r T.B. brl'vi'Hs DbLXi.Nfc Sa!cri 1 6, ii Kuperi Doily INewS Saturday, June 30, lfinl Blackwood on &d doors for the season recently t he ! To Remain In Canada Showers Help Prairie Crop ! WINNIFEO Weather con-i tinued mostly cool throughout I the west during the past week ri-e, lrV. aa tl e, PnerWr-.t-'H wow wax ...... nr o -"!" tried .rt 0 Important of this section ofeci or anv on9 yea, slnce im Nova Scotia as a fishing centre ;xh,, death rate mil!ion or was brought home to its mana- respiratory u.B. last year was 32i ger, Frank Pellerin. Believe iticn.paifd with 4C3 in 1949. cr not the first three members ' O'vt,, .... - ..on, F Sometimes I wonder how Mr. Meek learned to play the cards so well. With his conservative bidding OTTAWA (CP) Citizenship ! Commliu ",f Minister Harris said in Commons i operations of 'l''''1'1' that Fred Kose, rormer Labor-.espionage wit;-Progressive in r Member of Parha-! a member ni li ' th Canadian National resort's staff to arrive for duty wvre named Hook, Fly and Fish. ment, now serving a peniten- mons f0r K" tiarv term term for esulonaue mn. the nm ... . r"lrpa.-c-, --. t.iue nr Ki6 . habits he seldom gets into contracts which require tough, daring, brilliant play. I just wonder where he gets the practice. j He made all 13 tricks on this th tricks. So Mr, Mesk pteyed hand but declined to bid farther ltl the following manner, after Mrs. Keen's powerful jump ' Af tM winning the opening to four spades. i trick with the m e of hearts, he htenn . .v, piracy, will be allowed to remain in Canada on completion of his sentence August 9. Mr. Harris said that a new provision on the Citizenship Act which can be used to deport persons convicted of espionage is not retroactive. It cannot be mm. applied iu tj Rose ease. 1 i ' 'l'h: e is another point." Mr. j jf. Canadian citizens " Rose, born -at Lublin, Poland, December 7. 1907, came to Canada In 1920. He later obtained Canadian citizenship. Mr. Harris made his statement in reply to quuticnii fcy Ltou with good rains to scattered i showers occurring to thv weekly . crop report of the department of I agriculture of the Canadian ' Natk ual Railways. j j Some areas would welcome further rains parMcularly those in the "light shower" districts but in general warmer weather is now the moat important crop requirement. ' Wheat has commenced to heaxl out at a few points in Manitoba but, is later hi other provinces. ! It has been dry in the Okanogan during thw past week . Early cherries have started to move in small quantities at Penticton i and Blng cherries will commence , to move about this week-end and i should be moving in volume about July t. This crop will be about 75 percent of last year's production Apricots, which will ' be 300 to 400 percent over last year, will commence moving ! from Penticton around July 17 to 2C. The peach crop is expect-; ed to be six timvs greater than last year in volume and is ex-jpeeted to muve in carload lots to Saskatchewan and Manitoba markets Apples for the fresh ! fruit market are now estimated j at. 7 million boxvs as compared, with 7,!J"n,000 last season. monds. The remaining enemy trumps were then taken and all of dummy's diamonds wer good. Thus Mr. Meek won five dia-i mondi, one heart and no less than seven trump tricks. This was one hand where Mrs. Keen wished she had Miss Brash for a partner. citoiTox iioiisi: sruo' I UAMrnilwrn n . North dealer None vulnerable Ntirlh ( Wr. Ktn) S K J tt H H A 7 8 2 I A K U 7 4 C Nojw? Vft 1 t (Mr. AW I) (Mix Krah S 7 5 4 3 H- B H K Q 10 9 H J IK I- 3 r-0 5 1 C K J 8 (.'a q e 4 3 Hoiltll ( .HI-. ek ) S A Q 10 2 H 5 UU J 10 c 10 iin 1 Tlw bidding: AVe-i( ID Puss IS 1'rtsiH 4 S All pass Mr. Abel led the king Of hearts and Mr. Meek WOW with the ace I on the board. He paused to check jthe srtuatiun over, tnles all five outstanding spades were in one opponent's hand, he hid 10 ipades, five diamonds and a heart. He thought about a cross- ruff. He knows, of course, that the first thing to do when plan- ning a cross-ruif is to cash the quick side suit winners. He saw that if he could cash two dia-mond tricks, he could then cross-ruff clubs and hearts for -'. -; 'hl ; k, Itm Mims &onlM, v Rciidential tnd Day School for Girls - V4 M. muiic art Primary Claim (o Senior MatrkuUtios Accredited by the Doeirtm.rt f Eeucario V v - Principal MISS ELLIN K. BRYAN, M.A. Cily School In a Country SeHing" home economics voic production "A F73 1?U A SURGEON, YES- 4 y but the picture is not complete. Over 40 per cent of his income is derived from woods - workers or from people servicing woods-workers. Partner in his profession stands the forest. eignt more tricks. These, wlih deceased. the ace of hearts, would make take notice that a Admims-I a- total of 11 trilm i trntor. duly appointed by the court, ifiiiv. J1 t.t of the es,ut of J,,h" Matw..n. who C HAM b TO TAKE ALL died at Victory Cove. British Col- But wait. If neither opponent UI"Di on the 2uth or 27th day of had a sinulptnr. riiamnnrl thpr. I APr"' 1H51- 1 require all creditors (t I.OSt'ltC TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. P.easo refrain from telephoning. Clam cnaige auc. JHirtn Notices 50c. Cards of Tlianks, De-ith s Marriage and Engagement Announcements S2 0C. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. fill M ! LONDON CP D:hs froi lubeicuiosis in England and Wales '-"the fell by 20 uer cent iasi VP14 hioDf.t n-.-Hft. ca,t'jn 'Afri(,a arp pagans w,?h 30 ppr r,,nt Christians and 11 rer cent Moslems. f'SftSU n it Tf - ;r 1 1. -. .fc j ; j I ; ; i I 1 I eSSiona i MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFipE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 520 234 3rd Ave. E. Prinea Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black R99 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 Hook, Fly, Fish, On Resort Staff PICTOU, N.S. When the popu- lar summer resort Picto,, Lodge cn the seem; snores oi North-; umberland Strait opened Its mm w - 2ii!i n t ft ft-' 1 1 ft ' rm k VJ. fi II il .'II 11 iidineM For Your PAINTING and DECORATING See SPENCE & MATIUK Green 917 Phone Black 215 (evenings) SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1G26 ?or genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Saws Tour mw will cut dener, truer, ftiisUr when fiM on ur precision machine, yuiclc tcrvLe uo ! U j,,.- ut htowi. Bring Tour mm- in UmIuj. Old M retouthtxi. PRECISION SAW FILING 1.115 riOGOTT PLACE Box J0U Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) . 9l By Eosley Blackwood . immediately led a small neart ; and ruffed it with the deuce of i spades. I He overtook his 10 of dia- monds with dummy's king and led -another heart, ruffing it j with the 10 of spades. The jacK - of diamonds was overtaken with the ace on the board and 1 dummy's, last heart was led. I'NLIK'KS WITH ACE This one Mr. Meek ruffed with ! his ace of spades, unblocking so i lie would have a trump lead 10 j the board. Then he led the I quen of spades and won it with I dummy's king. On the lead of dummy's jacK of spades, Mr. Meek carefully ; discarded his queen "of dla- i TrMHI K SALE "ir!!)! : SeaU-d K-iiUits will be received by i th Minister oi Forests at Victoria, ; ',ot "e ,- chKse o( Llceuce xsoioa. to cut 1 2.345.000 t b.m. of Hratiuok. Baixum. I !. 't Crdar ob an area eom- 'Piirti) 01 vuchiii vruwn tuna 811-mited on the south bank ot Ci 1 1 e -toyees Hlver and approximately '2 nine southwest at Lot 2577. Indian I Reserve No. 13, Rantfe 4, Const Lund District. Three years will be allowed for lemovai of timber. Further uiirticulara of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B C . or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B C (J9, 18.23.30) i re estate of John maitson a"l others having cluima aKatnst the said estate to tend the aame u, me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or belore the 15th day of August, 151. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been no- tllied. AND further take notice that all persons Indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness m me forthwith. DATED at Pilnce Rupert. B C. this 27th day of June, lust Ourd on Fraser Forbes Ollicial Administrator I Prince Rupert. BC. (Jim. 2H. 30. July 6. 7) 3n re estate of WILLIAM FAIRGKAY JOHNSTONF.. deceased. TAKE NOTICE that as Executor of ( the, estate of William Fau-aray John- I (stone, lite f irlnce Rupert. British I Columbia, who died, at Prince Ru-j pert. British Columbia, aforesaid on j the gird day of May, 1951, I require! all creditors and others having j claims against the said estate to sencr the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before th 15th day of August. ISM. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to such clalma of which I shall then have been notified. AND further take notice that all persons Indebted to said estate ar required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 23th day o! June. 1H51 Brown & Harvey Barristers & Solicitors. Bo 5 Prince Rupert. B C. Solicitors for Julian Booth Robertson, B:xecutor of the estate of William Fairgrnv Johnstone. Jun 29. 30. Jul 0. 7. IN RE ESTATE OF FRANK A. JACKSON, OTHERWISE KNOWN A3 FRANK ANDREW JACKSON, DE-'.. CEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator with the will annexed, duly appointed by the court, of the estate of Prank Wt. Jackson, otherwise known as Frank Andrew Jackson, who died at Clear Water, near Telegraph Creek. British Columbia, on the 2nd day of March. 1U47. I require all creditors and others having claims aKalnst the said estate to send the same to me, properly verified, at the addreia mentioned below on or before the ISth day of August. 1951. after which date I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. having regard only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. And further take notice that all persons indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 21st day of June, 1961. . MARY CATHERINE ALLEN. Official Administrator, Telegraph Creek. B C. (Ju22.23.28.30) IM TUB 8UPREM.E COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATS IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP NARCIA NELLIE HARLAN (otherwise known as NELLIE KILBY) and IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by OrVief of His Honour JUDGE W. O. FULTON, made the 27th day of June, A D. 1351, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of NARCIA NELLIE HARLAN (otherwise known as Nellie Kilbyl, deceased, late of Pflnce Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia. All parties having claims aKaiiiF.t the said estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 15th day of August. AD. 1951, after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledKe. All parties Indebted to the aald estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Ru-pert. In the Province of British Columbia, this 28tu day of June, A D. 1951. OORDON P. FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rt pert, BC. (182) ' i .., j ,.1, . . , , was a good Chance to take ail: j . , I PRINCE I RUPERT I DRYDOCK I AND SHIPYARD ! I I SHIHBCJILDKRS AND 1 ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and min':kg maiiunery ; j I ' PLUMBING HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smiths El kins Lid. P.O. Box 274 4" The best I fcClffl QUALITY fv Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartarje and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all wvldlng supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Parle Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 wuiu ptr ui.seiuoii, minimum Funeral Notices. KIltTII NOTICE PiCHE-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul flche uiee Eleanor Moxievi en June 2o m Burns Lane Hos-oiiai. a daughter, Sharon Louise, weight 7 lbs. 5 ounces. Mother and daughter doing well. Ut3 FOR SALE FOR SALE McClarv "E.scort" white enamel mime, with not burner. Phone Keu 333, 145 7 th Ave. East. (15au) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Llnif-belt Speeder Shovels; i Cranes: Oraaiiibs; Adam! Road Orauers: Lltlefo.-d Bros., Biack Too Road Maintenance ' Equipment: Owen Clamshell i Buckets and Rock Grannies; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers, Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson j Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable i Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and i Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills; National RoUrv Screens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.CJ (tf) FOR SALE New and used furniture and hardware. Bovs' bicvcles. new coilee tables, chests of drawers, beds, chesterfields Mavtas washing machine, chesterfield beds, scores of other articles at lowest nrices. H. C. Furniture Co. Phone Biack 324. (tfci FOR 8ALE Morlei M. 8 hp. chnln ww, I EL. make, with three four, five, six and seven foot blades and eiaht chains. Other accessories. Price $iU)0. Anoiv R R. Rav. General Delivery, City. (153d) FOR SALE One new Hudson motor bike nd one 303 rifle complete with lele.scone gieht. Both articles nearlv new. For further onrMrular.s contact Offi'ial Administrator Room 13, Court House. (lf)3c) FOR SALE House trailer. May b seen at 18r,5 11th East Ao-plv1323 Piunott. I153pi FOR SALE Babv but!2V. "5 00. 1412 6th East. (153ii) FOR SALE Rabv bu"wv cream 'ood condition $20.00. 1357 First Overlook St. (153p BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 14' pleasure boat, new, readv to go. Phone Black 160- (1530) FOR 9ATE $500 Bare "Driftwood Queen"- W x 8' X 11,'-2 vears old. Has Northill anchor and Star marine ronver-slon rendu to instal Moored Yacht Club: see owner aboard "Oriole." (tf) FOR RALE TrolllnVboaTKeno, 34' x 9' x 3'6". Readv for sea. D. E. Alvev. Douce Cove or write Box 817. City. (1530) WANTErt WANTKD TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scran Iron ;eel. brass e.oprwr. lead, etc Honest eradlne Promnt payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St Vr. ronver, B. C. Phone Pact fie 8357. (: JEWELRY SHORES CREDIT JEWELLERS Oruen, Bulova, Solex. Cvma Tavannes. Eljsln. Wallham and Hamilton watches Wecl"ewood dinner sets. Community plate and Ropers silverware, etc. No extra charge for credit Con- Whiteside. Red 411. (173c) M.TOI-M V r-ULh.it; rttA.Uu.1 1.11.1 id surcia.Lit. s i fjUjllt Bijiiuu tvi WAKIED TO RK WANTED Small h; room lurni.-iidi suae no ctukireii. Bjx 13. News. 3-BKDHOOM HOC-i Wanted bv Juiv 16 bv lour ailulu. Write E Dailv News, ur caii ! belore 4:30um. WANTED Room and & two men. Phone I Bank of Commtrce. FOR REM FOR RENT Two nr.! 1 1 h t houseseeiMi! Black 213. FOR RENT Dow room. Biue 433. FOR RENT T'A'o-roiim ed suite for count. West. FOR RENT - H room. G13 3rAtot. FOR RENT ComiorlaS er. Readv fur Don Eullipped with lyrn Black 277 or ra.! S'is FULLY fMnTshed livero ; o rent for l fsoonsible uartv. f'" 6bi , - FOR' RENT-LW' suit one or two. Pi i38 41 U-DKIVE CARS K 711 Gienville Couu BOARD ANn FOlfRENT-Knardaiii working man. Buiuu- HELP WAXTED-FPi WANTFD-2 exwrjWf Kioceiv clerks. m Groccrv. M ALE HELP W AM OFPORTUNIT? OPDortunltv x'irStty Dailv News W linerei-ru newsnnper bui' 1 BOYS AniJ y""H"irjni bovs or girls News rouira. y ,-, for summer re '. ter their names u News. WANTED" riSto .'. '.u (0 WANTED Y '; ;-tM tW r. to travel don t, far as "Cl,itiw lit; Aoplv Aiex M'Hae. sus supervisor. f " TENnKRS-' reived bv the to noon ot , 25th. for the ourni J; 3. 4, 5. 6 aydr?istnct division of t T. Plan 951. Ste' , w together with cabin with H ft uateti tiered' K ir Terms tender " not noto nnn or any accented r. ,lf r Administrate m Joseph . Rone' ' ,s P otherwise kgSid, oi Joseph tfg-Vj useBli " known a4 McDonald. CAKS 1UII SUE FOR SALE 1919 Dcl.uxe Chev-i I rolet four-duor sedan. i.iitio. I dealer, iow mileage. Phone : UiV or Blue 94H. U55c j FOR SALE '47 PIvmoiiTn Club! i cotioe. Cojh for ouirk sale j Phone Blue tit; I or call y39 FOR SALE 1941 Plymouth CnlltlH; e:in be -Seen gt 1863 Eleventh Avenue East. (154u ; FOR SALE '39 Chev sedan. Phone Biue 304 alter 6 u m. i ( loop) i FOR .SALE '48 Chev. Annlv I Palmer Ants Phone Ernest Girbav, Blue 19j. after 6 p.m. I (15301 i BISINESS OPHORTINITIES TOURISTBUSINESsir fH.ive vood proposition to rouole Interested in the tourist in-! (lu.trv. Larue in w house and eoou acreage between Terrace and Smithers. House fullv modern with mapv extras. Riitht on hiiihwav near new school and .small eoirmunitv. About S2500 will handle. We have nicture.i and full data and can arrange Insoection this weekend. Act quickly for thi one' ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 or Green 237 teve ) (153c) KEPAIItS WATCH' RKPAIRS "rTompf e?- firtent service Georae Cook ' Jeweller. SatisiacUoii- Kiiaran '.. teed. OIL BURNER "SPECIALIST- Stove service and repairs. O. D Ronson. Black 503 'ttj PM'MBINCi AND HEATING "and sheet mefat 'vork. Phone 543 call 629 6th West. (tf) PERSONAL PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy, for dailv delivery excent Sun-dav. Bv lookiue- alter vour milk vour milk will lo'' after vou. Keen it cool. All milk guaranteed. (tf) UNWANTED HAIR-Permanr.U lv eradicated with Saca-Pelo The most remarkbale discovery of the aae. Saca-Pelo Is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair ant! contains no rirtins or chemicals. LorBeer Lab, 679 Granville, Vancouver, BC. (H) GIVE the folks at home a treat . . . tret one of our delicious cakes or Dies Runert Hakerv Ltd. Phone 643 lor orders tf) CASH For scran cast, brass, eonper, hatterips nnd radhtors Phone 543. Call 329 6th St.. City. Lf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Priced for oulck sale Wartime four, n e w 1 v nninfpd inside nnd out. Some 'urniture. -wnshliif mnchlne. Fun price $2500. 1429 PI""ot Place. dtp) FOR SALE Four rooms and bnth. rAntry, basement. Furnished. Oil stoves, washint machine, electric sewing machine nw. Refison-.ihle pnee. Bus service. Phone Red 739. (156P) FOR SALF House six rooms, hath nri psuitrv Two kits near Hi"h and Dav Schools. f.p.sv K'alHnir rhst!n" to town. "40 7th Ave Fast. Black W5. Full Drice $4500 cash. (154p) FOR RATE Five-room house. nonrtment downstairs. lnsP In. Phone Black 811. (154p) h an HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOKS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O Box 1670 Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 41 n St. Ph. Black 389 R0RIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES DC. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503