1 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, February 2, 1951 TRAILING the MELON CPORT OHOTS love football. I am not exactly a soccer artist, but I do score goals.'' Jtppson proved he was right In his latter claim by scoring the winning goal against Sheffield Wednesday in Ills first appearance with his new club. THERS SKI CLUB INTERNATIONAL Charlton Athletic, flounderl Some of London sport column- near the bottom of England's strict Competitors To Take First Division Soccer League, has' ists, however, look with disfavor BAM'. art reached out to the Dlayine fields I on the deal. They claim th:t of Sweden to boisier its fading search for talent In other lands is a poor compliment to the thousands of youngsters in Britain, itching to break into the Part In Annual Meeting " - manv northevm TOURNAMENT fortunes. Struggling against the threat of relegation, Charlton has come up with the catch of , V,QTT. ! resenting Smlthers In the senior -ladt'ii slopes cndin-,clas wlll Jorten Deliei 21 4. .,,.,tnri:il in KKierS iay contender; Ed Malkoxw, 31 Pull W...:. .u 24, 3-vay M U R R A Y storm uie John Lopadat, 24, 4-way. Jl.nmy the season by signing up 25-year- i fSfmie. Harry Dltton, writing In I T)ld Hans Jeppson, Sweden's hii-h the News of lne World, let so this : sco ing international cent.-"- broadside: "Football can be a J forward.' I sou1 -destroying business, espe-' . I cially when a club of the stand- j It was quite a catch at that for! hng of Charlton is caught in the , the six-foot blonde recently turn- j throes of threatened relegation, j ed down an oifer of 10,000 But it's both surprising and (about $30,000) and 100 a month disappointing that a manager from 9 leading soccer club In wiln su"h a proud record as Reed nlor if xr " v?&' i -,i ,i'ivivr i i uriEES. if. aiinounn sun in 1 is the site of the annual rn B. C. Championship V ni;!)r!ved b'v the Canud-nu'li iir 1U Association. W1- 1 KETCHIKAN, ALASKA ALL STARS METLAKATLA, ALASKA VETS KITIMAT, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT JETS FRIDAY SATURDAY THURSDAY - - February 8-9-10 TWO GAMES EACH NIGHT - 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m ROUND ROBIN TOl'RNAMENT Each team plays every other team. Winner determined by most games won or in case of tie by best score for series. ;n botn, junior and senior races. Young Briggs Is ace-in-the-hnle for 8mlthers, a,s a Jumper, belnj fearless, capable and of exceptional form. "We are placing a lot of confidence In Jimmy," said Mr. Dali-lie. "We think he is championship material." - This year's defending champions are Gordon Williams, Donald Ounn and Donald Oreen, all members ol Wells Ski Cub. Italy. Charlton got him without nas built should admit that he . put ting up a penny by signing loes not know hp'e to turn in ; him as an amateur for a period England, Scotland, Ireltmd and , or three months. Plavers of his Wales for his idea of the rlcht calibre have been retailing at' players for tiials what Jepp- anywhere tetween 15,000 and son's signing means in effect ! 20,0(K) on the current transfer It's not to the credit of any club , market. I tfJ E" chasing around the Demi!)- j Ions and the Continent for play-j Jeppson, "capped" 12 times by,ers who ought to produced at hh- native selectors, led Sweden's, home." j ribs expected to compete iui ,P,.ir muioi Sophies ill jump -''. l(.iwiihiH,.Klulom and cross-,'4, v racing are Prince Georp.e jhiib Omineca Ski Club, , I.uke; Weils Ski Club, Jas- i (I Kmilhers. J' llu.h Invitations have been a. il by the Prince Kupert J ,i is not expected local , I ,s will enter competition, X t.i r.iolfii'lal ieuons. Today I'm going to write mostly happened to our broadcasts of The northern championship about the cominn Internal irmnl games. They used to be of great world cup team at Rio de Janiero interest to the many rabid fans last summer. He has just return-1 Charlton, however, isn't the In the neighboring villages. With tourney will be held in Smlthers tournament because It Is really coincident with that town's 201 ti something to write about annual ski event. Those of us who have been A dance will wind up the o"- connected with this sport for a attendance hitting a near low i ed from a tour of the Far East only major league club guilty of where he scored 29 goals in 14 combing distant fields for player recently, It would appear that a l u:tiun. hers !-'kl Club, Willi a i ,i,)i.l0, have been con- TICKETS: Per Night 50c y acl'Ve mis suusun, .j.- STUDENT - games for his Stockholf club, talent. Middlesbroueh. for one Hans also scored one of the goals has the Jamaican, Lloyd Dcla-when Sweden beat England 3-1 penha and the Italian, Orlando in an international test ia 1949. Ugollni, rated as one of the , j soundest goal-keepers in the When Charlton's shrewd man-1 United Kingdom. Manchester c club captain, a For 3 Nights $1.00 $'.50 $2.00 'UahhP, .. i e was eho j nunc nui man me. jiiiTiuoiie we nnot in toe aim is uauiy nrrucu staged at Acropolis Hill gym a be It by broadcasts or other -, few years ago when Prince It j- wise and broadcasts would be a pert drifted off with the honors!. Hart. We have many younger 'and New Metlakatla was beaten Lstars developing unnoticed, and i by our second string team which ' unless their names are kept be-t was composed of one or two of j fore the public and fans in parr en last summer RESERVED S1.II0 RUSH - '3c Would Close Hockey Gap sign, Jimy Seed, announced the City and Bristol City picked up a capture of his prize, Jeppson w&s couple of players In Germany, our present crop of all-star and tlcular, there Is little incentive miserable clearing ae-,licd. A new jumping !l lias been built, capable I, ,i. jumps. ,ji i ls for a three-year im-iiicnt iroram include a los-cuiistructed ski Iodise, accommodation; clearing j a few that sewn to have dropped j for the lads to give their all for . Pa ssed for his reasons in reject- while Hull obtained their stellar off alone the wnv Tn i.h.n trm honor of Dlavin the tame, mg the alluring Italian offer and wing-half, Vlggo Jtmsen, from CIVIC CENTRE GYM Phone 107 01 231 for Tickets TORONTO Toronto Maple ies, New Metlakatla presented us Every athlete must hear that slBn"ng on as an amateur. Copenhagen. London's great Ai - Leafs, playing the cellar-dwelling! with an aging band of athletes ' applause to give him an extra! 1 came to England on busin- sena' club went still farther but unpredictable Chicago Black who no longer could claim su-j boost when needed and il could ! ness nd t0 study the language," afield by giving a trial to the mountainside to tne Hawks-at the Maple Leaf Gar- premacv of the court tame as 1 acii ,ht .. i , ,vi-, wus "ls ulu"t leP'y- Mr- Beea iceianaer, Amen uuamunasson, and and In Improve dens, are hopeful of reducing the they had for a numaer or yers. "2 ZZZ.Zt whn,,fT my,ua , so 1 uWlU , ater transferred t0 tne Racl"S i-loot level, to a nine-mile cross uve-poini gap wmcn now se ,- mat was lne last time the reat ' """" " wuu ue u. t iy course blixa has been added Ic suid Mr. Duhlie. Vmm has Mine Peter Sletten, l - 1 .... KT..M ZT ITS SO (TOMAN TIC---, ii-LL . J HONtSTLY Hf?3tRr J fPFAIIV I m arv mm T on. &.oncn, is 3c swEEf and V J mt a rates them from the league- Ronny Lea.sk tried his hand at leading DeL-olt Red Wings. I centre and, ever smiling, he was Tomorrow man. the Vapla applauded time and analn for his Lenrs wlll be playing at B.islon. i gallant effort Tlie Red Wing have only on . . , . , ,h , week-end engagement with the T,i t.m "d i "r . n ? Montrt-al Canadiens at home to- fl"'i iMicr ol several niaio. , and Swedish cross-ooitn-npelillons. Walter Korlch-Just a year from Rwite--,as valued reroRlilUon fts a iwwii i.uiiKi m u win umi ' morrow night wa" subject of comment Tonight the B.U.nB ins are ftl the Minliral Vmxim. This ls l'T'B .Ut 1 h e , tournnw"1; 1 Mills who wa.s ras.ly the clws of batue for third place dtm the :i il i inner, una win ue ,1 in ih" -hmplinslii' Bruins are only one point below "" " -: ue-the Cann Jiens rad.? or so, was practically a nam I v the Snilthcrs rl'.lb. L major contenders rcp- In himself when he got going and It seemed that only Houston could do anything with him. The Looking two of those boys will be nilssed1 greatly by the resiertive clubs' Th" week-end Natiunnl Iicamip .'cliedule si as follows: Tonight Baston at Montre!, Chicago at T.ironto. i'unday Montreal at Detroit, Tmonlo al Uac.ton, Ne York Rt rhlcat'fi. ? The league standings t-iday: W D L P A P ftroit 20 9 11 159 irn 97 this year. Their typo only ?mp up at rarj intervals anywherp. Ahead with .'OllN T. FOWI.E V CARW:D MEf? OER JftlVW Yj I : 5 H f 7 WVIES TON1GMT X. V Tht" vear Kitima, Will be the' unknowns In the tournament and j it is a bit of a shame that they 20 10 11 144 P 1 could ,,. have had more time' Tnrcnto Montreal f aimirance?"sald a Menu i 11"- ther il iv, "DMttk 17 IC 22 114 m 41 to wo k on their Wm (his vear. ir, 11 n 117 IT? 4.1 Ml)fil of ,,e,P lM)VS wolk i(n 13 15 21 105 137 41 willt(.r te he fling tisliinft 12 9 23 121 153 33 flr.(H an,, jt ge0rally takes thenl Boston . . New York Chicago nice is mure like it. 1 i.tHuul rrntark gv me a month or so to snake their sea legs and get down to work. Actually not too much can be exulted of the Kitimat. club this yvar but it Ls a start in the right direction as far as local enmotlng Is concerned to have them in on the big show. Stan Shaw, coach of the native tournament champions, is In hospital here due to an accident suffered 1 ! r rmiimm mmimi fit-ffirFl PRACTICALLY NEW THIS IS VALUE 1950 iH'e tu put acrufM an lm-i it iinl about Uie buuineiu ,n. p lii him life amuranee was jini-d with Hie rather than 1 Its chief Job was to u-jtlie ronsfquences of death in king a normal life po8ible (Tiose left bfhind. I told him m)ph held together by th ''Is of insurance policies; Shows saved from poverty; ? folks living out their live inity and comfort; of l"i letting a good start in filh a college education; of w and businesses saved to ' a means of livelihood I growing family, f se things are made possl-' i y iliiy by life asmiriuice. V ;'h life HHHiirance a mail jk'M beyond death and con- to blesH and enrii h tlis at the village last week but it is hoped he will be able to bu lip : and about when the openini- 1 Oldsmobile Sedan i! whistle sounds next Thursday, i S I am going to give you more SpoU'oss Condition .... Many Extras See It! l"f tlutst. he Invt1 V 011 It Buy It! comiiieie lniormnuon on uie teams next week and ttw records nf rach team so far this year. I 'have already received a complete list of players on the New Met-" lakatla and Ketr.hlkan squads and it looks as thouirn Alex II 1 11 1 has a Job on his hands. TONIGHT I Tonight Brown woods ran climb 1 int- n firH p'ace tie with Co-on Several Oilier Good Good Values Values bhn T. Fowle 1 Bob Parker Ltd. EORll - MONARCH 1RAI.F.RS Prince Rupert, B.C. I LIFE OF CANADA 1 5th Ave. East In the Cltv Senior I-eague ur.d they should easily. They meet Oordnn & Anderson in the I mature of th wrekly Saturday i.inhf show and will be out for revenge for the Whipping they look the last time they met (he hardware men. I don't predict victory for Brown woods because of the tact ' mmm I . ' III t 'I I I; ( PAGWOOO, STOP DOZIMG ) I Ui 1 11 I 111 El I w I U -V i V-r HEPE COMES THE r TsXi INKS stsf&i jg I mj wj) II BT-O U7 C THE SHOW IS y 'I HEC AI?(?tEO HEB F &CtZ Il k'-A1 KJ4x OVER ANP y ' OVEUTHE f r&&T M2," I ' "rfel -HI-!!-' Jqj A TEST OF PUBLIC OPINION I Ihev are meethm the bnsomenl tot y.,u 'on wa vi a 111... tificial Ice made available for dwelling naruwure crew, uiu oy reason of the fact that I cannot see why they should lose to either of the other two teams In the league. They will be minus Bill Sunberg tonight. Bill Is resting comfortably with a broken limb at the General Hospital that is if you can rest comfortably with a broken limb. sports in Prince Rupert? Have been wondering what has Javor . . . A combination skating and curfing rink?. Do vou know viu enn no iiirrhiu to-dny's NKW S III RAI l to-day? JONK NKWS STAMt ppre re flown lr 1-vtly by CP. A. ce tor skating only? 'ce for curling only? Umfd IJon tBacli Jlnanciattij PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD BIIIPBUILnERS AND KNOINEKU3 two-thirds size hockey surface at $75,000?...... I gulotion size hockey surface at $250,000? Inert l me ; j 1 Ptf I I - - . I ILJi1 II ( OM WELL "I f ltBr st Ef&S y K we've been j jjljs jSi;jCjgSSSSii ' Copr. I9i), King fcMurn SynJicitt. Inc.. World riyhtt rwtrvtj. g-'l Iron ami Brass Callings Electric and Acetylene Weldiiij; ?rR ess 0 Daily News. (Postal and Street) Adult Student (Please check) Ar,,na Poll BrF.CIAI.I3TS ON SAWMITX and MINING MACHINERY r