fluiem MOCf ror cemetery. pallbearers were as- Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday. January 6, 1951 25 YEARS AGO JANUARY 6, 1926 . jp ,1 remioh Murphy jsociates at Miller Bay Hospital, I where deceased worked for the Ugh Mass for Jeremiah Joseph past (ew years They were Ar Ottawa Is Concerned Courage and Preparedness Lota I Junior Chamber Ex- hoi-ted by Regional President phy. wno passeu away janu- thur Cartwright. Henry John llSSWri" On. Alfred Blr stock, Ralph Olllles and George Blackwood on riJge By Eosley Blackwood Hon by Rpv. Fattier O P. Mo- - jfitprnU'ni waa1, in rairvirw macuunma. Willi a partial seuve, competitive bidding sometimes gets mighty ticklish. After Mr. Champion opem-d today's hand with one heart, Mr. Dale could not he .said to have a typical "book" overcall. But the old boy i.s not one to sit idly by while his opponents sneak out with a game. He took a chance on a bad FRLASER & PAYNE LADIES' COAT SPECIAL War or 'No War, Defence Costs Are Rounding OTTAWA A chilling fear of prospects in Asia and in Europe ' is spreading over Capital Hill. The temperature had been dropping for some weeks, took a fiiplVn.. ...1 - atonies returned from the .secret conference of North - I luntic powers In Brussels. It will be reflected In another very substantial Increase in an.1 acceleration of the Canadian defence program. The new appropriations may well be double the 1950 rate of s....... r ! r i Zfm4. "ITg fif 1 tB BORN JAN. 1, 1849 Mrs. Elizabeth Mclnnis of Perth, Ont., celebrated her 102nd birthday New Year's Day. She said life Is too good to her to think about dying. (CP PHOTO) FOR SATURDAY Mart AC I Mill! ,'iiuiiW .spending, or 50 above the ex-ipvent,d up Saturduy evening !;, iblu".m dollar,budeet for When Fraser S feet defeated M.r-951-52 that was projected prior Cymont Park 48 to 17. to the Korean defeat. Size of the appropriations may i Herrln? In selnine quantities opportunity were recommendvd ; last ntpht. in thp PrlnpA Rnnrr i Jllnlfir Chimlvi' nt Cnm m ..tv, e. ' as goals for 1951 by R. J. (Bob) Innes, regional president fo.' British Columbia. Mr. Innes said there was a growing security - mlndedness among people. Some people were even going so far as con- siderine deDendence a virtu" They thought they ould net I have to do anything about help-! ing themselves attain security. ; The srwifllfpr i1H man wr.c : iUim in thnnifi t.nA toitk itn 1 asked what It would be like to have a government make up tru minds of people and decide what they should have faith in. . "Security should be sought as !a ttvita, not as an escape, Mr nines saia. j-runcuiues in me are Inescapable. Courage In meeting them gives security, he said. things that were realized more j soum, ne continued, were, me construction of the Columbia ml 1 A lUiln i'ii'u vulture iwut 1 vn uiivi team of the city oil wagon received a bath of oil this mumln ; when the wanon buckled whi:e ! trying to back Into the narrow,; rough city hall lane, .spillin?. some of the 200 gallons of crude oil over them. , Ju.st as soon as it is possible to work in the sprint; a eon-1 j ,nl rat 'ir U'UI Yit innl'illpH flt ' ' Homestake Mining nod Develon- I nient Company. 10 YEARS AGO JANL'ARV fl, 191 1 The junior Basketball League flrf Vinlf nliv-rjff ff.ninc dt'tfl are wmortMl to have anneared in La-edo Sound. Mrs. Joseph Bll and rtnufht":-Marion, are leaving by this even- Ing's train on their return home to Usk After mvl"" spent the past week in the city. Right to vote In Canada's fed- eral elections is conferred on all British subjects 21 years of age or older who have resided In Canada for 12 months prior to polling day. heretofore planned. If this view prevails, it Is not expected that this will Involve Canada in any immediate manpower crisis. Also, It is not expected that new wartime emergency meas- Herring fishing has slowed t Mr- Innes said reallv import-down ant tnin8 were happening in " this week The lne rmiv mly ritch catcn , Northern British Columbia - furwii'ttirl en f. 4 c 1 Art tn t I Cel Gabardine, Trench Model All WooJ detachable lining" Sizes' 12, 14. 16, 18 53950 "M " JUU to"a night in Helmeken Inlet on j in the south, perhaps, than right Princess Royal Island in- the here where they were happen-central sub-district. Further de- inK- Among things noted in the ur "own or oim-.auy en- 1 dorsed until Mr. St. Laurent returns from Britain in mid-January. Behind this new enlarged expansion is: j 1. The Korean defeat. 2. Realization, now almost complete, that the Russians an; j prepared to risk all-out war. This is the appreciation of the events of the past three weeks ' I which was shown first in PreK 1 ident Triuman's "National Emer-j ; fiency" .speech, and more reecntly 'at secret discussions of the North Atlantic powers in Brussels. , Up until the Brussels meeting, j Canadian authorities were in- dined to question the wisdom of I the U.S. position. Present concensus suggests that Canada will decide that tht- present emergency Is so grave as to warrant a defence effort tails are not yet known. Scouts I in the northern sub-district arei ST, been found. They . h!!e!the have proposed Aluminum Com- -0 w the We COOSt, mining milling develop-'" UCVClop I fivo1 appar- ently left the area, where they ll;.r- were so cr. r,l.,t plentiful Wt, before Christ ... mas. Tanker Imperial Vancouver. Capt. T. R. Trotter, wtus in port this morning with petroleum products for Imperial Oil RASER PAYNE T i igreativ Dicker than anything ures will be required i r i f (tj . r. tt 1 i it i m -r rrn 1 i. tk. irV IF TMRtK CENTS ) i J J fet scgBQpy rr- jvA('00- I Bl LONDIE :fen F cwc young- w ran ij I I 9 M II 1 I itmpee cent? j Afe, JrjVrV.TV".!."" J I P I Hifuh .try- r7?i i?'. ;s when he bid one spade. But bad a the loss could have been, the change of its happening was remote, so Mr. Dale was riht ln mere. 8outh dealer, Neither .side vulnerable. North-South, 60 part-score. N.irlli s 9 I Mrs, kmt) i 8 K Q 5 H K W 5 3 I n I Hi C .1 9 3 weii r:st Mr. Inlr (Mr. Mtrr) 810 1762 K A 8 3 H 9 6 H J 4 D 7 fi 3 D A 8 4 2 J C A Q C 10 7 6 3 j Soul ll (Mr. 'himition S J H A Uj a 1 2 D K Q 5 C K 8 5 4 Ttw blddlliK: Soolll Vc-t 4irlll Kisl 1 H IS 2 H 2S Pass Pass 3 H All 1HHS Had Mr. Dale passed, Mr. Mas- WU'd haVe been abS'Utely fixed after ft. wr. Mrs. Keen V , made maH hur hT normal bid of two hearts. As it was, he was very glad to raise hi nnrr.npr's snarle hiri Mrs Keen was in a 'quandary concernlr)1. her spr,ond bjfl she suspected Mr. Dale might not be ab,e lo make twQ spa(,eg ftnd j sne WM rj?ht But ,t waj to0 , , d bl The -he COuld hope for by passing w.s 50 points. On the other hand tf her partner could somehow manage to make three hearts, the resulting game would be wrth over 400 points better .tnan g to 1 In favor of raising the hpart, once more. Well, nine tricks at hearts just weren't in the cards. Mr. Dale opened the six of spades and Mr. Masters won with the ace and returned the deuce of clubti. Hffi& i fw HU.'Uj.fVf WlpJI (general J SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. P.O. Box 928 Prince Kupert, B.C. AT. 222 SF.CO.l AVK. Phnrmncy ymk m&L. ment and Alaska statehood. "The ; i rest of British Columbia has its! eyes on this country." Mr. Innes spoke of Jaycees as; young men preparing them-! seves for opportunity. liiways aoiiieui.i.K uo.ic I always an opportunity to do something about It. he said. "There is your challenge, and tliere is your opportunity," he concluded. Guests at the meeting last night,were Mayor G. W. Rudder- ham, E. T. Applewhaite MP., L. M. Felsenthal, president of P ince Rupert. Chamber of Com- merce, and three prospective members, Kaith Dewitt, William Gordon and O W. (Slim I Charl ton. J. C. ACTIVITIES President Geoff Hill told th? meeting Future Citizens Day hart been a great success and added I there were oirtu ? available if i anyone wanted them. The pic tures were passed around after the meeting. He said it was about time the chamber got tn work on the clean-up, paint uo camt-aign and sutrfested th street marker p oiect be contin- iiort. Ho also called for those who might be able to make th; -ov'ncinl convention at Kam- loons In Aoril. Mavor Ruriderham 1,hank1 h" T1Vcres or their invitation to dinne- and added that he was 'niea'ed to meet the proviuciat -rr',',"nt He Mr inn0- rm'rim wre to. the point and went on tsny that neonle som?-t'lnes nskcrt tm mnfh from th?)r ovornmT'M. fo evor"lhln i-i-eri frr would rut taxes on:, rYivnrr.tt.t'-p man we'e a.'kpd to pet, the'r news in v Mindavsat the latp't for the TP. i' I iit '"n p o mwnH that n Jaycees ask the citv council to i keep pursuing the housln" ma'.- ih p orontnst fiHiPPico. The motion passed with no dls- The TYinttpr of noise npar the ! hospital was mentioned b Ar thur Williams. It was refe-tPI 'v, oi-t ffiiri pommiltpe fa- Inve''fatlnn and renort. In September of last year ordinary expenditures of federal government departments were f.O million higher than for the same month of 1949. T FINE PRINTING I t ... i feZL I i r b rz iti r err i rn Declarer played low and Mr. Dale won with the queen and followed with the ace. He then reached his partner's hand with the ace of diamonds and Mr. Masters led a third round of clubs, which Mr. Dale ruffed, That was all, but it was enough. Did you say Mr. Dale made only 50 points by his aggressive bidding tactics .' Don't yuu believe It! If he had not entered the bidding, the opponents would have played two hearts and made it, finishing out their game. Actually, Mr. Dale prevented his opponents from real izing a profit of over 400 points. Don't you think that is an accomplishment worth the taking of some risk? 0 Do you know you can now purchase to-dny's MBS IIDRM.f) to-day? 'KVS STAND Papers arr flywn In dully by CP. A. tailoring for Ladies and Gentlemen LING, the TAILOR 2!0 Sixth Bt Phone 849 Plumbing & Heating us: rv n ' 4m MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE PLUMBING FIXTURES PHONE 74 For Rcnair? and Alterations Smith Mlkins Lid. PO Box 271 FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors VANCOUVI VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Ciimosnn ALICE A KM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Caniosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH l'F.FN CIIARLOrrE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Dec. 22 and Jan. 19 and 31 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH QI F.EN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS sa. Chilcotin, Jan. 12 and 26 9 pm FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Thtrd Avenue Phone 568 1 1 " ; i f THIS LETTER O- " ANP TELL MV (.lifl. I yrv- IWYS Ht ON MS a, Ut nLsA ImmmJ I il m m i i vi a w j m - j-Si n . sill t t l f f Tr t i l , r I I II sVL v. V till M GMVS 'A I I-S,.- iflrt. ylw . I I V, ,TI TfM3 r-T I J 1 If I 1 f huh i u j i I ill! , i it m 1 1 i " I SOT THREE CENTS iSA. ONE LEMOl ANU I I ' A?,c Ak, ) E, JT JV V BtDROOM I I FO THIS LEnfR.C7? ftf-t ONE CHEPKV 1 V TMjS I FTTFR T lliT'NJ ,r crr II jm egal Printers i il Uk PIIONK 2! w ALLACE P H 0 WEEK N E 7 9 81X111 STREET t , . mm, , .1 I I I r MfelfV VOU I I ' I ,f IGWOOO, COME BACK.') j I (GeTkePT) a-.cS?fK I ft VJ-L CATCH coldJ I ; i i v v v tsvssss' I ii t-pv -:v III Jl I HOURSr ' - DAYS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. AND THIRD AVKNIE I: 1 It' . T7--7 V. . .. . . ,f "-T- ." . . 4 I I 1 I - 11 ' 1-14. II