1 prqv!niaL : 4HbhahV a, Vr ORMES DRUGS fL ... . DAILY DELIVERY R V CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER !10 DISPATCHED Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northweit" Phone 31 j VOL. XL, No. 169 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENT8 CWBBBgW H ill' MgBWBBj nn 11 I I'll niN I s?n o 0 0 ttp ISSilSSIBllOTilnl hmf yMji0(M H.MCS Ontario Arriving Saturday Afternoon If Following arrival in port to-; ! FLASH Xing Abdullah of Jordan is Killed i LONDON (CP) The Foreign Office said today X'hr Abdullah of Jordan was assassinated. "We O't jriving out any details," a spokesman said, have received the news with profound regret."' I morrow afternoon of HMCS On- ; tario, an official welcome and I ! civic dinner will be given by the ! I city of Prince Rupert for Lt.- j i Governor Clarence Wallace. He 1 arrives 2 p.m. Saturday, aboard j Ontario. J Invitations to the dinner in-' i elude 120 representative guests. Lt.-Cdr. McRae will deliver in ' address of welcome on behalf of j the city of Prince Rupert and' I district. Mayor Rudderham will J s- CHI'CML SESSION SEOVL The Korean war true, talks are to be resumed Saturday morning (S p.m. Friday, Pacific Daylight Time) at Kaesong. Flooded roads and storms prevented the United Nations delegates from reaching Kaeson yesterday. This may be the crucial session over the issue of withdrawal of foreign troops from Korea. MEDIATION REJECTED NEW DELHI India today It was reported that Abdullah be chairman of the dinner. j A presentation of a Queen Charlotte Islands slate totem ; pole will be made by J. C. Gilker, ! i 09 years of age, was shot as lie jwas entering a mosque at Amman lor prayers. His second son. ! president of the Prince Rupert. I (Chamber of Commerce. I II WlJ lite Sox ar Top 1 I Prince Waif, has bepn appointed j J regent. I The assassin was Identified as ' 1 Mustapha Shaklr, a notorious ! terrorist, who was friendiv with I 1 7 Vl LIEUTENANT - GOVERNOR - -Hon. Clarence Wallace, a: riving here tomorrow aboard HMCS Ontario for official visit to Princ-a Rupert. 1 v ?fc. Chairman of the civic enter- i tainment committee is Aid. T. I B. Black. The reception and dinner will j be held at the Canadian Legion j ' auditorium. At 2:30 p.m., the lieutenant 1 governor, in company with Com- modore H. F. Pullen and Com- ; mander H. Paterson. will dU- JYORK 'CP) Chicago's r OrinA Mufti. Shaklr, him-! While Sox climbed to 8t'" wa "hot dt'ad by the royal i -"ukuj"-1 Jiur me snooims. Jliree percentage points i s league-leading Boston' MarUal law was declared alter k Thursday by nip,n - i lhe shooting. Dr. J. U. Galbraith, medical superintendent of the ho;p.L;il, and the medical and nur.siii turned down an offer from Prime Minister Meniies of Australia to mediate in difficulties between India and Pakistan. Nehru said the situation did not warrant intervention. Pakistan has been complaining about massing of Indian force near her frontiers. BOAT WORKS BURNED SECHELT The Canoe Pass Boat Works at Pender Harbor near here were destroyed by fire early this morning. A landing barge and several small boats were also fk Yankees 2 to 1 embark at Prince Rupert and staffs. The killing of Abdullah promises new difficulties In the Mid-dle Ea;t for Britain, already harried by the oil crisis. will be met by Mayor G. W. Rud trd Sox, still flndlm? the :liiy rocky, lest to Cleve-5 tii 4 in the 11th inning i 6e Trihes second basc-Oliby Avilla, scored from tfcc on Sam Chaplan s BIO 6MLLTE.R Key factor in British ColumJia Industrial development Is this smeller at Trail of the Consolidated Mining and Smelt ng Company Ltd.- Largest non-ferrous metals smeHor hi the Commonwealth, It gives employ nnt to thousand's of workers. (CP PHOTOt derham, Lt. Cdr. Jack McRae MLA, RCN(R, F. E. Anfield, In-' diam superintendent, and J. C. i Gilker, president, Chamber cfi Commerce. j Lt. Gov. Wallace will then' in-' spect a Boy Scout guard of honot , which will attend his reception at the Jetty. j At 3 p.m., the official party is scheduled to arrive at B.C. Pack- ; crs Ltd., Seal Cove, for a tour of the cold storage plant and The British put Abdullah on the throne after the Second World War and supplied funds for his government and the j strong Arab Legion. Abdullah was born In Mecca i and claimed direct descent from Mohammed. Used to strife, he j always wore a dagger at the ! waist of his flowing white robes, j ij; other other daylight ll'liiladelphia Alhleti-js $roit Tigers split a dou-i winning the first 5 to he Tiners took the sec-4 3 - At a special ceremony, the principal Indian chiefs of the district will be introduced as well as members of the Aiy-ansh Harmonic Silver Band. Mr. Anfield has been chosen as orator for the chiefs and will deliver an addreoa of wtKumii to the visiting officials. At 5:30 p.m., the followinj visitors will be received officially aboard HMCS Ontario: Mayor Rudderham, Lt. Crtr. McRae. Mr. Anfield, Mr. Gilker, W. C. R. Jones, Columbia Cellulose Co. mill manacer; Mr. Sourar, Mr. Boulter, Dr. J. W, Galbraith and Dr. Ralph Ball. HMCS Ontario leaves Prin-c ; Rupert 4 p.m. Monday and i3 scheduled to arrive at E-;qui-'malt harbor 11:30 a.m. Wedne.s- Joint Development of Alaska And West Canada Proposed (iiiire National League PLANE CRASH GANGES HARBOR Three personsha d a narrow escape when a B.C. Airways plane overturned here last night. They were Miss Dor re en Kitchen, a nurse, Harold Her-ford of Vancouver, and Pilot Tom Tender. ! 4 I i.e (t f Canada's Gift Radar Sets For Europe r the day was wash- (other operations, and will be met by Manager D. M. Soutar. While no direct motive is yet j ascribed to the killing, It is no'.- jed that Abduiinh was a staunch! ; friend of Britain. Ho worked for j I United Arab control and at the; isame time for peace with Israoi. WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Secretary of the A visit follows to the shipyard, where the party will be met by Assistant Superintendent Thom- SEBALL- OTTAWA v uanana toaay ;:.. n ni... ...n , r . . , announcer! her latest contrlbu- uiiopiuaii.ittueu ujuay lor juirn. ut:- i as Boulter. Aomuiah was a strict Moslem and he never smoked or drank. , Uon 10 Europe to help build a Velopment of the Far North by the United States I wall aga'nst communism was 300 ,.j r,r,l ' PIXP MILL TOUR i The Sundav tnnr ' tnchidps American aim vauaua, radar sets that will be sent to six Spies Are Convicted It 1. Ch'raKO 3 " He tie said sain Alaska Alaska alone, alone, cr.imt-ies to detect nnvraomt- given ' morning visit' to Columbia Cei- : day jrurose Co.-Ltd.' pulp mill ' at1' - I Cleveland 5 FISH ARRIVALS Pact Parley For Canada phia 5-3, Detroit 0-4 J on 7, St. Louis 9 WTather Mr. viiiKer. xne pariy win be oi- planes or guided missies that 10051 bv the United States gov-iray :omc their way ernment, has a multl-mlllion- Tk , . . ',, . , dollar future and could produce in 1952 to tha United Kingdom, hydro.electrlc energy annuaIIy. Belgium, The Netherlands, Nor- ThlnivPt.t.lert ,.),..... ficially met by Dr. Robert Ball, general manager of the mill. At 2:30 p.m., a tour of Miller Bay Hospital begins, when Lt. Gov. Wallace meets Mr. Anfield, Synopsis Numerous fh'owers have been way, Denmark and Italy. Manularture has begun Margaret I. 3000 halibut, 23c, 21c, 15c; 25,000 black cod, 16.1c, 8c, Cold Storage. Island Queen, 3000 halibut, 23c, 20c, 15c; 18.000 black cod, 16c, 8c; 3000 red cod, 4c; Atlin. TOKYO P Seventeen Koreans and Japanese were convicted today by the Allied International Provost Court on charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. Name of an eighteenth defen- Canada, properly developed, 'could support a population of six millions. "Like Alaska, it. OTTAWA Montreal, Toronto,! Ottawa or Vancouver may be the , scene of a meeting of the North ! ' Atlantic Treaty organlzatior. which is being proposed for Can-' ada. It would bring such digna-' tories as Secretary of Slate Dean too, Is rich in natural wealth. Moreover, this Canadian region would provide a nearby market for Alaska products." I National 4i c-Broltlyri. Chlcagn-i St. I.onis-Boston, all post-bf rain. Utern International 2. Salem 10 tehee 7. Victoria 2 tii 5. Yaklrrm I la 4. Vancouver 13 I Pariflc Coast iim?lse 2. Portland 8 nod 3. Seattle 0 Bi ro 7, Los Angeles S fii'iito 7, Oakland 3 (11 I dant was withdrawn during the j trial which began May 11. The court found the defendants Removal of Red Dean is Sought Pastor Brother Local Man, Dies Rev. Hiram Hull, D.D., long prominent United Church minister of Hamilton, Ontario, and bi other of Oarnvt Hull of Prince Rupert, passed away suddenly yesterday in the Eastern city, according to word received by the local brother. Japanese Peace Pact Conference Called For Sept. 4 in San Francisco WASHINGTON, D C. 0 Unit- Former Crown ! Prince Dies j HECHINGEN (P' Former I guilty on 41 of 44 counts which ranged from acts Inimical to se-j curity of the occupation to es- pionage and conspiracy. The findings of the Provost i Court are subject to review before sentence is passed, i Seventeen of the convicted face maximum sentences of ten Acheson and Secretary of Defence Oeorge Marshall of the United States and Foreign Secretary Herbert Morrison, Emmanuel Shinwell and Sir Hugh Oaltskill of Britain. Thjre would be about 300 delegates In all with their staffs from the twelve member countries. Mayor Fred Hume of Vancouver has sent word that hotel accommodation will be found if it ,v reported in thy interior in the last 24 hours and showers are aain expected to develup in the eastern and northern parts this afternoon. However, tomorrow should bring a respite from shower activity along with a rise in temperature. On the coast there is considerable cloudiness but the south coast will enjoy sunny weather. A moderate storm in the Gulf nf Alaska will bring rain to the Charlottes and the west coast of Vancouver Island tomorrow. Forecast North coast resion Cloudy today with sunny periods this afternoon. Rain beginning tomorrow morning, becoming showery in the afternoon. Cooler tomorrow. wind light today and southerly (201 tomorrow. Lows tonight and hiirhs tomorrow at Port Hardy, Sar.d.;pit and Prince Rupert, 52 and 62. Crown Prince Wilhelm, once heir I e Years in to the German Empire, died last ed States and Britain are due to his villa after a long issue invitations today to forty- Dr. Hull was 80 years of age t..,- ,j .i i night "biW at ' ' years each in prison. . Supplying of Information to the Communists was alleged. LONDON Six Conservative Members of Parliament are seeking the removal from office of Rev. Hewlett Johnson, sometimes known as the Red Dean of Canterbury, whom they charga with preaching subversive and radical doctrines. The appointment of the Dean is by the King and he could only be removed by the King at tha recommendation of the government. Dr. Johnson is known for his pro-Communist views. He has just returned from a trip to Moscow where he received the Stalin peace prize. Is decided to hold the meeting, i" . V, J Illness. He was 69 years of aRC nine countries, including Russia, n. un.uiviii, nvuv ai.WtC f a i i - . - - , - i , j. Retu In his city. rns U VV. . lit tilt! Ill IIIC UCLU1 1 i fc- 1.1IU V OUOIlliJt LfV. HLC VI IBl; J , Re I Victor !! 'r'hi! i' hJh Wjl!cl War, the Prince has livpd conference at San Francisco on Basso-Bert, after Richard Large, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large, returned home ' . Je had been first pastor i ht f the hmioo Hohcnsoliem Completed draft of the tieatv on Thursday afternoon's plane uldt t""" ". :cast,e whicn ne could t aff0rd was circulated two weeks ago to three years In his i'y of Turin, Italy, has to Prlnw Rupert. He m Tuesday night's train l.-.'k. from his radio studies in Van couver for a two weeks' visit with his parents. Are Angling For Throne of Spain MADRID In connection with the move of General Francisco Franco to restore the monarchy in Spain, lt is reliably reported that the pretender to the throne. (but Fishing Resumes Next TODAY'S STOCKS Dr. Hull was born in Ontario t0 run. an countries at war with Japan but came west when his family and yy were asked get ln . homesteaded ln the Souris dis- comments Norweaion Holidov or suggestions trict of Manitoba. He went to "90" for cnanges by tomorro;, j Western College ln Winnipeg and ' or Premier Attlee In Ottawa it was anticipated1 preached in his native province LONDON Prime Minister and . that External Affairs Minister before moving to Ontario. i Mrs. Clement At tree will spend a ; L. B. Pearson will represent His aged widow survives as well week's holiday In Norway. They , Canada at the signing of the as a daughter, Mrs. Neff of Ham- are due to arrive n Oslo August1 Japanese peace treaty ln San j llton, and two sisters, Mrs. aboard a British warship and ' Francisco. Canada is largely In j Thomas Masson of Vancouver will be guests of the Norwegian ' accord with the terms proposed and Mrs. A. E. Lewis, Victoria, in government. , by the United States. i i:ourMT ft. D. Johnston Co. I.ld.)- m in newiy upenea Mreas Don Juan, would renounce his i VANCOUVER claim if his thirteen-year-old son, Don Carlos, is called. Bcattle Brvcourt Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smeltcs .... .45 ' ... ..41 . .17 ,1?0.00 Con west 2.56 iile the Inernational Fisheries Commission is hack to see "what happens" iri a novel experi-ith halibut seasons, most Prince Rupert hali- and many American will be heading for all fishing areas by Tuesday morning. Vessel-clearing for the new Charge Made by Chinese !M!ssouri 9ut Donalda Eldona ... .49 '4 .17 addition to the brother here. Contribution Of Germany ut control Neutrality Violation Alleged Against Americans North Of Yalu River American planes had "violated" j the Manchurian frontier three ing Sockeye "TOKYO (CP) The Pelninir ra-1 Hues "on June 30 the very day LONDON 0" The United States has proposed that Great dl charsed today that United that General Ridgway (Supreme d Clovah areas, termed 2B and 2C, begins midnight July 23. The season opens Thursday, July 26. Area 2B Is off the east coast of Moresby Island in southern Hecate Straits. Area 2C lies off the west coast of Dall and other Islands between Cape Addlngton and Dixon Entrance. Because of Indications in the "ttnuus piaiies naa violated Chi- iiuiuiiuti . umuc uu nese territory while Korean war i cease-fire proposal." Britain and France moot in Washington to discuss the prob- ig sockeye were given rem of Germany's contribution were Deing neid to Atlantic defence. at Kaesong. ,, . A Chinese language broadcast " A spokesman said that l Britain mnnltnrrt h .m ,! American Standard 12 Braiorne 6.10 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz l.ll Congress ,.07 Giant Mascot 95 Indian Mines 21 Fend Oreille 7.35 Pioneer 1.83 Premier Border 31 Privateer 11 Reno . .03 Sheep Creek 1.55 Silbak Premier 38 Taku River 07 Vananda 12 Spud Valley 11 Silver Standard 2 43 Western Uranium 2.10 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.10 A P Con 40 Atlantic 2.90 Calmont 1.10 C ti E 13.80 Home Oil 16.50 Mercury 15 Okaita 2.35 Princess 1.35 Royal Canadian 13 Royallte 14.75 TORONTO Athona .08 Aumaque r 19'i Biggest Floods in History May Be Coming ST. LOUIS O" The untamable Missouri River headed toward its crest near the juncture with the swollen Mississippi today, crumbling protecting levees in it- drive tnward St. Louis. Engineers predict that all dikes at the confluence of the rivers will be swept away within forty-eight hours. St. Louis is bracing Itself for the shock of what may be the most serious flood in Its history. up Cloyah Creek this during low water by "or a few hours each day East Sullivan 7.70 Giant Yellowknife 7.85 God's Lake .32 Hardrock , .17 ! Harricana .08 Hva I'!', Jacknife OR'i ' Joliet Quebec 52 Little L"ng uus . .65 Lynx 13' i Madsen Red Lake 2.06 M.-Kenzip Red Lake 42 Mcl.eod Cockshutt 2.65 Moneta 31 ''2 Negus 70 Noranda '. 71.00 Louvicourt . 16'i Pickle Crow 1.67 San Antonio 2.51 Senator Rouyn 18 Sherrit Gordon 2.90 Steep Rock 665 Silver Miller 1.37 Upper Canada 1.57 Golden Manitou 6.45 Bobjo .13 Lapaska 03 'V Sturgeon River .16 - TIDES - Saturday, July 21, 1951 (Pacific Standard Time) High '. 2:47 21.9 feet 15:39 20.6 feet Low 9:16 1.0 feet 21:34 5.0 feet, was still considering the propo- planes were over Chinese terri-sal which Is, apparently, aimed tory north of the Yalu Rivr at speeding up long-drawn out "between July 11 and 16 The discussions about west German planes, the radio added' had contribution to Atlantic Pact remnn-ttred and strafed ground forces. - ' , . Installations. It charged that past that some halibut runs have not been touched during the main season in June, the commission has authorized a 10-day open season in the two areas and no quota has Plugs from the Columbia I flam near the head of f:m. Fisheries Depart- fi-lals say they requested Zn small 1 f sure wnen the water Get as much as you can in fo a level where sockeye the time vou have." says "he impossible to ascend the commission, which regards the Keep Up with the Jones' PHONE 99 r lrcam. short season only as an experi- sh migrate into Prud- ment, results of which will be Jake., headwater for the known lnt,lr this vear. Estimates 4nd spawn in the creeks of the mid-summer take run Nig the lake, from six to 10 million pounds. SANSH SILVER HARMONIC BAND Admission $1.00 - Students 50c Tickets at Indian Office. Phone 194 Sn Recital at Civic Centre . 8:15 p.m. - Saturday, July 21st