i m pnoyi' j PROVINCIAL LIBRARY, . H3 168 B. C. EAY 3152 VIXVILJ DRUGS . 1 j A JTAR V CABS ittrno dispatched i DAILY DELIVERY Phone 8,1 I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published of Canado's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' r' - 255 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1951 PRICE FiVli CENTS eneer Mil! Coming Here n. keenia M eplseir 1 oil IF a many nonors Long Mooted Project Now I'nder Active Investigation ' Plans for a veneer plant near the big Columbia Cellulose pulp mill at Prince Rupert have been Dealer Public Opening Of New Schools Sioux Excels In Gunnery Hon. W. T. Straith, minister of education, and Col. F. T. ABOARD CANADIAN DES-TSOYER SIOUX tt This Cana- Fairey, the deputy minister, are Princess Elizabeth Has Close Call at Montreal MONTREAL 0 An accident today came close to marring the last of the functions arranged for the royal tour of Mont. en', wh-.n a chunk of concrete crashed to the verandah tf Queen Mary veterans' hospital close to where Princess Elizabeth had been standing. The Princess had moved away about a. minute before. The concrete broke away from a parapet and came crashing to the ground. o.an cvstroyer Is showing Its unuer ""vestlgation during re- 1 . i, iv,, , I dinner party last night cent days by J. K. Hart or Canadian Legion dining Everett, Wash., an Industrialist 4i A Lindsay, president of wltn widespread business inter-f, Motors, was presented e.sts, who u behind the plans , a--iv wrvtee award as aimed at buying logs, not usable 4 licre for the B. F. Good- or pulp, and converting them r , The ptesentatlon was into veneer for plywoods b'lialf of the company Mr. Hart has been surveying f,'TUi. Vancouver, tei- ttie situation for some time 4i mui'.imvr. Present, be- Development of an integrated j,:,- Lindsay and Mr. Drew, forest industry in conjunction 1 Hunter. J. S. Lindsay with the pulp operation has ' Kr- k. The presentation been forecast for some time li e form of a handsome The veneer mill would be op-fi..led certificate. jerated by an independent cora- & pany. care in noval mmm In mn. I r."1. . -"'." ru" Applcwhaite Called to Japan to Aid Minister in Fish Negotiations OTTAWA (CP) Called back by Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent from Quebec where he had been attending the annual convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, E. T. Applewhaite, MP for Skeena, leaves tomorrow morning by air for Tokyo ' to join Hon. R. W. Mayhew, minister of fisheries, Sdin if? itwonSUKe! ; United Nations fleet in Korean ber fW?leri ' schooi board announces I In recent exercises, .u the Sioux c, that. th nn.mr. (,m,tim. ,i I debated the British carrier! be onen tn the nnhiic lc ) Glory, the British cruiser Belfast, i the Australian frigate Anzac and I her sister destroyer, the No Interference hopeful that there will be large turn-outs at both. First, King Edward Elementary School will be opened and later. Both Memorial School. The minister and deputy minister are arriving next Wednesday on the steamer Prince George from Victoria. rerrace Is headquarters for I the Columbia Cellulose logging I operations based on the first !forest management licence granted in B.C. and covering an area of approximately 00,000 ; acres ranged along the Skeena fficers lamed and others In negotiating a Cayuga in Exchange TOKYO Far Eastern naval headquarters said today the Canadian destroyer Cayuga and Freight Rates OTTAWA Transport Minister Chevrier yesterday rejected an opposition request that freight-rale increases be refused until Parliament has oassed legislation sjCOUVKR (CP)-Mr. Justice and Naas watersheds. Smith, in Admiralty ' Fortunes Won By Canadians VANCOUVER W Two Can I ' S.oux Gunner AB. Roy V. Well-burn of Ladner, B.C., was the iman behind the Bofors when ! Sioux shot down a radio-controlled miniature plane on its fouith run over the ship in a contest with the Belfast. The cruiser made six unsuccessful tries. In company with the carrier Glory and the Canadian destroyer Athabaskan, the Sioux's Bofors were first to shoot down a target being towed by a plane. In the third shoot with HMCS lisnerles agreement covering Pacific-conserved waters. The Prime Minister is of the opinion that Mr. Applewhait's services there would be sufficiently valuable to his district to justify him in absenting himself from Ottawa for approximately two weeks. a Communist battery exchanged ! providing for equalization of Roads Meet In Toronto Gov't Taking no Action on LPP a most 300 rounds Tuesday in a lurious duel off the Korean west Bnauy. oiamea one uuicer i Canadian Pacific steam-fraicr Kathleen and two f, ) the Canadian Na- steamer Prince Rupert sc collision August 30 of o ships in Chatham Sound Prince Rupert. j rates across Canada. He spoke before the Commons gave second reading approval In principle to the bill author can. l i The action blazed about twelve OTTAWA fc The growing CTTAWA No action will be miles southwest of ChinnamDO. izing Board of Transport Com taken against the Labor-Pro- Red gateway to the Communist I adians won a total of $206,000 when their horses ran first and second In the Combridgcshire Stakes at Newmarket. Top winner of $140,000 was Major E. F. Hersey of Camp Borden, Ontario. An unidentified Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, woman, won $56 000 for second place. missioners to establish uniform ?ri ln.tar.get i roads in good working condition gressive Party for what Opposi f uidee ordered the suspen- capital of Pyongyang. The Cayuga's four main bat te three months of the won Leader George Drew claim- shooting it down again on tS!U?J?n!5?n..l.e fc.aes of three officers J. second next pass. officer ol the G. Wilklns, second nrt I Rupert: F F. jtiiirct olfice cer of the Ru- ed was a villainous attack tenes poured more than 190 against the Prime Minister and rounds of fire on the Red shore the government in a pamphlet batteries before they were sll-which has been issued. . eneed. Mr. St. Laurent told Commons The Reds fired about 100 yesterday that no such action rounds of shells in reply. The would be taken even if it weie Cayuga suffered no damage or possible. In any case he did not casualties. li eight rat.'S, as far as possible, for all parts of Canada. j The bill' was referred to a 31-man, all-party committee for detailed stuly. , . j j Committee may hear represeh-! tations from the provinces, railways and other interested parties. j Chevrier said the royal com-j mission on transportation had said that there should be no in-1 terference with work of board tion which meets In Toronto . tomorrow and until the end of the week. Some 1,000 "delegates will attend the convention, including i highway officials, road builders, manufacturers, distributors and road users from every province. One of the major problems to j .ci P. T Harris, second of the Kathleen. !l 'jrrtship commended : V. E Kccles of the Prince ft .mH r.tnt ( O Hiiwhes Royalty at Washington wink the pamphlet had wide Guilty of Espionage Terrifying Weapons QUEBEC. The United Stated defence mobilizer, Charles- E. Wilson, said last night the United States Is now set for mass production "of weapons calculated to throw fear into the hearts of any would-be aggressor. Declaring that, within" two years, the allied arsenal will be skyscraper-high, WUson spoke before the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. "You are about to see production really pouring out," he said. "We have already reached a point where the strength we have acquired should cause the men in the Kremlin to pause long and thtrrk hard before they attack us or our partners In a free world." flTinrm Kathleen for the spread circulation i'y kept their night order i be discussed will be the effects of material shortages caused by i WASHINGTON. D.C. Princess of transport commissioners. t nnlk nit t- tu i - Elizabeth and Prince Philip have Peak civilian demands and the! Victim of Lost Mine l.iid the Piincc Rupert's officer failed to reduce B improperly sounded helm j m the fog and ifhprop-' jj'.ered course when f.i.'igtr should have been !?i;t. The officer also failed said, if railways could make out a case for an increase in freight latest he could not see why Increase should be denied. Communists Moderating New Hopes for Success Of Truce Negotiations ' In Korea to this national capital of the l0T defence. The provinces' road navy engineer, Ernest Hilding United States. building programs are being dis- Anderson, 42, pleaded guilty to- Met at the National airport I rupted and in some cases halted day to charges of spying against by President and Mrs. Truman, I Dv lack- of materials. Deputy Sweden and Britain for Soviet they drove through cheering ministers and chief engineers of Russia. crowds direct to Blair House I th province will hold a -' mpo- , Anderson, confessed Commu where they will be guests of the I slum on measures being taken nlst, testified in court he had a 'he mailer to the bridge. ift'ier details of the colll- NEW WESTMINSTER (CP) Albert . Gaspard, 60-year-old prospector, appears to have become the 21st victim of "Lost Creek Mine." - ' A five-day search made for a ."dencv can be found on been helping Russia since 1943 cniei executive during tneir stay, to meet tne problem. A reception by a committee of H. J. Sissons. newlv-aDDolntpd Col. William Meighen Dies j Washington correspondents this co-ordinator of materials and D. MUNSAN Communists today submitted a new proposal for a Korean ceas-a fire buffer zone, missing DrosDector bv Rnval arternoon was followed by din- C. Beam, head of the construc- to prepare for the possible invasion of Sweden. Sentence for espionage may range from four years to life imprisonment. Presldent and Mrs. tlon section of the steel division. almost the same as that de-; Canadian Mounted Police Con- "er wlcn erta Buffalo manded by the United Nations stable John Dowsett and a vet-! NEW WESTMINSTER. Col. iTuman. negotiators. Snow Burying Harvest Hopes CALGARY Six to fifteen in eran guicie, Stan Zcpesky, has wiinam Meignen, reurea waraen tiuw nicy win visit 1 ended in failure. ' of New Westminster Peniten- Mount Vernon to place a wreath fiaocr.VM,.. U a A th.n.,l. ticrn, mat Hoath tn a en t a ,i On the W3Shin Pt.nn t.OmH and le Slaughtered department of defence production, will explain the federal government's policy of material allotments and give the prospect for future supplies of scarce materials. The only important difference appeared to be the status of ?.e.., i I itp.r. r 1. . lunele wilderness north of Pltt'lar runaway car accident on will also go to Arlington National Cemetery for a similar ceremony ches of new snow which fell yesterday buried the hopes of many farmers of completing the har vest before spring. J.ARY S:x hundred head Thp Alllpt) nronosak would Lake 45 mlPS north of here, , Fourth Avenue hill here. "ft.io will slaughtered at takn al,l ,r,Zr! . , where Gaspard went into the The 73-year-old brother of the lde lrom ulPm" m. nd National Park near Bay country 10 months ago. former Prime Minister of Can- it n mid distributed across The sudden change in the Legend tells of an Indian I ada, Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, 4 during the holiday sea- Communist position has brought namec siumach finding a fabu- I either died of a heart attack as I 'ail price will be about a wav'J of optimism that the iolls mlne on a CTeek ined with-1 his car went out of control or as beef. There are now buffer question will soon be Rold more than 60 yearg agl) ihe was klled ln the crash . f iifulo in the park. The settled. Later 20 men vanished in aj liis car smashed into a sta- ' !Us outgrown grazing Allies have made no comment search for the creek. Gaspard ' tlon wagon and then careened In the north of the province lakes and rivers are freezing Clergymen Are Fined Canadians At Seoul SEOL Headquarters company, and a further rifle company of the First Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry reached this Korean port today. After a brief reconditioning at cne tomo oi tne unknown soi-dier. A reception at the Canadian embassy will be followed by luncheon privately with President and Mrs. Truman. Then there will be a reception at the United Kingdom embassy. In the evening Their Royal Highnesses will be dinner hosts for President and Mrs. Truman at the Canadian embassy. After a morning of sightseeing, the royal couple will leave Friday by plane 6n their return over and boats and barkes are rushing to complete final voyages before going Into winter quarters. on the new proposal. I brings the toll now to 21. Into a store. No one was Injured. GRAIN ROLLS HERE AGAIN CHILLIWACK Four Chilll-wack clergymen yesterday were fined $20 and costs for refusal to pay poll tax. The four two Roman Catholic F. M. Dockrill, well-known Telkwa coal mine operator, arrived in the city on last night's train from the interior and will course, the newly arrived Cana- I sa.u tomorrow and two Protestant clergymen night on the c'aimed they held no property In j dians will join the elements of Prince George for a vacation trip to Vancouver and '.man Alex Munro their own name and were not the First Patricia's battalion. ' ' ' " " 'i cen watching the fading o'f northern subjovt to $20 annual poll tax. The city claimed they were responsible as custodians of pro- to Montreal. GLITTERING DINNER 1 Last night at the Windsor Hotel ln Montreal, Mayor Cam-ielien Houde was host at a glittering dinner which was attended by 1100 persons and overflowed Into several dining rooms and even the lobby. .Leather i perty church property in which Slain by ferta wheat from one he first carloads to fve during the past I days at the local they lived and worked. Judgment will be appealed. Those fined were: Father Gordon McKinnon and Terrorist Synopsis Polar air is still flowing into .he British Columbia .interior and is also moving through coastal Inlets on to most sections of the coast. An active Pacific ator. his assistant Father Christopher Veremeoulin, St. Mary's Roman! Crooner Divorced Catholic Church. , I SAIGON. Jean de Raymond, Rev. J. C Clarke. St. Thomas French commissioner for Cam-Anglican Church. Dr. Geoffrey hodia, was stabbed and bludg- Glover, United Church. storm drifting slowly toward the coast will push this polar air off the north coast during the next 24 hours but present indications . are that the storm will not be of ! sufficient, intensity to move the i eoned to death in his bedroom at Pnompenh by a Viet Nam assassin posing as a servant. This was announced today. SANTA MONICA. Nancy Sinatra won a divorce from her Hilary V. Bilow, formerly in business in Vancouver, recently arrived In Prince Rupert, soon to be followed by his family. Mr. Bilow will shortly open a cafe business on Third Avenue. Police say the assassin was a cold air from any other region, member of the Communist-di-1 Overnight temperatu-es f-11 rected Viet Nam. He Is ln a wpii hew fi-oiine in tho intr. terrorist cell.. j ior and to freezing over much of the coast. This condition lscx-Ipected to be repeated again to crooning husband without any mention of his travelling companion, Ava Gardner. In fact, the darkhaired wife and mother cstified Sinatra explained his prolonged absences from home with the old alibi: "I was out! with the boys." Mrs. Sinatra j gets a property settlement and ( custody of three children ' Nancy, 11; Frank, 7, and Chris-' Una, 3. I TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. I). 4lilton Co. Ltd.l. VANCOUVER God's Lake rlardrcck ... Ilarricana :.. Heva .38 14 08 13 n night. , ct'rnne winds will persist over most of the coast as the polar air from the east and the Pacific air from the west meet in coastal waters. Forecast GALE WARNING North coast region Gala warning issued cloudy today and Thursday. Occasional light rain. A little milder tonight. Winds southeast to east (40 in exposed waters and mainland inlets today and tonight, otherwise fouth (20i. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, 42 and 50: Sandspit 45 and 52; Prince Rupert, 42 and 50. Murder Charge After Assault At Burns Lake Wheat cars standing on the tracks at the elevator waiting to be unloaded. i i i i . i -.., i " rtil'' .1 't ; I i , kMlM !' '- "-v ' ' iS.it ' ''" ' .'.'i.ruj,-- . is i ir,' " -I Oils-Anglo Canadian 7.55 A P Con 43 Calmont 1.55 C & E 13.50 Home Oil 17.00 Mercury 22 Okalta 2.71 Pacific Pete 10 00 Royal Canadian 15 TORONTO Athona 10 Aumaque 28 Beattle 29 Bevcourt 59 Buffalo Canadian 22 Consol. Smelters 175.50 Conwest 3.65 Donalda 372 Eldona 19 East Sullivan 10.00 Giant YeUowknife 11.00 BURNS LAKE Inquest will be Jacknife 07 Vz Jchet Quebec 45 Little Long Lac 81 Vi Lvnx 13 Madscn Red Lake 2.15 MrKenzie Red Lake 47 McLed Cockshutt 2.80 Moneta 35 li Negus 72 Noranda 82.50 Louvicourt 42 Pickle Crow 1.78 San Antonio 2.50 Senator Rouyn 17 Sherrit Gordon .: 3 80 Steep Rock 1.15 Silver Miller 1.38 Upper Canada 1.65 Golden Manltou 7.35 -TIDES - held at Edmonton, where he died at the end of the week, into the death of Pete Nelson, victim of an alleged assault here which ! necessitated his being removed to the hospital at the Alberta j capital. Jack Berry of Burns Lake, arrested at Vernon, has 1 been charged with murder. 1 In WHEAT continues steadily at the Prince Rupert elevator following its recent recacti- I t to u handle the glut of prairie wheat from the current bumper crop. So far some thirty carloads Thursday, November 1. 1951 High -. ..vjucu ui ine iucui riuuse. nuni sia. iu .u amp muy lc ncrc uuriny me coming Winter TO 2:15 14:00 7:57 20. -io 20.1 feet 230 feet 6.5 feet 1.9 feel, Low cargoes for the Orient. The first ship is due in November. i J