rflri n emm in r.nv nt r iftin. ?.. . . . .. ... - . ? ' ""ii-as laies, oispiayeo oy orge tagis, hundred ik as . In 7H-y.ar-"ld vvtetan. It, w as j iCunn. ""'r Prince Rupert Daily News As 1 Sec It ""U'n fin - J Report from Parliament! Wednesday, October 31; 1951 ray.. Reflects and Reminisces By E. T. APPLE WHAITE, M P. MASTERLY ADDRESS An Ottawa district newspaper has unkindly siwested that the Debate i or Uirpe days after if1 . Kn independent daily newspaper devoted to. the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian "vess Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 0. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor; H". G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, sV? 4 3 LjfV 0i - l. $8 00; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $3.00. Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Minls- on the Address just results in speeches extolling dim churchin becomes prin p , . . Ite-" an entire Infantry di u tu I- constituencies, made bv dimmer members, inat eti- ordered to sue. somen ivision is may tainly could not be said of the masterly address made be spoiling for a flBht. but its, , . ,. not Churchill. ; by a Uritish Columbian, Jiaiph tampney, pumamt-n.,- ' ii. Tiff' XT.,ttj-.l T",i-Pj Election Contrasts GLASGOW. One very "striking difference in If ISN'T f OWM I WITAHY arv assistant u tne Minister oi 4vaunrfi i'unr, i Soon the parliamentary com There has been a g'eat deal of mit lee, appointed to study oper- Egypt and The Sudan NE of the strangest factors in the Middle Rritish and Canadian about lar!l of 1,110 l"atlni foree are being sent to Korea lor ati(ms of tn(, Canadian Bruad- on aeienre maivris urn n wr mux battle expenvne mm u:s ir- castinK Corporation snouia Be eiecuun n-juiu(Lifti is LiuiL at, th rtutements that the Prime c '.aced bv battle-expem nceu in its thought-provokini? deep !(f. mount has J Eastern situation is the Egyptian insistence 'tRe British provide far MinlstvM-hs made in the Hnure. mi,n frm Korea; the airborne pdiiitions.' A vast a - ., -r ..' .... i i 1 nt thn ninnv statement-? thnt. u.-i.niri.i Vina nnt heen K?nt out ; ..i v, ,.r., med by the on unity ot the Nile V alley on tneir demand lor ;fpwer voting facilities Brooke clBXt0 has made m the Canada, i just add to this "'lb ' h '-use, hi great detail, and at the .-kelchv summary on the delence recognition oi Egyptian sovereignty over ine ciuun. ithun we do. I On election day I stayed in When Princess Elizabeth Shaughnessy Hospital she ex- white papers that have been that the strength of our navy; tabled-th? last fession and has risen to lons'hly 12,000. ' brought up to date recently M,T riRFW'S ATTACK and the many, many hours that then' 'was fpme interest RuthrrRlen, a suburb of Glas the Howe spent on defi nee esti- artlv nartlzan. 1 admit-in tin mates. I think you will ORiee ,,., Mr Drew's attack on ithlt the Hntif.- ant! the country gow, because I was keenly in-I terestcd in the outcome there I where the Labor MP had a mar- gin of only 095 in 1950. About 44,000 prions vote there, that is, over SO per cent of those jel'.gibl?. Yet there were only j about twenty pallini? statiotn. i In a similar constituency, .say, the Department or National Defence was very similar to the i do not lack infoimation: How-eve.', information must be kept i up l- da'e ar.d Campney at-I tempted to select some figures in order to fdve a statement of fact which it seemed to him now discredited articles or a certain Mr. Ho -nick. Rilph Campney suggested that perhaps thev are both inspired by same superior medium acting through might be helpful in bringing the two mP(jia, the press and parlla- r.tuation up to date fur the ment. Jimmy Sinclair suggested . it mav be a pjri name Old campaigner that he is, George j members of ths House with regard to what is going on In Hi-' in Vancouver, Winnipig, To-rontun or Montreal, there would be at least 200 polling stations I ! j ANOTHER .sLriKing difference j I was that each candidate was I only allowed to use 30 cars on, r election day, and each car .-o j u.?ed had to be registered and I carry a visible licence to trans- j I port voters to the polls. ! The idea is to deprive the ill departments. While 111" figures j j,.t smlled and took it ol our aimed icrees. a growin oi in ,;o()ti part irom 41.3(1(1 10 over m.uuu m iwo and a half years, certainly form NKWFOrNIr.ANI)KR f I f W I ' 1.' V! T no basis for complacency, A private member from New-: foundland. L. T. Stick i Liberal accepted J. M. Macdonell's chul- i many more men are needvd, I believe they show, in a general way, continued and steady pro richer parties and candidates of I the advantage they used to have ! when they hired or otherwise j gress. This involve-:, among leng.- for a government supporter nepntnmnrlfltlnii in intervene In the foreign af- her thing secured great fleets of auto- and ,n that connection It might fairs debate, and he made, im-, mobiles. be of interest to you If I tell you ' pnimptu. one of the most - elo-! .. . , i that, in addition to the repair quent addresses I hav! heard.! Ab IN rt CANADA. the aihOUnt 1 . Jltl(,ninr r,t ovIvilriCT Hi! UtfllW VI! Tsl .1 m Is 3 f illllt- 1 that each candidate maY , ...,in,n,i.iinn ihn .nnrtriirtinii Inn faith Islam is on the march. .spenct on nis election campaign ; . flnn ,t - wrmmmt nnri unless we learnl to under is fixed by law. It works out at . atTa mind, shall , 0llart(.rs rost nf ap. sland lhe eastern we 10 to 12 cents per registered ifc,,:,.. - .,,, ,'. , -,.,,i in intemntii.nni voter according to nature hion cnttirnH tii.M- n ti rl nf thpcP II t InO sll I OS constituency. But I have the C 100 have been completed to T() r nAMltl K Support for the Egyptian claim among the Sudanese is small and becomes smaller. But what is strange is that the Egyptians themselves do not really want what they so insistently demand. For they know quite well that, if the Sudan were handed to them tomorrow, they could not, in fact, either govern it or maintain sovereignty over it. They cannot admit this in public; but they will freely admit it in private. Historically, Egypt and the Sudan have never, except for brief periods in their long history, been united. From time to time, from the second mil-lenjum B.C., the rulers of Egypt have invaded, and for a short time ruled over, the Nile Valley above the cataracts. But the union has never been permanent. The British policy has been that as rapidly as possible the Sudan shall become completely self-governing; and that self-government shall include the right to self-determination, the right to choose whether to be associated in some way with Egypt or to be entirely independent of her. The transition is already making rapid progress. There has been an elected legislature since 1948. The British policy for the Sudan has the general approval of the Sudanese. The Egyptian government may proclaim the unity of the Nile Valley. It may issue "decrees" about the government of the Sudan. It may order the dismissal of the Governor-General.. It may do all sorts of things. Their only effect will be to inflate Egyptian nationalism and to make more difficult any rational settlement of the other problems concerning Egypt and the "Western" powers. That indeed, one sometimes suspects, may be their real purpose. For Nahas Pasha and his colleagues know quite well that what they are demanding is a pure fantasy, which they themselves probably do not really desire. Over 45! UINSTON CHURCHILL is turning 77. On his VV seventieth anniversary he was leading Britain during the most critical stages of the worst war in all history. Today he is Prime Minister again, and we are being told forty-five is too old to hold even a picayune job. feeling they stick to the rules better here than we do in Canada where, despite the theoretical limit, the parties sometimes spend $10,000 or even $20,-000 to win key seats. aaie anct s.ovu are in various (,p COMMERCE ' stages of construction. And you . , . . , ' Next week I 'hall not be ab e cannot turn out trained, fighting , sailors, soldiers or airmen with- tf ST'"1 u onp hescHrepor a n 1 hree out having sound training plans. danln Qwbee. trying t r e p r e se n t which have been set up. In the Rupwt and Central BC. last two and a half yaars the f"n,le Here in Rutherglen the legal limit is about $2500. That's bare- !y enough to pay for rent of halls army has inched from ap- ; ""Z Com- It's nice, to know 40U can station ijour own'afML ...WITH THE HELP OF A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY Whi rctir-- age rolU oround, a man wanli to back ond tlo without a -r e w A Canadian Government Annuity con Mp. Hi ft. k- and no need to b a dependimt. Thsrj'i no medico! .nomination. Poym.nl) or. low wd, oint buy for future lecurily onywtwre. and for one or two pieces of ' 7 , , merce te- printed nrintorf iiUrQire literature. 1 000. Here I should like to correct , the leader leader of of the opposition ! Each candidate by law is allowed one free delivery of a when he stated, as he did. that , LIMITLESS SPACE While about 4,500 stars letter or message to every voter. Canada Ileldif vi.Mble to the naked eye the larg- THE LEGAt cetiing on election 'e explanation for not sending ; ?t q .copeij , ma, photograph hould you mi one, your contract won't lopw. Tour money It guoram9 Dy m Government of Canada and . . . YOU CAN'T OUTLIVE YOUR INCOME t Start your Canadian Government Annuity fodoy! PINO OUT HOW IITTII IT Will COST YOU expenditures, coupled with ongaue was v..,m v.hat Is the .soaring Drintine casts, has cut u,e P-"-r I I rrmmrnrinir Vnw 1l reason that we do not need a away down the number of bill- boards and display cards used trained airborne brigade at this :by the parties. The Conserva-: l,,m ' aJe uu'"c' " I ' lives used a few thousand post- j n'ber of trained men from this ers six feet wide and 10 feet thigh saying "It's Time for a manage their biggest meetings j Change." jmuch better than does Labor. I In England the bottom line I reads "Vute Conservative.". But ONE OTHER striking difference up here in Scotland they prefer1, here is how they count the to .say "Vole Unionist," and I votes. ; noticed that Mr. Churchill al-1 Instead of counting them on I ways carefully .said "Unionist," , the spot, as we do as soon as 1 never Conservative, much less voting ends In each polling sta- tKONTHiy MtlMIOM 'fO AN AHMUmf r 1 Jhe Of IOO A MONTH STAITINO AT j Th. Dir.clor. Canodion Gownmil Wn ' . AOI AS AOf M . D.partmif of labour, Ottawa. foog. ht Prince Kuoert Motel . A0I, MIN WOMIN MIN WOMt m woftio. omo om o.w- Cof fee Shop n ' "x nti.u . Annml tw blif,t m, 1KV,i,y al i t0)t. "JJ I 1SJ4 17 44 Jl Ot IS M ' will be Closed " 119 o 1101 1111 I t, M nom, " f ir an IndefinfC time 'a n 11.01 "mm.'i.m ,.. Mini pending " kitchen alterations - " 44 M4 "" , , I II UH nu 717 fJ.of I (Sisned. j "-'"' I - THE MANAGEMENT i 4 annuities branch ( Do , ,;ttn a, Prince Rupert Hotel' j DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR , und.rl(on( .i,.wlgi 1 Tory. j tion, they seal the boxes and Incidentally, there is no take them all to a central point odium to the term "Tory" here in each constituency. as there is in parts of North i They are all opened and America, due perhaps to ideas counted together. That means r. ' ' i carried down from the American that fewer than half the re- ; This ability is not affected by revolution of 1776.1 turns are known on . election j othe people's inability as such. i night as most districts do not i Another remark made in this THEY GO IN for a great many begin to count till nine o'clock LETTERBOX letter mentions that only a small public meetings in the Labor the morning after election. j Fiitnr Dailv News uiuuin. ui nuuw uicaac wao t.iinpaiu, aim Liiey snuLiie t t -r ' y Tcqu.-'ed t3 fence in these neg- squads of speakers from meet- ONCE ELECTED, an MP gets The statement made in a letter lected children. However, "Now jng to meeting. From what I about $3000 per year on which to the editor in Tuesday's paper, a Rupertite" does not seem to have seen of their campaign he must pay income tax. to the effect that about five p.T- take into coasideration the high management, I do not think There is, however, no penalty cent on.y, of the children of ;ost of the materials required they are any more efficient than for non-attendance as there is Prince Rupert were decently for the construction of such a man of our parties are in most in Canada wheie the MP's get dressed and cared for, shows fence. Fossibly becau.se she is parts of Canada docked $25 per day if they are either complete ignorance or waiting for her farmly and, The Tories, incidentally, stage- abwnt too often. poor eye-sight. Th3 neglect ot therefore, does not have to! - children by parents due to stretch hsr dollars to include ISMSSIZZZSMimL. mothers working or disinterest the fond anr) servirenhle cHtVi-i I ' " f . . . . .. ...... . . I In their welfar?. reflects only, on ing required by the predomin- ri('" """JP1VJ "" Z ""T". "'." iMKritth Columbia Distillery Co. Ltd. 1 M i V jf (Mri proudly presents a distinguished V selection of i.C. fine I''fw tne character of these same peo- antly healthy and well clothed pie, and not on Prince Rupert young children of our city, as a whole. Therefore it should , Or does she feel unable to not be necessary for "Naw a Ru- meet the challenge of parent-pert!t5" to leave the city to raise hood and fears that she herself her family. The care of such would fall into the same category children is the responsibility of as these few who raise children then- parents, and their health, in the manner which she has so xpress your taste in floori with.. m3k ri Canadian Whiskies and ' I - . ', y, ' kuuu ui uaiu. reiieeis uie aonny ciea.iy maicatea sne aepiores. i Of thpsp riflrpnt.s inirlvirinnllv I T.n PTrrT "RO" 'STVf ' 1 isspn )J "t "s tv . saw NATIONAL A " - . , Jim- Tfwtw.,-. f Jiy.s Jy-S5?-- - 'i " dfe.1 k a u u r VWIW 11A444I,SI fTl. ( rvnT)T mm week m 4fi 11 Jm, l-MUHI Li I !1 15 a i.,. , PI .B r ' I -r I rANUiiAN wmsB I I iJ.'w,3l I Ica-wyI' II J' II I tmMmmua to.to Uv j Hygienic Hard Wearing - Inexpensive - Easy to Insfbll and Maintdin. See it now ot --r- U5;J Ijgprr-'- Rupert Radio & Electric MHii The British Columbia Distillery Company Limited haj growing demand for its products boih at horn greatly increased its facilities over, the past few years world markets-an expansion program that kP I M:i'ill 1 1 1 M n Fi L i W ana n vum uP u SiUl.M io Keep pace with the rapidly with British Columbia growth and prosp' v McBride St. Phone 311 ( British 1 iwrvrniryuwnMW wmrf , This odvertisement it not published or disployed by the liquor Control Board or by the Governments :a-'-itiil"Bf4r-Mi-nr-1 m-rr