Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, May 9, 1951 a at oca COAL I Prince Rupert Price Better n lew and PERSONAL Th:ee American halibutters Elsie Lindsay Becomes Bride of Henry Hageman At St Paul's Cki.k firm is proposed to be finished by November 30 of this year. Foreman in charge of the blasting and hauling operation is G. W. Jonasson. Soren Madsen of Edmonton, owner of the building, awarded the contract for concrete demolition to Peg's Wrecking Co. nn New Mr. and Mis. T. McNiece left l W. O. Sheardown left on toon today's plane for a trip to ; day's plane for a brief business Vancouver. j trip to Vancouver. . vtiuii.ii, Masset. on Fridav last SPECIAL! Alberta Deep Scam tague S. Young united in marriage Elsie Yvonne, eldest daugh Women's Auxiliary to U.F. til A.W. Union meeting for Wcdnev-1 day night postponed until fur-i ther notice. (109c i Warehouse Demolition Contract for concrete demolition in the former United Slates 1 Army warehouse on the local; waterfront has been awarded to! Peg's Wrecking Co., Vancouver.' This work involves wrecking 12 elevator shafts 65 feet high and the reinforced concrete foundation. The shafts were built for elevators capable of lifting loaded trucks up four floors. E. "Peg" DesRoches of Peg's Wrecking reports work by his For Action Advertise! Valhalla meeting Thursday night. (ltc) Women' Hospital Auxiliary tea and home cooking sale, Saturday, May 12, Nurses' Home, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. (M-W-F) MP $ j)-75 PER TON 10 SACKS '8.50 PHONE 116 -117 or 58 from Ketchikan, in Prince Rupert with catches this morning, report the price of halibut in Alaska is about four cents lower than here. Reliance I, Capt. Richard Blenheim, the Tatoosh, Capt. Krist Martuisen, ano the Onah. capt. Harry Selig, said today Ketchikan prices were hovering around 15 to 18 cents a pound for mediums. All three skippers received a h-any welcome from the staff at Customs as they reported in this morning. The old-timer? nave jeen comir . t- Prwru Rupert during the halibut sea-ton for many years. They were supised wi1:. told Amtilcan fishermen UH not have to "Vr'r hc $1 fishing license this year. Miss Donna Kerrighan arrived . home Mjnduy from hsr studies I at the University of British Co!- rmbia to spend the summer va-1 cation at her home her?. i Mrs. George Brown and chil 'any dren left on last Friday night's KIM train for a holiday In Winnipeg. They will Join Lieut. Brown, RCNR, on the East Coast in three or four weeks. K. F. Hatding, general manager of Prince Rupert Fisher I j We have just added somei new engagement rings to our' I diamond stock. One is a very , I beautiful three-stone ring priced I at S250 Other rlnes from $50 to Ibert & McCaffery 1 LIVMICU men's Co-operative Association, returned o the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a business trip to Vancouver. George Vincent, public rela 11 1 $500. JOHN BULOER, Jeweler. (He) Dr. Allen Miller and Walter, Landon were representatives of j the Junior Chamber of Com-' merce at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday evening and were duly welcomed by President : J. C. Gilker. i ter or Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay, and Henry Gale, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hage-man and first grandson of the late Chief Henry (Edenshaw). Given in marriage by John Hagtman, the pretty bride was gowned in white satin with over-skirt of net, the sweetheart neckline was trimmed with applique and beads. Her full net veil edged with deep lace, fell from a lace coronet. Her bouquet was of pink and white roses. Mrs. Katherine Gcddes, aunt of the groom, was matron of honor, attired In Nile green sheer with shoulder length veil to match. Miss Janet Ycltatzie, cousin of the grcom, was dressed in mauve sheer and veil. hopj Geddes was flower girl, in a floor length gown of blue satin. ' All attendants carried Victorian posies of pink and white rosebuds. B.lly Hageman, the groom's small brother, wore a sailor suit and carried the ring in the heart of a huge rose. Th-j groomsman was Wilfred B-nnett, uncle of the groom. After the ceremony a reception was held in the New Masset Community Hall, w.iere iu e... ittt -njoyed an excellent banquet. hotel arrivals I autys penalty TENHAM. DiKiana u.r r Pellv. chairman ol ow t ,me marriage guidance rm scEts 3or BrilaL Fines Hit High Mark Fines In Dolice court for monlli of April totalled high at $2.2C3 witn 278 convictions. This is believed to be a cttv n-ord. Th"' was one dismissal and one acquittal. Court costs to the city we ": $2r Same month last year $980 was Imposed in fines. :old a conierence oi You cannot be eman-and equal to men in ,v, and at the same nand chivalry and seats By MURIAL NARRAWAY Canadian Press BtanT Writer j Miss Helen Balagno arrived home on the Princess Louise on I Monday from Seattle for a two weeks' visit with her parents,' Mr .and Mrs. C. P. Balagno. Fifth tions representative of Aluminum Co. of Canada, after a visit to city and district, .left on today's plane for Vancouver. Shortly he expects to pay a visit to the company development at KItimat and Kemano Bay. Mrs. D. Santurbane. who had been visiting In Vancouver returned home on Monday following the death of her father, the late D. Calderone. Mrs. Santurbane was accompanied bv hfr sister, Ms. Louis Schulll of Prine ton who will visit here for the next two weeks. . BISCUITS t I am cunvuicea uhi :3ge a little wife-beat-good thing." LONDON ff An open-air ex-1 hibltion of sculpture at festival! gardens In Battersea Park Is Just' one- of th attractions niwn tn' Avenue West. She was accompanied by Mrs. Stikler of Seattle who will go on tonight on the Frince Rupert to pay a visit to Ketchikan. 0 R T R A I T S ; vdiipi'rt and Printed 1 junMlT SERVICE , i WDI.FK S STI'DIO k:h Street Box 645 1 Canadian buyers visiting London for the British Fashion Fortnight, May 29 to June 13. The exhibition, which will be opened to the public by the Duchess of Kent in a ceremony, May 7, Includes a piece of scultp-ture lent by the Museum of Quebec. The Canadian exhibit, an iron bird wrought from welded steel platj, Is the work of Montreal's Louis Archamhanlt Circen 339 Prince Rupert SUNDAY MayJ3 Sec our lovely selection of ft 1 Inquest is Discontinued Inquest Into the death of Joseph Addison, who died as a result of being struck last Saturday night by an automobile on Second Avenue West, was discontinued yesterday at the order of the Homey-funeral. The discontinuance order came after the body had been viewed by Deputy Coroner Bruce Stevens and a jury consisting of Sam Haudens-child, Bud Pierce, Garfield Mc-Kee, Robert Collart, Percy Curie and William Hall. In connection with the fatality, a charge of manslaughter has been laid against Clifford Borge and the preliminary hearing has been adjourned until ' May 15. (Prince Rupert) T. W. McConkey, A. G. Borges-son, P. Stark, Reg Childs, Vernon Miller, J. D. Finnie, T. H. Stevens, h. L. Orey, W. L. Carner, G. H. Raid, R. E. Cormier, B. F. King, J. Raffon, T. H. Barbour, J. A.' Kenmuli, J. R. Bentham and M. H. Birt, Vancouver; E. M. Hol-head, Carmen, Man.; J. F. Hol-head, Carmen, Manitoba; S. L. Gillespie,. Rockford, Illinois; R. F. Davey. Hollyburn; Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Matthews, Hazelton; Mi. and Mrs. F. Barclay, Smith-ers; Mr. and Mrs. G. Zion, Ta-coma; Mr. and Mrs. Monkman, city; W. Babcock, Victoria. vi . one of the many pieces contributed by countries outside ! Britain.1 British exhibits, all from prl-1 vate collections. Include Epstein's ' "Lazarus" and the new "Stand-1 Ing Figure' Tjy Henry Moore. j Despite a heavy round of en-gagements, fashion buyers will be ' alven ample opportunity to see this and many other attractions forming part of tha Festival of MOTHER'S DAY GREETING CARDS riospitolity and miM mm Good Food" I nil t l. Our First Aim nine 17 for Orders To Take Out amain, i The Fashion Fortnight is a' yearly trade "convention" aimed at getting overseas trade and this modore Cafe aiienqeri year buyers from 71 countries are expected to attend. At the end of April, U Canadian buyers had already accepted Invitations GOVERNMENT RECEPTION 9 , MAKE YOUR CAR LAST! 'ied Steam Eoiler d Refrigeration pipe Welders Certified Operators I Announcements I Canadian Legion card party ' May 9. , . , Card party, Catholic Hall, May 10. Christian Life crusade. Firs! Baptist Church, April 29 to Ma 10, week nights 8 p.m. Sonja tea. May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hall, May 18. Eastern Star Tea, Masonic Temple, May 17. S.O.N. Smorgaasbord, May 13. j Lutheran tea, Mav 23, Jobs rJaugnter-a Jamboree May 31, June 1, 2. DUSTRIAL LUSNQj CO. 1 E. Phone Green 881 From Vancouver (Tuesday) W. Turner, A. Johnson, L. McLennan, R. Fraser, W. Whidden, W. J. Salter, S. McLaren, K. F. Harding, A. J. Borjesson, E. S. Grebski, J. Christi, J. Chapman, P. Chapman. M. Murphy, J. A. Sadler, M. McLeod, Mrs. H. Berg, R. F. Davey, D. Finney, E. Ren-son. From Sandspit (Tuesday) I. London, Mr. Gilmoia, Mr. Yawel, H. A. Doane, G. A. Doane, Mr. Mutch. To Vancouver (today) T. McNiece, Mrs. McNiece, R. Lauuh-lan, P. Venzenzie, A. Van Smell-enberg, Miss P. Ferguson, W. G. Sheardown, E. Ronson, P. Murle, W. Smith. N. Vincent, T. Serg-wlck, M. Green. To Sandspit (today) H. Stevens, J. H. Douchas, P. Dennis, S. R. Clair. JOHN H. The program Includes a gov ' ernment reception at Lancaster Houseat which Princess Ellza- h h stuest of honor. This reception is a formal welcoming party at which r.i"'e-s. trde nd press representatives circulate ireely and get to know one an--'l-.-r. I Other events Include a cocktail party on the terrace of the' House of Commons and the gala ' ! premiere of a new British musl- cal "'Happy Go Lovely," starring V.ra Ellen. I Fashion shows will cover everything from cheap cottons to' high-priced furs. At the biggest fur show of the year. Canadian squirrel and mink will be top-ranking attractions. , As In previous years, the Fashion Fortnight takes place during th" height of the London season and buyers seeking relaxation can go out of town for two of the foremost events of the flat-raclng season, th-a Derby at Epsom and the Royal Ascot meeting. Other attractions Include the brilliant and historical ceremony. Trooping the Color, which takes place on the King's official birthday June 7, the opening of the "oyal Tournament at Earl's Court and the Richmond Horse Show. ULGER An Electric Kettle The. tit y of boiling water ! Just plug it in enough boiling water for four cups of tea or coffee in 2'2 minutes . . . It's fast because the element is right m tht water all the heat goes into the water no current is wasted. Can't overheatturns itself off automatically if it should boil dry i . . A "must" when there's silliness in the house . . and handy any time. 0, BRING IT HERE FOR THE BEST OF SERVICE ! ffoincfrhi fn Bulger Ltd. aW. Superior Auto Service LIIVHTEU ; Tll"it Avenue Mrs. M. F. McCaffery, who has been on a trip to New York to attend the wedding of her daughter, Miss Margaret McCaffery, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS I. W-MASTFD Tlvi-H Aveivip Pi. Tark Green 217 I Really, you should know how delicious food tastes when fla- voured with Colman's mustard from England. Prepare it in I your own kitchen easily; sim- ply follow the directions on I the label. Write to Reckitt & " Colman (Canada) Ltd., Station i r i REELS Reduced An Electric Iron Drop in and feel this electric iron. "Why," you'll say, "it's so light.'" Yes, only three pounds . . . and, because of its big sole-plate, you can cut your ironing time by as much as a third. Finger-tip Fabric Dial "tunes in" correct temperature for every fabric. T, Montreal for free recipe book 1 ' e )0c J "Culinary Art". 7fnfFfi WRATH A I I c l.P,,"(" I'inishinir Thir(1 Ave. W. nnmincuKi . f A &r " km Flu trie Tdrir T.. JEAMER f Rupert 1 SAILS FOR A NEW SERVICE Vancouver PLUMBING and HEATING '"'"'.....uate Purl, Eo Thursdoy 1 al 11 15 P.m. t m2 S made right on the dining table P - i j or in the kitchen, just to every i I ' i body's taste lightly done, ' t ' ; : f 1 f"' 'tB brow'B, crisp and I. 4 i If f 1 j P'P'n S tima ... j I 5 ! j A prevents waste for you, only j I N i make just enough. A handsome i t , I t ' f T ' Pce to grace your table, tool t-jV 's . t"'. r I t as Toasts both sides at onca. .1 Electrical appliances the most acceptable presents foe :l weddings, anniversaries or just because! : lnl.l-'M-i.l l-l-lhrlWlli 3 gp j Order Mother's flowers now and be sure she receives the favorite varieties she) KITIMAT KILDALA ARM KEMANO BAY Commencing Friday, May 11 For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 Queen Charlotte Airlines Ltd. g wi will cherish cherj5n for for fhe the loving 0vi9 ' 4 I.VJ,-: I message they bring. & W send Mother's Doy fe&HlKAN I L,,v AY """NIGHT rUM7-tLoW Cost I 'w Reservations 'TV OR i).;1.0T OIi1CE. -i nt, rivINCE KUPEUT, if B.C. f-owrs-by-Wir any. whtrm. The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONI - t'tr ltpniri ntiti AltpratmrtK Smilh&ElkinsLtd. PO. Box !74 Stands SupJt H.t n. !! . 13.3 an. totMa -M TANOUEKAY, GORDON CO. ITD. ... Hi larftit fin diitilWrt in world time fnncrf fSffijM) iMni lis Killos S. Christoosr Bldg. Air Freight on oil Flights in FLORIST Phone 777 This acvemsemciic is not puDlishcd i tr dlsplsyed by the Liquor Control boiirtl or by xhr Gin ernment ot British Columbia. i