desired needl I Nuts.. Prince Rupert Daily News As 1 See It Protection From Radium fv,... nan "itl.ii Wednesday, May 9, 1951 able tht . Lu'e l" . 'the ravr,l:: -'j-j l & tj ' ? "jC r r - , f more ' TORONTO (CP) Specially I carrd ban, "" treated films from Chalk River .treatment room ? laboratories are among the mostiUn l,ttll! carriers' important protections of Dun-j lap Cancer Clinic workers ' SrOKiFr"iT , aguinst deadly radium rays.. ! The' first mM-b,. Workers at. Hip Tnrnntn c!e:tr chain - '. An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Associat'on. ' A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, ,.f - $8 00; By Mail, Per Month. 75c; Per Year, $8.00. ' " Published every afternoon exrept Sunday by ilnce Rupert Daily NewE Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. w.lio handle radium now wear a , tlu' Uinvera,, , amp ui kuu iiiju at Liieir waist,' iifi; to ascertain the amount of ra-i aiaiion tney are receiving, u Can We Take It? fOW SHARPENED LUMINUM Company at Kitimat $500,000,- A' 000: Columbia Cellulose Co. at Prince Rupert Yoo'll Bav time , when your ,, hltl Imrneiwd on m machine. Alllwlm,, uniform and icp just like new. m pomes from the Chalk River Radiation Hazards Control Board1 ot the National Research Council. I At the end of each week the film is returned to Chalk River for examination. j As the nurse handling the needle gets more radiation than the doctor who only has to insert it in the patient, she wears a film bracelet at her wrist ai v.i 11 as at the waist. Nurses are only permitted to do the actual handling of radium for two-month periods. AT HUNGARY'S UORDKUS BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA. Our first few days in Yugoslavia were cold and wet. But on the Sunday morning, when Col. Ernest Hogarth, Canada's military attache here, was to show us the rich land called Vojvodina, the sun came out warm and cheerful. We drove in the Canadian legation station wagon and took the main, paved road towards Budapest, because I was particularly anxious to see the Hungarian border country. Pnl Hogarth comes from Tim- You'll be J j ....... li'1! I'li-UXU w 1 1 ip "4 u"r apeedy t service n d with your easj cutting aaw. SIGNS DECLARATION Senator W. Rupert Da""", prwident of the Kingston tont.i wnig-Standard, assumes h's post of High Sheriff of MOf'meryshlre, Walls, bv signing the deelara-tinn ift ic r n n Hi.rH.nn tttiripr 5?her fi. Bhfl on the fight is Magistrate E. J. Roberts, (CP PHOTO i Who witnessed the signature. Then they are put off this work for four months. At the Dunlap Clinic the needles are kept in a massive lead safe and are filed according to the amount of radium they contain. By operating a dial the nurse can remove the $27,000,000; Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. at Trail $30,000,000 . . . newest industrial developments in British Columbia, figures which stagger the imagination, the full impact of which can only be a matter of speculative conjecture! Here at Prince Rupert we are in the thick of it all-as northern and central British Columbia comes into its own with a suddenness which is almost shocking. How many will be able to keep up with it after all the years of waiting? Yes, British Columbia now stands on the threshold of the greatest era in its history. Gone now are the old quiet days. Arrived are days which offer new challenges and new problems which will have to be measured up as we gear ourselves to the new-state of economic affairs. It is hard to realize the vast influx of population that will be needed. That realization will just have to come upon us as it may. We should cer-tninlv bp plad that we live in British Columbia 'CISION SAW I l:n.-Pi(;Gonpi B'JX 1011 Statior 'Leave at Baste 1 sy rnins,' Ontario, and has been ' here three years. He speaks Serbian well, and impressed me as being very much on his job besides being a most likable, Convention to Be Held Here? New Supply Of Newsprint i keen young Canadian. LONDON Raw materials which hitherto . have gone to wnstp are to be UHPd to meet oOo WE DROVE PAST Tito's farm, which used to be the king's. For several hours we feasted our eyes on the lovely, flat vally,( lush and rich as any country 1 1 know. Yet even here, last year, na- ture combined with Yugoslavia s , f.irniu-n onpmips; nnri half of the I Annuul eonvention of the Associated Hoards of Trade of Centtul British Columbia, scheduled for late August, may be held in Prince RuiK-rt. Following recent notification by Burns I.hke that It rould not accommodate the convention. Britain's critical shortage of newsprint. W. J. Curtis-Willmm, president of the NcwspapPr Society. In making this dlsclimure St the 1 mMM annual mreting of the orgonlra j c tlon. said a new process had been QPSnel had been considered but particularly this part ot British LoiuniDia u we ; crop was ruined by drought. Ihll dvcrtlicmcnt It not publliheh ot dlipltycd toy rSe LlqjaCa developed for the pron union 01 , noW wora has been received that pulp for newsprint and other tnat, Cariboo town will also be vom or by tr wmrwat 4 Utti UlioUi can keep up with it all. kinds of paper. The new source ; unllble xie It. of supply would become available ; w. J. Scott, president of the j ine people are ruuiuy uni in this part of Yugoslavia whkn was annexed from Hungary alter the First World War. Then; ! are some Slovaks and many Mag-Ivars. Manv people speak Ger ' 4 - Ji ... i ,fcwilWWil One Man,s Freedom NOW IS W TIME TO RE-ROC We will do the jot man. All the people (unlike those i in Belgrade) looked well-fed and i 'well-clothed. Some of the "iris were so attractively dressed, In this summer. He tlld not tllsclose A'.ioclated Boards, has now sug-tiet.alls. igested that the convention be ' "It will only be a trlckte, but ; hPtU "In or around" Prinw Ru-behlnd the venture are tremen-!pprt. Amisly powerful eoncems." Mr.! txecutlve council of the Prince' Curtis-Wilson said. "And, If as 1 Rupert Chamber of Commerce firmly believe, this trickle of pulp wm consider the matter. j proves that we can make news-: u i, possible the use of a coast- print from raw materials at : B nnPr- may bj obtained to brinR prerent untapped, we shall have delepates here from the south embarked upon a new era for our ' and provide accommodation for newspapers." them with a possible side trip to RED DEER MEMBER A former school teacher, F. D. Shaw represents the Social Credit party a member of Parliament for Red Deer, Alta. He was first elected to the Commons In 1940 and was re-elected In 1945 and 1949. (CP PHOTO Asphalt Ot Cei Shingles FOR ESTIMATES native costume, that our luih.j hopped . out and took photo- j graphs. The men a:e the simple peasant types with not a line In their laces. Some have pinn j cheeks, like grown-up cherubs. But some wear flerce-lookhv; ! moustaches. 1 oOo IN SEVERAL OF THE V1L- phone 909 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. r.o i He warned that the price of Ketchikan. Overtime for Bootleggers Imported newsprint would con- tlnue to rise and at 100 about; CHIG WELL ROW, Essex. Eng-newspapers $180i a ton many of the smaller would pass out of ex- 'and W - Firemen fighting a iKtencp grass fire here looked enviously HANDSOME LUGGA WELLINGTON, N.Z. (CP) ' That Is what, It means unless a nearby farm. Thera farmers New Zealand's extraordinary we coma to their rescue," he pre trying to plow land water-liquor laws, under which hotels added. . logt-ed by recent ruins. close at 6 p.m. but many varry soi'RCF.S OF SVPPI.Y i " ""' JUST ARRIVED i-rj on illegally for many nours RnfPrrine to world sources of! later, have led to the curious ' lages there were big parades. We j were told that thwe we;e to commemorate the -German at-j tack on Belgrade in 1941. But we i saw some very workmanlike civil defense rehearsals going on. i From everything I have seen in i Yugoslavia. I am sure that no j aggressor would ever catch tins I country napping. I One significant it?m was a I group of boys in their early Iteens, taking pre-mllltary training, including rifle-shooting. supply, Mr. Curtis-willson Raid ; annua' product Im of newsprint! i 1 STEP outside a solitary prison for the first TO time in 17 months, to breathe free air, to feel the impartial grace of sunlight, to walk and talk in the light of one's own conscience, free from the stealthy shadow of the informer, free from the terror of the midnight arrest and the secret inquisition this is one man's expedience. But to millions of Americans the importance of Robert A. Vogeler's release lies in his shaky hut deeply felt warning that what happened to him in those dreadf itf , months "could happen to anybody." It could 'happen to anyone anywhere when the God-given rights of the individual are counted less than the real or pretended security ofthe state. For here is the essence of the great struggle of our times: the free: individual Versus the omnipotent police state. , i . Arthur Kos'tler has recently been arguing with some persuasiveness that it is foolish to think of today's strugglij as between "left" and "right." We have seen hideous totalitarianisms arise on both left and right. We have seen sturdy democracies shift moderately to left or right without losing their essentially democratic character.. The more basic question is whether a nation whatever the form of its politico-economic institutions affords even the unpopular or suspect person those legal and moral safeguards which democ I l 'I ' situation of the Hotelworkers' Union making a formal claim for extra pay for men engaged in illegal .sales. The union put forward demands for an extra $G a we"k for men employed as 'droppers," "look-out men" and others engaged in after-hour trading. Tne claim was made at a conciliation council meeting a nine to about 9,000,000 tons. The Lnlled States with a population (f some 100 000.000 took two-thi''ds. The other third was left t" the 2.500000000 In the i.-st -1 the world to share out. Lord Woolton. chairman of tlie Conservative party, and princl;ial guest of tin society, deplored the turret rcstiictions which hid From 12 to 20, every boy is so trained. At age 20, they entei the army. oOo THE COUNTRY THROUGH which we drove is the win through which lnvade-s Woull surely come if this country were attacked from the east. Of Select your luggage in Matched Sets or individual pieces from our wide choice of Leathers, rubrics and Colors. Fashion t.rihunal nt a i(ivernment,- appointed chairman attempts to ! necessitated a drastic cut in thr bring agreement between con- ' ".w". j fliclina claims on wanes and "I 'o not believe it can he a i conditions by employer and P' od thing for the public life of course, it Is ideal tank country ri t r.4r fr ) r, v . t n 1 emolovees. tn,E nation mat mere snouid oe It was eXDlained that "droo- this severe restriction on the in force. pers" are men who ell parcels nuantitv of news now printed," Footwe& 1 Lord Woolton declared of beer from the doorways But neither in the zone nor ! nnywhere else In Yugoslavia did I see or hear anything which wc ild swrMpit to me that anybody considers a war imminent., .MmMIV! "There are some of us. at any rote, who are r.-t very anxious to cr ntrol you. Some of us think we havj had a bellyful! of controls." hotels to customers waiting tn cars or taxis outside. The duties of "look-out men" are to watca lor the police. The union further asked that a Clause be written into the award stating that men shornd be employed in these duties thou"h the Yugoslavs don t take anything for granted. NO TURNS PORT ARTHUR. Ont. . ff If WSJ KfJTliM' j ! 1 1 'only where an agreement ex- j the Ontario Municipal Board ap oOo WE STOPPED FOR A BNACK in a hotel near the Hungarian border. It was full of peasants sipping their beer. This, like 'ill other hotels, is "nationalized." But it did not seem to make arry difference In the way the waiters were bust'Ang about. (In ists between the employer and proves, traffic officers will institute a "no turn" regulation at the union giving the men pro racy has so painfully built up through the centuries. Nothing is easier than to take these rights for granted. Nothing is more tempting than to trade' them for an imagined security in moments of panic. Hence democracy faces the challenge of the police state both from within and from without. The pitiful figure of Robert Vogeler should stir in his countrymen a renewed fervor of devotion to that freedom of thought which must in time shake even the Iron Curtain because it tolerates no iron curtains in itself. Christian Science Monitor. tecuon irom me consequences the corner Art,hur and Court - , , , ,. oi any oreacn oi me licensing ; streels nere May 15 on a trial I I . HELP WANTED Permanent positions for suitable men. m weeks N"J working conditions. Top wages. Two lifter one year employment. 50"!. Medical Bcrvlcfc fees paid hy firm. 2 First Class Automobile Mjefcg Automobile Body W 1 First Class and Painter. Apply: Rupert Motors IM 1 AC.V ... ... basis. Employers r e p r e s e niauves ; I strongly objected to the claims, cidentally, I notice that they are just as anxious to take tips in these theoretically Communed hotels as they are in the Capitalistic West.) stating that the demands "con- Uttr.ntp '.in int.olemhle slur nn the REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 353 -3rd Ave. W. majority of hotelkeepers, who I conduct their business in a law-! abiding manner." ! Later, we came upon a village where a dance was in progress. About 30 girls were on the floor, II 7 3 with maybe 20 boys. The boys lure la PLxMUU i u f CHRYSLER, 5Aane for Jiulan crip Union officials replied that they were prepared to name hotels at which such men were employed. They said it was rej grettable thaj; prices paid for hotels made such after-hour trading necessary. wore ordinary western dress, but some of the girls flaunt immense bustling dresses. The girls were young 10 to 18. 'these dresses add a certain piquancy to the dance. As the "Ye, being grounded in love . . . may be able to comprehend with all the saints . . . and to know the love of God." Eph. 3:17. FOR lassie swirls and whirls, the dress on medical lines. If a person has not been im whirls, too the hoops putting real zip into it. So the maidens keep one modest hand rearwards, they are' obviously better-fed than the Belgrade folk. But in spite of the quite ap I Blank Mind-Good Sleep pressed by the suggestion of the SAFE BUYS Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping antl lencral Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones GO and fig GIVE ELECTRICAL GIFTS parent poverty of these city Yugoslavs, they seem at least as happy as our own people in the West. Don't let anybody tell you i Hnmiltnn FWh Food Mixer jlj K40 General Electric Kettle j F80 General Electric Iron 5 111 effects of coffee before bedtime, a cup or two will not hurt, he said. Be easeful of sedative drugs, warns Dr. Viner. They may be useful servants, "but often they turn out to be very bad masters." Too many people rely on them until they cannot do without them. If you want your beauty sleep have a clear conscience and a blank mind and a comfortable bed. T12 Genera Electric Toaster j to keep things under sufficient control. Some of Eie girls actually needed two hands for those hold-down jobs, in such cases, the lad dances with his tw hands on his partner's hips. oOo WE SAW ONLY TWO COL-lective farms in this lush land and we saw plenty of good livestock. One Yugoslav breed of hc has near-fur on it, so longhaired its fuzz seems. We saw more cows in one dav than we saw In all Italy; in fact an unsolved mystery about Ital is: what produced the milk we MONTREAL (CP) The trick of getting a good night's sleep involves leaving your mind a blank not toy counting sheep ays Dr. Norman Vlner, an authority on the subject. Some reasons for lack of sleep are unavoidable, such as money problems, family problems, actual miseries of the day or a guilty corisciehce. TIP npnPrnl Electric Toaster j mat tns is a iear-ridden land, with the people groaning ondr a hated dictatorship. It is no doubt a dictatorship, flhd the mie here Is probably just as absolute as it has been all down through history. But nobody could convince me that this peoples' dictatorship is generally hatedfor you Just don ! feel any such hate in the air, much less hear of it or se its T22 General Electric Toaster Prpc-tn tpnm Iron Ji 1950 Monarch Sport Sedan 1950 Ford Custom DeLuxe Fordor 1950 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 Ford Fordor A few new Pick-ups in stock Bob Parker Ltd FORD MONARCH DEALERS Pdnce Rupert, B.C. Travelling? COMPLETE RANGE of DISPOSABLES at Trilite Lamps, from Northern B.C. Po Another way to miss your beauty sleep and sit up all night Is to chase sleep, says Dr. Vlner, and a ereat many people do. evidences. Despite all the things which are wrong here, and they are many, this government seems to AID LIGHT KEEPERS FORT WILLIAM, Ont. D Tenders have been called for building two lighthouse keepers' dwellings, one on Lamb Island, 70 miles east of here, and an Co., Ltd. Most of the offences against support from the drank, for we never saw one cow outdoors? oOo COUNTRY PEOPLE ARE DIF-ferent from town people everywhere. The country people we have seen in Yugoslavia are also different. In the rich Vojvodina have real people. Bes'ier sleep are normal. Only where the lack of it Is due to causes Phone 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. The Stork Shoppe, other on Manitoulln Island. They such as mental or physical dls ease does It need to be treated will cost a total of $30,000. Use Classifieds for Results'.