Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, February 3, 1951 KADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles Loraine Tait aboard the vessel I at Port Simpson December 23, ! is being held in port by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as ! jpart of the evidence for the trial, preliminary hearing of which occupied the attention of provincial police court hers yes-jterda. Meantime, it Is understood that efforts are being (Subject W Change) snn. 8:15 Musial Program , 8:30 Prairie Schooner 9:00 John Sturgess Baritone 9:15 Armdale Chorus 9:30 Music in the Night 10:00 CBC NaiWS 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Trocadero Orch. 10:30 Buzz Adlam's Playroom 11:00 Weather and Sign Oil SUNDAY 8:30 Recital i: 00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music for Meditation 9:30 Harmony Harbor a:59 Time Signal 10:00 B C. Gardener WA TERFRONT -- WHIFFS 1:8 i:St SA'lt'HLATt tM. 4:30 Sports College 4:45 Memo from Lake Success 5:00 Hi Neighbor 5:30 Linger Awhile 6:00 CBC News 6:05 NHL Hockey 7:30 Organ Recital 8:00 "Your Army Presents" 4 U I made to effect a sale of the ves-isel in order to provide funds for the defence. Westerly Ls one of , the larger gillnetters hereabouts, ilt is about five years old and xrffj we are an X AGENCY fa ! ADAM !'. HATS lhas always been considered a i'Mucky" boat as far as catching arrjVed in port at 10:50 yester-fish goes. One night, while fish- ,jav mornine and. after a brief Algy Hunter Packing Up After 40 Years-Talking of Ghost Ships ing in Johnston Straits a while auie here, sailed at noon for 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Way of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Report dXMB HHItm ttninoit- 11:30 Religous Period 12:00 N.Y. Philharmonic Sym- Ifiurvift . back, it took $900 worth of sal- skiigway and other northern The Prince Rupert waterfront is about to loe nion. points whence he is due back one of its best-known and esteemed figures of many; ,. here next Wednesday afternoon b M,o.r, , ,. . ! The case of the Westerly le- southbound. Passengers disem- TT L Pj nn years Standing. Algy Hunter, alter 30 years and called other vessels on which barking here from the Princess six eiv months momns in in thp me Customs usioms sen service ice here nere, is is retiring ltunnfc,. :e"siy tragedies have occurred. Noran numbered six and were Qne o these accordlng to a Dr Q Jervis j p Klrltwooa He and Mrs. Hunter are leaving at the middle of the reminiscer this week, was a dere- j Thorndiek A. Free, W. Han- month for Vancouver. Their ultimate destination has o'" J not vet been decided upon. icouver Island and brought into board including two lady tour- phony Orch 1:30 viiurch of the Air Mima 2:00 Jake and the Kid 1 m$ t MCI ) WORLD'S LARGEST RETAILER OF MEN'S HATS ! RUPERT 2 ; MEN'S AND Z BOYS' STORE 1 port under tow. It had evidently jSLs Mrs. Tolman and Mrs. Also Algy's official title is customs drifted clear across the Pacific qioss 0f Los Angeles. Five pas-Ocean after its engine had sengers taking passage here for broken down. The voyage took the north were Mr. and Mrs. A. "SCHOOL FOR IOGS" Pl'SS CAFE" NEWS excise superintendent. He holds (tnen Major! S. P. McMordie forth most of the time along the and tne second Prince Rupert waterfront where he enjoys a COntinecnt. At Victoria he Joined about a year and it was a real Erickson and S. S. Gurserich for large measure of popularity. He the 48th Battalion for overseas. Hunter dealn shiP tne time K arrlve'S Juneau and E. Van der Woole for Arriving in England, JOHN H. 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 John Fisher Reports 3:15 CBC News 3:20 Ask the Weatherman Weather Report 3:30 Vancouver Symphony Orch. 4:30 My Uncle Louis 5:00 Startlme 6:00 National Sunday Evening I Hour 6:45 The Four Gentlemen 7.00 CBC News 7:10 Weekend Review , 7:20 Special Speaker 7 :3C Little Symphonies . 8:00 Stage '51 9:00 Chamber MusU 9:30 Vesper Hour 1 10:00 CBC News 11:31 Message Ptriort 11:33 Recorded Interim 11:45-Scandinavian it., BULGER on tins cua&t iui an uii 1 KetcniKan. ' had perished of starvation. There was evidence that the last; four to die had staved off starv-1 J'. A, nr.. until recently of t B C. Packers Ltd. oil manager ie ing for a while by feeding the bodies of the others. The ! Pnt at Ogden Point Victor;;;, ii!.ct,r,rf iH hai. ton 1 has now been transferred to will be missed Indeed. As one soon finds out after meeting him, Arthur Robb Hunter was born In Glasgow, Scotland, and it was from there he arrived in Prince Rupert in 1911. Having come that far back, he qualifies as one of the real pioneers. His first job was as a steel worker with a track - layin? gang on the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. His railroading career took him 'lomelriit transferred to the 31st Battalion, Sixth Brigade, Second Division, with which he went to France. Following the Somme and Vimy campaigns, he was invalided in 1917 to Blighty and stayed in England until 1919 when he was discharged, returning to Canacii in 1920. He brought his bride of that year, Cecilia Mitchell, back to Prince Rupert with him. It was in August 1920 that Algy Kildonan on the west coast of Vancouver Island. His successor at Ogden Point is Neville Gcr- sold to white fishermen on this coast but, according to the story, the British Columbia Japanese 8:10 Here's Bill Oood 8:15 Morning Bonn 8:3ft Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:0O-BBC News Si Comlj 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 The Barry Wood Show 10.30 Melody Time 10:45 "Robin Hood's Musical Kitchen" 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Round-up Time 11:30 Weather Rtport formerly of Prince Rupert. KM. Mid-oay Meioo 12 :):. CBC News 12:2! - Program Resume 12 30-B.C. Farm Bdca 12:55-Rec. Int. 1:00 The Concert Hoik 1:30-Musical Proerait 1 :45 FwhtinR Plonw 2:P0- B. C. School Ms Fishermen's Association saw that ' rard John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue no offers were accepted and one : increases have be- 10:10 CBC News , dark night the vessel was towed r New wage as far ' as Skeena Crossing. Then ' r . , .: joined the customs service here , . nnri srllt.n,.H nn.nrmne effective for 400 wooden ""K and nls service out of the Pul port cllt sunk I to be employed with the produce n f Prinr Riirfrt hti hnfn nn- 10:15 Pioneer Transportation 10:30 Evening Song 11:00 Weather Sign Off MONDAY AM. 7:00 Musical Clock (.0 CBC News long1,,., , Knt ,,.. fl . I firm of Shcpard & Jones, 2:30 Records at Ranfr i shipyard employees in Varxou-j ver. It is a fifteten-cent raise. ' The companies Include B.C. I Packers, and Nelson Brothers ' Fisheries. im.uuua uia unit, u."oi m On her fortnightly voyage to since departed from the local 2:45 Solo Guest 3:00 The Music Hoi it right here in Prince Rupert 'AIaska CPR steamer Prints but with periods of three years , Noran ' Capt Granam Hughes, business scene. Later he became Identified with Jim Bacon, still - . , V aj nuiV (411U D1A lllVlllllk a U I . . - i I I I II I I I I I I II I I I. 'I , going strong, in a retail nail ctilfino ad aol! rAlif friL-c ,K wsyWWW'W " ' JWyypW . ,u.c upiuw... nji... at ocean Falls and Anyox. He FRAMES! FRAMES! , Come In and choose one for that Christmas Photo. We rarry a large line of t'p-To-Datc Mouldings WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. """I1 u'"uic ., a..u jg nQW tnjrd jn pomnland here, mends Starting from White-if Cusloms Gs.,ar gmjtn audi Uw.v.w' - ''A'iS'A'SiWWmi Ft I R Hint VI M n fl i V 1 rw 'J" V . T I ," Chief Clerk Fred Grimble. ' River clear e kon to St. Michael s , , at its mouth-a trip which took' Duri"g the year.-i ,Mr. Hunter them until September Including , has bcen an active member of an interlude of six weeics wheni""c o ..nvj. ...u uu they stopped over at a camp TJa'Jorinq it or Canadian Legion. He excels as a disseminator of genial good cheer and, as his old cronie,s know, is never in better from than when singing the auld Glesga' ballads. His many friends will wish him the best of luck as the time comes for Auld Lang Syne. along the river for the expen-jence of gold mining. At St. Mi-'chael's, Mr. Hunter boarded the historic steamer Victoria for the ,long outside voyage south to Seattle and back to Prince Rupert. By this time World War I was Ladies and Gentlemen LING r the tailor il I realm on so Algy enlisted and left February 1915 with the late Col. Phone 649 20 Kixth St Luxury Steamer Prince George i ia S-;rl(u VbU. Mi Richard Braun, Digby Island truck gardener, is .growing rhuhard and horseradish the year around at his place at C'rippen's point and has become one of the city's principal supplies. The rhubarb is raised in the field in summer and moved to the basement for the winter, thus producing the continuous crop. Two hundred pounds of the luscious produce a week is being marketed in Prince Rupert and Mr. Braun is producing even more than that. As far as is known, he is the only producer of horseradish in these parts. SAILS FOR Vancouver ' Moving, Packing. Crating Shipping and General Cartase and Storage Complete, Reliable feJCl Efficient Service. Also agents lor Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor" 2nd and Park Avenues -Est. 1910 Phones 60 and 6 and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call The big gillnetter Westerly,! whose owner Harold Ryan is; charged with the - murder of ; I 5 i I . w --J.T--- i t ".... tor mJ j ft , CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. v 9 RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE F'or Your General Electric Kzdios Phone Blue IMi'J PACIFIC ELECTRIC 1 i - - v . . for even SW m 1 y iff. Utkln9 "ccrf I Ot'n c6e i itU m:- i -f If ' , mines f FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR Mnr beautiful and practical than ever . ' in four completely new models including this haa De Luxe Cold-Wall. Chop Suey - Chow Mcin HOLLYWOOD CAFE For On side Orders Phone 133 I l Ml y : .JH,. . itavi B K K - SI" Minx Il SSS. B The T." ..lectio""" cnomV ' . " iniet! y;- nno to - II WIIK. kAS YOU CAN GET IT At BULGERS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS I'tfEFARED 1 Maybe it's Sterling Silver Tableware! R. F. Mortimer 324 2nt A 'Near CFPR) Wc carry many patterns m 9 w w m r J j tin iii : I IV.J " 4 im f.v.vl I ..fill W r .aaSBBmiTimt . VAWvmV WXVik. ' k'-.V- .V. at well Known prices 8' ' l.alLAI,ll,VJ.,R. ". "if CANADIANS USE MORE FORD TRUCKS THAN ANY Maybe an extra perfect OTHER MAKE 'J OADSPtAY TODAY SEE YOUR FORD DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS v Engagement Ring! We carry only perfect stones , All through our stock : you'll find the finest quality PAmim ltd. Have a Good Meal! NEW CiTY CAFE FULL COURSE MEALS or Phone Blue 92 FOR TAKE OIT ORDERS FORD and MONARCH DEALERS FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGE Mwlels for every kitchen and bod-get. Model KM-60 cooki a whole meal while you're away. GORDON & ANDERSON "Home of Friendly Service PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.