Prince Rupert Daily News UNUSUAL TRADE Saturday, February 3, 1951 The town of Rodosio near In-stanbul In Turkey is noted for Blackwood On Bridge BANKER POET it export of silkworms' eggs. THEY PAY OFF Pardo-Bazan, Countess Emilia Samuel Rogers, English bar.k-r Woman Painter who died in 1921, was the first By Eosley Blackwood and poet, declined the Poet! woman counsellor of public Instruction IT'S EASY IT'S PRor; Laureateship after the death of Off To Africa in Spain. Before y6u bid the Blackwood four no trump, let j To Use Wordsworth in 1850. this question flit through your mind. After hearing: VANCOUVER : Painter noils," has peen painting and will then know; Maisie Robertson is off to the;carving horses for years, partner's ace-showing response, you PORTRAITS wilds of Africa. Annual summers spent in Bril- that a slam can be safely bid? I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED M I. A noted painter and sculptor , isn Columbia's Cariboo district " ! If the answer Is yes, go ahead , Films Developed and Printed of animals, the dark-haired art-, have given her plenty of mate- and bid four no trump. .But il j PROMPT SERVICE iLst wants to paint lions. ! rial. Her animals- and flower the answer is no, try to make Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form CIIANDI.KR'S STUDIO "And Africa is the Place to -brooches and earrings are pop-go," some other strong bid which will 210 - 4th Street Box 045 she says. jular with tourists. Ray. encourage partner to ask you' Phone Green 38!) Prince ; Miss Robertson, who "used to She will stay In Africa about about aces. i Rupert cut out paper horses when other; six months. Then, "It's back to Neither side vulnerable I children were cutting out pap-.-r ' the et ts and South dealer 19 e mini SceS ViMill (Mr. Ii8niilin) S K U J H ft H A Q 6 1J- K Q C-K 7 Wt Knit It beau the devil how things will get out. Yet get out they will. But -surely no one could have suspected this. Fancy, the profound depth of its secrecy and uncanny ingenuity. It seems, according to hints from Moscow, the United States bought Ala-ska from Russia in order to conquer Asia. There being nothing like an early .start, in deception, the deal was called "Seward's Folly" purely as a blind. S 10 7 a S- 4 H-j 10 n 3 h a a U iS u A 7 6 a C M 8 3 2 VI J 8 6 4 (Mr. Miirrv) 8 A 9 a H-KM U -A 7 5 a C A 10 The bUlclliig: hon I ll r-t North la! 1 I) Puss UH Puss 4 NT Pl"Jl 6 L Pass 05 All pus In today's deal Mr. Muzzy got AMBITIOI S OLD flOY Seward, yo u.see, was even then called a capitalist warmonger extremely excited when he heard ana active in naicning me hjs partner.s jum take-out of aska purchase as part of a foul . :J i u, 1 conspiracy to make slave " . fQur nQ trum and Number pf Times Enclosed Please Find (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 1 insertions for pr'ce of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) out. 01 japan s- ft h got tne lnformation he' nlli snmt venrs loiter the nro- " . . ... 1 posed Alaska railway was plan-,""? wit'tlldo wfthk I ned to bore a tunnel under Behr- .S10 L?, Jh, 'L ing Straits into Siberia, thus re- mi . vnani(jiwii o nc uiuiuwiiu bid indicated the side had all1 Name "g "aSt Russla to "C- tTe mm But at thta point .too "u",u; ",avc'i 'late. Mr. Muzzy began to think,1 JOHN L. HIMSELF thf sPa SUll "7" Address Phone No. .. But that isn't quite all. Not " ""' he " B,u the ' t, " ' monds, what if has king 1 nni "MrHt quite all by a damsite. The final flourish mlu lwu D"""i ; "" through the about a third round heart Ics- scheme In its would push on In United States currency the The Assembly of Prince Ed- The final water er? ' etc. length of Siberia as a sort of tinn nnn hill hears a nortrait of ward Island was established In tween Canada Jr Mr. Muzzy realized that even secret subway. At secret stations, !r,.c.ti., tiu m k 11 ne Knew nis partner nau nir ty.f iaip presim-nt Woodrow Wli- km, mree years aim uti-uiiuiig olum-.i m ui ' . ..... ., .u .I- .v.- balance of the kines he still 1 ' a senarate province. 1 not d.-tcrmmul ic diss DIED A IF United States to work in the wu"lu" 1 ""r"''r' to bid a grand s am. S, he d.dn caal mines of John L. iwis without pay while American bl,Ultr lu m(l flve no "'"P fl miners and Lewis himself would a,1l i,nl''y 1'"'- l" hand in take over in Siberia. ,slx slJiwl,'s- ! Mr. Champion spread it for NOT IN'TI-RI-'S'IFO .seven and gave Mr. Muzzy a Mrs.' Ma Kiley, railway tele- P'rtty rough lecture Here is Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning, to. WiM-il per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, D Funeral Notices, Marriage and EiguRement Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE graph ojierator, telling of her oeaiii-u-up, uru Good must be used in exijeriences years ago in the julgment deciding which partner should .United States says once she was ofiered a job in Prince Rupert. b'd Ule four no trump. After all 1 However she did not take it, the bid only finds out about first and tells whv in the Railway and second round controls. But SAI.KSMKN I 1 OR SALE 1 IN MK.MOIUAM LOOK at these v WESLEY In lovine memory prn Chrvsler enttlne. I Magazine, "Ma" said she saw lmra round controls are mipon for 1 Uhe GTP was building througn ant. it, to 100. ior to the coast, so she boarded the 01 of our our dear aear son. son. Donald uonam Clil- tni- mllv lujv rebuilt rebuilt and and convene! converted When possible, the player who iorHiiWno oasscti aw:lv February, marine use. also suitable suuaDie .or ls likely to have, third ' WJ knows how much shaSe'.'iuneil. ne sunei lor Auto Auto and aim : Our .salesmen a fices. factories tutliins. etc.. bonded electric .. tiuoiescem l m mui-iti'i Imine- A-l steamer ud the coast and took has as boov HISS VOU 1 Ilru..n 9)7 CS'lll f- V ! s V 1 .1?-: ;':. one look. She didn't even report round controls should be allowed for duty. Ma loathed Texas but to make the four no trump bid. Prince Rupert! LLsten: Third round controls are queens No one knows the bitter naln' . . j we have sulk-red since we FOR SALE Bubv bUKKV. cream lost vou. . and chrome wheels, handle. Life has never been the same elc ,iPW, pnone Biue 11"!., In our hearts vour memoi v j (2Uom lingers I J FOR FREE HOME cumiliLssioiis mJI orders are taxi-; t ness (rum exn J assures exceiir.'i; I i future incume. "F ' Dailv News. j j Sweetly tender, fond and true. FOR SALE Pair commercial DELIVERY... Phone 654 "It was the dangedest looking and ciouDieions. dump I'd even seen. It looked Suppose Mr. Muzzy had simply like a hole that had been blast- raised Mr. Champion's two-ed out of a big rock with steps &pade bid to three. Now Mr. you had to climb up up up Champion, who had third round up and up. No, I didn't even re- controls in all four suits, would complete. 7 here is not a duv dear son fluorescent lluhls 1338 8th East. That we do not think of vou. 1 he loss we have one vear today Alwavs remembered bv liw inill 11 III 11 11 'in ' 11 n 11 1 18 1 ; FOR RKNT -R' 5 I ...... ...m In HIT. r I SITl'ATION WANTKI) port." nave ma tour no trump, warn I U:n . I 1 U - n-wll,,,,. 'I.., I nml liri.ttA- 1411. u.B Limb ma LiaiL.K-i nau mice '. n, w.rrlnj m!in "A" II 41 U-DH1VE f-c' - ' - renee. 10 years' experience IN MI.MOHIAMM , KARI.V IN 1951 aces and a king, he could have I More than a few Prince Ru- absolutely counted 13 tr.lcks In 'pert folk are feeling the flu, just the hand. luKKiiiK truck Diis. cat aravei 711 omiw-trucks etc. Phone Green 323 ..:,:.,- Fni or address J. L.. Box 22(1. City. APARTMtNT W 34c 1 Will Ave. tail , . I A('('0l' HALLIWELL In lovinsr of an affectionate lather now, and if not that, in the COAST BREWERIES LIMITED Also Brewers ol Lucky Lager, 1950 Winner, Brussels Award This advert ist'iiient is not pulilislied or displayed liy the Liquor Control Hoard or by tlie Government of Hritisli Columbia. " strict medical sense, it's a per- FOR run, 8MB and krandfather. Henrv Ham- well who died in Terrace Fta- feet imitation. We woke up the SALE Mavtaz washing ruarv 3, 1948. , other morning and, after a, FOR nmrhiii. 3 vein- old Aouiv cecuia newnouser ann lam REAL kstate Vlracrms Cheek Then Valuta Tax iwefWJ 1st Larwe tout War- Stone Uuildw-lime: uood condition fenced llt-ncl (31cl ilv. 215 1st East. ( AIM) OF THANKS FOR SALE ..New chesterfield ItKNIt' and Improved grounds. Kea- sonublv priced. Terms. . . ml Overlook-Four room house, . --- sneeze and sigh, decided to have nothing to do with tlr.-Daily News just then. Next day we craved an egg for breakfast and tried to remember how long it hud been before one had been devoured while silting in the j midst of lovely soft, sheets and 'blankets. beds: beds comoleie: un lawi- - -- tu chesi, ot uiaweis; sewing' The family of the late Mrs. muchine; kitchen stoves; heal- Nareia iNelli Kilpv wish to ers- hardware; coUee tables, thank their friends lor the beau-,wi iuhi- horinuim sinij-s: iilul lioial triDuues. svmnatnv WATCH KEPAK I jPvoCiSdoiial AuieA$ anc Helen!. wivv Jeweller. SaU" leed. brand new 'carpet Axmin.ster, and kindness extended to uiem s.i-s r x 4W. .scores of other during their recent bereavement. partly excavated basement; picket fence and lawn, nicely decorated. Onlv $31X10. Terms, th East -Four room house, concrete foundation, fenced property; Idol shed. Interior and location make this an ideal family home. Electric stove and healer included. Full price Mrs. useful furniture at lowest 'hose who sent flowers Mr. and Mis. Frank OIL BUHNER S Slove servW "1 D Boii.nm ft1 11 ices. (tf) Black 324. Walls. Mr. and Mrs. 'led Keerp, Wr arid Mrs. hoy Bovchuck. Mis. THE EGG AND I Often, there is an attraction for SALE In Prince Rupert Kol Barnes. Mrs. M. Jultuger, BOYS onlv S430H. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE mdM and ch dren's wear Mr, ana in doing, or trying to do, a com business. Long term lease. 5300 and M ..... r....t ii- rUwir Kniirt Mrs. mis. a. Mr Irs J Viililerhuuir iiiupt, Mr' ami addition to these listings we J H fal taaer lriiiii ' and I l,uvt- a f,'w 3 bedroom homes eHl"m Lueta and 1"!'$ call Arms Iron , MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert:. B.C. MARflARl'r McLROD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 3TONE BUILDING A Kood O Djoi: youn? la" delivering routes. PH, i Hip Da ...1..H..KU. n-vfaiint ntiiuiri.niii- cuarlie inspeclion A-encies. Phone 342 or Green 27 1 eves. 1. 32cl monplace thing differently. Caution, this time, was involved, yet sitting there and gazing steadfastly at the object in hand was Just a waste of time. Once, but once only, was there almost disaster. An egg can have a way ties lor iir'reasm" preseni. mnuc, niaurc una ujur nna-tui'nover. ($10.000 00 will nan- erson Anne. Curl and Jackie rile. Other business interests Oustofson Mr and Mrs. T. Beat- GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS hirce thjs sale. Apply Box n ffo? Nelson and FOR SALE OR RENT Five room Prince Rupert. B.C. 29c, Mr and Mrs. A. .bonana ,urnshed house, fullv modern. SALE One pair men's Cirant. Mr. and. Mrs. R. Peder-t VUUV' . of spilling over the edge of the FOR TIIONE blue fon broken shell and spewing on rSonSA, nri 318 7lh Ave g. Bay. Bessie Sumner. cVor-e 8:30. 333 8th Ave. East. 30pl ! NAVAL room and breat- wnaiever is Deiow tnis time after 5;30 p.m Ul-nci iioy ' 01 oeaiiie M,r - una mis. for saleHou.sp, larrp 4 war- PHONES Black 752 Red 8J4 P.O. Box 1G70 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street. Phone 655 home niu"; ,, PHnnp Rupert . ..111V HUM UAUKIIVC1, Ullllttlf ..,..1, ..... rU Ol P.O. BOX 1184 vra Q A T TT 1 Q40 Pnrrt set an. nrMninv fit an tnoi I orru and! ", W iriiii.i. rimiie daytime or call 1320 8th East " . motor iust been overhauled. Andrea, The Hairdressers. Mr. Phone Blue .U or can bl zia ana Mrs. W. Strachan and lam-: f "' ,.k for f 61 h Ave. East. (33pl Hv. Winnie Wesley . Mr and Mr?, SMALL 4 Wartime. 1400 Oth Ave. Al)ulv In part 01 a suit of pyjamas and the bedclothes. For a split second, there might have been a 1 new case of heart failure to report. Let It be repeated. There might have been. But, there ; wasn't. FOR SALE Firewood and kind- HUrr i t ..nnJ J1U' I BiiU'iwi- ling. Kaien Transfer. Red 962 strom xhe Moose igion. Mr. ' WANTED i ! year-old Id"- PERSONAL and Mrs. Bert Woulden. Mr. and SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 News. . II. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 809 Mrs- w'"iarn Bevnnn, Mr. and rD cut omnll Astnl fririee r0.mSrS $95.00. 117 alter S f:30 Mrs- E'iar Mek. Mr. and Mrs. 'WILL the rierson who eot gabar WANTED A. Mclvor Mrs. George W. Cook I (30p pJkspaid' Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 737 311 Second Ave. W. p.m. dine raincoat bv mistake from Armories Friday nltht return to J. S. Black. Carnenters' Hall, and receive his own. (30c I and David. A. Anderson. T. Mc-I 'Adam, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Smith and family. Bob Mathews, News Classifieds Make Sales. steel, brass " Honest ef mcnt rnarif, Metals LW.. couver. B. fi3li7. m, "aarvsinwasai,fc Pete and Christina. The Mouse The most rcmarkbale diseov- Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green and family. Mr. and Mrs P. I WANTEIJ TO if QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 83 room '"'"" erv of the ase. Saca-Pelo is puaranleed to kill the rools of any hair and contains no driiKH or chemicals. LorBeer Lab, 079 Granville, Vancouver, BC. UK rif cilV. EI.ECTROI.UX Sales und Kei vice II. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1026 For genuine pai ls and service pnone or wrile above. News. Sikorskl and son of Vancouver,! and relatives of Winnipeg In-1 iclutle Mr. and Mrs R. Skakun,! Mr and Mrs. F. Burke. Mr. and! Mrs. P. Branson. Mr. and Mrs.; P. Benton, Mr. and Mrs W. Kol- bert, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burke, I Nieces and Nephews and Great- I nephews of Winnipeg. j TO R-Cl "hmiscbv.vm. 4111. davtm",.. II n onaninn m IF YOU are contemplating pet-I ting a furnace we suggest now is the time as steel supplv i verv short and prices ex-l peeled to rise sharply. Tlioni I Sheet Metal. Black 884. UO WANTi-n:- FOR SALE scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block G08 - 3rd Ave. W. Pi 'nce Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 371 News. WANTrKD-I-ivlW Hh2 conjssrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest ii'. Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND HKOOND1TIONED 210-4ih HI. Ph. Black 38!) M. J. SAUNHERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS NATIONALLY KNOWN N AM ES 1 TASTY, freshly baked pies with -Line-belt Soeeder Shovels: liLscuila and buns arc now being Prane. Draglines- Adnmni sold at the Rupert Bakery Ltd Ppad Graders: Llttleford Bras.) 4hone 043 for orders. . HIack Too Road Maintenance; (M2 Koippnient: twen Clamshell I -- "uc'neU and Rock Grapples: i CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-T L. Smith Concrete Mixers: per batteries and radiators. "iiiin.i)BS!"t ;.v.,i mid h'?- FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363' MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED . Builders & Contractors roi-KiiTt, irucKs: Nelson rnone i)43 cal B29 (ith W , Bucket, 'waders for Rtocknile . City it.fl West Ph"e nnd Sons- . "SCIIODI8."-11 Rock and Concrete Work Phone Blue 030 P.O. Box 711 Prince Rupert NORTHLAND Dairy milk delivered 24c per ouart. Whv pay more? Phone 18 for dallv delivery service. (M-29) SEP.: RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 Train Schedule For Hie East-Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday's Thursdays nnd Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. CIVIL and Snow Removal: Rice Port, able Centrifugal Pumps; Na-Jlonnl Dragline Seraners and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors Full information from Na ITYAMli' PREPARE NOW; ; Thi dvniKeiH h itot published ditpltycd by the Liquor Control Bord ot BOOM AND BOARD tional Machinery Co. Limited. ROOM AND BOARD for worklnn Vancouver. B.C. at) man. Phona Black 660. UD