1 11 i, H rr Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, September 14, 1951 6 4 Frogman RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocvciet CFPR Talking Mule Is Here Again "Show Boat And Others (Subject W Cban(e) J a Gripping The little known story of the underwater demolition teams of the navy in World War II Is depicted In "Frogmen," which opened at the Totem Theatre last night and continues tonight and Saturday. It makes a strange and exciting film with action from start to finish. The picture takes one Into the water, under the water and on the sea in telling the hazardous and gruelling tale of what these UDT men went through In spearheading every Allied Invasion from Sicily to Okinawa. The climax Is a spectacular blasting and bombarding incident. Clearance : : : Boys' And j Youths' j: Clothes i J Reduced ! S" 25 - 35 - 50 j 5 RUPERT MEN'S S" AND i J BOYS' STORE The talking mule, which made many friends In his first picture, "Francis." Is coming back to the' Capitol Theatre this Friday and Saturday In ' Francis Goes to the Races." Donald O'Connor, again the mule's pal, and Francis. In this picture, become attached to an expensive racing stable quar tcred at the famous Santa Anita race track. The amazing mule, by talking to the turf equines, Is able to furnish his master with all the winners. Donald falls in love with redheaded Piper Laurie, daughter of Interesting List of Bookings For Capitol Theatre Here The new and much-heralded Show Boat" featuies an interesting billing listed for the remainder of the month at the Capitol Theatre here. There are sovcral other extra day bookings. Here is the list for the balance if the month: September 14 and 15 Donald O'Conno rand Piper Laurie in Francis Ooes to the Races." September 16 "The Avengers." John Carroll and Adele Sale Of Schoolgirls Clothes For Fall And Winter RUPERT PEOPLES STORE i CECIL KELUWAY-JESSE WHITE-A UNivtRSALii TODAY and SATURDAY Tarnished," Dorothy the owner of the stables, but the Mara; PLUS -SKI-ECTKII SII()RTs . Evening Show, ... CAPITOL Patrick and A. Franz. September 17, 18 and 19 "Ace A Famous riayers Theatre Saturday Matin in the Hole," Kirk Douglas and! romance is threatened when O'Connor Is accidentally Involved with a gang of racing racketeers who threaten to foreclose on the stable. Francis, however, comes to the Jan Stirling. September 20, 21 and 22 "Show Boat," Kathryn Orayson idmark Andrews' Ricnard Wldmark portrays a fearless commanding officer who personally leads his mrn on four suicide missions. Dana Andrews and Gary Merrill share starring honors. The screen play Is based on authentic wartime Incidents of the frogmen whose exploits were among the best kept secrets of the last war. ivscuc and, In the comedy's , and Howard Keel, highlight scene, cures a filly of I September 23 "Spy Hunt," an inferiority complex and Hiward Duff and Marta Toren; thereby wins a rich handicap Flame of Youth." II cm i' : New Banker : Likes City Ernest Paulding, new man-J ager of the Bank of Montreal, is m well pleased with Prince Rupert although it is the first time that he has been in this part of the province.. " 'It's a lot different than Os- oyoos from where I came." savs lace which (uves the day for MERRILL & Totem j everyone. nn u tumuim riutm Thmlrr September 24, 2d and 26 "Sirocco." Humphrey Bogart and Marta Toren. September 27. 28 and 29 Take Caie of My Little Girl," Jeanne Crain and Jean Peters. September 30 "Pigmy Island," Johnny Weismuller and Ann Savage; "Counter Spy Meets Scotland Yard," Ray Mil-land and Hvdy Lamarr. FRIDAY P.M. 4:30 Sleepy lime btorIM 4:45-6tock Quot St Int. 5:00 Int. Comty. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5:30 Bill Good Sports 5:45 Lyrical Lady 5:55 CBC News 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Personal Album 3:30 Now I Ask You COO CBC New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7 JO Chamber Music 8:00 Here Comes the Band 8:30 Vancouver Theatre 9:00 Svmphnnv for Strings s):30 Forgotten Books. 9:45 American Drama U. 0O CBC Newt m:10 CBC News 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 CBC Sympnonette 11:00 Weathet ll:0 Sign olf SATURDAY AM. (HI mii.mchi CIiit.b 4:00 - CBC News :10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 Morning Devotion .8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 CBC Stamp Club 9:45 The Answer Man 9:59 Time signal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weainei and Interlude 11:00 Saturday Date . 11 :30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period tl:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies SATURDAY PJvI. 12:00 BBC Bandstand 12:30 Folk Song Time 1:30 London Studio MeIodii-3 2:00 T-aos-Canada Bandst'd 2:30 Trans-Canada Bandst'd 3:00 This Week 3:00 Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 Let's Look Around 3:45 Announcer's Choice BIO OUTPUT Domestic and world-wide services of the British Broadcasting Corporation involve a yearly total Evenings 7 '- 9:0S Saturday Matinee 2 p.m. Moving Job Is Still on r n a Mr. Paulding, "but I like it very a much." j The new banker finds the city much larger than he had antic- ipated and he likes the appear-! ' ance of the stores. B "And I guess I'll even get used! me IT PAYS DIVIDENDS TO OWN A The past week in Booth School! has been generally a period of .s''no' nisnrrir That, in flmnnv thi seems and by the nominee. It that due to this fact : to the ra:n w;i:cn tney tell me you have here," he adds wryly. LITTLE GIANT students. Otherwise the wheeli1 nominations are slow In arriving, havo hoen running smimthiu Elections are supposed to take PORTABLE SAWMILL a As early as the 15th century I Portugal placed trading factories along the African west coast, later extending them to India. UtblbNtu KKjrll MADE RIM VonJe&ur! .Due to the non-arrival of Place this week. The dead-line furniture the new school classes (or nominations Is Thursday), have been somewhat mixed' upj Richard P. Kilborn in as much as most of them have j , " to be held In the old building. ! Jack Stevens has arrived in There is only one room In the the ci,y from Vancouer to at-new biulding which has desks. tne funeral tomorrow of The typing desks have not ar-' ' hls brother, Bruce .Stevens, who rived yet and consequently, these died suddenly earlier this week, classes have to be held in the old i ; Octjsta, principal port on the I Black Sea, is open to navigation the year round, freezing only in very severe winters. There is a Mill to Fit Your Work at a Pri to Suit Ion IN FOUR SIZES -Compare These Prices: COM I'I.ETF. W ITH FEED BELTS AM) Pl'l.I.EY READY YOl'R SAW AND POWER Willi 3 Hrml Hlwk utilui' !0 frrt hii(. In J Hciilon, IMIh S llmrf Hlm k urrluRc III trrt liut. In I N'iII.ib , Ullll 2 llrilil Hlm k ( urrlaRC Id tvrl l,ul(. In I KmlUn , Ullll '! llrail Itlixk farrliigr It -rl In I WHIiw . i lrl,-r f.ii II. l itlKJtr) J LETTER WILL BRING YOl' DESCRIPTIVE UTERI!' AND ALL DETAILS. NO WA1TINO IMMEDIATE DELIVER'; bi ; 1 " I EASES BREATHING... typing room. The machines are still being set up in the Industrial Arts rooms. In the gymnasium the baskets have not yet ar Ladies' Fall j RAINWEAR J By RITCHIE WALLACE'S Department m Store are now featuring Ladies' Fall Raincoats by Ritchie, Canada's leading J manufacturer of ladles' rainwear. NOW IN STOCK. : WALLACE'S Dept. Store DANCE rived. Consquently, the gjmn MACHINERY DEPOT LIMITE to the music of the CALGARY RAMBLERS AT THE ODDFELLOWS HALL SAT., KEPT. 13, 9 :00 P.M. 217pl C A EG A It V 10!) Tenth Arrnur Wrst PHONE 29!K! AlBff it: of 375.798 hours of broadcasting. classes have little to do but Improvise their own games. ORGANIZING At the beginning of each year the students council and other school bodies are elected. In accordance nominations are no being accepted for persons to take the posts of president, vice- president, secretary, girls sporU representative, boys sport representative, and publications representative. These persons will govern ac-, tivities of the students, almost : entirely when they are outside of class. Presidents for the junior and senior councils are also elected. The members for each of the latter councils are atives from each class. Juniors !i; RELIEF mi v ! V-"' 1-. . ,.' "-- . . . ' - - V,.- ,!, lit . 1 " "f i" 4 w,"v 4ii -:' ' I,. ...it .,, -rfi !' f ; 'Z-x'' ; ' via....' ; ... , : ) 'l-'k' --mi . 4, :'--.rr -!,. A mfe cjtum6et of PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 138 lot 478 FROM HAY FEVER and ASTHMA Inhalt th toothing herbal vapors of Kellogg'f Asthma Relief Breathing become mora fre and natural. Brings effective relief even to chronic Asthma and Hay Fever ufferera. Over 60 years in use Available in cigarette form, if desired Ask your nearest dealer. to the Junior and seniors to the! senior councH. i Each nomination must bel ; V signed by ten members of the I NOITMRO A LYMAN CO. LTD., TORONTO 1st. 1454 &K- SJUfl . .'1JVJ WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR Let Us Help You do a Swell Paint Job QUICK but GOOD Most folks want a really wallpaper or kalsomine dries quickly . . . and it's e.ood looking room, easily done. . . There's nothing so satisfying as - ? K V L' B-H Fresconette One coat does It. Covers washable. PART-TIME SERVICE IN THE WOMEN'S Chinese DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Me in Open 9 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phont 13S STEAMER Prince George RESERVE) .mcm li SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost i For Reservations I 6b The joun wonian who joins the Vi'RCN(R) is preparing tn sent inthi defence of her country in duties for which she is particularly luitti She will attend Navy Reserve parades at least one nifjht week, anJ will receive the same training and pay as for men of the Reserve. Slit1" enjoy companionship, learn self-discipline, leadership and skills u may be valuable in civilian life. The young woman who join the Navy Reserve, serves Canadj! Requirements: Single, and able to pass medical and aptitude tests. Age limits fo' V entries is 19 to 25 up to 29 for those wilh technical experiencl- up to 35 for former "Wrens". Training: You may secure training to serve in such duties as: We have all painting supplies 1950 HILLMAN MINX Low mileage Like new TWif aArtrtlMnMI it Ml piMiAtd m 4tpltytd kf Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. VImi Cail M kr Ika Ci tt grin Col.-blt. i BB1 BJB" BB 31 13 r;.i :i AY.isai 1947 PONTIAC COACH Privately owned r Mrftride St. Phone 311 i I v Harbour Craft Operators Communicators Storeswomen Writers for Pay and Administration Radio Technicians lectrical Technicians Medical Assistants Naval Air Women General Duties Radio Technicians (Air) Llectrical Technicians (Air) and for Maintenance and Inspection Duties with the Naval Ordnance Branch r . . ; v If you want to sell It, advertise It, News classified. 1948 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" ;on tm wmns royal Canadian nam itRVt CANADA YOUR SP Alt II' -IN YOUR HO Ml TOWN -IN 1937 Graham Mac Construction Company 4-door - . t t ' I 1 sedan $300.00 VANCOUVER VICTORIA , Sunday, 8 p.m., Coquitlam , Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QL'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam September 14 and 28 FOR SOUTH QI EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam, Sept. 7 and 21 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 4 APPLY 10DAY TO THf MCRUITING 0ff7CH H.M.C.S. CHATHAM PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 526 RUPERT MOTORS llluttrated it a new made-lo-measur uniform iisued frae to all women accepted In the WRCN'R) part of a complete clothing kit, including summer and winter uniform. WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . . Sidirg . . . Alterations Estimates Gladly Given Blue 182 LIMITED 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone 8fi6 and 566 if j ' ,,. w. rr-