rrii"iC3 tsupsri winy scv,'3 FrUlay.'September 14, 1951 opk id lieu ted Stu (e& 4 Fall Fashion Highlighted i At Legion Tea j Pf,lllutioti,-.r, u.na tV- r iffy- vi IV AT E R tells the truth about... WHISKY Valhalla Lodge Forty Years Old Next month will mark the 40 year anniversary of Valhalla Lodge In Prince Rupert and the occasion will be commemorated by a banquet in- November, ths lodge executive decided lait n Ik lit. Plane for other winter activi-tie ol the Lodge Include a film once a month and also a monthly dance. Pieeident A. O. Morie u In the chair. Mrs. P. Anderson, Mrs. H. Carpenter and Mrs. Alec McDonald. Cashier was Mrs. J. Taylor of the Seal Cove Sewing Circle, which sponsored a raffle drawn after the display. Winner of the white crocheted tablecloth was Mrs. George Pierce of PlggoM Ave. with ticket number, 13. Proceeds of the raffle amounted to $30.40. In token of appreciation, Mrs. G. V. Hanley of the Legion Aux J. Johanson O. Hasrup O. Turner Bytown Machine Shop .... Joe's Grocery Wllfurd Electrical Wks. .... 8onie Marine Co W. R. Love Electric Co Mitchell ti Currie Co. .. D. Eby 8. Pierce G. Weatherly E. A. Enrtdge Kalen Industries Rupert Freezing Co. Regal Printers Dr. L. W. Ken-in North Star Bottling Wlrj. Miscellaneous donations Mr. Gardner T. Moorehoiuse D. Johnston H. O. Perry and Dully News .-. iliary presented Mrs. Dickens with a large bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, with gifts for Mel Thompson and Andy Mc i rienu i uo ' Mrs. J. Moritz 2 00 ; R. Garres 2 00 F. A. McLean 2.00 Mrs. H. Jzeney 2 00 Msi-'llaneous 2 00 J. McBride 2 00 1 Mr. A. Mitchell 2 00 C. Olafson 5 00 Mrs. J. J. Payne 5.00 Mr. King 5 00 W. H. Koughan 5 00 Dr. J. A. McDonald 15.00 Ted Applewhaite 20.00 Miscellaneous 9 00 Coastal Cafe 200 Mrs. Mary Spring 5.00 P. A. T 5.00 Misc 230 E. L. Hartwlg- 2.00 Mrs. T. Black 3 00 Mlac 9.11! R. K. Johansen 5 00 C. Barker 5.00 J. Reid 2 09 Mrs. C. Abercrombie 2.00 Mrs. H. Anderson 2 00 Mrs. A. Leighton 2.00 W. Stevens 2.00 O. D. Swltzer 2.00 ! Mrs. R. Woods 2 00 Mrs. A. Haig 2.00 G. W. Muuie 2.u J. C. Brady 5.00 i Ken Warren 2.00 Mrs. Hemmons 2.50 Mrs. R. P. Smith 2.00 Misc 18.55 G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd 10.00 Arrow Bus Lines 5.00 Mrs. 1. Watson 10.00 D. Browne 5.00 If you want to sell It, advertise It, News classified. Naughton. yesterday afternoon at the Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary fashion display, sponsored by Annette's, under the direction of Mrs. Pebble Dickens. , The show featured the latest in coats, suits, dresses, evening gowns, hats and lounging pyjamas. Intriguing was the display of garments, from the fabulous gold and black satin lounging pyjamas to the shadowy black lace evening fr-jeks. Rhinestone buttons and accessories gleamed on taffeta and lace. Full skirts and wide bishop sleeves highlighted the exciting fall fashions. Coats featured the elegant highstanding collar and unique sleeve interest. , Bfeullins leathered bonnets in autumn shades will crown this fall's stylish figure, it'was indicated. Mannequins paraded to a background of soft music provided by Andy McNaughton with Mel Thompson as commentator. 2.00 2.00 2.00 I0.0O 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 2 .00 3.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10 00 10.00 22.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 25.00 2.00 200 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 Seagram's : "83" Funeral of Jacob Hanson Funeral of Jakob Hansen, who died Sunday, was held yesterday afternoon from Grenville Chapel, Rev. H. O. Olauu Put Seagram! "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sporfcllng) i your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SIAGRAM'S ond be SURE . , t of the fined SKE IS FOR . . . Hoists, AU-Stet'l Dump Bodies. Winches all sizes. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Ofr. All Certified Operators for hiih aresnarc and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. Hymns were "Abide With Me ! and "I Need Thee," played on J the organ by Mrs. W. G. Smith. I Pallbearers were Con Stordale, Roy Paulsen, Evan Shier, -Sev Mrs i jnhnMn 8. F'.-aeock O. Roger : Bayview Hotel Mi . and Mrs. A. W. Prirst V. R. Plumbing b Heating Standard Machine Co. .. Smiles Cafe i Friend . i l2.V-l-.tE. Phone Green 8M Dominato, Peter Wikdahl and John Kasper. Burial was In the Sons of Norway plot; Falrview Cemetery. ThL advertisement Is not published or deployed by tle liquor Control board or by the Government ol British Columbia. MOSTLY SAND - D. Carr-Harrls 5.00 J. S. Irvine 5.00 Judge W. Fulton 5.00 J, Strand 2.00 N. A. S. Pett 2.00 naval wedding procession climaxed the display with the bride, Iona Hardy, in traditional white satin and lace. Bridal attendants were Mrs. V. Ciccone, In frothy oink lac:, Mrs. W. Seymour In turquoise, Mrs. D. Pal-lant in yellow and Mrs. M. Wos-tenholme in mauve nylon mar-ouisette. Trainbearers were little Diane Petersen and Sandra Alexander. Verne Ciccone, as the groom, wore a naval officer's uniform. Guard of honor was made up of Keith DeWitt, Bob Taylor, Allistre Ross. Ken Yel-land and Gordon Dell. i It is estimated that 90 per L-nt of the world's coastlines are FALL IS fringed with sandy beaches. t SUFFRAGE LEADER Frances Power Cobb, English suffrage leader who died in 1904, founded the national Anti-Vlvl-I section Society. Simplicity Goy od Feminine You'll SEWING SEASON Simplicity Patterns J. Centre 2.00 A. E. Norton 2.00 A. H. (annonymousi 2.00 Misc 11.75 Mis. H. G. Olson 2.00 Mrs. A. DufflB 2.00 Francis G. Cleba 2.00 i. P. Thompson 2.00 Mrs. A. Johnsou 2.00 A. M 2.00 Misc . 19.85 Total to date $1800.00 BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Do you Rai. wheeze and fight for breath, m you can't proper sleep? Tf nipjVton'g RAZ-MAH 4-;tpii!e help you to breathe eaiy, relieved ol wheezing and ganpiiig. HifV loosen tiirht narke.) fhi-uin Appearing as models were Maresa Windle, Mrs. Neil Shep-pard, Mrs. Verne Ciccone, Mrs. B. Bolton, Miss Joan Vivian, Mrs. ft". Petersen, Mrs. W. Seymour, it's ?j Aristocrat M""'! are printed with full Instructions op every pattern piece. All patterns available ot Call 363 FOPw BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing Surely Love Them! in today . . . ee our d r e s s e s Siome lade prettier with oper doll and j Mrs. M. Wostenholm. Mrs. T. i Fallant, Mrs, S. Alexander, Mrs. IP Velteh. Mrs. D. Lugrln. Mrs. W. Lahti, Mrs. N. R. Hebb, Mrs. '.. Ritchie, Miss Benita Windle, ! Mrs. W. E'ymour and Mrs. ' A. j Stegavig. ! Onpst.s wprp welcnmprt tn the t h e r swing-out skirts. Choose one, Aristocrat UiIa in i nt '.rrtiP bronchial tubes, to it comes away easily. Sleep and work in comfort, take RAZ-MAK today. bSi SI. 35 it druKKistn. i-53 wo or three for a r u I y dressed up rull. ! . ... - . I: 1 1. .ji' . tv. . " - . .ti X t I iV(. "I . t; ' r Ur v t' X !."; S ,i. .' I ... fciiiMron's Styles Today" The ultimate tn reof Rye Whiskies full-bodied, full-flavoured. Distilled in the ancient manner . and fully matured in oak casks under controlled conditions. tOM COAST TO COAST ITS MELCHERS You pay jor age I See that you let it. display and tea on behalf of the Legion Auxiliary by President Mrs;. O. V. Hanley. Tea was rved under the direction of general convener Mrs. R. Mar-shall'wilh chief convener Mrs. D. Gomez as hostess. Serviteurs i mm iisiit 1 nnette Mansell ! were Mrs. P. Bond. Mrs. J. An 8 YEARS OLD wies Wear 523 3rd Ave. drews, Mrs. W. Murdoch Mrs. . Gilchrist. Mrs. P. Downing, Mrs. H. Lewis. Mrs. J. Gillis and i It'1 BhPTONE A genutrte oil point, made in a variety of postel tints, that can be used over ' Walt Paper, Kalsomine, Wall Board and Wood Work. Easy to apply with brush or roller. " Thompson Hardware Co. l!d. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable -and Efficient, Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co, Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all wvldlng supplies. . LINDSAY'S CARTAGE" & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Park Avenues E.i .910. Phones 60 and 68 Mrs. O. Ciccon J. Assisting in the MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors kitchen were Mrs. J. Roxburgh, Mrs. F. Kill, Mrs. C. L. Hebb, Mrs. C. Barker, Mrs. J. Holbrook and Mis. B. Montgomery. During the display children of theguests were entertained by MlLCHIRS DISTILLERIES; LIMIT! This odvertisemenf is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. IGEOKI.K AUCTIONEER DAWKS (irt-rn HI0 and Red 117 Toure a KttH FOOD SHOPPER Don't b satisfied with less! You don't bave to I Price means nothing, because you con take care ol the full monthly pay-ments with the savings your Frigidaire gives you in food buying and keeping and In lower costs for refrigeration. when you buy the food you put info a refrigerator. You'll be glad for years to come if you're a That is not an irresponsible claim, h is a statement made by the leader In the refrtgetoiion industry. And the proof awaits you ot your nearest Frigidaire dealer's store. See for yourself what Frigidaire leadership means in beautiful styling, in tried-ond-true converieica features, in quality construction and dependable performance. KtlH REFRIGERATOR SHOPPER, Shown ond listed here ore o few of the many, many advantages you get when you choose Frigidaire. They are me features that really count the features you want and need I i I H xlfllmimi if f VV; UK HERES why frigidaire . IS YOUR BEST BUY ! "- N JI , - . 'j YJJdrf---"' r TTNrX I P Serf CoM Tee Mr food Slorogt lorg. FrMiw Span mm I i ff I j I " to'm A n. Frigldalr. will k- 'I " 1 i i J; It YisL Prold 3 kindt of cold fvl t "t" wtuf "6" hold up to 73 po ind "" I : I ser5? A j l ill thet iou food. uud to bol Now Moid- o froion toodi. No B-,J.,. ,. Frnidaira 'II l.i '( 1 I I noidt trooiing-cold, oiroi hold 25 to 30 nood to pil. food on ico Regardless -I of sue or price, every frigidaire 1 P 7 !" l i V IF tiiiiine-cid, moi.t- too, y.t wk. M tr - ho. give you: i 1 I ? s "I Jff I I V 1 VI d- kiniw. via. , own hoi.. More Convtrtient Storage Sturdy shelves are rust-restttant. Close grill w ents tipping. Mydr esters "stack up". Toll bottles, bulky .food easily stored. llfotimt Peneleie Intorlor odd e Convoniotit, dot, tiublt tap ' l?il3"" ffejk PmSmT I t XKA K.D,"ux,",,,or,,a', j V-iiU-LP '" f e Co.ltivMlo.lncj, wty-op.n door latch e Sag. proof door I gg? " 1 N.!8 S&HVf t--il Simplified Cold-Control Aotodtatlc llttorlor light i N 1 , ! I I ., , , .Mod. by 0.Wr.l Motor. j y sil. ydr.,. ,,1" , 'o - . it 1 ff ''','.','?. if ttoro .11 tho fr.lt ond DoBondabrllty .iHUHi cabSli-thot Soo .clu.i. Doublo- ALay MaMMaWiaB'BaaHBIMl ' f. T 1 1 H rf I vu"1 " I toblo you'll t fIclutlw Motot-Mltor , .upport om at foy Quitkubo ttoy. E " J Ji I w ' wk or movol Motrt. nMchoniim cut! current 4-ton wctghl. In avory como out ot rho trooior M A f . . , BAJIO',,i1,,,'",- w co,a booo ovorythine eot)1 to tho bono. Fro- dotail ot the now Frigi- ot a finger touch, pop (V- I Ilea UAIir nrAVAnl ref riCIGrCltOr TOU COn buy kla, tlm I I , . 1 A h.ih-octoolly roitorot toctod for S ytor. you II loo tho out Jco culm ot tho lift Ifo.Vl your presoill lenitjoiMi.. ... . .. , . J f . ctlipno.il nilml itr.lctti. Sn- vplu.. ol o built-in lo.or. hc,p buy ZTZ - : y . I 1 J) YOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER $345-75 -;4 'li? :::::: WM WILL GIVE YOU A GENEROUS '1 SJ ' fi .mft TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE budget payment teraJs-" '&J Phone for free estimate! -52 weeks to payl L I For full details visit or phone any of the Authorized Frigidaire Dealers listed belowl " " Terrace, B.C. Johnstone & Michiel Smithers, B.C. - - - -Eby's Hardware nce Rupert, B.C. - - - - Gordon & Anderson