Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, July 10, 1951 Governor's -r " "r ' miiii iiij ipmnmm" i r wupwja"!, If t . l A Jtr k H . : i No "Strings" On Contract Mayor Ouispaketi in Deal on Recention Funds to Reopen Sea! Cove School Furthermore, the school build-in,, .which had been returned to lh hy when the school was closed down, wai given back to .he school board last night. "It Is only a matter -,f releasing funds the school board has City To Put On Kushbrcc-. Height Work School Board was cranted Der- No contract "with any strings mission bv city council last night ' which had not been spent last ORDER COAL NOW BEFORE FREIGHT Complimentary Dinner A dinner will be held for Lt. Governor Clarence Wallace and his official party when he arrives In Prince Rupert Juiy 21 on a coast tour aboard HMO'S Ontario. Aid. T. B. Black, renoiline for attached" will be signed by the to use unexpended bylaw funds' yea..." said Aid. T. B. Black, finely "iot as far m I'm con- for restitution of the Seal Cove ance chairman. "There is no ctrned," Mnyur G. W. Rudder- school for use next term. obligation to the city." nam declared last nighi it city Total cost of n pairs would be j Reason the old school Is being council meeting. $s,,6CC, 5 per cent of which would i reoper.vd Is the large increase in Wood Si McClay Ltd 'will be have to be carried by the school ; new tnrrlments expected next tivn -ion hw in whioh board, council was advised bv term, the School Board's letter RATE INCREASES GO INTO EFFECT LATER THIS MONTH the rntertain;.ient committee at aid. to , sign a "slightly amended" let Jei . city council meeting last night, said dinner would I j at the Can JULcoa IcLcod River lump, ton $2075 Ricr E99 $20.25 Rcr Nut $18.25 Deep Scam Lump $1675 contract for construction of streets on Rushbrooks Heights. (Their tender of $43,000 was accepted two weeks ago.) Under fire was proposal of the company that several changes be made In the contract. "We have given them two concessions already," Aid. Don Fitch, works chairman, said. The con IcLcod llbcrta adian Legion auditorium, preceded by a reception. Attendance at the civic affair would be by inviation only, he paid. "As this is a rare occasion, I think we should be able to foot th j bill," Mr. Black said, but total expenses of the entertainment had not yet been estimated. AM. Harrow Oomez is In charge of sports for the visiting crew of the training cruiser which brought Rear Admiral W. B. Creery on an Inspection tour here last month. llbcrta Diplomat Egg t $15.75 1 1 I 1 , i ' i li 1 - f f ' 5 i J ' ,4 j - t W I REGISTRATION FORM . Riip-Rec Learn To Swim Classes (Fill out and turn in at swimnvng pool or Civic Centre not later than Monday. July 16, 3f"imnanip1 bv 50 cent reekt.rntinn fee l In consideration of tvlng accepted for the above classes I hercbi, for myself, my heirs, my executors, and administrators, waive and release any and all rights for damage claims agams; the Civic Centre Association, Prince Rupert City Parks Board, Gyro Club, or City of Prince Rupert for any injuries sutfered by me hi said swimming classes. iibcrta Diplomat Nut 13.75 It isp l oad Trues per ton less than above tract calling for 'delivery of all material even if in excess oi the company's original estimate would remain, as well as the penalty clause. , Wood fc McClay suggested that, If the supply of gravel exceeded an estimate of 3000 tons, extra payment should be made. "We are through with paying extras," said Mayor Rudderham. "Either they sign the contract the way it is or they can go to heck." jbert & AAcCaffery LIMITED Phones 116, 117 or 58 Former Relief Share Asked MADE IN CANADA Canadian fashions on sale this Fall will Include the frontiersman jacket at left. For sports and outdoor wear, it will appear In red, cinnamon, green or beige fringed English suede. For wet-weather wear Is the raincoat at right, either full-backed cr belted, with rnatchUig iaia lutl with softiy-tailored crown. A wide rpnge of colors will be available, from liright green to different shades of brown. (CP PHOTO) Class beginning Ending Name in full Age.. Address Phone Child's signature - Parent's Signature -lt t ! & ....... rtMkMkrb WHAT POES THE SUN Dd yOMEN'S SHOES Loc Illegitimate Child Rights NEW WESTMINSTER Legal a NEW SHIPMENT FOR PEACHES? a n d Prince Rupert city council will endorse, a resolution of the j Union of B.C. Municipalities to demand the Provincial government return to the "80-20 per cent basis" regarding payment of social assistance. In a letter read to city council at the meeting last night, UBCM stated that several attempts had been made to aproach the government directly with a delegation. But since the annual conference was near at hand now, it would be taken up at that time and asked Prince Rupert council PERSONAL history was made here when Mr. ' Justice A. M. Manson ruled that an illegitimate child has equal rights under the Family Com Mrs. J. Wick and daughter,; w. J. Lmeham left on the Eleanore, left on the Camosun n today for a brief trip today for a holiday in the sputh. to Vancouver. pensation Act with a child born in wedlock. OF PENNY LOAFERS White, Grey, Wine, Black 11 Regular Moose Meeting, Tuesday, July 10, Salt Lake Ferry running every Sunday and Thursday, weather permitting. Green 931 or Black 926. (tf) to support it. rv-&ty 8 p.m. (lfiOc) SUALS IN ALL i:s AND COLORS Bill Norrie is Dead in South i Miss Aima ft.nur.son ana miss Joan Ketchcson leave on Thurs- William Crulckshank, CN R. day night for Victoria where ! district passenger agent, return- j they will resume nurses' train-! ed to the city Saturday from a i ine courses at Roval Jubilee : trip over the line as far as LAST YEAR'S PRICES HosDltal. . ' Smithers on official business. I William G. Norrie-Lawenthal Brings out their natural flavor and sweetness, of course. That's just how Sugoroosfing brings out the delicious flavor of Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes . . . makes them extra crisp and tasty. Grape-Nuts Flakes are nourishing and so economical. I Indian Superintendent F. E. ', Mrs. Angela Larendi of Victoria ' who fT."ia-nyl f" aCteW A lAnfield returned tu the city at.iy. in the citv for a month's visit 6 t , shion Footwear i Haielton and elsewhere In the interior, Is dead in Vancouver '' Vy SHOE POLISH vi i Ithe week-end frdm a motor trip with hpr brother and sister-ln-to Vancouver. He left Mrs. An- j law, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balagno, and his funeral took, place there lieiu aiiu lamny at ijytwn wiifie t am Avenue wesr,. i Try them they're unbeatable. today. He was 68 years of age. o NEW CONSTRUCTION they are spending a vacation. j Mi and . Thomas Dw'ens c, E. D. Forward and son, Bruce, j Winnipeg arrived in the city are leaving tonight for Lake Saturday night from Winnipeg Kathlyn where they will Join Mrs. ! for a visit here with Mrs. Owens' Forward and family in their , brother, Georgs J. Dawes, summer home and spend the ! . , Lodges to Join i In Terrace Meet SUGAR0ASTIN6 MAKES GRAPsNU75 FIAKES thet BOWS CEREAL ii L3ST inq 'and REPAIR WORK , SEE next three weeks on vacation. Shines Officer Added To Police Here BONUS 1-SWEET-AS-A-NUT FLAVOR I Two lodges of the Oddfellows'. ! Terrace and Prince Rupert, will .! get together next .Saturday at GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. BONUS Z-EXTRA QUICK ENERS", A Product of CeHMKOl fOk,d 215 1st Avenue West P.O. Box 721 ILL SCUBY'S A new officer is being added t u interior town for a joint to the Royal Canadian Mounted 1 installation of officers, to: re at Prime Rupert. . Con-! District Grand Deputy A. E. ta'l Q. A. R. Slim pe is being Woods expects about 16 lodge moved hi re from Prince George, members from Prince Rupert will . I attend, but not all the newly FAMOUS LIBRARY ! elected officers will be able to The National Library of Scot-' 8et away, land was devolpvd from the Ad- i A further Installation will be wate3 Library founded in 1682. ' held here for local officers. Mrs. L. A. Martin, wife of Hudson's Bay Co. manager at Port Simpson, and son, Bruce, are taking their holidays in Vancouver, leaving on the Camosun today for the south. Boulter and Welter, formerly located at the office of T. Norton Youngs, wish to announce they have moved to McLean and Rudderham, Second Avenue, across from the radio station. They sincerely hope this change will, not inconvenience any" of their customers. Phone 600. (1602) V5 The Wise Old Owl , . . mjmfW Mil ' I I FUR SALE "tic" up tur the holidays! You will need new ics. lYodorant.s, Spot Removers, and Just loads other lit Mr items that will make your days happier, save yourself needless worry and footsteps, come the V.AIUKTY STORE and you will see everything l ik ill ., CV ix A 1 1 iFCif Now is the time to select your winter coat xoitiict'iiivulS Lutheran Tea, July 21. Women's Coordinating Tea II if ihjmh if lrrT&TT Easv Terms Arranged I j ! Th exterior house paint money can buyl Provides lasting protection and beauty for your home. Available in a wide choice of attractive modern colon. 3 CaUiolic Fail Bazaar, October ; JL1 f Pv PHONE 974 for FUR COLD STORAGE I Rcbckah Bazaar, October 20. V t M I ' BmmntMmmmmm 1 Sonjo Bazaar, November 2. , " Ct Tj I I l s- j .SS Lesion Auxiliary Bazaar, No- J CnQCl I ,1 -J j ; vember 7. I 4, . . I v fCNrWA jf p i rresbyterian Fall Sale No- 'iaJ . H D U SHINGOLEEN- 1 1 M KS WKWX SSI KE BR KS n IB J ON SALE AT J GORDON & ANDERSON in many attractivo colors. Shinqolecn I I.O.Di. Fall Bazaar November 1 . - I IV I VI I W j St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, No-' '", " 1 j vember . 29. I V, tm,r j ; -.-1 ; z The Pioneer Druaaists uWics, and protects old and new shingles fences. pmpson Hardware Co. Ltd. STEAMER 4' &f&fcX 'T PHONE 81 Prince Rupert WARD ' r U , ; Rfl I REFRIGERATORS Vancouve 6 cu. fect 344.50 7! z cu. fect u ; id Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 1 1:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WICDMihDAV MlUMGlir L 'xiay at Low Cost OITY lt DEPOT 397.50 8 cu. fect 432.50 0 4 cu. feet Jfil.Sfl OFFICE J RINGS KUPEJvT, For Heseivations Write or Call B.C. f;".-,.Sto? Company . mWmSi I liZmSL?! will do your job cheaper "r ": c ILIULlglrS i ' Roofing . . . 5iding . . . Alterations V 7' Mt, S ! Estimates Gladly Given 0F S0FT,SS i i - s orthern B.C. Power Co. Brsner Block rhone Z10 Rupert, B.C. Strwart, B.C.