PROVINCIAL LIBRA; 1 VICTORIA, B. C. DeHy NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vpelivery Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" BO DISPATCHED VOL. XL, No. 29 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1951 PR1CE nvE CENTS Phone 81 WORLD CRISIS DANGEROUS BUT NOT HOPELESS, PEARSON TELLS COMMONS Truman Is Natives In Murder Case .Optimistic Incidents At Port Simpson Are Recounted Ryan had not offered him a drink . --- . """I HH Hi vff - V :-. ' rnSL.: ' V, i when he called to him. While "fooling around" they had talked The preliminary -hearing of the riarcrr nf muror Qfrainat WnrnlH Ryan In connection with the ! about Lne triP for about five min utes, rtyan naa nno u;a mm where Loraine was. He had not death of Loralne Tait at Port Simpson December 23 was ad - f . , - - Y jr - I ' -ef7 s-yZ West Europe Is Still Key,;; To Situation- OTTAWA (CP) The free world is entering a period of greatest danger but has the means of averting war, External Affairs Minister L. B. Pearson told the House of Commons yesterday. , Cautious confidence was the keynote of the minister's appraisal of the international emergency, given as he stepped into the annual Throne Speech debate to review developments journed to February 9 by Magistrate W. D. Vance yesterday. PHILADELPHIA' '0 President Truman said today that "the e is good reason to hope "another world war can be avoided if vr can Ret ove- the present crisis successfully." But the United States, tin President added in a speech neve, "cannot lead the forces of freedom from behind. We have a tremendous responsibility to lead and not to hang back." . The job in hand, Mr. Truman .said, was to "restrain aggression Examination of the boat West :.f i looked back when he left Ryan and cocld not say where Ryan had gone. Ryan did not try to detain him, he said. Next witness was Fred Dudo-ward, who said he had seen the accused in Prince Rupert near Cow Bay about 4 o'clock on the afternoon of December 23. Accused was sober. He was not ready to leave when he saw him. Lor erly will take place at that time and expert evidence of the police will be presented, as well as that of a doctor. Some fifteen native witnesses were heard in the course of the day-long hearing yesterday. (before it bursts into anothe.' Third witness for the Crown. Robert W. Sankey, said he was alne Tait was sober. Accused's boat was tied up at Cow Buy world war." "We are working with othtsr nations to crpate a mle of lav in the world," he added. at the time. He did not, see-it leave. At Port Simpson he had seen the Westerly tied up on the in the city December 23 with his family doing Christmas shopping. He had not seen Ryan in town but had seen him in his boat. Wilfred Nott was on his (witness') boat and transferred to n Korea- west side of the dock. His boat was on the east side. He saw in the foreign field. Pearson said that western Europe is still relatively weak and Hbf. ii n.,v..r...t. .;.;.A.ij.1 - ... -' . . Ryan with Donald Sankey. Accus- ' ! DISASTER Spectators and rescuers dot the Ice ed was laughing at the time. He open to Soviet conquest. In that he Duolessis Bridge at Three Rivers, Que., after four thought the Eileen S. (Robert area lay the greatest danger to the free world. Ryan's at the Standard Oil pier.j Witness followed Ryan to Port Simpson, he said, and secured his boat to Ryan's there. Ryan told him he was 15 minutes behind in reaching Port Simpson. Crossing Ryan's boat to get i he bri'liie collansed early Wednesday. This aerial as the bridge and part of the city of Three Rivers, ms a ro known to have died when their cars were U) the river. (CP PHOTO from Toronto Telegram) Winter's Dead Mount To 175 Sankey 's boat), was tied securely to the Westerly. He had not seen Loralne Tait's face. HEARD SOUNDS Ruby -Eleanor Dudoward, 14. Advance On Seoul Going On Hope of coming through safely lay in growing collective strength and, "if we use that strength wisely, we do not need to fear." However, either smug complacency or unreasoning panic would be fatal. - ashore, he had stopped to talk i said she was walking on the dock COMBINATION ARENA FAVORED Of 56 ballots received so far at the Dally News office in the Ice Arena poll, 50 favor the combination skating and curling rink idea. The choice between a $250,000 and $75,000 project is almost evenly divided 27 to 25. Atomic Blasts rnnntrv He harl asked Miss Tait how longj witn Rutn Weslev bctween 10:30 it would be before she was com-i , tnat evening. slie ing up to her house. Everyone 1 5aw ',,he westerly drifting in the BALL! Nevada City was nappy wiien ne um Dav about 50 feet (rom tne dock T-riK-vn n-AlliPrf forces were mem. miss iaiv, was ins sisuci- Robert Sankey's boat was also CHICAGO W' Winter today held the usually sunny south In a frigid embrace after staggering the area with her hardest blows in more than a decade. Even Florida had ice and snow. But Dixie, prepared only, for mild winters, appeared the worst hurt. The six-day coat of ice and today reported less than seven I In-law and he had raised her miles from bomb-wracked, fire- unt11 she went awaV 10 scho01- drifting. She said she heard sounds like dishes and other Shaken Again No Decision On Thirty-Eighth blackened Seoul. Witness did not see her afters things being thrown coming ; ,-7 t ;' Earl D. Johnson, United States her death, but recognized a pic- j from the boat. She said she heard ture marked "A" for Identlfica- a voice like Loralne Tait's say- assistant secretary of the army snow has taken 32 lives in the tlon. He had nothing to drink i mB "Leave me alone." She had south. For the entire country. Hue. Division "A" 2, Rangers 4 i.ttfrnian 1 ::cilmiiian 4. Clyde ) i vs Morton, post- istie vs Dundee pot- ' is 3. falkiik 0 i. vs Airdrieonlans, I'd irk vs. East Fife. the number of winter deaths has with the couple. Wilbur Nott andjalfo heard another voice, which Alfred Wesley left the boat be-snp thought was Harold Ryan's, fore he got aboard. she heard no other noise from Ready for Battle Pats Make Final Test said he had visited the troops within that distance southwest of the former South Korean capital. , :. jafe. trip indicated .that United Nations elements actually were risen to 175. Crops suffered millions of dol lars -worth of damage: In Florida, the $106,000,000 citrus crop Is In peril. the boat at that time. Later the girl heard a splash in the water near the Westerly. She saw some one in the water The person had moved a little at first but not much. Two people In a rowboat took the person Op cross-examination witness said Ryan was cn deck and Miss Tait was in the doorway when he was talking to them. He had not raen the boat on the trip to Port Simpson except for the signal flashed that tne even closer than seven miles. Battles raged along the west-ern sector late today. Johnson, making a personal Flash Seen Hundreds of Miles Radioactive Snow In East Five eastern Canadian cities and one American have reported radioactive snow. The Canadian cities are Ottawa, Hamilton, London, Frederic-ton and Quebec, and the American, Rochester. Scientific officials have declared that the dust in the snow, definitely associated with the atomic blasts, is harmless. However, Governor Thomas Dewey of New York has informed the authorities that he wants to know more about it. PUSAN, Korea Canadian ll.eaciip. Ittviiikn 1 for 'nnpratinn Man 1 1 Inspection tour of the tenth day B' wcaslle 0 (tie) WASHINGTON D. C TheT-! has been no clarification as yet of reports, supposedly from responsible United States authorities, that tlecision has - Onen reached to halt the United Nations forces short of the 38th parallelIf they can drive that far north.. No new decision has beea made in connection with4he matter, said one source lasf night. It is all implication. Nevertheless, there are continued Indications that the United States is ready, possibly with such an undertaking, to keep t'lj way open for possible diplomatic settlement of the Korean war. The 38th parallel is thirty miles north of Seoul 'and th United Nations forces, in theft latest advance, are seven milaj bar was not .to be crossed. No sea into the boat and returned to the which will determine Iheir read- iof.ihe Amel "f?; Aluminum Use Again Lowered a 0, Blackpool 3 iness for battle. shore with it. She saw the body ln the skiff and recognized it as -sum ne saw nuieae uuuica cui Patricias left!over tne Place " was running, but it had rained nearly all the way across until they reached Port Simpson. The The Princess West Bromwlch Stoke City 1 (tie) While United Nations units tht of Loraine Tait. She did not know If the engine on the engine was not running. He and WASHINGTON -The use of & marched a mountain tour aluminum in more than 200 non- miies distant, scaled it and pro- mty 2, Bolton Wan- his family went home directly on Westerly was running or not. Before she heard the splash, she ucic.ic iiiuuuv-w va "-ceecieH to establish nnsitions Miei Fulham 0 , LAS VEGAS Ot Concussion day. The action was announced, It was bitterl cold and n;ost by National Production Author-' th. abandoned attemnU from another atomic blast, some f r United 1, Mlddles- pushed northward, Red China's foreign minister, Chou En Lai, broadcast from Pel-ping that Communist China will ignore the good offices committee of the United Nations 'which has declared China the aggressor in Korea. Chou accused the United States and "its accomplices" of leaving the boat; The name of his own boat was the "Eileen S," witness said. GOOD SPIRITS Donald Sankey- said he was called by Ryan to his boat on the l) n 6. Ev-rl.on 3 ity, which said the curtailment t0 slit trenches in the frozen was designed to asure adequate rock-ridden soil and, instead, supplies for military needs. Duiit hiding places, using stones, It orders a halt in the use of I branches and rice straw. Wednesday 3. Hud- or less from Seoul now. p Town 2 (evening of December 23. While il 0, Tottenham 75 miles away, hit this southern Nevada city yesterday with the force of an earthquake. It shattered plate glass windows in a downtown department store and brought a flood of calls from alarmed citizens to the police. One observer on a downtown street said: "Windows In big stores bulged in and out like -4v p. aiSenqerS P plon Wanderers 2, aluminum, effective April 1, for a long list of manufactured goods ranging from cocktail shakers to automobile hardware. The action does not affect kitchen utensils, such as pots and pans. Athletics 3 had heard Larry Ryan call to the dock asking Harold to bring the boat in and tie it un. She said she heard a reply: "Shut up or you'll be the next." The Westerlv did not come Into the dock. It was a bright night and she coujd see clearly. On cross-examination witness said she did not see Harold Ryan after she heard the splash. She indicated a house out the window of the court room to show how far away the boat was at the time. She saw some people ln a skiff take a body out of the water. Loraine "hollered"' twice after she hit the water, witness said. The water was deep. The wanting war and blocking the path to a peaceful settlement in Korea. Aside from the sector visited by Johnson, the picture of the western battle in regard to Seoul was nnt clear 'Xmas For Sioux Men I' asuc, Division II irimsby Town 3 balloons. I thought they were ail l 0, Cardiff Cit v 3 he was crossing the boats between the float and the Westerly (Ryan's boat), Ryan started toward the float. On one of the intervening boats, Ryan had tussled with him in good spirit. He had never seen accused drunk. He did not see Loraine Tait on the boat. He did not see any lights on the Westerly. The time was close to eight o'clock. He saw no one else around. Cross-examined, witness said Rovers 0. Bnpnt.forri going to go." ESOUIMALT When thu rinn-i Associated fress uorrespona- first damage rein the series of I It was the ! Blarkburn Rovers' Prted here From Vancouver (Friday) Mr. Blain, Mr. McKlnnon, Mr. Spiers, D. Souter, P. Thomas; F. Carlson, F. M. Boulton. From Sandsplt (Friday) H. Hale. To Vancouver (today) D. Payne, Mr. Leggatt, L. McPhee, "No Limit" Urges Gen. Eisenhower isnocKS. The fourth atomic flash in less fl 1, Sheffield than a week, it lit up the predawn sky with noontime bril n the boat took the body Mrs. L. McPhee, N. Howatt, tD,. people liance and was visible for a ra adian destroyer Sioux arrives ient stan Swlnton said one here Sunday from tour of action .United Nations force has stab-in Korea, Christmas 1950 will be i Ded through Tosamgo, seven re-enacted. Santa Claus will beimlles 800111 of the 'Han River on hand to take part in the wel- and 10 miles soutft of Seoul- ln come to officers and men. There'8 shooting foray behind enemy will be turkey dinners and prps-illnes- . . ents will be found under many .Other Allied troops have driv-belated Christmas trees. (Chl-f'en to within a mile and a half Petty officer Ted Mills, son of suth of Anyang a gain of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills of Prince 'more than a mile against bit Iw. Rogers, L. E. Hlghet, WASHINGTON D C. Speaking last night. Oeneral Dwight Eis up on the beach. (Continued on page 3 Espley. Weather dius of more than 400 miles throughout the west. It was reported seen as far away as the enhower urged that United States Congress should place no limit San Francisco Bay area. TODAY'S STOCKS on the numDer oi iorces 10 do sent to Europe. "One unit now The brilliance of the light ana the force of the explosion which Synopsis Overnight temperatures rang ed from ten to twenty-five de ter Communist resistance. rocked the downtown buildings (Ooiirtpsy 8. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.)" would be equivalent to two or three later," he said. Great Britain, Eisenhower admitted, was "contributing powerfully" to the western effort. gress above zero over the interior of British Columbia and from 1 VANCOUVER Rupert, Is aboard Sioux). Strike Affects Airway Traffic .36 'j 32 to 40 along the coast. Moist American Standard .... touched off new speculation about what the Atomic Energy Commission is testing at its big new range in the desolate desert northwest of here. 11RKS HAVE FIGHT A reinforced enemy battalion hit hard at fierce Turkish troops northwest of Suwon at dusk Saturday in an effort to drive the United Nations force from hard-won hieh ground. Bralorne - 6.70 TORONTO Athona Aumaque Beattle Bevcourt Bobjo .1 I 'ly 3, Coventry 'ii 2, Manchester City ! '"Hi End 3, NotU i l k Rangers 2, Bir- iii City 0 "wn 2, Southampton i United 4, Barnslcy 2. ng With Jron Ore I Hon. George f "ister of mines, said f' of Commons yes-It he Department was I Sports of iron ore I British Columbia jnas been much spec- .08 .29 .68 .55 , .18 .041, B. R. X. Pacific air " continues to pour into the province from the west! and considerable cloudiness is expected to persist in almost all ! I The Turks were under small- TORONTO (CP) Repercussions Buffalo Canadian SO , Strike Makes Many Jobless The commission, as customary, confined Itself to confirming that a test had taken place. Relaxing On regions. Showers will occur from time to time ln the coastal areas. Snow now falling In the Cariboo is exrjected to end during the arms, machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire. The battle still raged Saturday night. of a wildcat strike of 10,000 United States switchmen were felt today to a degree in Canada. Allied tanks broke through Cariboo Quartz 1 20 Congress 08 Hedley Mascot 62 Pend Oreille 9 00 Pioneer 2.21 Premier Border 09 Privateer 09' Reeves McDonald 4.50 Reno 07 Sheep Creek 1.67 Silbak Premier 30 Taku River 09 Vananda I03 Salmon Gold .032 Spud Valley 04 Silver Standard 2 80 i,hiwiuu "- bound for the United States 1 T" '7' ; were th" action and urging from ths , , , d blocks biocits and ana survived survived d hut r.n White House brought no Indira-, fu.l three suicide attacks by indl- tlon today of an early back-to- d"' NXnrt toUwaw andlvldual Chinese who tried to blow work move by ''l ,p armored chicle, with dyna- afternoon. It will be a little colder in those regions tonight but little change In temperature Is expected over the southern! half of the province In the next j 24 to 48 hours. i Forecast North coast region Cloudy, with scattered showers today, j Cloudy and a little colder Sun- Wage Freeze WASHINGTON D. C. 0 The Wage Stabilisation Board last night relaxed the wage freeze to permit pay Increases to millions C. M. & S 149.00. Conwest 2.39 Donalda .58, ( Eldona .30 East Sullivan 9.50 Giant Yellowknife 7.00 . God's Lake 52 . Hardrock .33V4 Harricana 14 Heva .. J5'a Hosco - .08 Joliet Quebec ,.86 , Lake Rowan -08 Little Long Lac 90 Lynx 16 Madsen Red Lake 2.70 McKenzle Red Lake .... .44 . McLeod Cockshutt 3.75 Moneta .39 Negus .- 1.00 . Noranda 79.00 Louvicourt , - J7 v4 Pickle Crow 1.74 r ''hf Possibility of fun Industry. Jam was replying to 9 Arthur Laing, Lib-f'r for Vancouver ..-a,, ho BPttlement were taken .. . r . . ... . .oi mcnon. to! Western Uranium 1.70 Oils- : tne numDer oi e j i , j . peop iiying lonal mediation board by the na Un in Washington. The strike threatened to strangle many war j MHMHHMMHi day. Winds, light. Lows tonignt and highs Sunday At Port Hardy. 32 and 38; Sandspit, 28 and 38; Prince Rupert, 26 and 38. , London Hopes For Cease Fire of production workers. The action will allow merit raises and length of service pay boosts which were previously prohibited by the general wage-price freeze. The wage board specified that increases must " follow "established patterns" In effect in 1950. The officials further stressed and civilian uiiuui. mc. itffirw number of workers Idle in oilier H (J L K t Y fcetball industries soared past 150,000. TideS LONDON ! Great Britain will continue to press for the Anglo Canadian 5.70 A. P. Con. 42 Atlantic 2-80 Calmont 1.15 C. & E 12 65 Central Leduc 2.60 Home Oil 16.50 Mercury 14 Okalta Tn. 2.60 Pacific Pete 8.75 Princess 1.52 Royal Canadian 10. Vi Royalite 1400 . that the thaw in the freeze will United Nations to attempt t.) 2.75 Sunday, High Pacific Coast Vancouver 4, Portland 3 New Westminster 2, Victoria 2 (tie) Okanagan-Mainline Kerrisdale 5, Nanalmo 4 negotiate a cease fire In Korea despite Communist China's re K vs Rupert Hotel f'" vs Hi Gold Senior vs Brownwoods NEW ORLEANS HAVING SNOW NEW ORLEANS It snowed yesterday ln this far south United States city which seldom sees snow. San Antonio . Senator Rouyn Sherritt Gordon Sturgeon River .. Silver Miller- February 4. 1951 0:10 18.3 feet 11:45 21.7 feet 5:43 8.5 feet 18:32 1.9 feet 24 4.30 : .15 1.20 jection of the proposal, a For not permit of general across-the-board pay boosts. A. A. Cassells sails for Vancouver aboard the Union steamship Chilcotin Sunday, Low eign Office spokesman said to day.