Prince Kupert Daily New Saturday, June 9, 1951 ill kz r-' ' THE MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES OF 1 LJ I 1 i : -J;r ; ' I ' i 1 ' . i , JO VI? S i S i L J oMpany liaaite Cordially Invite You to Visit the Mill HU DAY AFTERN Jl TO " S JUKI FROKft 21st ....'V 6 Wo regret that CHILDREN Under the Age of 16 CAN NOT be Admitted. o It would help us make proper arrangements for this open house if you would do us the courtesy ol writing PO Box 1000 if you plan to attend. O - :; i , i. in I: " - .-W.J ' . 13 twM RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles Nominate For Queen CFPR :30 Dancing Party-NBC ;00 Weather Report and Fish arrivals SUNDAY A.M. : 30 Recital :00 BBC News and Comty : 15 Music for Meditation TARGET FOR YOUTH GALT, Ont. (CP) The beautiful new ornamental fountain had only been installed two days in Soper Park when colored plates over its lights were found smashed. Police believe children were throwing stones into the :00 National Sunday Evening Hour 4:45 The Four Gentlemen 5:00 Whispering Strings 5:30 Little Symphonies 6:00 Trans-Canada Theatre 7:00 CBC Nvws 7:10 Week-end Review (Subject to Change) 8 9 9 9 9 30 Harmony Harbour 59 Time Signal :00 B.C. Gardener- 10 7:20- Special Speaker 7:30 Concerto 8:00 Overture, Please 1 : 15 Just Mary 10 10 8:30 Lintrer Awhile 9:00 This Week's Composrr S: 30 Music by Handel 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Servants of the Queen PER DAY $400,000 . . . Every working day last year the Sun Life paid out an average of nearly $400,000 to policyholders and beneficiaries. In many canee the insurance check represented the only funds available at a time of dire need.. Are your dependents similarly protected? A candidate for "Queen of the North" will soon be chosen, Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary decided at their meeting Thursday night. j Mrs. J. S. Black, visiting outlying districts in her capacity as president of the B.C. command, gave her report and Mrs. W. Rothwell reported on the card parties for the year. It was decided to postpone the day of tlw next tea to co-operate with the IODE at their request. A fashion parade will be held In the fall, members decided. The raffle of an apron was won by Mrs. Montgomery after which relre?hments were served. 11 11 11 12 1 . SATURDAY "P.M. :00 Mattl Holll Oreh. :30 Sports College : 45 Memo from Lake Success i:00 CBC News 1:05 CBC Sports Page i:30 Saturday Maeazine t;00 Prairie schooner f:30 Let's Square Dauce 1:00 Kaien Islanders Local Talent 1:30 Piano Playhouse ):00 John Ktuigess ):15 Armdale Chorus :30 Concert of Europe ):00-CBC News ) : 1 0 CBC News 0:15 Tiocaclero Orcn '-' s 30 Way of the Spirit :00 CBC News :03 Capitol Report ;30 Religious Period SUNDAY P.M. :00 Your Invitation to Music : 30 Church of the Air :0l Music I Like : 30 Critically Speaking : 00 John Fisher Reports : 15 CBC News : 20 Ask the Weatherman : 27 Weather Report :30 My Uncle Louis 10:30 Vesper Hour 11:00 Weather Report and Sisn Off MONDAY A.M. I 2 JOHN T. FOWLE dnx 855 Phone Black 837 v 7.0 00 Musical Clock 8: 3 3 3 3 ,3 ROCK BOTTOM PRICES 1 Only 15' Aluminum Canoe 1 Only Gallons of Preserve for waterproofing canvas, etc. Gallon 95c 8 Only Quarts Enamel Point. Color Wild Rose Quart $1.50 15 Only Gallons Enamel Point ... Gallon $5.95 'Culms: 4 Moroccan Tan; 5 Peacock Green; 1 UiiUL'H Buff; 5 Wild Rose I 4 Only Gallons Marine Soar Varnish, at Gallon $5.95 5 Only Gollons 4-Hour Vornish ... Gallon $5.95 Only Gallons Semi-Gloss Point. Color Light Cream Gallon $5.95 1 0n!y Standard Men's Bicycle $55.00 2 Only Ladies' Standard Bicycles, Each $55.00 All prices F.O.B. Port Simpson Orders filled by telegraph, phone or letter ijuiunnui lay (Eiimpamj lNCOUPOHATED 2nd MAY 1(170 PORT SIMPSON. B.C. 130 00 CBC News . 10 Here's Bill Good SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA 15 Morning Song 8:1 8:1 8:3 8:4 3fl Morning Devotions 45 Little Conceit 9: 00 BBC News and Cmty 0 15 Music for Moderns 30 Sunrise Serenade 45 Your Music Appointment 9: 9: 59 Time Signal 00 Morning Visit 10: 10: 10: 15 "Barry Wood Show One Man Pioneer POWER CHAIN SAW A del iixe model at no extra cost. Leading the field with Multiport Engine ' Trigger Swivel Blade . Automatic Rewind Starter Weighs, only 28 lbs. less JXsff 30 This Week's Artist 10: 45 Invitation to the Waltz 11: 00 Man and His Music S7 WITH :15 Roundup Time 11: 11: : 30 Weather Report :31 Message Report :33-Rec. Interval :45 Scandinavian Melodies 11: 11: il: fU. cutting attachments MONDAY P.M. 12: 00 -Mid-Day Melodies 12: : 15 CBC News 13: 12: 25 Program Resume 30 B.C. Farm Bdct. 12: :55 Rec. Int. MX 00 The Concert Hour 1: 2: 2: :00 Easy Listening :90 Records at Random COLD n STORAGE 2: There Is no excess :45 Our Singing Children- Corn ty. weight on the PIONEER. It 3: 00 Tire Music Box goes into action trimmed to 3: 15- Don Messer and His Islanders . bare cutting essentials. Handles 974 one easily and carries through the wood 2 CLEAN AND FIRM voiik ait exfcia uncle (kmA cf SATIN SMOOTH GENUINE CORK with remarkable ease. Suppl ied with bar and chain 1 4" 1 8" 24" 30" "A Power snvr that has been proved by time as one of THE saws of today." Free Pick Up Service While in Storage Have Your Coat PAIRED . CLEANED - GLAZED ; Radiophone ! Interference 1 Radio committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has been asked to go Into the matter of interference on regular radio reception caused by.t'ae , operation of ship to shore ra-; diotelephones. Complaint was made . at the meeting of the Chamber this week that this i radiotelephone communication ' sometimes drowned out the news and other broadcasts. Fill In and mail for full particulars: Name Address SEE IT ! TRY IT ! -K,. r "OLLANDERIZED BILL SCUBY FURS 1 Dealer: RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. Distributor: Pl'RVES E. RITCHIE Si SON LTD, 658 Hornby St., Vancouver, B.C. ri