I I miuii'in I ... in I DIAL RADIO r r n n "Cheaper By the Dozen" Today 6:50-9 p. 6 Prince Rupert Daily News tJut unlay, January 6, 1951 :" i L I r K 1240 Kllocycl(s ' SUNDAY MIDNITE ONLY WATERFRONT - WHIFFS 4' 1,1 in Out goes the old year . . comes the new. And DAVID NIVEN JANE WYMAN In VIRGINIA MAYO GORDON MacRAE In J we JOY TO J THE 4 "KISS IN THE DARK' 'BACKFIRE" WURLD hope, with full sincerity that it brings nothing but health and happiness to 'you. . Jf1 Matinee Monday 4 p.m. A. i nnrTTi vaiiiw Evenings jm dPV.. I I IKI' M A Mi r-- 7 . 9 p.m. r r i T r r II ki ma (Subject to Change) SATUHDAV-KM. 4:30 Sports College 4:45 Memo from Lake Success 5:00 Music In Review 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 CBC News 6:05 NHL Hockey 7:30 Organ Recital 8:00 Whatcha' Know, Joe 8 30 Prairie Schooner 9:00 John Sturgess Baritone 9:15 Armdale Chorus 9:30 Living 1951 10:00 CBC NelWS 0:10 -CBC News 10:15 Trocadero Orch. 10:30 -Can You Top This? 11:00 Weather and Sign G.'t SUNDAY 8:30 Recital :0G BBC New& HOC Commentary 9:15 Music for Meditation 9:30 Harmony Harbor a: 59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Wav of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News Wallace Deportment Store Rupert Peoples Store H I vr. Mill M Fur Trading Active Now Herring: Fleet Back Christmas on the Prince George Big item on the waterfront this week has been Xur trading. Trappers from all up and down the coast have been bringing in a rich harvest of furs. .Chief item this year is mink which are being caught successfully for the first time in two years. Lasi year freezing weather and snow conditions made Ihem too difficult for most trap-, ' " pers to catch. - Probably the j $5,072. Both funds are built u; la.gct catch sold, to date is that by contributions by the fish com-of John Sheldon over 180 mink. ranic1 so much a ton in thj 3. Rupert Men's and Boys' Store ASSISTANT DEPUTY Mitchell W. Sharp, former economic adviser to Finance Minister Abbott, has been appointed assistant deputy trade minister. (CP PHOTO) ll IHEB3BI TO THE STABLE Local Soldier May Be Home einrr ' f iniifh wp surelv did j Marten are also bringing good j case 0f herring and one cent pjr I thp PYPiipnt fare. The Hovel Slory For Picture Shooting the Salmon Kapids Foiling the Fox After having prepared an ad-; prices this year, particularly theicase in the case of salmon. I afternoon was spent in reading vanced training camp for the dark marten. Otter and beav?r jg TRIP ON GEORGE 'and resting, and, of cour.se, United Nations troops from Can-' are gelling well but bringing in ; th Pitching more happy south- ada, in Southern Korea, three much lower prices compared with j Palatul To Canadian mUolnal wa o bouncl folk join the ship at hundred Canadian soldiers have "link and marten. The market, eav A completely original idea is the basis of a tender, heau Oldest rocks in the world arc 1 northern Quebec, Ontario K found in a belt runnning through 1 Manitoba. ' the Fall, had a chat with mg Kr ' ;av0, t.hP -npowp-on Milliner Barbeau of Prince Ku-i U:03-Ca?itol Report what I will call the 'Christmas pert who was journeying to Van--i u:30-Religous Period wa.ming story of "Come to tro ' returned to Fort Lewis in Wash-Stable," the picture which comes ! ington. It is not known if these to the Capitol Theatre here next include George Evans, who grew Monday to Wednesday. It is a up in Prince Rupert and whose lilm adaptation of the novel of j parents and fellow family mem-Clare Booth Luce. I bers are living here. The film centres around the I Trip South' is something that couver w autnu uic ui.5 12:00 N.y. pnnnarmonic oym e a i l- n ii'O Triple R i " I i 1. year than last. All type of transportation are being used to get the furs to market when sales are 'being held. Close to a sale date, air freight and express are used, but, when time is not so important, sea and rail trans- pnony uren will never be forgotten," writes one of her nepnews, jatis. m. rov Markenie of the Daily! gent, a former Hazelton youn i two nuns to perform an act of po tation are used, umei Dene- appreciation for their liberation , fit from the fur trade is that man. Jack is now a lawyer ui j Vancouver, and it so happens that he and I were very good chums during our high school days. ' "As far as food was concerned News staff. "Leaving Prince Rupert by ship is quite an event, but leaving on Thursday, December 21, just a few days before Christmas the fever seems to mount OR prmetimes humorous and sometimes pathetic probems that confront two penniless French nuns played by Loretta Young and ( rleste Holm who come to America with only a prayer and a promise to build a hospital for children. There is a basis in fact for the Friday evening's dinner was the ; from the Nazis in the last war. I those engaged in trapping have The story of their untiring of - j lots of money from a few hun-f orts to secure funds and land for j drert dollar to a few thousand the monastery makes a stirring 1 dollars at the seaon of the yew drama. jwhen employment in the city The cast also includes Hugh an(j strict !s at itsl lowest. Hud-Marlowe, Elsa Lanchester, Tho- son Rav, Fowlie and Ruttle an' for everyone, those that are sail ing and those that are aboard! highlight of the trip. It was then waiting for the call of 'All ashore who are going ashore,' and those .-tory in tne 'actual pledge of the mas Gomez anl Dorothy Patrick. Bill Scuby are active dealers here. that the 'Christmas' dinner was served. Greeted at the dining salon by Second Steward Walter Regan and given the best of table service by Steward Sullivan, better known to travellers who did not make It aboard ana are waiting on the dock to wish their friends and relatives a r 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 The Footlighters 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 John Fisher Reports 3:15 CBC News 3:20 Ask 'the Weatherman 3:27 Weatner Keport 3:30 Organ Recital 4:00 Winnipeg Concert Orch. 4:30 My Uncle Louis 5:00 Startlme 6:00 National Sunday Evening Hour 6:45 The Pour Gentlemen 7:00 CBC News 7 10 Weekend Review 7:20 Special Speaker 7:30 Little Symphonies 8:00 Stage 51 9:00 Chambei Music 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC New.s 10:15 Pioneer Transportation 10:30 Evening Song 11:00 Weather Sign Off MONDAY AM. 7:00 Musical Clocs 8: CO CBC News 'bon voyage.' i 1 The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phono 81 . . . . .ion the 'Georue as 'auny, we The boat house bought last year bv Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club from S. Mellor, io be used for a paint shop, has been moved this week from its temporary position on the west .j . ! i close to the purser's office and lei-' side of the clu 3 float to Its per- : that my cabin mate was a is no doubt that everyone aboard thoroughly enjoyed it. The early part of the evening was spent low from North Vancouver, one minerit, place on the cast side, in its old location, it rested on bnt-tom at low tide. At its new site it remains floating all the time. of the many electricians employ- j ed at the Cellulose plant at Port , Edward. His name was Tommy; Easton and, as we had both made our homes in the past In' Ncrth Vancouver and both ha;i , travelled at the government's' in digesting the dinner ana listening to the piano and the singing of Christmas songs and carols. It was at this sing-song that a C'4" shop steward from the Ceilulose plant, McArthur by I Vsilor in port this morning ir, the tanker Standard Service, Capt. Grant B'ewster, with petroleum products for Standard Cil Company. expense a few years previous, t'" --.... he to England and Italy and WS ad ikM- mvself to various parts of north-' "Later in the evening went n 1 recreation room Pi-n Australia we found a creat below to to the the tnd watched Don McDonald and START the New Year with a GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER with pump control 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 3:30 -Music for Monet ns 8.45 Little Concert 9:00 - BBC News & Comtj 9:15 Mcrnlng Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Sifnal deal, to talk about and think that we made the most of it. ,vWe had a yarn with Geoff Eack frr another crack, at the herring in these waters are thj crew of biats tied up in the district since herring fishing closed down after quotas were filed before Christina?. Many of the seiners and packers tied up here and their crews flew to thei'" Chief Engineer Les Wilson battle it out at table tennis. B0U1 are tops at this game but Les Wilson has the edge and is, I understand, the champion of the .shin and possibly the CN fleet. Hill, president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, and, just as the genial 'policeman' aboard, 10:00 Morning Visit a tall Scot by the name of Jack At any rale, they played three I0:15-The Barry Wood Show fast sets while I was quite con-1 10:30 Melody Time was hustling oil U13 Vancouver homes for the holiday. 1 McNicol straaelers. so that they could 10:45 "Robin Hood's Musical ' Kitchen'' 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air ri'K k -4 They, along with Columbia Cellulose Company employees, have taxed the capacities of Canadian Pacific Airlines to get them back for thp re-openinj of the season Sunday. ' 8 5 H raise the gangplank, in dashed my friends Don Tucker and Mike Holman, who shook hands, tossed a box of cigars at me. lone of which I am fmoking at the present time, the last one, by the way fellows), then they were 13 S15JK50 The st of herring for bait in ri;Mvi;iu;n the harbo" this week has brougnt, 'hustled oil oy tne same J:v.k tent to sit and watch and to study the outstanding cedar inlaid panels in the recreation roi.in. Mac and I then adjourned to his cabin and we talked Prince Rupert baseball, lacrosse and .stulf. Then back to my cabin and bunk. "After breakfast on Saturday, decided to have my hair cut and it was in the barber shop that I met David Wellingdon, one of the most interesting chaps that I have ever met. Dave is THE barber on the 'George' and he has been cutting hair aboard McNicol. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. about much speculation concerning the possibility of a large run in the harbor and. a good portion of the fleet working right Went down to watch them raise the plank and who shouli be the last man to climb aboard Phone 210 Stewart, Blf Prince Rupert the-e. In days gone by, tne nar- 1 but my old friend Don McDo:i-bor has produced as much as' ld baseball's famous Ditcher j- 11.15-Kound-up Time 11 : 30 Weatner Rt port 11:31 Message Ptrlod 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. 12:00 Mld-Cluy Meloaies 12:15 CBC News I2:2t Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Fa 'im Bdc.st. 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Musical Program v"" You and Your Vote 2:00 The Festive Season 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Ada McGeer 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Don Mcsser and His Islanders 3:30 Listeners Choice 'UTOPIA in WINTER A picture of snow covering the old snake fence and the little frozen creek Is one that evokes a touch of rostalgia during the holiday season In all but the most hardened cliy dweller. The scene, appropriately, is Utopia, near Barrie, Ontario. (CP PHOTO) 28,000 tons of herring in a single season. and first baseman. He was well lnoHoH witVi r,arrplc inri lnrkpVS ! deep-sea and coastal vessels for (two- of them) and was beins j over 40 years. Born in England wished on his happy way by that Union steamer Chilcotin. Cant. H. F. McLean, which arrived yes- tobacco mogul and outstanding and still carrying a pretty fair accent, he became a barber in his early youth. In the Old cateher and basketball player the Country he bartered at all gan. Herb, Mac and I all shook, famous watering places and at these resorts shaved and dressed the hair of many famous men, BAPTONE The Wonder Woll Pain $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. including a good, few of royal j terday afternoon from Vancou-I ve and waynoints enroute t3 Masset, had the following pas- -oRr7 riisembarkint here: G. R. Thompson, J. McKinnon, Mr.. I and Mrs. A. Simondsen, K. Wu-ptVi. O. .Teffery. A. Lechasseur, ' J. Gruener, T. Rosbotham, M -. and M -s. M. Martin and familv, R-b Williamson, C. Moen, A. G. I Thompson, R. F. Daver, .T. I Ringerland. J. B. Smith, J. V. j Notsrhc, Mrs. Little and child. R. I J. Weston, S. Jackson, B. Mc-' Lagan. E. Worthington, D. Gra-! ham, H. Antonsen. Canada's 1950 wheat crop is' estimated at 462 million bushels, j 68 million bushels above the av-j erage of the preceding ten years j but the 1950 crop grades arei lower in quality. ! hands and the 'George,' skip-j pered by Capt. Ernest Caldwell, was on its way. "Watcnea the lights of Rupert grow dim, then went back to the cabin and Tommy and I had a yarn and then went down for a spot of supper. What a sight greeted us! The whole ship was decorated for , the festive season, that is for sure, but the dining salon was really something . . . holly wreaths, boughs, gay streamers.. The only thing miss blood. Then Dave decided to bai ber at sea. Since that time he has touched, just about every port in the world, with the exception of 'the Australian ports, a country which he has never had the opportunity of visiting. It was just by accident that he missed sailing as a barber on the ill-fated Titanic. Dave is WFl FARE FUNDS one barber that I could listen FISHERMEN.. For complete overhaul of your High Speed Gasoline Engines, see Rupert Motors Ltd. We have the trained mechanics and specialized equipment to perform this work for you . . . efficiently and economically. ing, as far as I could see, was frl nl riav Tf vnil wis. .n mppt That the herring and salmon the mistletoe We tucked awayan oM genUemarii a schoiari a welfce funds are doing good work is pointed out in the annual a pretty good snack, met some keen student of human nature, Moving, Packinc, Crating Shipping ami General Cartage and Storage Complete, Relianle and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd . for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED of the other electricians from Watson Island and then we all went up to listen to a few of the fellows' pound the ivories of one of the many pianos aboard. Those that could play all had a go at it and it was then that I found that my friend, Tommy statements of both funds. Although just over a year old, th.? salmrn fund paid out in death benefits during the last season $5,000 to 11 beneficiaries. On 57 claims resulting from fire and i-.hinwreck, it Daid out $6,370. Claims from the northern dist a trooper from the First World War and an excellent barber and teller of interesting tales all rolled up in one, then have a haircut, or a visit with David Wellingdon. "I meant to mention earlier that, when we docked at West-view, the entire crew turned out to load and unload the freight so that we could make faster time in arriving at Vancouver. To avoid delay this spring when the rush is on. let us huve that 1 job now. Cor 2nd Est. 1 ri 0 and Park Avenues I'hiMHf fill ami f.8 Easton, was quite a pianist and rict have amounted to mo-e than $2,000. The somewhat older ! used to have his own band a lew herring welfare fund in the years back. Finally they were all 1949-50 season paid in death 1 played out and so to bed. Rupert Motors Limited J Prince Rupert Flo'ists Flowers for All Occasions 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 On 47 claims for fire and the next morning for breakfast; Vrw wc iarles. re do I think I'm going? Did you slop mc just to ask that," it paid out but, as we were in the first sit- shipwreck benefits, an wit: way uuwn wnicii was very mu'li appreciated by all con- j corned as many had not had -LONDIE Bedlam in Bed -ByCHIC YOUNG DUE TO YOUR CO-OPERATION an opportunity for Christmas shopping and naturally we we.o ail anxious to sec our relatives and friends. ' 3o as Tummy Easton, Don WHATS THF ' f N . j QUICKSAND ( RUN FOR YOUR ) I f X C CROCODiLES- MATTEP WITH DAGWOOD. WAKE UP YOU ? APE YOU RESTLESS ) WAk-E UP.' DAM CAN'T J , . trM. 1 Wf r TONIGHT V 1 McDonald ( and myself sat and j chattered in the forward upper J ionngc, the Lions Gate Bridge I came into view through the mist ar-d r.iin. (Yes, they get their t rharc of rain in Vancouver, too! I (2) viZ Siprtirtg this year, members' patronage refund will be applied toward their following year's premium. INSURANCE AT COST v -v ';z rr r ct V; jttv vii t.oo.n we were pullinp; in at the CNR dock, about fuur hours 1 tir ahead o. schedule, thank-s to C.ip. Caic'.well and all the crew. All the passengers were very ex cited, waving at fricr.c's and rei Pacific Coasf Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Co. VANCOUVER, B.C. 627 DENMAN STREET Phone TA. 4944 atives on the dock. Then I spotted my wife and two kiddies . . . "Gurblime, what a CluUtmas!"