Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It Woman Trapper Loves North Our European Parliament Friday, July 20, 1951 ill r ,: - PRINCE ALBERT. Susk., A ivd-heuded, 100-pound bundle of i:iera, "Curley" Hanson hus been doing a man's work for more Canada is the only country in the Western Hemisphere, yes, we are the only nation between Cape Horn and the North Pole that has that old European hn independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Ruprrt and Northern anil Central British Columbia. ; Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian naily Newspaper Association d A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. U. PERRY, ManaRlng Director - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Jy Carrier, per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c Per Year, .v-! $800; By Mall. Per K.tnth. 73c; Per Year. $8.00 '""iCfe? ; Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Pilnre Rupert, i Published every afternoon except Sunday by i years. ; She travelled with' a circus, Parliament that was created in the dark ajrea when tuppei for 20 years, Mv f a , , . , , , . . , lake resort, works as a guide people lost faith in their king, and refused to trust aIll1 has loved tt an. Home-made Coffee live-f iot three-lives at Candle their government. Thus they established what is nowi Nu 44- th , . inch redhead h, ,., u , . .JV,. THANKS to all the folk 60 miles mi.'th of Prince Lake r 1 , , , . r - any irxc itiu. The Lieutenant Gove rnor wnu hflll llltt tellers aies on mutn me same pruicjpi,' Mc Howe' Mr. Speaker, I will about how to make homc-;aS-!!e engJS,ln8 J"nn to f,J now 'read the contract between i made COIiee substitutes. time sends Joe Doe to watcli tional Research Council. J Cne i.'iendlv family even in- ; fud but" Jui" 'h' is try- Mr Uiw. what Is the' date of to do nls job- Here uhu vited me around for a demon-:"1 that? straticn. not only of how to make ' re')rt-;ie,u-3 l"e Oovernment, Mr. Howe: It Is dated January it, tut U taste it. inlle Jov fPents His Maj- lst 1951. V - Albert, where he and her bus-band Conn run a trap line and lakt re-ort. She has U-en in the bush count' y since 1920 when she built a cabin and started trap-pins,. For two years she was the only woman at Candle Lake. Then she heard a rumor that tlu.. police intended to bring tier cut because they felt the situation was too dangerous for a lone woman. "I'll die if I have to leave here." if 1 found there are many varia-1 ?My 1 L0'aI opposition, ,1 4 7 Mr. Maclliraith: That is right. Mr. Drew: Mr. Speaker An Honorable Member: Apolo- Mr. Drew: That statement was Issued by the Atomic Energy Cujurol Board on January 2iuT An Meuibjr ju don't undersXaud tneiu. Mr. Abbott: Make anoliter broadcast. Mr. Speaker: Order. Mr. Dietenbaker: Table some tions. Most cf the ex-prairie "ur turopta.i people use either wheat or ba '-1 Plirljame'u 01 today-ley, p!us molasses. Mis. ! While wt sometimes rt.'tr G:aybiU says that, as a Sjt.ida- i elect.ons be.nj carried on njaru navian loves coffee and here ! b.v lne six-ihuoter than by talis how her dear eld mother usee'. ' 'uls below the Rio G. ande, yet iO make a fine substitute: 1 am "ecy doubtlul it old Mexi-o "lake to rounds go-d bard i her "ltLit primitive atae Canadian wheat (cleaned 1. : could have staged a more ui:-Grini In old coffee mill, set to ' civilized episode than was ptr-'medium g.'ind'. Put the ground formed in our Parliament 011 wheat in cpen flat bread pa.Wulle 27, 23 and 29. JT IS a pleasure to welcome His Honor, Col. the I Honorable Clarence Wallace, C.B.E., Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, who is eoming- to-morrow aboard HMCS Ontario for an official visit to Prince Rupert. It is some years since a Lieutenant Governor has been in Prince Rupert. We are glad that Mr. Wallace has not waited long following his appointment to come here. 1 It is of particular interest to have Mr. Wallace here. He may have been in the city since but we last remember him as a young man just after World tar I when he came here to work at the dry dock aj which his father, the late Andrew Wallace, was biiiWing ships. Unfortunately, he will not find the old dry dock a very busy place after having had its ups and downs these many years but he will notice many changes and improvements in this- bustling crty with its new industrial developments. Apart from the personal interest. Prince Rupert MARKS 94TH BIRTHDAY A new cast, visits fr,ra rfc a watermelon helped George Hebdrn Corsan. naturii iiw.nimri , initio 111s wlh uuiiiu.iy m loronuj western H -jomla, June 11. Corsan, shown eating a banana, onec. vai'h'lii Brown on his FM-Miiln pstnte hrnlf Mo . . tall from a nut tree he was pruning, May 27. In his T t suburban Islington farm. He plans to entertain Twins if" 'and toast till br;wn. Stir around ! l would appear that when other document that we have ccasionally to avoid burning. Mr. Howe entered the Govern- not seen. "Take this out of the oven j ment disposed of his entire Mr. Abbott: Make another and ai.i three teaspoonfulls or stock and interest in the C. V. oroadcast. mola:-:es. Put in oven again. ; Coiuiany Ltd., jut uie bpeaner: Order. Empty cn waxed paper far a ' Iate R- B. Bennett disposed U : Mr. Drew: 'Jhese figures ver couple of hours, till quite dry. i his tuak and inte.est in th - Included in the total of $50u,- Add a teaspoon c: more of this Eddy Match Company when ne 000.00. to boiling water boil for five became the Conservative leader.; Mr. Howe: That Is not what minutes". but Mr. Howe allowed the firm y0u said In your broadcast. i to retain its former name, C. I). ; Mr. Abbott: It is better in Hie iaiiaosiie is one mm-seii ub nis larm mis w.'dc-tr, (CP nurse Is Owen Rogers. PERPETUAL HEAT-WAVE WORLD DlPLOJii neonle Will be P ad to frrept anrl hnnnv the HUD. GRAY gives a variation ofi"e company Ltd. brcadcast than in the House Colombo, capital of Ceylon, I Tnygve Lie. secrtiari. sho told Conn Hanson, a fellow-trapper. "Why don't we get inar-, lied te i can stay?" M. . Hanson liked the idea, t jo. ' and they were mart led In 1929. I Conn now Is 70 years old and ' p. old-timer in the district, j "But he's plenty lough U." his wife says. ! ISlMtN IN SUVA M'OTIA j Curley trapped for 20 years j until conservation rules allowed . only cue member of a family to , trap. However, she still travels j with h.T husband, looks after . camp and chops wood while i Conn lends the ti aplme. ! Born in Lunenburg, N.S.. she ! wa: In a missionary girls school when, she says, she learned "everything but how to live." ; Starting with a 10-month Jaunt with a circus, she's U'en liythg to remedy that ever since. ! Th'-ugh she hates dresses and wears slacks or shorts. Curley gets plenty of women's work to do. She c.'uns 10 cabins at the resort, and last year canned more than 500 quarts of fruit ; and vegetables from her garden, i And she loves Candle I.uke. ; "It's the only ulace I vver want tc live," sho says. ! "1 couldn't livi away from the ! trees and water. I'd Just die if ' I was transplanted." r. . , - . . .. P""1"-'- I the the ab::ve. above. Hp He mast roasts thpi the' " 11 aPPeaj:i appears that the tllB Leader cf Mr. Diew: It must be a relief has an average temperature in of the United Nation t.1 the hmh Bus during the day all mer foreign mimsto wheat kernels before adding th, "e Opposition in his rounds of for the Minister of Finance to molasses, and then grinds. Ha. duties of digging up material lor make those interjections alt. r year round. way. says "taste different from real aemw" marks to chalk up, what ths peop.e ot Canada sa.d against the Government discov- j about him lat Moiulav colfee tut oeally is good". erea tnai tne uovernment wa Tt (, ! I','. M's. Eiizacetn Jones says s.i Mr. Abbott: SATURDAY and MONDA Uiea Marquis wheat when It sold J""'6 , "-"fP-"' lief to listen to .he Hoiiorabi.- ior W cents a bushel. uuamras. aim m 1115 cnarge in, MeUuer it is eis'.ci tainment. bat 01 ine Lieutenant governor tor the symbolism which the office implies the connection with the British cvovn for which we all retain affection and sentimental fealty in spite of our complete autonomy therefrom. The existence of the office is one of those abstract ties that bind us together in our democracy and our idealistic principles. ;We are not forced to have our Lieutenant Governor and it is for that very reason that we retain him and like to have him and are sincere in welcoming Mm when he comes to see us. SPECIALS toil g;:d harj wh-at. covered -B a'1 n"e speuKiug over uw 'in skim milk, until soft. Dram ratiio at Port Arthur he referred dry. To every one pound add to tne firrn as Mr- Howe's fam-two tablespoons cooking mola.i- lly "omP:illy. 'ses.' Spread flat on tin. ana 'When this was brought up in not a relief. Mr. Mutch: We are having a little trouble in following him. The f'jiegohig ij but u umpli: of the material that did get into Hansard of June 27, 28 and 29. Can one envision such an epi roast in oven till dark b.'awn. Mix tne Hol'se on June 27 it was three-quarter pound of the claimed that there was such roastea n?at with one-quarter uProar that 'he reporters could MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHES FOR WORK AND DRESS Just a few of our prices: sode being staged in the Hou pound coffee, and vou ran't tell 1101 sel more than nu per jen of what was said, but 1 am re- at Wash.ngton, or in the council Droducina a lew sketrhe; f chambers of New York or ton- the difterenee from good coffee. ! . 1 . .. .... An urkam thura i.. M., u,,,-K tt.t,... i Hansaro ma . -.iv .Uw u .v I 1 ntn 1J1U vt irnm, Know th,( that. While .t,,i , I, get. ' .,'; a Onvernment i..ri an nffi. 0 n tiood Ht and latest style $35.W.fcjf f-a tail was in India, Andy Ritchie 'crtniure lure 33xqe for Sae, may it uc ullueiSLOU.l that it is our system and not cial Opposition, although either liirhthnm-a Icppnor at Ht c 01 muse cuies nave a nuiie Satu finnri nr v,c ., Party i am reiemng to. far )t NO WHITES ALLOWED) White settlers were barred from Oklahoma in 1834 when most of the slate was declar-d .Indian territory. matters were reversed, that is popu'auon ana tne m "Whtrj the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." II. Cor. 3:17. MKX'8 DKf.SS AM) U'OKK SOX Made by Pmmans r ba.'. Mi Oreg-.r and others 45c li liOYS' PANTS, SWKATI.KS, T SIIIKTS. WINilHKl tKI I 1 wcrld his secret ot making cof- fee substitute from carrots. i "Simply takj one c rtwo car- (Continued on Page 5t it tne conservatives had au Government, and the Liberals had the Opposition, the same tactics would be carried on as they are carried on in all Parliaments in Europe. ll'lj.-' til li.ll-!l!l Wirfil :lMil Piitltiti u ii-.:tf.fl irr.hi- 5 rct and shred them on a cookie tray. Place tray in the oven and dry and rcast till the carrot 1 TIC :Q iX , 52.75 li shreds are golden to dark brown DECCA COLUMBIA CAPITOL Locven and turn the shredded SOME EXAMPLES UKM.MV Sturdy 8-oz. malirlal. Rig. $3 25 SpnU' n'f.ClAL! .MtN'S PAXTS Zipper front, plain sliadts :arrot as it nears the brown 1 So here are o few jikoh-tirc stage. lit. Hcgular $10 33 Noi L It wil 1 finish up part taken from Hansard betwewi brown,, mostly dark Dane 4747 anrt nn 4i nf im,. MVS 1JIU.S.S OK KK.Vll-l)lll:SS PANTS -All sles latest releases in Popular, FoIk Songs, Classics. 78 rpm ,r.d long play. ; ALL RECORD ACCESSORIES Regular $5.75. Kw brown, and seme nearly black. 27, 28 and 29. Do not crush it fine or it will Mr. Drew: May I say that ids pass through the percolator". statements that I charge him witn taking K''aJt from Canad- 1 HANKS TO THE J. H. Rich- air is r complete and unuuall-ardsons, I have actually tried a fied falsehood, and he knows v RECORD BRUSHES Keep your records clean lor lunger wear Mi:N"S lKi:SS PANTS Hr.df.irrl cord. All tool. Pert inn.: shades. Smaitly tailored. Reg. $15 qp Ji! P.OVS" A NO ;IH.S' Kl'NXlXf a SIIOKS, (li ariiif beliiw last year's priiei Moke sure that you are in the right ston Look for the Big Sign! lupie oj mis nome-maae col tec substitute, made from carrots. I tried It on the whole coffee drinking half of our family and they were surprised to find it Mr. Howe: On a question cf personal privile?s Mr. Drew: I repeat the s:aW-ment as I said It Some Honorable Member: Oh! Oh! Rupert Radio and Electric Mr. urew: Then it dots se- CNE LADY WRITES she trusts ' P.O. Box 1279 313 3rd Ave. W. Phone 644 hop and i come Some Honorable Member: Oh! Oh! Mr. Speaker: Order. I think the Leader of the Opposition should be heard. . 1 this will be one way to help the : budget. "For, God help us. we1 j won't be able to make the budget; 1 balance muoh longer. But we al-! ways have Adam's ale. if we get 1 broke". - . Tlie most nowerful gasoline your tar can use., 'actnaled' Midi Premium! 'ave at store at i r.ew liquor vender's : Prince Rupert. ray A rec?s,sion is An Honorable Member: Let ITl talk. talk. .-V. t..;t-.. ! '',-,;-,; J,J a period l.i!.v,.,.', ' him v ncn v:j tiehten up cur belt. In a depression you have no! grieved letter to the pacer be-1., 1Jre' 1 pomt oac tnal Reflects and Remin sees cause she thinks my recent e ls no sucn necessy be belt to tighten. And when vou . 1 T have no pants to hold ' . " " i1mProvefl loe lacl up-it's a situation in Britain that lnal 1 I stated stated panic. S may dis- 1 . j courage Canadians from send-' Mr- McCann: You're tackiiu FORTY YEARS YOl'NG ! Parcels to friends there. 1 up, now' , Anvnno to,i . ... Do not get me wrnrm Th-vl Mr- Speaker: Order. oveiu ouani KWJM" Occasion That rainmaker down the coast may te ail he claims to be but Victoria and Vancouver can be excused if they show signs of need tne Britain. I Mr- Drew: -except he now 0 held a job. should V for viDO P:,rels 1" ear; of aea Joe Walcott i,But tny do NOT need many of s that the cost of the cliaIk hence. Forty days is ciuil.e me tilings mai people have bean ' 4 "j'- is u,uuu,uuu.uu.- sending them from here. i Mr- Maclliraith: He did not Moreover, If prices keep sky-, ' ' birthday . . Anniversary . . . Shower and Wedding Cards and Wrappings All under one roof spell. thirty-seven. The otht - right he knocked cut Erzard Charles, winner cf 24 straight fights him-:lf. Walcott, sweating and smiling as he stcjd off rcnrrat- I I f'l!1-' 3 -, rocKetmg the way they have TRI-LIGHTS TORCH ICRS TABLE: LAMPS Shades in nworM shapes and nl' been here, the great of the IASES BREATHING... THIS IS DIFFERENT people of Britain will soon be Spain and the United States : ulaticns, said he felt like sixteen are; being featured in the news- j LETTERBOX papers just now. Last time, it was 53 5 ears asc end thon there was a, war on. Tcday, there s merely a bit of mill murmured diplomacy. FOOTBALL Editor, Daily News I was interettsd to read in much better off than we are. For their tight system of price control, with rationed distribution, prevents the very thing that is happening here. In Canada the average family Just can't live on the average wage, which is still leys than $50 per week. In Britain a family can get along quite nicely on $50 or Specially priced this week ot ct(,,T.,T.v t.., last night's "Daily News' 'an ar- FfLT . ticle headed "Fsetball Makeup' GORDON & ANDERSO The July SAL Third Avenue Harriman Threatened OF RELIEF FROM HAY FEVER and ASTHMA Inhale the toothing herbal vapor of Kellogg' Asthma Relief Breathing becomes mora free and natural. Bring! effective relief even to chronic Asthma and Hay Fever eufTerers. Over 60 yearg in ue. Available in cigarette form, if de-aired Atk your nearest dealer. iins is vne noie ur less md- in wnirn it was alleged that the aneholy season wh:-n vacation- Gmera', M:: :rs F 00 .ball Clao ists a e thinking of returning had failed to field a team for home. Travelling is believed to Wednesday night's scheduled have a broadening effect. It has game and would therefore 'o also been heard said that it has disbanded. a tendency to flatten c;r;kel-i As one who plays the occas-bocks. ! ional game for the General Mo- tors Club it seems to me that the An Alabama woman, Mrs. artirle smells strongly of whh-Cralg, preferred her faith in the lul thinking and contains mew Good Book to avoiding a five:smoke than fire. ' foot rattlesnake. It bit hrr fou.' 1 I have failed to see mum Umes. Mrs. Craig belonged to , loB'c in some things which the a cult called the Hcly Sect, and Prince Rupert Football Associa-about forty membe-s worked 1lon does, and why it expects u overtime in supplication. Well, j General Motors team to turn out there' always cjmes a time or! to play in a game which the As-shouldi when fanaticism stops ! sociation advertised on Wednes-and -common ?ense starts. i day's front page as a L?gion- ;',;; , Battery contest is the best ex- j ample yet. PERHAPS NOT 1 ! Further- ,h Motors , . . . r Colonel G. H. Ellis, assistant club is quite capable of sneak- ORMES TEHRAN Iranian police are reported to have uncovered a plot to assassinate W. Averill Harriman, President Truman's ambassador-al-large, who is here In the attempt to iron out the Iranian oil dispute between Britain and the Iranian government. Harrlman's movements are now being kept secret at the request ol the security police. NORTHROP LYMAN CO LTD., TORONTO SHOES HANDBAGS LUGGAGE CONTINUES AT "(fashion "(footwear The Pioneer Druggis BUCKING THE TIDE ftVHii,',n u 6U.CH1I11-111, Ljui-,iiie ior useir and anv club n 1st bureau, says that so far ex-1 nouncempnts win h. n , Four persons in the state of pndiiure of money from across, the club president, captain or: Oregon voted for a prohibition Khe line is less. Wonder if Ottawa secretary. 1st candidate in the 1938 presi presi " PHONE 81 ever neara 01 mat grand JOHN WILSON. dentlal election,