I ri 11 ice Ku(jci t LAjiiy e- Tuesday, July 10, 134 New Grains I I Strike-Out Total High WalaitUt UiUVe uui. JOfe 1.U1MC I Hit j i for the last scorp of the game. , i One of the ft atuia games of I I the season will be held on Wed-1 : nesday night when the Columbia 1 ; Cellulose and Ruoei t Radio meet. ! On two previous encounters this year these teams are even, each Weatherproof Physical Ed t where they appeared last rush'. Now they will visit Hazelton, Smithe-'s, Vanrr.oof, P ince George and on into the Cari'jjD : 1 earn Leaves Millvjns of Dollnrs May Be Saved farmers In a league softball game winning one game so this is tlie j enroute home. Mr. Maltman, PcllowinB their hiehly imprw- wha has been appoint -d dist Uz Icatuud by a new high .strike- rubber. ' -V out total and a long home run,1 Hawks AH H H the Fii men defeated the Hawks Lawry, 2b 4 0 0 SASKATOON O Farmers may ive stand here during Exnlbi- director of physical education be saved millions of dollars by lion Week, Keith Maltman aaJ for the provincial Kovernmeir., the results uf a University of the Vancouver Pro-Rec team left Is to make his hediiiarters ai Saskatchewan research project by car yesterday for Terras Prince George. r; 5 to 3 last night at Gyro Park. Waters, If ft Art Olscn of the V iri'iuen struck Matthews, c 3 1 . I . r o ,ic "wtatherproof grains. 1 out sixteen Hawks in sewn in- Vlyar, rf r 2 D. . J. B. Harrington, head of uings while yieluiiic only one hI'1''. 0 3 the field husbandry department, Salt Lake Ferry Leoves Cow Bay Float THURSDAY 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. SUNDAY Continuous from 10:30 a.m. W.'ather permitting walk and 3 hiLs. One of iiw hit Martin, cf VAmmiM emu 1 1 T V - is a loii'; drive into deep centre ''Ifr, lb ."Id ty Martin which vus good & "gwick, es ... foi f.'iir buses or the Hawks. ,Ty.seland, p-rf Tim Hawk., diew Jirst UUxat ! U,aU P when, w:h two cut in t.v l!r..t 4 f 1. 3 ..... 3 2 3 1 28 AH 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 3: It HI 2 l liiiuu:. Larry Matthews sim-jed over third. Then Fieney Vi'.ar ' Firemen Ratchford, 3b and Smith ol in via f-rrois t) '"HI A f4-.lt V,i.,.,a ! v ail'.1 Holmes, rf J lA. Hartwig, 2b Firemen came back in their Carlson If half of the first inning to notch s,.nwufo' e WASHING CARS TIRE REPAIRING GENERAL CLEAN-UP We specialize in servicing for long trips Rupert motors Limited CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH, FARGO DISTRIBUTORS RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC HANGFS Phime Blue Oft' PACIFIC ELECTRIC -...a. .i.M.T. mum iiuucij uic.i u- OlSOn D "u w.iiKco, 1 tonnes was on ny vvimt.tam es 3 ail error, S liWub doubled to fjj) i) ..' I. . 3 jXii; two and Ait Oisen lined Tschabold cf 3 says new varieties of train developed after 15 yais of laboratory and field research will prov Invaluable in the fickle el.mate of the prairies. Grains have been developed which yield well ani are still hishly resistant to spring frost, jprouting. shattering, Ulea:h!ng a:id drought. He referred ti the development as "weathercrotin" and said this was the first time plant bleeders had wciked toward improving grair. development in the spring rather vftan :.i the fall the purpose of the e.a; ly-inatur-ing varieties. The field husbandry department imitated vaiious weather conditions by installing controlled freezing chambers and Rlass houses a controlled climate sysT tern which greatly speeded up the experimental work. Apex wheat and Fortune and Valcr oats have lesulted from the experiment. Special grants from the Na-ticnal Research Council and the 1 4, m,. ia uiiv a .mii;h; 10 score cnwai). ! Fi.emrwi scored afiain in I he' 27 5 5 .'econd when, with two out, Hawks 1 0 0 10 10-31 Itatchford sliif;". d, stole wmiuI Firemen 3 1 0 1 0 0 x- 5 1 and scored on a single by Iialini s. ; Olson struck out IB, walked one' The Hawks pot one back In the 1 and gave up.three hits. Tyseland I fourth when Kmitli ilruclc out struck out 3. walked 1 and gave but not aboard on a nii,-.;cd.j up 5 hits. Lhati struck out 4, tliiid strike and scored wlu-n j walkeU 1 and gave up no hits.' i Tommy fk-tlgwlvk's Kroundor was. Two-base hits: Schwab. i' CHAMPIONSHIP FORM -Jack Burke Jr. of Houston, Texas, lavs into a drive on the final round of the Canadian Open Golf Cia,,,ioni,hi) at Torontj MississauRa. Burke started the day with a M-hole total of 204 -two less than defending champion Jim Ferrler of San Francisco wh retained the ititle. iCP PHOTO) Qualn'ied Steam Roiler, Refrigeration and Pipe Welders All Certified Operators t huilil Stacks, l ire Escape anil Tanks all sizes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. Kkicfd around. ' Home runs: Martin. Firemen also tcor.d c ne In the' Umpire: Ret;. Wilson. Time of ' the fraaue' tlon't; ?et unyihlng niqii; at a time. fiiiuth on T.schuhtild' s f.roiindi-r game, 1 hour, 5 minutes. but thet xercise and fun of pliy-, which wac kicked and a drive by ing ball' when they're Rivinfr- Cnrdnn & Jintierson apain suc- Hulmes In the 'sixth limiiii'! 25 -1st K. Phone Green 8X4 Prince Kupert'a high class show cumbed to their opponents Sun- i Saskatchewan Government fin- 1 I BATTER UP (By LARRY STAN WOOD) as to found anyfhere in amateur day afternoon, which brings j anced the project. spurt. H People want to see a Abe! & Odowes one win ahead 1 ball game on Sunday!, why not , of Commerc ials, whom they play JOHN H. I M n, f support it? It can t be otherwise, j next Thursday. So far it looks I as though it will be a neck and j Certain softbal! enthusiasts neck race with tlw Clothiers and ' Old Church The good crowds that attend ed the International baseball have drawn it to our attention Hutelmen. with Q & A far down ! .cries here over the Dominion that they thought we were unfair In the cellar BULGER feflngfe Ofton, (fii.it I t071 Burns Down Day hotlday week indicate that to Softball. Mattfr of fact that Prince Rupwrt people are little i w, had no Intention of nlav- 1 man's t.P!l m unn unlv nnt onivia mm different than most Canadians ' irw anvHilntr hut. fnir in mir 1 thi wsiem tha firat mia thm An old and familiar landmarK j along the banks of the Skeena I river at Cedarvale is torn. The and Americans. They like a good . culumn. P. is, of course, devoted played. They have been coming J. an- ., i more to upbuilding baseball but close in their last few tries, but But how was that series made we suppo.t aU mrts. jseem to weaken in the clinches. i UlP-huilt minion church, which 1 a main, ntntnaco ity ..... .... that faau-hs.ll fun havo iriven ' ' wiwu - . " crcwnexl a mil and tne towers ot he Princ Runert I isebad sso : a vlKurous spo,t and has rea(:ned iltt p,tch!ng MneuP not , which had been familiar to trav- i batball an overwhelming popularity in I en iugh pitchers. j chion Playing ctr, eUer, for more than fifty years, ; BUY money EouiDmerit tmlav is uric-1 "' w. i "u n i.- eviumi ne: uoys nmi ; Durnea to me grouna last wees. John Bulger Ltd. Win 1 fVFZI'' I1 UiSliei comMMCB C0MMMce BUY SUV TH HMOf 1 Choo Chop Suev 5uey - - Chow Chow Mein Mein THCM l It is a Kam-j of keen compe- I prastice, and there is the rub. I information of this was re-' ed at an all time high. Balls' cost $30 a dozen and at least !WMOn. ann ns P;a'ers una a "iy pa. lu two uw- wivea by Capt, w. c. Poult n of four are used at every league ' ' promuiem. nsi:ng in me woria i"-ju ume mi salvation Army here, from the game. game. ! of amateur sport. But we main-1 alternate nights football, the daughter-in-law of the man who Tan balls wire used in the two- D OJ M LL IP TIRES MOM and new DUNLOP TUBES for EXTRA SAFfry ; tain, nowever. that piaying soft-joiner one it, leaves no room ior ;huilt the church, first misston-iba'.l won't make a better base-j Practise. ! ary along the Skeena, the late ! ball player no more so than ; "About all we can do is get ; Dr. Tomlinson. will a bronco-buster make a Uicre .eariy on Eame nip!lt3 and Dr. Tomlinson built the church GUUTTB i 11 ipm 8 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE even mougn tr.c tl ,fc I i both deal i with ii horses. ; . ' . s:::d Team Manapsr Sr.m Cam with the aid of two young sons and some native converts. i The church was being repaired when file broke out. Only tlw organ and ohe long seat was saved, wrote Mrs. Tomlinson. Fur Outside Orders Phone 133 Each game ha? a terhniqdf- ol ,j its own and, in order to be-1 ' come, proficient, concentration j . " . T must be centred on one techt If you want to sell it, advertise day International series. It coBt the Association some $500 to get Ketchikan to come down and play bail here and they had the money, too, because of the good attendance at the games. The Association netted something like $540, but baseball isn't over in Prince Rupert. It ! has just begun. ! Yet last Sunday it looked as though fans hud enough of ball- playing. By the collection, which 'netted less than $15 from 150 adults in the bleachers, it looks like it's awfully hard for people I to part with much more than a i dime if they'renot asked outright i for It. ! Well, a baseball league cannot : be run that way. Players in all three teams in QUALITY STORE iPETTENUZZO'Sj 511 11 l.TON STREET 1 m ToJav'J super-keen Te t 'ue Dispenser I WorkliiR late? Tired of cooking? Going on a Picnic? We have alads, cold meats, etc. Specializing In Spaghetti, Conked Chickens. , inU save time f 1'" " Alwavs use fe Jive "", ,1'U.la... I M 1 riione 470 VmS-maae for your Gillette Ra'or. u.i 70-Blode Gillette Tr imbJ wM hknenser wnn nu., ---- ar.-p- 11W Blade Compartmem J THE BEST (MI PRINTING V- If VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Coqulllam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun The British Columbia Distillery Co. Ltd. proudly presents a distinguished selection of B.C. fine I-ICF. ARM, STEWART AND (Si m-k m S ill 9-. ' Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Soke Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BESNER Itl.OCK Canadian Whiskies and B.C. London Dry Gin. PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m.! FOR NORTH Ql'FEN ( HAREOTTE ISLANDS .ss. Coquitlum July 6 and 20 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH Ql'FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, June 29, July 13 and 27 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prhlcn nnm.i-1 Anof iHiird Avenue Phone 568 RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3ri Ave. - Opposite Ormes AIL MAGAZINES and PERIODICALS TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Btock Always Moving and Fresh ' :-OMoii ILtU f.A-- tap . ,:mmiJ,mm.- Vacation Cars TWO 1950 FORDOR'S Low mileage TWO 1950 FORD PREFECTS 3,500 miles A-1 Shape Ready io Go Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert. B.C. iUSrS !E(!S X fecial i CANADIAN WHISKY f .ul. H CAflLHf BUI WittCT , NC tOlTHO iMIOaO U tksa.uiD a aoi'ii,. .a ntr - H tTUaf aavi mb uaa tai luM"v,liOa 0 I msii(ini9amAtasiHlfilvai(l ioTUto IN .ON. """""" "" "" "' "' I M V ygjggyggpQ 'tl f " y - iTf?' i PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 L PORTRAITS "ms developed and Printed The British Columbia Distillery Company Limited has greatly increased its facilities over the past few years and has built up its stocks to keep pace with the rapidly growing demand for its products both at home arid in world markets an expansion program that keeps pace with British Columbia growth and prosperity. rKOMPT SERVICE HIANDIER'S STUDIO 18 -4lli Street Box 845 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert rr Action Advttrtlstl Thit advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.