Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday,, February 3, 1951 oCillfe Jlt J cc i Ire 1 CjooclSli oiu 'ORDER pX Three Pieces Last Night Please Big Audience mision numbers. Rowland Miles, opening an- NATIVE MURDER TRIAL (Continued from page 1) WOMAN'S SCREAM Sixteen-year-old Ruth Wesley said she was walking with Ruby Dudoward on the dock about 11 o'clock on the evening of December 23. There were no lights aboard the drifting Westerly. Robert Sankey's boat was also drifting. The Westerly was about ARCTIC FIRST Arctic explorations were begun by John Davis in 1587, two centuries before Antactlc JcrJioiia(d Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Douglas H. Payne left on today's plane for a week's business trip to Vancouver . Pierre LeRoss and son, Pierre, sail on the Chilcotin Sunday G-MEN The Federal Bureau of Investigation which handles offences agamst U.S. federal laws was established in 1908. inn.. m, . w ,. . inouncer, told the audience how nrAf In U dd0 hard-working and conscientious it more often. Prince Rupert has, w , th ut,T Th.atr. .. ZTj)VilVll enUgHh o tlLpresent0- acting of late. A crowd, the size' plalned of dinicult ,n hearing of which far exceeded expecla- j the stage voices at times. The tions, causing a last minute rush sound of basketball practice in M) feet from the wharf and nea a reef in the harbor. She heard n'Blt for Vanuver. ki h auui.iuum ocaunB, sswiuie nearby gymnasium was a me auiaircui ui amuucicins pre-' distracting factor for a good deal I a woman's voice scream: "Harold,! Attention Sonja Ladies' Aid leave me alone." She heard no'meeting, Monday, February 5, at Jantzen SWEATERS CARDIGANS - PULLOVERS sent mree wen-executed pieces, of the time. umci nuiae m unai time, Laier Mrs. uunnar Selvigs. (29c) iasi nigm. iney were one I?Jm Hr.TrK-t"6 J- Reid of the Department of one straight dramatic bit. TheiTrati.nnrn,. i. ioi Dl.i HILE STOCKS LAST! ! applause with which they were Rupert aboard the c6hllcot!a Moving from Masset to Gibson's Landing, Mrs. H. Doxsee will sal lsouth on the Chilcotin Sunday night. sue saw some one swimming in the water and saw a skiff go out toward the Westerly. John Oos-nell and Moses Ross were In the skiff. It had tlw body of Loraine Tait in it when it came to shore. greetec was ample indication or Sunday night to work with the the spectator satisfaction with department at Alert Bay. an evenings' entertainment which was a credit to all con St. John Ambulance Associa- ........ Ck. V. J TT ' I i 1 jerta Deep Seam Lump "',c "U narom nyan on tion general meeting, Sunday, the Westerly standing inside the February 4, 2 p.m., City Hall. cabin looking out the door. Shei ntr) Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Flood and naa seen nanas on the side of the boat and a body go down. The head was floatine when the at 19.00 per ton and Dick, are leaving on the Chilco- to body came up. She had heard i t!n Sunday night for a trip Larry Rvan call to Harold to I Vancouver. Legion WA In Session' Mrs. R. B. Skinner was appointed at a meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion Thursday night to represent the Auxiliary on the executive of the Music and Drama Festival. Mrs. Vernon Ciccone was named delegate to the Women's Co-or- cerned. First was the skit "The Marriage Proposal," a stormy incident wherein, between quarrels, an engagement is reached between a Russian farmer's daughter and a dyspeptic young neighbor. The life of this bit was Marilyn Roos, the attractive girl. Ernest Milgram was the bearded farmer father and Gordon Sharun. the suitor neighbor. Michael Holman directed. The pantomine of a family Vh ft Z VTP0 Mrs- N- D- Woodward, RN, who 'ii k Larry T had ? then i said J t he was ihas eoine to Rnl,t.h nursln v.npn,,vr at Srnithers. h,M is berta "Diplomat" Egg the Chilcotin tomorrow night. going home. She did not see Loraine Tait. The moon was shining that night, she said. On cross-examination, Ruth Lieut. B. Fee, RCN, and Chltf Petty Officer Thorndyke arrived at 18.00 per ton (Less than S sacks, $1.15 prr sack) jriirtatlnrv PAnnnll yesterday on the Princess Norah said she had been the body in In XT... T & VUMUkli. the water about an hour after i to make a routine inspection of VALUED FOR WARMTH FOR COMFORT FOR APPEARANCE SMARTLY STYLED IN ALL POPULAR SHADES Watts & Nkkerson PHONE 116 -117 or 58 t 7 i 7 " I Mrs. S. Chester was appointed V'Su1ym5ymnt for tne annual spring Journey by motor and incidents! siUe of.the Auxil,ary and Mrg. Kre; R; ?: Moore' Harley Lewis and Mrs. A. Hol-effectively earned brook were named to take cha the principal role and was ably,of arrangements for the annual supported by the rest of tha banquet to be held March J5 lamuy trnest Milgram. Margur- 0--,. the conversation between Harold j mos cnatnam. and Larry Ryan. In the mean- ! The annua, genera meeting time she was In her brother-ln- of the Prince Rupert Fishing law s boat on the other side of , vessel Owner Mutual Protective the dock. It was when she left 'Fund will be held in the Corn-that boat she had heard the man Lounr riwi. rntr n splash. About five or ten min Sunday, February 4, 1951, at 2:30 et Doiron, Robert Jensen and )ert & McCaffery east and west end visiting com- ii i utes elapsed between the time the body fell into the water and the time It was brought up on shore. Ronald Smith said he had seen lights going on and off on tue Westerly, which was drifting. He did not hear the motor running. p.m. All members are requested to attend. (29c) Bruce Rogers left on todays plane for Vancouver, being called south on account of the condition of his younger brother, a veteran of the Royal Canadian Air Force, which has become more serious Frances Murphy Miss Elizabeth mittees as wel las by conveners of I Holmes donned sweater and sewlng groups and card parties Jeans to speak a f uny introduc-1 Dne new member was Initiated j tion bit. and do the the meeting which was pre-1 direction. sldcd over by the president Mr3 ! Murder drama stalked thc,G. V. Hanley. A visitor from stage in the one-act mystery Stewart was welcomed by the i "Jewelled Hand" which gave the President. audience chilly thrills and a' He heard noises like things being thrown. He had heard a woman ' ln Shaughnessy Military Hosp tal. NOTICE ccof R. E. Monrador having been closed, , may now be paid at: H'lTlilfciillii rtf STARTS TO wORKljTjlK ; in 2 stcoNDS if pjL ; ATTENTION Home Owners Modernize Your Home Now ALL YOU NEED, TO USE OUR HOME IMPROVEMENT FINANCE PLAN IS A GOOD CREDIT STANDING ANV AMOUNT up to $2000.00 may be financed. Payments an. due mont'ity, and ymi can have up to 24 months to pay. Down payments arc not necessary. startling climax. Elizabeth Holmes had the part of an harassed bririe-elert whose romance was in doubt for a time. Mrs. McClintoch, as the aunt, also had an Important role. Harold ming about one hour after he had seen Loraine Tait's body on the beach. Larry Lawson said he had seen RMSTRONG AGENCIES, 3rd Ave. scream after he heard a splash in the water. On cross-examlnatiun he said he had heard the splash but did not see the body enter the water. FOUND BODY John Gosnell said "hi had gom to the dock with his wife shortly after 11 p.m. December 23 to in-rpoot their boat. Some boys were calling and in response he and Moses Ross took a rowboat and rowed out toward the Westerly. They found a body In the wuter and towed it to the shore with Skalmerud, as .the fiance, and Reg Lavigne, as the villain of the piece, carried their parts' well. Others in the cast van A -ml-.n . , the accused about 8:30 or 9 o'clock and was taiking to him j across several boats between his and Ryan's. Ryan had made the remark that Christmas was "lopsided" and that he was going "to straighten it out." Loraine Tait had come to the dock on a plank about 12 Inches wide. Her face was not bruised at the time. He or . G. HELGERSOM LTD., 6th Street bert & McCaffery I LIMITED Marie Lavigne, Margaret Doir-, on and John Currle. Director was R. S. Edwards. Robert W00J, young but profi cient piano accordionist, wa a crowd-nleaser with his inter- Various improvements which can be financed under this Plan are as follows: Attic rooms, adding rooms, re-roofing, new flooring, modernizing kitchens, bathroom; making basement rooms, etc. the head out of water. On shoii. Fill BETTER FAST! f - - : his wife had directed artificial left them then. He towed ln th Eileen S. with the Lucky Boy. He thought some one was on the Credit can be arranged very easily by simply calling in at our office and filling out the special application form we have. PHILPOTT, EVITT & Co. Ltd. Phone 651 LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES COAL respiration attempts for over two hours. Loraine Tait's eyes were swollen, there was a cut on her head, and her lip was split. There was not much sign of bleeding. On. cross-examination, witness said he had found the body about 30 feet o the 'eft of the Westerly. It was floating face down. He-thought the woman was alive when they started artificial respiration but later did not think so. He had not seen her splashing when they were on the way Westerly. I On cross-examination, witness said he was about 30 feet from Ryan when they were taiking and that Ryan appeared happy He had gone to his cabin and "the girlf" had called him about an hour later to tell him Sankey's boat was adrift. When he was talking to Loraine she stemed ,happy. Fred Campbell testified he hud Native Brief Acknowledged I An acknowledgment of a hrief ; submitted by the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia has i been received from Hon. Walter J E. Harris, minister of citizenship and immigration, i In a letter to President William Scow of the Brotherhood, Mr. Harris said he had studied the brief with great care and that with help, patience and consideration a satisfactory so- pitoliry and bd Food" 3 lie pioneer 2)i out. Moses Ross gave evidence see" tne Westerlv drifting about rue in i Ji I Our First Aim I ff a similar to that of Gosnell. On cross-examination he said he did 1 ip.m. iuier 11 was aoout tvo miles off shore drifting toward an Island. He with some other U for Orders i not know if the boat was moving. jTakc Out DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 They found the body about 20, bHe iT'1;,,:' t"fu in" ""e uut 10 feet from the boat to the left' juuon snouia d mev. nc tun-, Westnrlv. He said pdore Cafe ine neanng was then adjourn- ! emulated Mr. Scow n hU great returned to shore they i ed until 11 a.m. February 9. sprvipp t.n t.hp native neonle and ' J . . . 1 , lunded on a rocky beach. He said ) said he hoped the natives would co-operate as they had in the past. I Special Meeting Of City Council Special meeting of the city council has been called for next Kb? Monday night to receive the res 1 1 hlt-VICTORlA Wc have just received a new shipment of SAVAGE & WRAGG CHILDREN'S SHOES ignation of City ClerK tt. v. Thain and take action. Mr. Thain resigned this week to accept the position of city clerk, treasurer Free X-Ray Fitting! I P.m., Chilcotin y. 12 Noon imnsun KTKWART AND SIMPSON 1 and collector, at the Vancouver Island city of Port Albeml. - Incorporation of'Hazelton Forest Products Ltd. $25,000, with head office ln Vancouver, appears "imsim. 11 n.m. FASHION FOOTWEAR I'I'TII (H KFN the body had to be carried out or the water. RESCUCITATION FAILS Mrs. John Gosnell, field nurse for the Indian Health Service, said she had directed artificial respiration attempts aftei the body was brought in from the water. She, her husband and others had worked over the body for more than two hours. When attempts at bringing back life failed, the body was taken to the council house. She said coromine had been injected when she found there was no pulse. There was always an air passage! kept open to her nose and mouth. At first there had been nothing under the body but about ten minutes after artificial respiration was started, blankets had been placed under it. On cross-examination she said she had not noticed any signs of life. The body was cold, but she said the cold water could account for that. The body had been carried about 50 feet from the water to the place where artificial respiration was given. ACCUSED SWIMMING Ambrose Wells said he had seen the accused swimming unddr a bridge some time after midnight. He had followed him home. On cross-examination, witness said he had seen Ryan swim- ' AIR FORCE RECRUiTiMG OFFICER WILL BE AT THE Canadian Legion Hall Prince Rupert February 7r 8 and 9 - 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To interview young men interested in Aviation MAKE THE R.CA.F. YOUR CAREER UK ISLANDS v m. Doc, 22 and iry 2 and 10 in the latest provincial registration '1st. P.m. PRINTING f1'II QI FKN en I A itnouncem TTE 1SI.ANOS in. Feb. 9 and 23 'J P m. Highest Quality Experience Versatility f J. KKINKF.K ""pert Ai;ent St. Andrew's Cathedral Tea. Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 430 4th Ave. West, Feb. . Card party. Catholic Hall. Thursday, February 8, 8 p.m. Conrad P-TA Valentine Mas-nnerarie Party. Conrad School, Phnno Ri:0 Dibb Printing Co. f9 & Hcatinq BESNER BLOCK PHONE 231 L IE IBiTi One for the Book BLONDIE ByCHIC YOUNG 1 February 10, 8 p.m. j 120th H.A.A. Valentine Dance, Febrtiarv 10. A-morlcs. I United Church Valentine tea, Mrs. L. M. Greene's. February 15. Rupert Rod and Oun banquet, February 15. P LceIoh masquerade party Friday, February 16. Conrad School P-TA card party, February 16, 8 p.m. St. Patrick's Tea and card party, Catholic Hall, March 17. The King Edward School P-TA White Elephant sale and 'tea, vlarch 15, at 2 p.m. ipPii i 1 1 DON'T DONT WAWT want Everything ... for the Kitchen Pots Pons Dish Cloths Towels Kitchen Tools Poper Serviettes Emery Paper Sand Paper i L"Fr'T.? t y V House witmojt somcomc 1 ,yf TO FIGHT. DEAP- 1 JUST WANT MV MAGAZINE Stove Polish Khand J HEATERS ITEX OIL fRNERS NUMBING JTURES f E 174 P nfl AUerationg ElkinsLtd. 71 ma Orange Ladies' tea and sale, March 21. Job's Daughters Easter tea and sale. Masonic Temple, March 2rs. Legion Auxiliary Spring Salo, April 4. W.O.T.M. Spring bazaar April 20. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April 26. ! Box 274 Sonja tea, May iz.