mate reason to fear that Amer- that lrnnf, In Korea every nr,,. k ican army intervention Prince Rupert Daily News nluht merelv be the forerunner -,. ... . lte f" As Si Set for the reestablish ment of vices tend 9ny sr Saturday, February 3, 1951 Chiang Kai-sheks army on the very border of the industrial heart of the new China LORD 8Tsiio In American idiom Word .. ...' Manchuria he might have said the Yanks can to get Cailt Saturday Sermon n Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia, lember of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' r -' Ult f,i , Chiang and Co. "fiameniarv u ono pd that he te,, Py ELMORE PHILPOTT n.-ricT, Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, ;cisely how he proposed to stop 10 ' coiia. the spread of the war in or from ln 11 but hari Koren He answered: Put our shoulder, r. . v 0. By Mall, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 DIRECTORY Servlcw In all rhurchn at It in i i-.Att p.m.: SiiiuIh School at 1:15 evc?t as shown. ANGLICAN CAT11K1IKAL 4th Ave. w nt Dunsnuur tit. Hoiv rommtininn R 30 am Bunday School 2:00 p.m. Canon Basil S Prorkler. 3 A.. B D. Hector: (Blue r,J) MKUT BAPTIST 6th Ave E. t Yotlnir Pt MltiUt: Rev Pred Antrohua (Orero 81) FIRST l'KKiBYTKKIAN 4th AvrniM Fast Rev. E. A. Wright. D D. (Clreen 982) INTERVIEW WITH LORD STAN SO ATE , Published every afternoon except Sunday by 1 Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert j 1. Recognize the Communist f eelmTiX' 1 HOPE (Bv Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter, St. Andrew's Cathedra! i "We are saved by hope," writes Saint Paul. But the modern world has sought to substitute the doctrine of optimism for the doctrine of hope. Optimism means that we believe in ourselves and it has flourished under an economic theory which implied that, iif we were all equally selfish and equally aquisitive, and persistently try to Ulk lhe helrt 0f llr This U the BWond of wo rt,-IcIm covering Elmore Phllpotta interview with Viscount BtanJ-iSate noted British lbor peer chairman of the World Interparliamentary Union. filings uuv. nu .-.i.vv w... ... uui parliamrnUrian jwith it one Inch more than nec- Uke the British luxn ... Mary- hfll newr a? : the result would be that every-1 THE FIRST question 1 ;tain-mlnded in our own think- a bonny tZ asked Lord StansRate i m. for to do so i -u ptay the once as , lhf A anrcu n ' Keep alive (Moscow Ratne." every . iL 1" .. i J till. ... ,. the whole uni- body would be prosperous. Toouyj construction of people are not nearly so sure that ; erse lUDOUt mi 1 eut- c " iposKiuie irienaiy contact wiui The miIimu wrote mat no-((,ina movement was: ilhe nd KmmmU in flow of mmtiK this is true and a omic theory has been adopter! ' " 1 "WV HTl Uft M, of body ever Invents eletrleity tint .i- . . :i .... .a a it rifit ;TnrTfn - , . .. i which desuairs of any kimi it was rjiscoverrd. Certain pow by the Cunimuni.sU?" The merry I aim Coll On . . . whirh would perform greatj ',.WmI1 rftiiv vu know, that salvation unless . we are very rigidly controlled and regimented. That is pessismlsm. Tire doctrine of Hope means that we have ceased to believe in ourselves. We no longer believe FIRST I'NITFIl 616 6th Ave West ht-v. 1.. O. Sl'tT Green 813) tl U. iOf-l'fcl. l'AHI.RNAI'LE 202 Cta Ave. West Pastnr : C. Pawc-tt 8ervlcra 1 1 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunday School 13 16. (Green 3311 SALVATION ARMY Prnwr fitiaet CO.! Capt. W. Pou;Un ' Curectory Clnsa 2 SO p m Sunday Sciiool 8-00 pro (Black 20B) T. Tl I 'S M'THMMS 6th Ave. at MrBrhle St. Pastor: 8 6ollnd (Black CIO! things for us U we would employ RWi ofwMtm des not have them ln the direction whirti'he Bame fltrl of baring here they travel. If you adjust yotii ' lnat u might have In purti ol lif life amtrfllnv aCCOlHlllK L(k lO lIip Ulew,.,.,,, rwiu.'rt I.. . .... GREER & BRIDD that , or Blther r-lpver en.u Eh' Amprlra or good enough to achieve hstiyi'J helpx-d Immeanur-i How(,V(,r ,,t. ukl eo on at i Ill'll.ltt.KH AMI t O.VTRA(TUR!t w n. ah T .1 p..:ij- i tic nn 7v vi wuuuing ana KCm , is best for us and everybody Us " b""'b '" jrnRhth to the Peace Council, i but we do believe that there ls So it it with ths things of UK'iwnen jS 8n old and ullra-mo;!-i - Ruler and Saviour who can and j 8pirit. There is iui)e bolh in the ,.rn British affair. People of all' j does bring to pass that which Is present world and In Eternily larties felt, ' lie said, that we I good, even though It is totally) ln the direction which the Blvs- ttre' "being caught up on the' beyond our riwerving. We belicej sed Trinity travels, it is Ood that ' a.'.sembly-line belt that was i that our Ruler and Saviour ccV Rules and OikI t.'at Wins. There '.-arrvinc us stralgi-t to world Phone Black 367 KG. Box 721 Prince R4. ST. PETLR'S ANfil.lOAM r-ai Cova Sunday fichor.: 11:00 a m. Evening prayer 'i -W p.m. fBiu xn bring to fruition nur slight goo'l- is every ground for Hope when war. Somethlnj; had to be done.) ness and overrule our manifold we are on His side, and certainly he and many others felt, to gel I rqriness. And In the strength of no need tu despair of Uie created : ine peuple off that belt, j this we can carry on and try to world, for we have Uie teslimor.y Looking at the world as a I do it His way because we are in Jesus Our Lord that He lows whole, said this old Labor party sure that His way is basic to the the world which He has created, veteran who began political life FLASH KHil l-AK BAPTIST 629 6th Ave F. Blue 803 Pastor: Krv. I.eonnnl A. Tliorp' Week End Special 1947 PLYMOUTH it Passenger) CLUE In excellent condition. Driven only 26,6: First United Church C30 Sixth Avtnue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sieber Reason For Census ninth decennial census of Canada in June THE this year is based on fundamental legal requirements dating from Confederation. Under the British North America Act, 1867, it was enacted that, after the completion of the census of 1871 ana of each subsequent decennial census, Parliamentary representation of the provinces should be readjusted subject to certain rules. The chief of these rules was that the province of Quebec should have a fixed number of members (G5) and that the representation of other provinces in the House of Commons should bear the same proportion to the population of the province as the number 65 bears to the population of the province of Quebec. ! In 1946 the section of the British North America Act covering this regulation was repealed and a new section substituted, as follows: i "The number of Members of the House of Commons snail be 255 and the representation of the provinces there- ' in shall forthwith upon the coming into force of this section, and thereafter on the completion of each decennial census, be readjusted . . . according to the following rules la sub.iest as hereinafter provided, there shall be ', assigned to each of the provinces the number of members i computed by dividing the total population of the provinces by 254 and by dividing the population of each province by the quotient so obtained . . ." 1 This new section thus did away with the former provision in the act by which the province of Quebec was given a fixed representation for determining the quotient upon which representation in other Provinces could be calculated. Accordingly, the membership of the House of Commons was increased from 245 to 255 (including one member from the Yukon). Representation of the province of Quebec was Increased by the 1947 readjustment from 65 to 73 members, that of Ontario from 82 to 83, Nova Scotia from 12 to 13, and British Columbia from 16 to 18. Manitoba and Saskatchewan each lost one seat, the new representation of the former being 16 and of the latter 20 members.' Representation of the remaining three provinces was unchanged, viz., New Brunswick, 10; Prince Edward Island, four; and Alberta, 17j Severn seats were given to Newfoundland on its entry into Confederation at midnight on March 31, 1949, raising the total membership in the House of Commons to 262. Since 1941. there have been some substantial shifts in population as between provinces and further changes are likely to take place in provincial as a Gladstone radical, the people were caught In a sort of gigantic nut-cracker. One jaw of this nut-cracker was Russian and Communist aggressiveness but the other Jaw was American over-impulsive and short-sighted reaction. He did not hlmse.I use the old saw about which came first, the chicken or the egg. Eut he node it very plain that he was not convinced that the dangerous American es came from the Husslan-expansinn chicken or vice versa. The fact was that the vast majority or the human family wants peace, but that unwise actions and attitudes on iiOTIl sides of the Iron Curtain are carrying Uie people not toward peace but to $1 S RUPERT MOTORS I k 7 ! 11:00 a.m.: Morning Worship with Sermon and Children's ' Story. ! Anthem: 'Arotiifd the Throne ol Ood" 'i 7:30 p.m.: Evening Worship with ! Sermon . 1 j Anthem: "Rjpjgicfe hi the Lord" j EVERYONE IS INVITED j -TO COME SUNDAY SCHOOLS: At First ; United ail at 12:15: at Conrad i United Hal' alt at 1 p.m. I'hotif , 2nd Ave. and Isl St. Broadway (j ! ' A universally catastrophic war. ooo LORD ETANSOATE First Presbyterian Church I that the British Commonw should take a much more live stand on the side He made it very clear t i ; rincsit ........ 1 9J. if Hours: 7 1; cor take home orders Phone was not suggesting -appeast;- ment" m the bad (sinse Munich' j sense of that niuch-perverte 1 1 word. He agreed with me lliatj loyal members of the UN had no alternetive- but to and I resist the aggressive attack against South Korea. The flues-1 tion was 'how to du so, to limit: evil. I Incidentally, there was one SEA VIGIL LS. Rouert Robertson of Swirt Current, Sask., stands watch at the controls of this now-covered 40-mm. anti-aircraft gun aboard the Canadian destroyer Cayuga. This Canadian Navy photo was taken while the destroyer's crew was at action stations on a patrol of fthe west coit of Korea. iCP PHOTO 1 Jinc printing of egal Printe 231 Fourth Ave. East Minister: Rev. E. A. Wright. D.D. E. J. Smith, 222 Sew Phone 24 representation in the House of Commons in the next redistribution of seats following the. 1951 census. Organists:. Mis. John Currie. aside In Lord Stangate's remarks which more than ever convinced me of his scrupulous sense cf British fair play. He had visited i the Chiang Kai-sheks personally ; years ago. He respected them i then and does now, as persons. But the plain fact is that the. unilateral American proclama-. tion of "protection" of Formosa and Chiang had given the present government of China legit i- Prince Kuix rt E. S. Espley and L. J. Thorn-dick, Victoria; J. Nolman, Vancouver; W. Hanson and Lt. R. Fee, Ottawa; J. G. Je vis, Vancouver; 1. T. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. -Brennan, Watson Island, Mrs. W. Woodward, EinitlH-s. fnc Herat Sunday, February 4, 1951 Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Sunday School 12:15 Keni..e Service 73d "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep it Holy!"-" Ve extend a cordial invitation to visitors to worship with us. January Building Building permits for January this year totalled J8,13 as compared with $11,700 in the fame month last year. Major permit for this January was a $4,000 item for a residence repair on Fourth Avenue East by Mitchell & Currie for P. LeRoss. .There were fourteen permits during the month. They were: P. LeRoss, repairs, Fourth Avenue bast, $4,t0U. H. A. Newson, cement bapine:it 1315 Sixth Avenue East, S400. E. Pettenuzzo, foundation, 72ti Fulton $300. Mrs. Lillian Doane sills a:ul Space Maker REFRIGERATO Marine Pilot Log Scale Is Away Higher Manufactured by Wood Frccmon - Tocoma, Wash. T .ne Rpnlinff In PrinA Riinprt I Available in 6 REFRIGERATOR MOST WOMEN WANT M0S1 $429-00 " NOW ON DISPLAY AT 12-32- 110 Volt' Pancake Day OLD and yet ever new that is the story of the pancake f History tells us it is one of the oldest foods known to man. In some communities, primarily those stemming from English background, the pancake has even been honored by a special holiday. This holiday, known as Pancake Day, is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday just before the beginning of Lent. Ever growing in popularity, the celebration began as a religious observance at least GOO years ago. The pancakes were mixed according to a formula prescribed by the church and when the church bell tolled it was time to prepare them. Then the people all hurried off to church to be "shriven" or absolved of their sins. x This ancient custom was gradually replaced by merrymaking and the tolling of the bell touched off a gay celebration. Today in many Canadian, African and American communities the observance is still the same, with contests and games and pancakes as king! forestry district this January . , exceeded the same month last' .N.e ?lt alterations. year by two-and-a-half times.,0? " . The scale this January was' V.Z'., ;i 2C 184,882 board feet compared 1 A ' r ' with 8 881.409 board feet in Jan- AUjn Avenu $m uary 1950. Every single variety, , nr.. ...., nnri ,,.. showed substantial Increase. 1 Fifth nrt nrn taoo " Northern B.C. Powell The scale per varieties this n 'nahiA fnnnrfaiiAn n-i.- January and last was as follows: All models except. 6-volt supplied with "Dynamotor" eliminating "B" and "C" Batteries. THE MOST POPULAR AND DEPENDABLE PILOT ON THE WEST COAST Price -$36000(: ) B.C. DISTRIBUTORS BROOKSBANK Marine Sales and Service 42-44 ARGVLE ST. PORT ALBERNI, B.C. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET H Phone 210 Prince Rupert 1951 1950 Bd. Feet Bd. Feet Fir 661,061,712 85.4C4 1545 Sixth East, $475. G. R. Shenton, re-roofing, 1058 Atlin, $340. Mrs. B. Sylvester, foundation repairs, 812 Second Avenue, $100. J. P. Mac.Donald glassing ln porch, 441 Fifth West, $50. Cedar .... 3.318.143 219.863 w Spruce Hemlock . Balsam ... Jackpine . 6,118,049 1,257,239 321,118 878,650 956 .10.230,772 . 2,822,543 697,273 .. 1,714.499 .... 308,940 Mrs. Wilkins, repairs and' ALLACE Miscellan. shingling, 1920 Eleventh East, $150. I W. Nixon, repairs to porch, 1253 Water Street, $100. W I IM I Totals 20,184.882 8,881,409: i FOREST PRODUCTS ' Scripture faiiage for JoJaij "The grace of Ood that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men." Titus 2:11. The scale of poles and piling this January amounted to 148,744 DUE TO YOUR CO-OPERATION HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 a.m. cubic feet and 109,675 lineal feet. Ties scalei this January were 13.603 pieces compared with 4,570 in January 1950. The cordwood count this January was 248'2 as compared with 135 cords in the same month last year. Daily Health Hint Aorangi Subsidy Being Considered OTTAWA Minister of Trans 1 1 P H 0 N E 7 9 Starting this year, members' patronage refund will be applied toward their following year's premium. INSURANCE AT COST Canada's seventh annual Na SUNDAYS: port Lionel Chevrler, replying to tional Health Week opens tomor Howard Green, Progressive-Con-aervar.ivp member fnr VnnnrMivpr- row whv not help yourself to 12 Noon 7 p.- good health by Joining theit;uftdra annoUnced Tuesday in Health League of Canada and tne House of commons that the HISTORIC MOUNTAIN Parnassus, one of the most holy mountains in Greece, reaches a height of 8,070 feet. Clifford Dahl received six months' suspended sentence from Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court yesterday for assaulting Eric Jackson. becoming a subscnoer to tne question of a subsidy to keep the League's magazine HEALTH. For motorship Aorangi In service on Pacific Coasi Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Co. VANCOUVER, B.C. 627 DENMAN STREET Phone TA. 4944 the run between Vancouver and ' -...on AVEN" SIXTH STREET A Nil m' lull information write Heaitn League of Canada, 111 Avenue Road, Toronto 5, Ontario. Australia and New Zealand was being considered