L - Prince Rupert Daily News. Saturday, June 30, 1&51 . ' ." .mMMMMM Local a Letterbox FORT DAY SERVICE Editor, Daily News: Island Fire Still Burns STETSON. brings correct fit to men Just a word to your readers about the Open Air Service at d PERSONAL The forest fire on Moresoy the dock with which Port Day Island of the Queen Charlottes, in the . Skidegate Lake area, is still burning, but is under con will begin tomorrow. I trust that Souja meeting Tuesday. (154c) Cash for old gold. Bulger's. ' Don Saundeis and Frank Ol- it will be an expression of true Sidewalk And Fence Cedar At Attractive Prices trol, forestry officials said here i community under the Ruiding, sen left this morning for a two ociav (correcting and savins: Hand of 8. A. Cheeseman, of Borden Street School sails Sunday on th Coquitlam lor Victoria. "The full crew of men is still Z' T'Z a tv i.ih-i derives. We shall worship as ilB"""8 "e "" "'J " , , K,. vot m ftiirJNiiUN uuumuAJwa in . frnm snrMHin " was the all acknowledging the One God weens' motor trip to Vancouver and Seattle. At First United Church Bun-day Morning Service Is Family Service. Come. No evening service, dtp) J. S. Wilson, principal of Bar- Special bnsiness next Tuesday report night, July 3. All members re- A woods ciosurtf notice in the quested to attend. (154c) northern area is expected to oe Salt Lake Ferry running announced tomorrow by the de- and His Son Jesus Christ Our Lord We shall attend as possessing a common Canadian Citizenship, praying' that our one PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 aen street School, sailed Thurs everv Sunday and Thursday. " v-.-. day night on the Prince Rupert ; starting at weather permitting (tf) Mr. and Mrs. Wiun Martin iui viciuria wnere ne will spend tne coming month. Ibert & McCaffery ness in this nation may be for the peace and blessing of the whole world. We shall stand together as people of many occupations yet all members of a fishing community in which the front line breadwinners are the flb' LIMITED ( Mrs. Frank J. Skinner and two " "" " "u . daughters. Sharon and Sandra, abeth, are leaving next Thursday night for Duman. leave Sunday on the Coquitlam to . . . ... A ,,. i Vancouver Island, where they begin their noiiday at Grant- h Mr ham's landing, near Vancouver. who hag operated tne Mr nnri MVa n h Prvrt an-ilseventh Avenue Market fa Have you seen the Royal Wedding? Then be sure to see George Cook Jewellers display at the exhibition, Naval Drill Hail. (158c) brave and strong .men who go down to the sea in their little ships. We shall pray that their Classified will buy. sell or it. Miss Sheryl Cook, daughter of Hauirhtor mii Riiiripu Tns.t. vm 'years, has purchased a hard- t . 1 .Mn going out and coming In may ?Tr r..t Vt.u r.ui.r.10 r'..l , . . . - . ... yjura KnuiriMMs It) iVlltlJMn F.VA.Li Willi regular uvut, .... . ..u ...... Rc uuil, uc- m lne Cny B lne iruucue oi m:a .....-o ... prosper gins holidays Sunday when she week after having driven north .Shier has purchsed the Seventn " m o worshi and sails on the Coquitlam for Van- from Vanuiver Mrs Post i i ! Avenue Market business. nnd lone-oval if it heads fellowship dominate the entire licce Breakfast Mrs. Annette Mansell leaves proceedings of the Sunday after- couver and from there enplanes well known as Ethel Post, cook-for Windsor, Ontario, to visit ' ery writer in the Vancouver ts ray.. Reflects and Remin sees '6-95 8-95 Sunday on the Coquitlam for a noon her grandparents. Province. liece Breakfast Basil S. Prockter brief business trip to Vancouver.' its Stetson knows that head shapes vary. So Stetson hat re made in regular oval and long-oval shapes to givo vou trulv comfortable, "custom" fitting. Why not fiece Bone H P QC Northland Dairy wish to announce there will be an early milk delivery Monday, July 2. Any customer wishing milk Mrs. H. M. Daggtt and her sister, Mrs. M. L. Towne, left on last night's train for St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, the life foinaTea ScUlU"-" drop in, now, for the best hat fit of your kindly put your milk bottles out1 home of Mrs. Towne, who has JcrScls, from$nP9 Aff pieces at ... 1 Watts & Nickerson CREATING AN ESTATE . . . When you pay the first premium on $5,000 life assurance policy you immediately create n estate of $5,000. If you die the full amount is available for your family. If you live you can take at long as thirty yean to pay for it. Vv'hy not create your estate today? JOHN T. FOWLE Mr. Drew, has not accepted Mr. Howe's challenge about risking the loss of his seat in Parliament. The latter gentleman was feeling indignant concerning a certain speech of which thc-e the night before. Milk delivery been visiting Mrs. Daggett for Tuesday at the regular time. the past year. Mrs. Daggett, on (ltc) holidays, expects to remain In the east for several months. L. E. Smith, divisional engineer for the provincial depart- Lieut. N. D. Langham, RCN, 'I , f ; udlng beautiful Wedgc-.id and Couldon King's Plate) SPECIAL English Bone China ps xn SAl'CERS at MORE rtOFLK WEAR STETSON HATS THAN Ani OTHER BRAWB are many in Ottawa. w. Instead liiobcau Ul of . , . . . . . , , i . u . .-u Khnilflnir ,!,. ,. incut OI pUDUC WOrKS, reMlTIlSa Bllivcu ill wie tlltf un uic w snouting you.e another, Mr. , tv ..''.,,,.....,. nnltla o,trHau frm from fenni- Phone Black 837 Box X55 a absence of two weeks on a malt to assume new duties as lust as much In his seat as ever. trip through the central Interior, staff officer at HMOS Chatham SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Taking risks in hot weather ts opt to bring on high blood pres jup the Hart Highway from here, succeeding Lt. Cdr. J. W. I Prince George and to Atltn and Oolby, who leaves next week for Telegraph Creek with N. M. Mc- HMCS Cornwallis at Halifax. I Call urn, chief engineer from Vic- Lieut. Langham Is accompanied !69c .,, 97c j ri'NC HROWL SETS 7.95 MANSON'S I China Shop torla, and E. Webster, assistant by his wire and two cnuaren. construction engineer. , Mrs- Oolby and four children are now in Victoria ana win go cast, sure, stomach ulcers or both. oOo IN SIB-TROPIC ZONE An elderly couple, obviously tourists, had been in a Sixth 3t. store, during the course of a cheerful looking morning this week. Crossing to the opposite sidewalk, friend husband suddenly stopped, as If to go back. with Lt. Cdr. Golby. adJinrjer) SOUVENIRS POSTCARDS TOTEM POLES (Hand Carved) f-, LEATHER SOUVENIRS WOODEN SOUVENIRS nnouncemen The travelling public is hereby warned that, commencing July 2, 1951, and continuing from time to time throughout the summer,' asphalt spraying operations will be carried out on the Northern Trans-Provincial Highway from Prince Rupert to Port Edward in connection with the forthcoming paving program. It is important that travelers heed carefully all warning signs and flagmen for the benefit of themselves and the work. Since no available detours exist a certain amount of inconvenience will be caused and motorists should be careful to keep their speed down to ten miles per hour when driving over fresh oil. . The Departmem cannot in any way be responsible for the removal of asphalt stains which may be caused from driving over the fresh oil nor for accidents which might occur due to the road being freshly oiled. L,' E. SMITH Divisional Engineer. 158 Call 363 Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, homecooking sale. Legion Hall, June 28. Women's Coordinating Tea, VR BITTER . . . Sept. 20. (From Vancouver) Friday Miss A Souter, J. Hall, H. Deane, J. Reil, W. R. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Nakoto, C. D. McCord, W. Anderson, Miss Sinallwood, L. N. Dyer, Mrs. Felse, W. Wong, M. Fox, L. Holstead, R. McRay, Dr. Bergstron, Mr. Gregg. (From Sandspit) Friday J. Rutherford, D. Chlsholm, E. Bow- "We've seen all we wished to. on that side," exclaimed his companion. "Where are you going?" "I know, I know, but the further I get outside, in this town, the warmer I feel. Sun must be too much." oOo Some of British Columbia'? school pupils including Prime Planning Building or Repairing mm- Catholic Fall Bazaar, October 3 and 4. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. Presbyterian Fall Sale, November 15. (153c) Cathedral Bzaar, November 17. (1533) I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 29. to have ! ker, D. McMillan, S. Grimolson, ill i Rupert s ae reported fir said it Is not their intention tn Jim G. G. Rozzo, C. Rennle, H. D. Radford, Mrs. M. Goldrop. (To Vancouver) Today K, K. Small, Miss Bertrand, Mrs. Gummow, D. C. Weeks, C. S. Ros- resume studies this year. Instead 'they propose to go to work and earn money. Perhaps they ar; not without sufficient reason .although lack of education in uligh, O. McKenzle, A. Carott, A. Kerloot, J. Sims, J. Ritchie, Hon. 1 R. Bowman, L. Johnson, Ar- $ ft thus Parent, J. Willis, N. Junik. middle life is sometimes regarded as a possible handicap. I oOo The national weekly, Saturday ! Night, has a new editor R. A. Farquharson of the Toronto , Globe and Mail. He succeeds Dr. PRMCE RUPERT'S MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builder ti Contractors (From Vancouver) Thursday Man Wing, R. Hayes, Mrs. Ked-son, D. Bartells. J. T. Walmsley, C. G. Dinsdale, R. Sindla. (From Sandspit) Thursday D. McDonald, B. Gould, I. Mc-Leod, M. Kisman, S. Dargle, R. Heath. (To Vancouver) Friday D. W. Graham, R. Fairburn, S. McLen-nen, A Sutherland, R. Kerr, P. B. K. Sandwell, scholarly and widely Informed. As long ago h 1 1906 he was a member of the i Montreal Herald staff. On a ; Sunday afternoon in Prince Ru-pert, years ago, Dr. Sandwell, in the city council chamber gave DH DTHUl nr ,an iniormai taix 10 a gooa siaea ON bleans- Preserves-Shines L. Clark, W. J. Bushman, Mr. Gallagher, W. C. Addison, F. W. Richardson, C. G. Burns, R. R. Klrby, T. Giles, N. E. Thomas, O. G. DinsdaiJ, Capt. C. McNeal. audience. The trouble today Is we can't remember what it was all about. oOo WHY WEEP, ONCE MORE? Little support appears to bo Display NOW!! 0 1 ' u M y FUGS FUR COLD STORAGE given the proposal that Canadian dead In Korea be returned to Canada. The prctlce Is granted in the United States. But it would be doubtful Indeed If such vould be accepted in this country. More harm than good might be done, to say nothing of expense, and demands on shipping. For after all, time Is the 'great healer, and after the lapje of years, why shed tea s agai.i' FORD'S KD u PROTECT A tirrrth. iJ Phone British Built CONSUL FURS Mrs. M. Fladset and son sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. 9?& Free Pick-up Service AT joi Parker Ltd. BILL SCUBY FURS SUNDAY JULY 1 PROGRAM ?lin . MONARni nrii rnj) Prince Rupert, B.C. Watson Island Stages Ltd. RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormes ALL MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock Always Moving and Fresh 1 STEAMER rincp nnce Ri Rupert SAILS FOR Vancouver nd Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Lvxury at Low Cost i4A 12:30 DIVINE SERVICE 1:15 GILL NET BOAT RACE (100 H.P. or over) 1:35 GILL NET BOAT RACE (Up to 60 H.P.) 1:50 GILL NET SETTING OPEN 2:15 PURSE SEINE SETTING 2:45 HALIBUT BAITING CONTEST 2T5O HALIBUT GEAR SETTING 3:00 SALMON TROLLER EXHIBITION OF TROLLING 3:10 HALIBUT HOOK GANGING 3:15 OUTBOARD MOTOR RACE OPEN T30 SPEED BOAT RACE OPEN 4:00 SALMON PACKER RACE OPEN in TERRACE and PRINCE RUPERT July 1 and Civic Centre Week RETURN FARE For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. "Hospitoliry and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phnne 11 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cale June 29 to July 8 Inclusive $5.13 S3