r PROVINCIAL1! , PROVINCIAL LI33ART, 113' ORMES VICTORIA, B. C. DRtIGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 J VOL. XL, No. 216 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS EYCABS nrunj ) I I i Would Keep Highway Open Mutt u Terrace Board on Job-Booster Station Equipment Arrives Indians and - -syr TERRACE. Reports of the convention of Vai Associated Boards of Trade of Central B.C., j which was held last week in ' Yanks Miss Prince Rupert, were eiven bv : itical Gov i rw'y ' three of the Terrace delegates at Wednesday night's meeting of the Terrace and District Board . Both Lose in Crucial Games Thursday -I To Make Canada Major Supplier f NEW YORK (CP) Harold Blancke, president of the Cclanese Corporation of America, said today that the plant now. under construction by its subsidiary, the Canadian Chemical Co., on a 430-acre site in yV", of Trade. I NEW yoRK 9 cemi m Harry King gave a very inter- diant missed an opportunity to cstlng and comprehensive repoit aiaeluh tluir American League of the deliberations of the con- lead to two games as they bowed ventlon and answered several 1 to 0 to Bob Porterfield and questions asked of him by some the Washington Senators, of the local members. i Porterfield spun a brilliant ' - '-y Jjr - fir- - i r " 1 Edmonton is expected to cost in excess of $50,000,000 three-hitter to ktc'p the Indians Mrs. L. N whouser. in report- and will be in operation within one-and-a-half years. I mg on the "social highlights of one eamJ aeJd r tne "nH" ,. 3 1 tv m.tir,o. .i.i .h up New York Yankees who drop- Talk Out Before ),nund Controls Tli!' Trades and ' ,sS uiiada. call-pure controls. ye-.,, .up lvderal gov-f in 'iiiiTcnce" and utu towards en- !.,, Minister Gregg the platform, the mntinti adopted a critical f Hie gov-Winn demanded: , ine new piant will consume l" rr"' -""" " . a t H.i.,nn n rw.t,nit unna "all nut ' tn ; 75,000 gallons of petroleum gases I make their guests' stay in the e"alors scorea me omy daily from Alberta oil fields. In in addition addition to to producing producing in- i city a very pleasant one and that wu a Big Three Confident noming mai couiq oe aone lor : . r, r ,7 ' them was left undone. ba!le e"or by the Indian's sec- ond-sacker, Bob Avila. . . . . i i i ,i ausmai organic chemicals by a! ! process based on oxidation of j ', liquefied petroleum gases, the ! juiiRuiiMiuuiiaparucu- vireiI Trucks stoDDPri the plant will produce acetate, staple ; lar interest Perry'g Vante nn uuan hito arhilA hie fibre and filament yarn. SDeech at the close of the enn- t . . . ... .. ,. mal s Da"8e" 01 Kew Im Mr. Blancke said for "plans ventior, with it. intimation that. ROYAL CREW Top RCAF air-crew have been chosen to fly Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh on part of their forth-coming to it of Canada. Shown, left to right, are: Wing Cmdi-. Bob Irickett of Replna, pilot; Sqdn. Ldr. Stewart Cowan of Winnipeg, pilot; Fit. Lt. Les Husscy of Ottawa, pilot; Fit. Lt. Bob Thorndycraft of Vancouver, navigator; FO Doug Stone-house of Toronto, j-adio officer; Fit. Sgt. Edgar Benoit of Ottawa, flight engineer; Sgt. Girard Mignault of Quebec, steward; and LAC. Walter Dear of Hamilton, Ont. FO Stont-house will be replaced by Fit. Lt. Ken. A. Wark of Richmond Hill, Ont., for the Royal tour. " ' Cp from National Defence! the Edmonton plant envisage -we !"' In the north are getting development of Canada as a ma-! ontv the crumbs from the nnth " The loss also endangered the Jor supplier of cellulose acetate.") The deleeates were thanked for Tanks' lead over the third place i Hopeful of Clearing I'p . Western Europe Problems Courting Russi ' WASHINGTON, DC. Oh Big (Some time ago Mr. Blancke Indicated that the capacity of the Prince Rupert pulp mill inrte loreien ministers saia to ,ib.uk uf prices ac-, by restoration of j ,,iicy (i! subsidies on ! p-jsitu hi uf wartime j ,t excess profits tax. ubli'limt'tit of a price j ud will: ii would pass , ipinnti ins for price , ji iwrm. in the ;l:B has P'.MllU'd be- , i ',( Tnllll'llt'S illdlf-' u; ; ti ni!iKml y adopted ..dd. ! day that negotiations will be i would eventually be stepped up pressed "as raDidlv as possible" ! nd further announcement to bring West Germany into the i alonS these lines Is expected be- fore long). European defence line-up. Czechs Hops Being Banned Glassey New Mayor Krueger Alderman their reports by the meeting 806(0,1 Red Sox- Sox nlP" whlch then passed on to routine P tlw st- Louis Browns 5 to 4 business which concerned, chief- 10 innings ti P"" to within ly. the disposal of correspond-'2''4 games the Y,,p', ence j Dom DIMaggio tripled Wittt C.'a. a"a B-erner, CNR superin- ,,"rthntenth tendent, in reply to a request j wmnmg run' for a warning bell at the Kalum , NATIONAL LEAGl'E Street crossing, advised the j Meanwhile the St. Louis Car-board that the traffic volume at dinals seriously impeded the that point would be Investigated New York Giants' bid to over-and the board would hear fur- haul the Brooklyn Dodgers in" her about it. the National League by beating ,,,,,.. th ..,. , the Giants 6 to 4. The defeat The Big Three United States, Britain and France also announced decision to make "new Mr GrH'. addressing mi. hH't said that. Two Stories From France I FRANKFURT, Germany (CP) : The Allied High Commission has ; barred all Czech air line flights ; across West Germany, Commis-1 sion officials announced yester- Douglas Frizzell Runner-up in Close Contest for Chief Magistracy j ni(M li.nl no lnten- j 1 o pr'M tit o reimnos- i jf- til of controls. j It kimmhation I and resolute effort" to briing about an agreement with Russia on a final post-war settlement with Russia. -, A communique near the dose of the five-day conference said that Big Three ministers "found solid ground for confidence in the growing strength and unity 61 the free world." . petition to keep the Prince j J? e3. Herk'rt Francis Glassey. manufacturers' atrent, y- Rupert Highway open during j The St. Louis Cardinals drop-i ped a 2 to 0 night game to Bos-' ton Braves in the second half of riJnn.!;rLstilc-ndiary magistrate and sourdough of the north; v"md nl tatiun Is going for-1 country, W8S elected mayor of Prince Rupert On France had concurred in Joint PARIS f The French foreign ' ministry said today recruiting of German troops would start nntv whpn nrpana nf t.he F.nrn- the winter months, the board was advised that the department had cent a rotary plough to the Skeena district. The district engineer at Prince Rupert had also been asked Mr Gregg Raid., i . , ,i r, -ijr t,.,i,iv. action effective as from Tuesday Thy announced sympathy for i Tw.n. cmmitto. hoin nr unusual doubleheader which called upon them to meet two .aiurent teams the same day. inui lo Mictreeu tne jate yv. ftuuucumiii i hi limns were be-1 suay, uewge midnight. Italy's proposal to revise its operation. iii:it hup might be smut notice should (ImiuikI it." rt .mnnr, nn T,Q,i armAri I Th newspaper Figs.ro stirred up a diplomatic flurry with an for a list of snow removal I equipment he had at his dis- j posal as well as what sugges- j tions he may have for keep- I -ing the highway open.,. . I announcement that Foreign j Who Clied recently. j Asked whether the decision I Glassey received 418 votes for ! had anything to do with the case a close majority of 27 in a three- of William Oatis, Associated cornered contest which saw a to- Press correspondent sentenced ta! of 1084 accepted ballots.' to Jail by Czechoslovakia on spy Douglas Frizzell obtained 301 , cliarg-s, an answer of "no com- votes for second place and T. ment" was given. Liberal Meet Is-Postponed Minister Robert Schuman had forces and said this question will be considered further. ..Dean Achcson, Herbert Morrl-.on and Robert Schuman also discussed the threat of inflation ble in WiU Reds Try Drive? consented to "immediate rais- j Ingf of German contingents un- i der authority of the Atlantic or- j 1 In the committee reDOrts Mr. Knv ITSVA a U'nrH nf u'urn irnr n f Harrv G T Perrv president of Norton Youngs was third wi-hi The United States Congress i upon the modern world a the B C Liberal Association, 275. ' has voted to recommend that threat which Canada's Lester stat.Hi lodav that the scheduled Michael Kreuger was elected commercial relations with Pearson said yesterday was as householders to have their buildings cleared all around so that ' cats can get at rats which, now) three month aldermainc be aermany mretinu of the executive of tne VXJ a ..".. Czechoslovakia t-uuo.uvttfvi wc acvcu-u severed umu f great u inermue as umi vi enemy ... n..j f- rt.h a ir. vacancy wioi ooo toicb. aiu. iiatis li ireea. bombs. ganization. Government spokesmen said this report was correct, explaining: "It is only because we have such faith in General Eisenhower that we could consent to anything like that." But the foreign ministry denied it, saying: "These reports are contrary to the truth." lan'niver faure tated with 42 1 j had been postponed Truman has to January. 1 ,.f' P"ln!,2r.,1 rJ.L Ut said that he will take whatever that the fall is near, will seek 1 EIGHTH ARMY HEADQUAR-to get indoors. j TERS (CP) Allied troops won an- C. J. Norrington, reporting for other commanding mountain thff radio committee, stated that 1 Peak in their roller-coaster drive the transmitter and all equip-: to force Communists off high ment is In Terrace for the boost- points in rugged East Central sr station which will be instal-1 Korea. The ir reasons irttiMJim ioi for postpoiwment Kiip.mi.. ,,n !, iOL.t ballots 1,1Ctt1"lco nc .ici.caoai.jr w avi-uic w..vvm i , , , ,, f An uiKlvrground 5 Hip Russian zone ri.iy many persons 'f '. aha more than one I 'i '1 ii during a battle . $ no fivih-mc inn - . .! 1 1 ... WOA llUb Ulltll VC W tne Dominion miiusici - lne reiea.se oi are that , ,uat u a rortain uaiis, . I 11 nllan WUI and ni-Hiuers ...- .n .. mQV. ,,.lrf Ka owing to the visit of Princess AGREE ON "CONTRACT" The Big Three foreign ministers reached final agreement last night on terms of a "peace contract" proposal to bring Western Germany into the free world defence line-up. American, British and French high commissioners will be instructed to negotiate with the West German government for a ... .1 . . I. . rjin (I police in : mzam'tn um t,ul" Today's Stocks ((ourirw 1. Joliiiaton Co. Ltd.) Mayor's seat was vacated fol- lowing recent death of George1 Rudderham. Another election will be held in December, when the mavor's seat again will be burgh at Ottawa at mat, urne, mast important they "-hi'imI when rltl-nd it was t io ,iorm a ,,i..!atlvnd the executive meeting. To Unseat Mossadegh The Victoria Liberal ministers contesled for the regular two- i wo youths who led on the arrival of the CBC engineers. He was given authority by the board to advise the residents, through the medium of ttv press, that when the booster station is installed and in operation, the radio licences are immediately due. J. L. Palethorpe of Penticton and F. W. Hawes of Victoria An Allied officer said that Red strength in the sector has def-; initely decreased. However, reports indicate that at least 250,000 tank-supparted Communist troops are in position on the western and .west central fronts for possible thrust at Seoul. v No sign of a drive is imminent but there is speculation that well as several al'o would be busy with prepar- ycar term as post-war settlement which Vancouver American Standard 22 Bralorne 6.80 B. R. X 0314 seats for alderman. arrrstt rl for permlt- it'il fire-eracker to m.iti -luring a city ations for the visit to a x,. oi the heiress to the Throne and 1. Virtual complete inde 'It was a good, clean fight, her consort pendence for West German re weia the board's nominees for said Mr. Glassey last night and , he was beaming. He expressed j appreciation for support and; confidence. . Mr. Youngs and Mr. Frizzell , "directors on Canadian Chamber ed to Death at Smithers . TEHRAN f A campaign to unseat Premier Mohammed Mossadegh in a fight over Iran's oil nationalization policy today was gathering momentum both inside and outside the country. Said Zia Ed-din, former Conservative premier and pro-British head of the Inactive National the Communists may try to drive this week-end when the Korean moon is full. gime in foreign policy and domestic matters. 1. Abolition of the present Allied three-power high commission and the substituting of ambassadors. . , 3. Changing status of occupation troops to defence forces. took defeat gracefully and has- i tened to congratulate the newj i mayor. Mr. Frizzell had lndl-i Donald C'alten Victim of Restaurant Fire Cariboo Quartz 1.40 Congress 07 Mascot (Giantl 1.14 Indian Mines 26 Pend Oreille 10.50 Pioneer 2.15 Premier Border 38. ' Privateer 1314 Shepp Creek 1.70 Silbak Premier 55 Vananda 16 ' Spud Valley 22 Silver Standard 2.65 Western Uranium 5.30 . Cronin Babine 66J4 RMTTHf-ns iRnccial to the cated previously that he would: Js Canada fin Panic orricials described the peace contract" as liberal but said the Allies Intended to preserve some powers. party, re-opened his party headquarters and rallied supporters un a speech denouncing Mossadegh. Zia Ed-din is the man considered most likely to succeed Daily News) One man is dead run again in the December elec-following a raging 3V2-hour fire: tions. which early Thursday morning! Mr. Kreuger said he was grate-destroyed the Koffce Kup cafe j f ul for this first chance to serve here, and a small outbuilding In i the city in civic afiairs. which the victim lived. j gyv oRN IN Dead Us Donald Calten. 30 Declared erected by City Clerk of Commerce. An invitation will be extended to Hon. E. C. Carson to meet with members of the executive council when he comes Into the district. The meeting was held in the Credit Union Hall aj)d was presided ovsr by Alex Gillanders who welcomed the guests. Mr. Specht and Mr. Ross. Miss Elliott Head was accepted as a new board members. To promote attendance of the members at the monthly meetings of the board it was decided that In future the meetings will take the form of dinner meetings to be held in the Motel. The next meeting will be the regular quarterly meeting. , ' Mossadegh if the fight led by 14 VV.- Newspaper Iz-lorlny that Can-i twliiiR panicky over bility ( invasion Jet Aircraft To be Built OTTAWA (CP) The Canadian government has announced a plan for building 500 low-power American-type jet aircraft to oe used in the RCAF's expanding air-training program. Production, to take possibly three years at a cost of about $100,000,000, will be undertaken by Canadaalr Ltd. of Montreal, manufacturers in Canada of the speedy F33 Sabre, adopted by the RCAF as a front-line Jet fighter. rue. winery aiaimu " -" wmiam Tone mmeri ate v fol- Near Break With Czech? a.m., was brought under coniroi at five and broke out again at 11 a.m. 1 opposition deputies in the lower house of parliament succeeds In unseating the premier. Britain, hopeful that Mossadegh can be ousted, twisted an economic noose tighter about Iran by ordering ships already thp North Pole. ' political leaders "Minn agonts of the paper said. Oils-Anglo Canadian 7.30 A. P. Con . 50 Atlantic 2.95 Calmont 1.55 C. & E. ..: 16 . Home Oil 16 50 Mercury 12',i Oicalta 2.80 Princess 1.40 moved at sea wi,,h cargoes to head for ROME Oi Italy has oi ner pui ve. , Bengough is Re-Elected lowing the counting of the ballots last night, Mr. Glassey was sworn"in as mayor this morning by Magistrate W. D. Vane. The two new aldermen George Hills, for an uncompleted term of 15 months, and Michael Krueger, for three months were also sworn In. Standing technically adjourned for lack of a quorum Since Monday night of this week, the council will meet next Monday evening for the conducting of drewal Royal Canadian II1 close to an outright diplomatic break with Czechoslovakia. Italy has called her consul-general home from Bratislava and order Czechs to close their Royalite 19.00 Toronto Wied labor Merger Rail and Sea HALIFAX CP Percy R. Bengough was elected for his ninth straight term as president of the 500.0()0-member Trades and La Athona : 08V2 Listen TONIGHT to Hon. A.D. Turnbull (CP) The Trades Lotmress of nnnnria Aumaque 25 Beattie , 43 consulate in Milan tomorrow. Charging "a long series of offensive ' actions" by Czechoslovaks, Italy says it is "practically impossible to operate" the Brat bor Congress of Canada. The regular business. F'cratcrl a decision :'a rrai-hcd on Tnes- veteran machinist was given an MONTREAL P The Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Workers and other transport workers and the National Seamen's Association of Canada have been merged, J. M. Mc- -WEATHER- islava consulate. FRANCE BREAKS PARIS Wi France has sus ,c,raw its continuing ith Canada's bortios. discussing acclamation. Othvr officers re-elected in eluded the Pacific coast vice president, Birt Showier of Van couver. pended all air traffic with Synopsis British Columbia weather will be clear and warm today and tomorrow. Hot, dry air moving to-' wards the coast from .the interior will result in close-to- ermen Czechoslovakia, a foreign minis-1 Master, co-founder and presi-try spokesman said today. No dent of the seamen's nion. time limit has been placed on n"nces- ths suspension, effective yester- i Agreement transferring NSAC day ; membership to the CBRE was : ' signed a few days ago following - TIDES - Saturday, September 15, 1951 record temperatures In coastal Pay mg raclfic Standard Time) areas. Interior temperatures will Bevcourt 58 Buffalo Canadian 24 12 Consul. Smelters 1.70 ' Conwest 3.90 Donalda 48 Eldona 23 East Sullivan 9.10 Giant Yellowknife 1H8 God's Lake 38 Harricana 10 Heva 15 Jacknife 07 Little Long Lac 72 Madsen Red Lake 2.32 McLeod Cockshutt 2.95 Negus , .97 Noranda 7d Louvicourt 24 Pickle Crow 1.77 Senator Rouyn 22 Sherrit Gordon 3.85 Steep Rock 7.50 Silver Miller 1.55 Upper Canada 1.85 ' Golden Manitou 6.70 : negotiations for some weeks. McMaster said that the sea- ! men's union with a membership of 3500 ta 4000 will become a distinct local of the railway's labor body. RIVER. -The ad-01 He Powell River 'a .the hospital ln- T ' nf th'e Leg- French Air Liner Lost your HOSPITAL'S PROBLEM CFPR 6:45 p.m. PRINCE RUPERT GENERAL HOPITAL MODERNIZATION FUND High 0:40 219 feet be close to 90, both today and 13:20 21.7 feet tomorrow, at several points in Low 7:07 2 3 feet the southern part of the prov- 19:26 3.0 feet) Ince. Little change is expected ! for the next few days. ' A chimney fire at 1341 First Forecast Overlook at 1 p.m. today called1 North Coast Region Clear " ommbia fish- naviiiir hospital out the fire department, -but and warm today and faaturaay I'l-eium,,,. there was no damage. Firemen Wind northerly 15. Lows tonight PARIS (CP) An Air France liner, with 35 passengers aboard, ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Strachan Is still missing on a flight from sailed last night on the Prince Perplgnan to Oran, North Af- George for a trip to Vancouver. -rica, Agence France Presse Ag- W. Horrobin of Pacific sailed ency reported Wednesdav nieht last nieht on the Prince George " "arhws are also said the chlmnev was of the and highs tomorrow at Este- i "Yukon" type. Tenant Mrs.- J. van, 50 and 70; Port Hardy. 45 Of Pmvnll A-., i ( I in. CotirlcrOt anrt TO- rent a aip nit ""'"jnimersun got worriea wnen tire iuu m. 01 rpe'stered. I chimney showered sparks. Prince Rupert, 50 and 75. I from Oran. , for Vancouver.