Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, September 14, 1951 New Head I ivta ii i fc-tv! COAL- Your Winter Supply Now g to Increases in freight rates and labour costs, we We feature World famoup Loca It a n d PERSONAL -Ul it s 011(0 al'a"1 n"1" " price or coal. riA named W. D. Griffiths Succeeds Mrs. Denning as Conrad Street President Election of officers for the coming season took place at the first meeting of the Conrad Street School Parent-Teacher Association for the 1951-52 term, held Tuesday evening in Conrad Street School, W. D. Griffiths was elected nrpsirlpnt nf tut uasentmn ef Lwufcn, England. En. 1851 d,,r that our customers may taKe advantage of stcxks, new prices will not go into effect until D. C. Soutar, manager for B.C. Packers, left by plane for Vancouver today on a brief business trip. New Mayor Is B.C. Son Bert Classey Born in Victoria Sixty-nine Years Ago Mayor-elect H. F. Glassey Is Victoria-born and educated. He is 69, He came north in 1904 to Hazelton to engage In prospecting. There he met and married his wife Sarah. They were also in the Fort George area Tor a time. Ia 1918 the Glasseys came to Prince Rupejt and since then, between operating private business, Mr. Glassey has held several government positions. Including that of government agent at Atlin, ration administrator at Prince Rupert, and more recently as census commissioner for the Skeena area. He was serving a two-year al- I w lOtli Any oraers itxeivea prior to mat, date, for V- . x....t..nihnr Sflth u;lll ho lni.nln.j - ALL-WEATHER COATS Rev. W. P. Bunt, after spend- gamzation to c "c c succeed Mrs John1, i orders for coal under one ton lots will be dvllvered J unlfSS paid for prior to delivery. MS CAN' BE PLACED WITH: ty of superintendent of United Dennlng YouH went one of theao famous multi-purpose coats impervious to wind and weather . . . equally Church Home Missions, returned by plane to Vancouver today. Mrs. P. Burton and her mother, Mrs. E. M. Evans, leave tonight orr the Coquitlam, returning home to Masset following a holiday In Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Other officers were elected as follows: Vice President Percy Downing. Secretary Frank Derry. Treasurer Leonard Sykes. Social Convener Mrs. J Kurdziel. Albert McCottery, Limited Island City Builders' Supplies Armstrong Agencies H. G. Helgerson, Limited We have a new shipment of the famous Bclleek Irish china arriving this week. See our window soon. Bulger's. (ltc) J. D. MeCrimmon returned t the city on Tuesday after spending three months in Minneapolis visiting with a daughter. Mrs. J. R. Morrison, after spending three months In Minneapolis visiting with relatives, returned to the city Tuesday. , Mark Gormely, district forest-1 er, is on a trip to interior points on official duties. He left on Wednesday and expects to "oe bark on Saturday. BASKETBALL Spoiler, team managers, players and others interested are invited to attend a preliminary meeting Monday, 8 p.m., Civic Centre. (2181 The Women's Co-ordinating Council held a meeting at the Civic Centre yesterday to make final arrangements for a tea to be held on September 20. useful at a topcoat or raincoat . . . retain shape ... smartly tailored. Quality is no accident . W. urogram Convener Mrs, Murdoch. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burnip Jecial Bargain Prices Membership Convener- Mrs.! V,g"1 " l"e. dermanlc term when he resigned ! to file nomination papers for i mayor. , In politics. "Bert" Glassey has ; always been an enthusiastic Llt.ral. So were the two other i ivi vaiituuvci. mi. Dill - A. Bus.anlrh A r w - v In (wnue stocks iostj nip will resume his studies at the University of British Colum Aquascutum coats have Representative to the Council Mrs. M. Hansen. P.T.! i rla Diploma) Egg . bia. The couple were recently Literary Convener Mrs. been sold around the s.l, candidates In yesterday's mayoralty contest. married here, the bride having BJinnger been the former Miss Jean Hu- world aince 1851. Representative to the Film m Diplomat Nut . PER TON PEK TON PER TON 15.50 13.50 20.00 Distinguished styles in finest British poplins, pore Briquettes . . . Council V. Wells. I soy Dennl'nf y CnVeni:t- Mrs' The St. John Ambulance , I Brigade are meeting Friday The retiring president ex-1 nights at the fire hall. Prepara-pressed her thanks to all mem-1 tory work In view of the fall bers, especially the outgoing classes ahead will be on the executive, who worked with her 'agenda. Certificate holders are to make the past year a most ' Invited to enrol now so the St. successful one. She reviewed : John and Industrial classes can cottons and all-wool Gabardines Com in w4 try on mi AattoKiitum la -day 1 BERT & McCAFFERY I innountcmtnli uie worn oi me during ; be formed. Beginners are espec- ATTENTION ALL MEN FIVE PIN BOWLERS: There will be a general meeting at the Bowling Alley, Friday, September 14th at 7:30 p.m. This Is for the purpose of electing officers and organizing league play for the coming season. Place your team IBau-51, highlighting among tally welcome. (216c) other things, a most successful LIMITED Phone 116, 117 or 58 Miss E. M. Earl, formerly of Watts & Nickerson Prince Rupert, who has been on Canadian Legion Card Party, September 19. Presbyterian Church Tea at the home of Mrs. George Mitchell, 333 5th Ave. East, September 27. Women's Coordinating Tea, a trip to England and Europe eUtrie now 'iln mi windt-will be phon 498 ,daysl- or tne Bowi" arriving in the city on tomorrow night s train to spend 8 AU; Pnone Red. 709 leIen" three four theiln'- Ail team entries must oe or days here as guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. EbyJ1" by Frldav n'ght- t216c) Fourth Avenue East hpfnre ran. ! White Elephant Sale, and the purchasing for the school of an additional piano and a set of Encyclopaedia Britannica. PLEDGES HIMSELF The new president pledged himself to PTA work, which he described as "the development of future citizens of Canada," and hoped for the same support Navy is Out to Recruit Women Itinuing to Vancouver where she w. k RTRAITS vrlnpcd and Printed .MPT SERVICE IHiR S STI'DIO Street Box 645 ie Green 389 :iiirc Rupert OTTAWA (CP) The Navy irom memrjers as had been given Miss Betty Ann Upham R.N. of 1 w? r nounced that It will start recruit-1 during the past year. Vancouver, who has been nur THE NEW COASTAL CAFE SIXTH STREET Back of Rayal Hotel Now Oocn Under New Management WE SERVE EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME Nava TdiZ?n. thus b'win ,T,' , Batema"' PrtPal. -!n the Red Cross outpost thZ back iZ uniform' M h" L th.e I d "rived In Sept. 20. Catholic Fall 'Bazaar, October 3 and 4. Lutheran Tea, October 13. P.sbekah Bazaar, October 20. L.O.B.A. Fall Bazaar, October 26. Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar. November 16. , . 1 e 01:11001 was i lne clty iromtne interior on last three of Canada's service,. 1. . . uii cc ui vanaoa s services. 1 Heine In mnst. snor-o.icf.iii., ,if, k,iv,.-. ....i I " - mm nigiiia waill IUI a Here Willi the work of Conrad Street Mass Dorothy Kergin R.N. before School. j proceeding next week to Van- Because the dangerous corner : couveT to resume her professlon- I at the top of the hill on Seventh ' al Indies at the University of Avenue and Immanuel Street is , British Columbia. Perfect tea is so easy to make with i"i i l j 24 Hours a Day Delivery Arranged For Outside Orders Give Us A Try You'"l Be Pleased . 215 rn i rr Olid : used by many children attending Seal Cove School, members un- j '. anlmously passed a motion to j ; ask City Council to set up a school zone beginning at Her-j man Street on Sixth Avenue I around the "S" turn to Jeffrey; Kathleen off To Vancouver Q3IIS ) Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar Novembei 22. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November "M United Church W. A. Fall Bazaar, Dec 7. ' . 4 oireei on beventh Avenue. ! Canadian Pacific Steamship Following adjournment of the Princess Kathleen in:hed reireshments were meeting, served. way back into the harbor here lere at noon yesterday after 10 days TEA, BAGS 2: Vi J '.1 ' on the pontoons at the drydock. And Capt. Graham Hughes is i satisfied that "she Is fit to sail ' .r: I !) Air Passengers back tp Vancouver. A 3C-foot hole in the Kath- 89.50 I ) EONARD ' To Vancouver (todaj't F. W. 1 lien's bow had been patched and May, H. Suiker, J. Stewart, h j lt s hard t0 notice where the ves-Okano, Mrs. M Borthwick sJsel's cu.1 by tne nose of Can" Armour. Mrs. Armour. D Sou- i adlan National Steamship Prince tar. D. C. Saunders, Rev. W. J, Rupert in a collision August 23. Bunt. H. R. Wright, K. Dodd, Mr. I The repairs, though, were Kennedy, Mr. Grebski, Mr. Ford-, : temporary complete overhaul E. J. Morris, D. MacDonald, J.iand permanent work will be Saturday and Monday SPECIALS Ladies' All Wool Twin Set Sweaters At bargain at today's wool prices. REFRIGERATORS M. Murdock. . I done at Victoria, company offi n Mm pKJU'TY feature CONVENIENCE EXTRA FOOD STORAGE Full-Size Circulator! Smart new "Imperial"atyling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives cials have stated. The cruise ship sailed south at 4 a.m., but carried no passengers. The crew remained- aboard during the repair period. X Getting Room At Midnight Ta clear at only-$8.95 lpt mm ft. ft ft S344.S0 $431.50 $461.00 T VALUE 1 Cl LEONARD more heat from every drop of oil. Moaey-eaving Waste Stopper. Automatic Draft Minder. iSilly Coordinated Controls. Power-Air Blower for forced-circulation optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for 1 to 6 rooms. Buy on terms at GORDON & ANDERSON AT TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT May I take this medium of expressing my appreciation for the support given to me at the civic polls yesterday. I will earnestly strive to merit the confidence you have placed In me. MICHAEL KRUEGER. i Just because the hour Is late, i in Prince Rupert, does not mean that travel slackens off. There are often times, after midnight, ; when people coming in from the I highway, or getting off a delayed train "or boat of some descrlp-1 tlon, have to hunt for a room ; and pot always find one. It's '. sometimes a problem to know Just what to do. Many are here for the first j time, and looking around them, : fcl a bit strange. Ladies' Blouses Assortment of styles and sizes. t ccar $1.99 THERN B.C. POWER Co.M Brsner Block Phone 110 !"P"t, n.c. Stewart. B.C. DOMS' DEPT. STORE McBRIDE STREET and FOURTH AVENUE GOD CTHur QUHji GOD CEID CCD Qi3!D Fine Selection in Stock of High Grade Chrome Tables and Chairs large size tubing genuine Arborite or Formica table tops matching table toDS and chair up Good Used Cars And Trucks M49 METEOR Coupe 1949 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1949 MONARCH Club Coupe 1947 WILLY'S Station Wagon 1943 PLYMOUTH Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS 1950 FORD 3-ton 176 W. B. 1919 FORD S-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FORD 3-ton 158 W. B. 1939 CHEV. Sedan-delivery.' All reconditioned ready to go Bob Parker Ltd FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Ruprrt, B.C. holstery kj Amttit'-"'-!""'''" "..Wi.,. q 654 Tables and chairs rubber-tipped . . . Moisture Barrier prevents warping. , A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A good pince to buy over a quarter of a century" 327 3rd Avenue Phone. 775 Bf(,r Delivery f '-!JL"t it not BMmijhtd t diptyd by the Liouot Cowttol Betrd or by th Getr.i.l ot Bntnh Columh,.