Prinrp Rupert Daily News Saturday. Oi-t'iLier 2U, RADIO &7TP sales i3j: , CAM, POil TRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STVMO 216- 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prinrp Riinert ! (CLOSURE TIME 10 .m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable in advance. P.ease refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards if Thanks, Death Notice, Funeral Notices, Marriage ru:d Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE 1'RICE. $ FOR SALE FOR SALE Boys' and girls' all-wool lined jackets, coats and ski pants, verv attractively tailored. Less than factory cost B. C. C o'.niers, liuru , Ave ,f i .WANTED - Housekeeper for '.. -' I three or four weeks. Appiy NATIONAL! V KNOWN NAMES ! 1023 2nd West. 247pl Ling-beit SDeeder Shovels; I Cranes: Draglines: Adams WANTED Woman to board and Road Graders'. Liuleford Bros, j rcom two well-behaved chil-Rlack Tod Road Maintenance! rjren, 2 and 3 vears Box 228. Eauioment: Owen Clamshell Dailv News. (245p Buckets and Rock GraDcs;:, T I. Smith Corrcrete Mixers I c ( I I t a f d I c g ( r 1 lt mir n;. MARGARET ,v, Rir.j( KTOtJEBL'!!,B PI10SE BLUE 593 P 0. BOX Mi EI.B'Tftjn-j Sales and Str R. W. COLLI' Phone Pliu-97o j Jur genuine pam l;, phone or vittv TERMINAL MESSENG? Phone f Ail deliveries 11:!; FOR YOUR.,. Brick, StiT.t arJK Tile Setting ar.ij . Phone K. SOHT Blue fctaitct HANDYV HOME SERV GENERAL C0STJB Euilding and rpi;' ktiHlj ROOFS - CTCi OIL Bl'fSE. PHONES: P O. Box 1610 & CARPENTERS Have fell of your Md aJFi' uur prft Mwh;imrlly ici-unt joint- fp In K. Iihnr 1 , WttmB. i" They'll rut rt truer, L UtUir. M PRECISION SAW FILING PM PIGGOTT PLACE Box Kill Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) Terrace Builder Supplv CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block G08 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. "hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 3254th Avenue East P O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Colussi's Muic Store Agents for lire finest ill Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn St Ph. Black 389 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 3S7 P.O. Box 130 STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHIKAN WEDNLSDAV MIDNKiHt Luxury at Low Cos For Reservations Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. GEOKl.E DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Cireen 810 and Ked 127 It v..- II uui House Suffers From Chills GET RIGHT DOWN TO THE ROOT OF THE TROUBLE. PHONE AND HAVE- THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Check Your Furnace 1 251c if PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ' ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL -and MININCl MACHINERY 4' -S,arl.'Mw ' i I - 'I jr. 'A NEW COMMANDER Lt.-Col. John M. Dclmare, 41, of Toronto, has been appointed to command the 1st Canadian Rifle Battalion of the 27th Canadian Infantry Brigade. Hv? succeeds Lt.-Col. Edward William Cutbill. E.S.O., 38. formerly of Ldiniiluii appointed to -the General Staff. Directorate of M.lrtary Tiarning at A-my Hcadouarters. (CP from Na-tionrfl Defence t WELDING ) (iovernment Certtfieil Operators Hifh Pressure Tanks KefriKeratian s Stacks and fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22-lxtK. Phone 884 Call 363 For. BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing 1L MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors If you want to sell it, advertise t. News classified. i $400,000 Every working out an averuK and insurance available at Y: Are your JOHN E5ox 8,)3 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE AXNOl'NCEMENTS Heaekar, hazaar, Octooer 20. Canadian Legion card party, October 24. L.O.BA. Fall Bazaar, Oetu- ber 26. Ladies' W.A. Fishermen's Union Dance. October 2n, in the Oddfellows Hall. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, October 31, it home or Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 43'j Fourth Avenue Wett. Sonja Bazaar, November 2. Canadian Legion cabaret dance, November 2. (pi Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 9 at Masonic; Temple. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. Conrad P-TA card party. November Hi, 8 p.m. The Women oi the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 16. Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. i'all Bazaar iSo'.embet 22. St. Peters Fail Bazaar, Nu- vember 29. ! , . I United Church W. A. Fall Ba-. zaar, Dec. G. j LOST ,Sr.,f'?la11, bl'0Wn ten;le.r; Mi'l f ablH;e eye-s', ,wLute Reuji'd. Phone Green 129. Koy Loviu, 1345 Piggott Place. i24('ici PLKSO.NAL . 'JET.' The only polish for hot stoves. Won't biacken. Nu brushes. Get 'JET' you're ail set. All stores. "IF vou must move to the Vancouver Area contact Rooert t. Montacior at North 2y7(i in Nurth Vancouver for honest and courteous somtion to vour housins; Di'oblems." th) PHONE 18 vour worthlaria Dairy. lor aaiiv deliverv exccr.t buii- aav. tsv atir r vour milk vour miik will look after 1 you. Keen it. cool. Ail milk guaranteed. Uli UNWANTED HAlli- Perinun-.'nt-lv eiariiratecl with Saca-Pelo Ihe most remarkbale discov-1 guaranteed kid' Utraot'? oruss or chemicals. LorBer Lab. 679 Granville, Vancou-- ver, BC. (H) 7 ., : : , ; FOR SALE 30' hot air steel furiiiice. ii;eri t.hrpp including recisters, as is and ! where is, $325.00. One 8" Port er cable floor sanding machine i $300.00. Skeena Hotel, Box 47,1 lerrace. B.C. i Hi FOR SALE A. B.C. wick oil burner stove, perfect tion, $100.00. Green 826. dipt SLICED wupped bread from Rupert Bakery on sale at ail grocery stoies. (tf) Anyone having any information of the whereabouts of a trunk with personal effects left in Prince Rupert by the late James R. Hooper, please phone Blue 050 or write to Mrs. A. Wvlie, Jasper; Alberta. (245p) WANTED Pen friend by En lishman. 20. Interests include travel. P. Surman. co G.P.O., Perth, Western Australia. (238ci FOR SALE FOR SALE 10 K.W. 120 volt A C lighting plant, jeep enein? Hobart electric welder gas driven, portable. Jaeger singij drum winch Hercules gas. Packard driven 2-drum winch -good line capacities. Steel DISHES Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 13S JOHN H. BULGER Optunutrisl John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PHOTO WRATH ALL '5 FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUI'PLT' 5 Phone Greef 116 ' u 478 "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Phone 17 lor Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins Ltd. P O. Box 274 ANNUAL CLEARANCE USED CARS Last, wefk's advertised specials have been sold. 1!)49 FORD Custom Sedan 1950 PLYMOUTH Sedan 194(1 WILLYS 61 at ion Wagon 1912 CHEVROLET Sedan 1947 WILLYS Station Wagon 1942 PLYMOUTH Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS 1950 FORI) 3-ton 176 W. B. 1949 FOR!) 3-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FORI) 3-ton V, W. B. Offers considered on 1939 CHEV. S'.'dan Delivery. All reconditioned ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. FORI) - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. FEMALE. HELP WANTED IV ANTED Exuerienct-d officn cierk lor construction company ol 'i''e. Must have shorthand. Auolv .n writing to Box 207 Dallv Ntv.S. Ufi WAXTED WANTED TOP MARKET I PRICES PAID for scrao iron.! steel, brass. coDrjer. lead, etc Honest eradintr Promot pav-; ment made. Atlas Iron fc ! Metals L'd.. 250 Prior St.. Van- ! couver B. C. Phone PAcific i e?M Ufi , CASH for scraD fast braf.s C0D. nP, batteries nirt radiators Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. Citv. (tf ) , WANTED TO BUY Halicrafter I or National radio. Phone Savov 1 Hotel. Room 48. t245pi ( WANTED Room and board for nentleman. Box 229, Daily News. (248pi ACCOl'NTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income. Tax snecialist. S. O. Furk. Stone Buildimt. Red 593. (20m REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef . lieient service. Georae Cool Jeweller. SalUifaction ituarui teed. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Industrial lots 48 and 4y. block 14. section 1. Next Imperial Machine Works." Lots are cleared and filled. Annlv Standard Machine Shoo. till FOR SALE-Wartime Four, newly decorated. Central, near McBride Street. Immediate pes-se-.sion. Price S4.000. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER Real Estate and insurance Third Avenue Phone 88 (lwk-ci FOR SALE Two bedroom house. Hot and cold water. Also garage. Part cash. 218 11th Street. (248pi IN THE SUPREME COURT . Of BRTTIKH C'OLUMUtA ! IN PROBATE THE MATTTR OF THE ESTATE OF MABLL WARD. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by Ordwr of the Dipmy Dimmer Reiustrar. E W Weill,, iiiacie the 13!h dny of Spt-m-brr. A U. 1951. I whs appointed ' ol' ihf estate of MABEL WARD, tteceawd. and all parties hirv-i lit? claim against tlie said es-tnle hereby rec)vnred to furnish same, pn.pci'lv veritied. to me on o. bforc ltith day of November. A D IH.tI. filler which claims filed may be paid ; ho;;t reference to arty claim , ol i v.hlch I then had no knowledge. 1 AND all panics Indebted to tift I estate are required to pay the amount j their indebtedness to me lorth- I v.lh. i DATrD this lGth day of October, j AD HI31. Sidney Charles Miles. Executor of the estate of' Mabel Ward. West Brondwa'y-Vancouver. BC. O20.27.N3,10l RE ESTATE OP JOSEPH RODERICK MacDONAl.D. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS JOSEPH RODERICK McDonald, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator duly appointed by (he court, the estate of Joaeph Roderick MacDonald. otherwise known ags Joseph Roderck McDonald, who died Stewart. British Columbia, on the Hth day of June. IBM. 1 require all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me. properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the irth day of December. 1961. after which dnte I shall proceed to distribute the estate to thoae entitled by law, havtnK regard only to such claims of which I shall -then have been notified AND FURTHER ' TAKE NOTICE that all persons indebted to said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated at Prince Rupert, BC, this 18th day of October. 1(151 GORDON ERASER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC (O19.20.26.27) NAVIGABLE WATERS' PROTECTION ACT R SC. lMI. Chapter 140 Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited hereby given notice that it has. under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with Che Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and with the Deputy Registrar of Titles In the ReKistry Offiee for the District of Prince Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of a wharf proposed to be constructed on the fnrhM-e nnrl Ivrl of the Westerly side of Kltimat Arm. Range 5, Coast District, Province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the ex piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice. Aluminum Company of Canad.i. Limited, will, under Hection 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the Citv of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated this 21st day of September. 1051. ALUMINUM COMPANY of CANADA. LIMITED, Taul S, White. Secretary. (S'29. 06.i 13. 20) CONFER IN NEW DELHI NEW DELHI (P The Inter- Commonwalth Universities con-i frrence will be held here in De-! ccmber to discuss matters of in-jtrrest to the - Commonwealth. After the conference the delega- i uons '"i visit some Indian unl- versities. HELEN'S II SIDNEY GC BEAUTY SHOP optomhe Complete Via! .'. Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all OFFICE f" 1U branches Barn Uuf P.04 4th Strt-et Phone 653 Pen. Cook's JM WE RENT MATTSCi' TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, UPH0LSTTE CONCRETE MIXERS phone Blue 1-8 PC By hour, day or month 234 -3rd It? i Phone Blue 939 ' prln'; : QUALITY REPAIRS H. G. HFLG For Downtrodden Heels l.irrU and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. REAL ESTATE i IS- MAC phone DO Even::pt SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. messenger Train Schc: For Prompt and Courteous Firlh East-Service Phone 878 'd uIv exi'tpt 214 4th Street Proprietors: From the 1, Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander Joilcssev Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson ! Bucket Loaders for StockDile ; and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal -PuniDs: Na- tional Draclinp Scrapers audi 'Buckets; National AM Steel; Gasoline Hoists; National! Portable Sawmills: National! Rotarv Scr-ens and Conveyors. Full Information from Nj- tional Marrnnerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. BO UO , - FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rusrs. radios, chest of drawers, airtight -heaters, chesterfield beds complete cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (If) FOR SALE -Girl's bicvcle. Red 549. (246p) FOR SALE Kitchen ran?e. $20. Phone Black 973. (24Gpi BOATS FOR SALE ! FOR SALE 40-foot trolling boat "Myrtle V." For inspection applv boat K.O. at Fail-view F.ojts. or phone Grten 908. ( 249.0 1 CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1950 Chev sedan 8.000 miles. Phone Blue It 907 it!) FOR SALE-1951 Prefect, Mile-new. , aae l'.ss.than 400. A. Arjply 225 Bth West. '247p FOR SALE 1950 Enttlish Ford. Green 596. i24",pp BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Three Sisters Cafe, cheap for quick sale. Illness 353 owner's reason for yellini. Apply on the premises. i246c FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-room apa't- ment. private entrance. No children. Men or working couple. 743 9th West. 249c) FOR RENT - Sleenin loom. IN Phone Red 880. (241pi x RENT - U' ElwTrit n e ,rr FOR A NF,w HERTZ U-Drive are uhnn 5:0. Bus Terminal c'net anri 2nd (24ilni the 4' ,'T-J?RTVT;, CRS Fhone ' wit Grenvillp Ourt FOR RENT Sleeuin BO i Borden St. (tf) of FOR RENT Double sleeniivj room, close in. Blue 433. 4246") WANTED TO RENT Wanted to Rent IN UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE Required bv local ma-hin-ery of firm for empiovee being1 transferred from Vancouver office. at j Phone 577 or write Box 1 324 (tf) WANTED TO RENT Four or five room house or apartment for Airline couple with two children. No objection to location. Box 227. Daily News. (240p) WANTED Will pay up to $100 per month for suitable furnished suite or house. Box 210, Daily News. ' (251c i MALE HELP WANTED WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR PRINCE RUPERT Opening for a man with an eye to the future who has the following qualifications: One who has the ability to adapt himself to the job to work by himself to learn and follow our proven methods of selling. To this man we offer a chance to make better than average earnings and to become established with a large electrical appliance manufacturer. Ern-ines from sales, parts and service, local store connections, protected territory. Must own car. be over 26. preferably , iiiHriiPU. selling exocripri-p an asset but not essential. Excellent onnortmiitv frv 'nrivance-j ment. Box 225, Daily News. ! (24CO i SUN carrier for downtown route Phnnp nns rvnnt C4n nr Mft 1 (tf) PER DAY .. . day last year the Sun Life paid of nearly $400,000 to policyholder! beneficinnes. In many caM th check represented the only fundi a time of dire need. dependents similarly protected? T. FOVVLE HUNTING SERVICE Hunting Accommodation with or without quide services NOW is the time to plan tor STORM WINDOV SEE GREER & BRIDDEN H Phone Black 837 COMPANY OF CANADA that REFRESHES FINEST OF COOKING RATES REASONABLE For Reservations Apply R. C. Crakcr North Bulklcy 215-lst Avenue West Phone 909 piledriver leads about 30 feet; WANTED TO RENT Four or long in two sections for small! five roomed house. Urgent hammer. Two 2-oven camp Couple with child. Station B. ranges, one left-hand, one Box 1118. (250pi right-hand. New 112-yard dragline bucket. Large quan-1 WANTED TO BUY OR RENT tity shafting, pulleys and 2 or 3 bedroom home. No oh-bearlntrs. Atlas Imperial diesel' jection to location.. Box 222 120 H.P. heavy duty. Skeena Daily News. (246ci -Home Helps- For the MEAL EEST OF FOOD Absorcne BreodBc Table Cuflc Klcenoff Pyrcx Ware Poocr Towels Fire King Ovenwor Thompson Hardware FOR 'TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE uimDer uo. r.ra., box zm, uauy News. (246pl FOR SALE One 109 HP. hish nressure H.R.T. boiler with breeching. In use for 18 months. Saanich Plumbine & Heating. 255c I FOR SALE Wartime coal and wood circulating heater. Reasonable. Phone Blue 729. (tf-ncr FOR SALE Three piece blue velour che.stprtield. cheap for quick sale. Between 6 and 9, evenings. 1201 2nd West, (tti FOR SALE Six room house at Dodge Cove: three-piece modern bathroom. Furnished or unfurnished. Apoly D. E. Alvey, Dodge Cove. Daily ferry service. (250p FOR SALE Rifles: The accurate h'vh powered Canadian Ross . '.303 British calibre 6 .shot re- neater. Three models to choose from at our amazingly low nrice of $39 50. Write for free illustrated folder Dealers' enquiries invited Target Sales Company. 2G1 Somerset Street West,. Ottawa, Ontario. (T.F.S-H) BLONDIE The Tide Turns ;'"-! ( COOKIE, WILL VOU ) v-s i 1 I I ( , . PLEASE GET ME ( ... , Til ) 1 ' ypml T ? I 1 i- f: PffJ; 4hY&PTft frfvwWt rTrffJ? Muvinj, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all arid, r; supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ''rrd and Park Avenues Es .DID. Phoiits 60 anil fid i vou to sell it, adve.'lisi it, News classified. ;