Mrs. IL Anderson, Mrs.- D. In charge of ways and means for the trip next summer to Richmond. Virginia, lor the na tITV OR DKTOT IMKIfV OFFICE I6C P 1 The freighter Mukahi Marti, has arrived in Vancouver to take on a full cargo of gralu. She is a 10.000-ton craft and is to load more than a third of a, million bushels having a value, of about $700,000. The Mukahi Is the first Japanese cargo ship frn reach the British Columbia; tional meeting of Job's Drugh-1 with JOHN T. FOWLE ; i ' 111 "Mr." &"Mrs." Bedroom Suites Varied Shades also Springfilled Mattresses and Household Fittings ters showed that over one quarter of the necessary funds hul been raised. -LJfe assurance T" said a frtenfl Lugrin and Mrs. E. Anderson. Officials and committees appointed by the new president ere: Standard Beaters n. J. i Bob i Innes, regional president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce for B.C., left by today's plane on his return to Kamloops. , coast since before the war. It's Soldier Brother Is Written Up GORDON & ANDERSON ! also quite a few years since u Japanese freighter has been seen at Prince Rupert but, early In the history of the grain elevator here, there was a winter when grain traffic between Prince Ru-nert and Japan was heavy. But Mrs. A. Holbrook and MrsJ V. Duncan. Auditors Mrs. A. Murray, Mrs. A. Croxford and, Mrs, Gillis. Pianist M-s. John Denning. LIMITED oiuuvinc jr in there has been little doing Silt. Dennis I. Trudeau, brother of Henrv Trudeau of 1443 Piggott Bridge, Whist and Criboage, Avenue," Prince Rupert, Is writ- Catholic Hall, Thursday, Jan. U, ten up as "Trooper of the Week" 8 P m- no the grain trade here since, HOLLYWOOD CAFE matter where the vessels came from. Card Party, Jan. 17, Legion in the publication of a United States Army camp which has 1951. Sick visiting committees East Mrs. W. Murdock and Mrs. Collins ( : West-Mrs. A. Anderson and Mrs. Lugrin. Welfare committee Mrs. H. Lewis and Mrs. Den been received here. We Specialize card Conrad School P-TA 8 p.m. AIK PASSENGERS of mine the other day, "Deatu assurance ia more like it." This casual remark gave in a chance to put across an Important point about the business I am in. I told him life assurance was concerned with life rather than death. Its chief job was to defeat the consequences of deaUi by making a normal life posait.n for those left behind. I told bitn of homes held together by the proceeds of Insurance policies; of widows saved from poverty; of old folks living out their lives in dignity and comfort; of children getting a good start in life with a college education; if farms and businesses saved to provide a means of livelihood for a growing family. These things are made possible every day by life assurance. Through life assurance a ir tfi reaches beyond death and continues to bless and enrich tue lives of those he loved. Yef., it is indeed life assurance, John T. Fowle SUN LIFE OF CANADA ; 142 5th Ave. East party, January 19 In the permanent United States Army, Set. Trudeau is with a United States Army airborne' Banquet, DISHES Presbyterian burns To Vancouver (today) R. J. signal company. He is a Minnc- Friday, Jan. 26. sot.an bv birth and spent most, nf hi? life in that, state but was Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, JC: DIES' DRESSES S I THE BEST . ELECTION S i of 5 1 j F-oES IN TOWN J Z STORK SHOPPE 10 303 3rd Ave. W. jjj I I 1 vXirAlRari i in Canada at the outbreak of APril 4- CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 'j;oT7u7sTucOrdTrsHONe 133 Innes, R. E. Blake, J. biaua, u. S. Brown. H. Mellander, R. S. Gordon, Miss L. Nichols. To Sandspit (today) J. Mak-symyshyn. From Masset (yesterday) Mrs. Choquette, Mr. Mallory. World War II and Joined up with 1 the Canadian Army, serving he was liberated by the Ameri-overseas with a Canadian para- can Army as the war ended, chute battalion attached to aj xrudeau returned to England OPEN FROM 7:30 F.M. to 3:30 A.M. ning. Press co'-respondent ' Mrs. H. Speers. Card party convener Mrs. W. Rothwell. Reports wee heard for th year 1950 at the meeting from the east and w?t. sick visiting committees, Christmas Tree committee, sewing proups and the card party committee. Discussion of arrangements for the serine sale to be held Aonl British airborne division, ne in May of 1945, was bark in Can ada in June and was discharged in August. After several months of civilian life he enlisted in the permanent American Army. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert R. S. Davey, T. P. Ernemark, V. Hartulle and A. G. Thompson, Vancouver; S. Haley, Montreal; E. L. Hagg, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Sampson, Port 74 parachuted Into Normandy on "D" Day and was captured by the Germans while trying to put a couple of pillboxes out of commission. His group had been isolated when a bridge was blown up. Having been wounded, he was committed to hospital and ended up In a prison camp until : 4 took considerable time. It was la-ranged that there would be a rewing groun meeting each wee with each srrouo meeting once p. month in the Legion building. PRINTING I lospitalitv and on your next Experience . Versatility fe PURPOSES Highest Quality A vote nf thanks was tendered the retiring officers and committee members. Continuation of sr-ants to Shauehnessv Military, Tranquil' and Essondale hospitals was decided upon. CHARTER FLIGHInZ IGood Food" pit is Our First Aim 1 "ne 17 for Orders I To Take Out I: More Cafe Dibb Printing Co. The first Eddystone lighthouse near Plymouth in the English Channel was built in 1696. PHONE 234 UE8NER BLOCK iEAl ESTATE NSURANCE rCOME TAX iURNS PREPARED ON LAND OR SEA Fisherman or Lumberman PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STL'DIO 210 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 330 Prince CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography Q Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS ' For HA'ltS INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 QUEEH CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. E. M orrimcr A 70. Near CFPR) Rupert L. .IW1)M,M let the ACME CLOTHING outfif you in QUALITY WORK CLOTHES IT. MES! FRAMES! ' 111 and rhooso one il Christmas Photo. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John 8u!ger Ltd. Third Avenue ?m:tJtW, Kilias & Christopher Bidg. -nalc Mouldings DKYItACKS - WORKSIHRTS OILSKINS BOOTS OB GLOVES KlT.p.K at the ACME CLOTHING Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for over 33 years T A f RATHALL'S Air Freight on all Flights 1 h.o Finishing - Third Ave. W. guy "Listen, tona, if anybody needs glasses it's that who examined nie"