1 Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, September 22, 1951 (yUomcn $oL Loca ere a n d PERSONAL JUST TWICE A WE GET EXCITED and DO things like this . . . In the Spring and Fall of the year, wln-ii the new "UPPER 10 Quality si) J ad samples come to us, we get carried away. Ti.: 1 Recruiting of women for a Navy reserve unit In Prince Rupert, which began Monday has attracted "considerable interest." savs Lt. Noel I.annham staff Th omoiino iww iMrmoimrt wallbaara1 riiat it Ideal for kHchaiu, balhrMM and ceuntw lopi, ham bars and alhtr daman Mai. Avallabla la 30 baoulifiil pattariM and eolort. told by local lumbar ar buHdinf luppty aaaliri. officer of HMCS Chatham. Nine applications have been received as well ag "numeious" letters of Inquiry. RBORITE COMPANY LIMITED S.O.N, meeting Monday, Sept. 24, 8 p.m. Members please attend. ,224e George Evans, w,io has been In Korea since early In the war across the Pacific, keeps In good health and so far has managed to avoid hazards of the battlefields. He has nevertheless seen his share of the fighting and experienced plenty of disagreeable weather. Prince Runert RVl riw ...m k tolltvr Av. Villa M Milt, Mantraal 32, Qu. A quota of 15 WRCN (Rt members is set for Prince Rupert. According to latest information, Lt. Langham says the Navy's new "wrens" may expect to be In uniform by middle or end of October. An appointment of a divisional officer Is expected to be made soon. CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES mis iktbbuu, nn goon reason, we are more ' excited than ever. Every sparkling colour, every thrilling pattern, every exciting weave seems to outdo the one we have just looked at. We want you to he jimt as excited and to t make it worth your while to COME EARLY while we are putting ou this SPECIAL r OPENING OFFER. nnouucentenli IRMES j hold its annual general meeting j8'p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27, in I 'he Common Lounge, Civic Cen-I tre. A special Invitation is ex-j tended to new members. Begin i to prepare and think now of a (winter's enjoyable skiing. I (224c) Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Dr. J. F. L. Hughes returned to Prince Rupert on the Coqult-lam yesterday following a vacation In the south. Mr. F. E. Anfleld will give an address at the morning service In St. Andrew's Cathedral, Sunday, Sept. 23. (ltc) To all Laborers Special meeting of Local 1427, Sept 27th Carpenters' Hall, Fraser Street, 8 p.m. Full attendance requested, also all truck drivers. J. H. Mair, business agent. (h) The Music and Drama Festival Association will meet Wednesday, Sept. 26, In the Civic Centre at 8. o'clock. All Interested folk are invited to attend. (224o Mixed Bowling League. Important meeting of executive and team captains, Sunday, 3 p.m. at Bowling Alley to choose new secretary etc. (ltc) Lt. Noel Langham, RCN, left by plane today enroute to Ottawa where he will attend a naval staff officers' convention. Hear Hon. E. C. Carson, at Civic Centre on Monday night. Presbyterian Church Tea at the home of Mrs. George Mitchell, 333 5th Ave. East, September 27. UPPER-IO MADE-TO- MEASURE Coordinating Tea, Women's Sept. 20. 3 si a a s.r.! QUALITY Pioneer Druggists M- f - J f. . . f 1 r. m si rj. 7 i 1 i 1 -u-" 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bartholomew of Ketchikan returned home today after a brief visit to the city, having arrived Thursday evening from the north. Mr. Barlholemew is Interested In the possible Impact that the advent of a pulp mill will have on his town and came here to observe first hand what has happened In Prince Rupert. You have been asking for Information on our public high Catholic Fail Bazaar, October 3 and 4. Men's Rotary tea, October 11, Civic Centre. Lutheran Tea, October 13. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20 L.O.B.A. Fall Bazaar, October 26. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, October 31, at home of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 430 Fourth Avenue West. PHONE 8 1 : wmammmmmmm aept. 24tn, discuss our provincial roads situation. (ltc) ways. Hon. E. c. Carson has an interesting storv to relate at Civic Centre on Monday night. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, No-rember 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, XE TO SUBSCRIBERS ocpt. it. (ltc) (o- OrtlinaL inn Maurice Brvdires left bv nlan a November 15. yesterday afternoon for a business trip to Vancouver and else- Councif Je The Women of the Moose Fall ea ncre in the south. Bazaar, November 16. If you have missed your paper, olease phone your newsboy. If you do not know your newsboy's name, call the office be- Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar Novemoei j 22. ' All Tyee Lodge members wishing to attend the constitution of Mount Caro Marlon Lodge at Ocean Falls Sept. 24, please contact w. St. Peters Fall Bazaar, November 29. United Church W. A. Fall Ba zaar, Dec. 7. I fore 5 p.m. 1 WATTS & NICICE In the first four months of this ii Laird. Crprn 1.13 Cnilckshank at CNR ticket office for rates and reservations. Party will leave via Union S.S. Sunday Sept. 23 and return CNSS Wednesday, Sept. 26 year Canadian labor's suddIc- i 4- Njckerson's to Frlzzells Motors; Fulton Street The Women's Co-ordinating Council held an enjoyable and successful tea In the Civic Centre on Thursday. Mrs. T. Norton Youngs, the president, received numerous guests. The attractive tea and coffee table, with a beautiful, floral centrepiece from the garden of Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Kullander, was under the able supervision of Mrs. C. O. Ham. Mrs. A. L. Haines and Mrs. A. M. Hurst poured. Th-e servitors were Mes-dames H. W. Timms, Wm. Brem-ner, A. Dowsley. O. O. Withers, J. Clccone and J. P. Macdonald. Mrs. T. H. Wilford and her committee Mrs. M. J. Keyes, Mrs. B. Roald and Mrs. M. B. oui nve. wesi ouu and 700 Blocks, mentary income that is, em- ; '. . nlnvprs' rnntrihnt innc tn npn.j 1 1 (223c) ph Olsrn, Blue 728 sions and welfare, workmen's In addition to the fedaral and More than 700.000 persons will I rn.n...iinn onH ,,omin. ! the Drovincial. eovernmems. be elitrible for the old aae nen- For the man who wants s;net; 1480 th East to Seal Cove. : lor MaskulnL something different we have a ment Insurance amounted to 1 Canada has about 4,000 munlci- sion payments which come into $102,000,000. !Pal governing bodies. effect in January, 1952. 17 Jewelled wrist watch which West 248-1077: 2nd Ave Wnict ui.inin I1..1..H. tells the day of month, day of week, the month as well as the correct time. Bulger's Jewellery CELLIST IN JAPAN Store. (lto Lemon supervised the kitchen PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Hit: reel; 3rd Ave. FrizzeU'a Motors to end of 3rd -Hoiulil llusvik, Red 902 704-1427; 9th Ave. West 102-009 806-861; reel 700 Block; Tatlow Street 805-823; Comox !Wcn uny Mi l ean, Black 506 Aol wpst 100-445; 5lh Ave. West 105-515; 6th Ave. 1! 3-8; . Dunsmulr Street 211-424; Tatlow 512- t:1;ln Place; Agncw Place. -Ek-,inor Walker, Green 929 ' AvafwrM 105-537; 9th Ave. East 110-270; McBrlde M 1. -7118. 5-rfcndon Smith, Blue 931 ' rf Sr t Ion 2 -Jkjimy Johnson, Green 661 r ad paCc Place; (CNR-Flshermcn s -Mlvin Bjornson, Green 113 'HU:t. McBrlde to Hays Cove Circle; McBrlde 111 815. Malice Itoald, Green 719 nl?t,237-73fi: 5tn . East 301-719; 0th Ave. 1-45 301-628; Hays Cow Circle 82-667; Cotton very efficiently and spent much time making the delicious and very attractive sandwiches. C. O. Ham assisted In setting up the tables. The cashier was Mrs. R. Davidson. On her table were beautiful dahlias, grown In Mrs. A. Haines garden. These caused much comment during the afternoon. ' ' ; Raffles were In charge of Mrs. W. J. Lineham, Mrs. T. F. Olenn and Mrs. Andrew Thompson. . . Raffle winners were; ; " ' Groceries Mrs. J. Clccone, No. 113.' Cake Mrs. R. Davidson, No. 195. L ..,,.." 'V 0 Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININO MACHINERY Call 363 FOIl BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing llret Two tins of biscuits Mrs. W. D. McAra, No. 30. Flour Mrs. B. Dodd, No. 41. The home cooking stall was in ' charge of Mrs. A. C. Olllls, Mrs. R. 8. Scherk and Mrs. N. J. ! Oalbralth. ! The Co-ordinating Council ex- pressed gratitude to all those I who had assisted In making a 1 mccess of the day. hael Powers. Rlark nil ''ire 1St a'ld 2nd erlook; Herman Place; "juniy Alexander East 333-1865; Frederick St.; Sherbrook Ave. tf"ny "ny Kb) Kby, (jrecn 25g rJlocai tJLadii 247: 2nd Avp i.t in.ni- it strep) P l,Sf -5-247: -- JUrket S Yn Kit I Place. It " ' :,r trhi Rlor.1, aq Sandwich . . 1 - r. Qog vWe.st 5-735, 741-J45; Borden Street Fraser It? J I The Canadian National Maga i zine for September prints a pic i turc with the caption: "The 0 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders '& Contractors i Way to a Man's Heart Switchman Lome Stephens of Prince Rupert finishes off his breakfast while Mrs. Stephens slices bread for the sandwiches that I will be the main course of his j on-the-job lunch." Archibald William, who wri'.es m mi . . . - .71. - v. r S-Ffrnk Kilhorn, Gr. en 977 , ' nSl?1 '24-234; 51ft Ave. East 101-246; 7th Ave. 8; Bowser Street. 'rpk Allan, Blue 120 210-538 ; 7th Ave. West 120-537: 8th Ave. Trl, .tbln,ere SL- 721-728; McBrlde St. 413-11 w St. 0. 625-733. "-Stanley Boshier, Black 953 ' l(l'nlock 800 th Ave. East 9L5-976; 9th Ave. 11 sS,' k 10th East 900-1130; Alfred Street; kfX Donald Street. .'Xmy luhn. reen 661 f -t 870-1H0; Ambrose Ave. 1 - Murray, Blue 275 ' v'.Jat 1034-1944. " - fcmy Moorchead. Red 335 LiP'Stu.,135-1314; park Ave. 1005-2279; lltn - f ler Wreet; Beach Place. rv '"rent, Green 487 f'5-735; Summit Ave.; Taylor Street. v; THE BIST the accompanying story, says In part: "Although It is a fact that the words 'sandwich' and 'lunch' are almost synonymous," railroaders' helpmates can and do much to dress up the lowly sandwich In a variety of appetizing guises, using meat, peanut but i iiBMifi - iihti 1.-.. ..-. ter, cheese "as Is" or In one of 1U multlfarous patented mixtures. In the hands of an Ingenious and capable housewife, a good sandwich becomes a meal in Itself, and can range in style lrom a simple bread and meat combination to one of those assembly line Dagwood Bumstead v i 1,1 Roberts It I ,..!. Aan fr, Km1 One of the outstanding incidents of a great musical career was in 1920 when Bogumil Syk-Dra. eminent Russian cellist, made a tour of Japan and, among other engagements, played a private recital for the Imperial Royal Family. The top picture shows the Emperor and other members of the Imperial family entering the re- creations that contain several slices of bread, each widely seu- arated by a sample of every- i f J , thing edible In the family re Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK . iti.j st 7'-3rd Ave. and 6th Street; 3rd Ave. f "ews-Watts and.Nlckcrson's t5th St.). !ry Parkin, Green 660 ' f'st H41-1476. l"kie 'tPwart, Blue 716 'Wt 981-1086; 1103 Ridley Home; Hays Cove W THE DAILY NEWS pLE MERCHANTS CCESS DEPENDS ON YOU tlll1 Htm f mgerator. Mrs. Stepnens. sleeves rolled up, is seen deftly slicing the bread with what looks like a good sized lunch box nearby. Sitting before his breakfast plate, Mr. Stephens contemplates his wife with a look of admiration. cita' hall. The second picture shows crowd which acclaimed Mr. Sykora when he visited Yokohama. ' acclaimed Mi . Sykora when he visited Yokohama. Lower pirture shows Mr. Sykora with a class of the Imperial Academy of music in Tokyo. For action use News cl hied