Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday." October 20, 1931 Services pi fi'SChufclifi reanprs ead Kemano Man to Hospital Here A Kemsino Bay construction worker whose hand was severely injured v. lien a gravel truck box closed on it. was brought Into Prince 4:50 a.m. today by RCMP launch, PML 15. In Prince Rupert General Hospital in good condition Is Robert M. Reid, of Vancouver. A first aid attendant stationed at Ke- j Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Valhalla dance, October 29. Member and friends. (246c) S.O.N, meeting, Monday, October 22, 8 p.m. . (247c) Mixed league bowling meeting of all team captains, Sunday, 3 p.m., bowling alley. Full turnout requested. (ltc) Xy COOKS . eR ,scx. England f "chains which have .,y claws for child-J lure and four years I .,.(dif'i arc taking I ke dui'ks to water. j'ls the children cake. Saturday Sermon 7 SUl & ee table cloth with candles adorned on both inds. - Mrs Neiiia i Dcnnison of Whitjhursp nit th. Would Northland Dairy cus- 1. . . , i briot t ake, which was served tomprs kindly put out any extra ma"0. accompanied the injured by the biidesmaids. ' bottles they have as we are man- Captain of PML 15 Is Spec, i Th h.ii, nhn,. i. , short nf hnirW) i9M. Const. R. C. Good. i Classified Ads Pay 'By Rev. L. O. Sieber, First United Church)' Two little boys had been to see a puppet show ami one said to the other: "I'm glad I'm not one of those pretending guys. They have to do what they are told!" Do you ever feel that way? Freedom certainly calls and invites it. How we would grasp it and run right through to the end of our days with it! '- Which way will we run? There A wedding of much local in-awaj C(wU " ' brown fleck suit rest took olace at the First wi MoOSe whLst Party'every . - beige act-wie to atrh rn United Church on Thursday ; wats ? match. Saturday night in the Moose evening when Rev. L. O. Sieber I The - ft to " ;"('T)hp at 8 'clock' everybody I J umieri in marriage Miss Esther I tiw) groom was a beautiful brown "e fP-ia. value in our!,.,,. . rK-i r..s, . , wiiiuuw, M-uiece Aiiver fcervice . ..v....,,tra,,u , ., . ,1S,C. m viianca nuunt rm-i ! T.-. pnnnla lott n.. . i C . , i ) "IlinR Oli ail r.estra nt. or w M. 7. ",u ur uu , tuk sr.n of I.niii Pn.i,.b on th. . - .7" " diun iwi ciui m uuiuwim cucav aim i kf-P within the law, and lovaltv "..n,:!f " 10 11 that n i late Mrs. Postuk of this citv at : ll. f!r?e. . ?. mPnlh' free " ?' .50 diver meat ! of God. What a wonderful an. ""r wrong road , a doub,f rlni rpppmnnv - ; " 'P w Vancouver, platter lor wa.&O. Bulger a Jewel- (lto ! ventures life the shio has unon i Z " We r!Bht Piare I Qlven in marrl. h. Rm.M i fue 0Uler souther Slore mm me years nave not set aside ! tern ..... t . 7'. . !"" returning to Prince Ru- l. ... " . r noun, liit nr hp inrtv&n r n ?i r m ' . ' nert bv car. ahpro thou nnn tt. Lll" P crnn trn he f 1 ' ... v ... w w. me 1 . (.augiib irff in floor length gown . . ..... 1,1. vane Ol 1 nn flltllrA rai;ir4r.viso Dr. R. H. Ball and daughter. Flora, are sailing tomorrow win. i- mi m wnn iuu icncin wain . t. r, tJ . ....... Kirn we ma lite. vt.IIiKS. AND WORSHIP ., "!-d all at 12:15 fe.!i ail at 1 p.m. -and long lily point sleeves. The;the MacDonald & Postuk Loe nlM on the Chilcotin for a trip ' 8 ! neckl ne was off-the-shoulder. int rCT.t Sh. to Vancouver. , enriched with scalloDed lace i l the wide seas going where It likes. Yet as we watch we know that its joy and freedom is found i ir. obeying that little Instrument v e call a compass. If the ship threw that compass overboard and was done with its directing powers then would disaster befall it. Aye. "If the Sor. shall make yoi' free, ye shall be free indeed." ' John 8:36. "Chart and compass come from Thee. Sjrirjilftj 'a nee DuU;h bonn?t headpiece with a i tuille fingertip veil. She carried a bouquet of beautiful red rose buds. GELICAL Father O. P. Mohan, O.M.I. , ! sailed last night on the Chilco- ( tin for a trip to Queen Charlotte City on ecclesiastical duties. on J CHURCH Bridesmaids were Miss Made- .:h Ave. E. One of the sprightliest dances 'ene Youngman and Miss Mary! I Z7 f t lie s as n followed the Sons Postuk, sister of the groom. Their i li : i J. I. Sweet, teletype Inspector for Canadian National Telegraphs, sailed last night on the Jesu. Saviour, pilot me." ! Norway whist drive at the dresses were identical In style. 1 1 - V MI Always Leading With the Best in Watches 3 Chilcotin to make the round trip ? ... y-... . T..1..-..4,. .. .1 uiic oi in most moving stories r . ' aii last nigni. me lormer wore deep purple ever told on this earth is the vlsxcf vn PackU- ' bengallne with mauve nylon net story Jesus told of the Father Epven tables of whist were in oversklrt. the latter had deep who had two sons one of whom ; p av yellcw bengallne with a maize E,.lH?' uj iuccu viiaiiuiLC XAiaiiuA aitu thence to Vancouver tomorrow night. iiXDAY . .. 11:00 a m J,: 12:15 p.m. S'i:miy i:'iE . 8:00 p.m. l!!l)AY f, ip.e s 8 p.m. Is called The Prodigal. You can I ' lrv wmnstrand won first nylon net oversklrt. They had :ee him, and understand him i IJU" v'", and Mrs. Carl nylon gloves to match with tlr liking his thoughts and ' and' SPt:ond For the men, ' Dutch bonnet hats which were 'reaming and Dlannine his frvn-1 Ncls Ounrierson, club president replicas of the bride's and car- ioni. in the far country he said: and 1Tiast''r f ceremonies for I ricd colonial bouquets of carna-Wow Tarn fiee!" But bef ,re tne evening, took first prize; J.'tions. MORE BREAD THAT S REALLY W Sinclair Black 393 r Lord while He If IuumcI " 'ong he desired home with Its I R Cflr"lif'r' second, ove and all the restraints which Refreshments were in charge ove exerts. I will arise and go 11. 6iske Mrs John P'raen. Mrs. O Little Ron! Jean Wilson was train-bearer gowned in floor length dress of yellow organza and a little Dutch boy hat to match. Alfred Dyer was groomsman ; and Mrs. Strand.' o my Father, and say, I have . i.oupni. 1 "-- 1 and ushers were Neil MacDonald ' '- ' - I ' - -- . . i v&S' I'. D - erJonalA: f J for best physical life you must I cbe the laws . . . God's laws . . . of activity, resjt and nourishment. Fir the best living In the world voi must otvy nature's laws . . . i ycr' s laws . . . Including gravity. i Just because YOU Jump off Gal- iiu rtiex cm. During the signing of tha register Mrs. Charles Roberts sane , . i a loveiy V folo. Cnln UDo.,r" .l.i j . "Because," .u.ic, which which Sliced and Wrapped 1 I fl 1 ri ft accompanied by Henry I II' I . at the organ. Jl'Clll 'was Moore, assistant super- : PiUVm O. E.. oway Kap:ds bridge that will V I Kdf lit fithnriiie hnra ml ness with Chief A. ! Canadian Auditorium! I Supervisor J. Legion as James Melton Lauritz . AS 8I.E IT j Whitemore. in Vancouver. : with Mrs. Reginald Wilson and Mclchior or John Charles cl Tobernoclc Ave. West 4 !l NUAV of Ihf Spirit" v Srh'jol and 4 Class 4. 'ihlic: "Russia" 4l'.aypr Meeting. I: Boys' and Girls' ('Air.bu.ssadors ir xiii: Ljdios' ilrttms, 1:30-2:30. 4 . hearty welcome th ' Full Gospel f ill....' . . ! Pastor C. Fawrett Tool i-vmmi, uum I , .Mrs. to Ulson receiving the' Thomas? 1 R. S. Collinxon, divisional 1 guesta. Mrs. Wilson wore a street Dob Forward The main reason freight agent, ' length dress of yellow taffeta Is that the fees of such artists straight Tory affair. Of course, , V a"aa,an. "a" tional Railways, return to the ihi.1 m,. h,.,.,,.... v,. .,.. .. citv this week from a vacation I ", nal . and plnve. in inolnl. v.AH -"" ' "vv-"' ' " other i ! trip to Winnipeg and his bones that the Conservatives can't win enough seats to form a stable government. I...-) ui icihiw till imiiuiis. ana THE STETSON WHIPPET I , j prairie points. Mrs. Collinson is 1 still away visiting In Cleveland. ' Mrs. Olson wore a turquoise dress Everv important soeech that i ' wlln blaclt hat and gloves to On Sale at a would be In the $2000 to $3000 dollar range which wou'.d mi in tnat we would have .to fttl every seat at $5 a seat to make expenses. On the other bftiHi-the Alaska -Music Trail Cy-sts us $1200 for seven artists who give three concerts. The artists get very little if anything out of it for the money alj goes into a pool. At thej end of the season', after all I fn- wrcin t... has mmhs loi -Alfred Shrubsall -has' reUirtwt .match. Her corsage waa of pink- date contains a two-handed bid. j 10 Vancouver, In which city he ' carnations. j Retail Outlets uiiv ix 10 me electors to give nianes ins nome. tie is among waa proposed to the the old timers of Prince Rupert. I onae by Rev. Long and the; groom resDonderi xnlYahlv Tnoi. S'ferian Churcd I the Conservatives a clear majority. The other Is a bid to Attlee and Co. not to say or do anything which would make a co RUPERT BAKERY I Duncan Munro. old tirmr of , t0 bridesmaids was proposed bv Prince Rupert, nas oeen in Van-( Mr. Steve King and responded couver for the past few weeks, j by Alfred Dyer the groomsman I Several wires of good wishes t BRAZIL CROPS BOOM i were read by Arthur Murray.! expenses have been paid, If there is anything left in the alition impossible In case body gets a clear majority. MITISH COlUMtIA JUNIOIT AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOl RIO de JANEIRO Cl Good master of ceremonies. There was crops in the Amazon area of i dancing to the music of Nora Brazil are causing a welcome i Thompson, Jack Antone and boom in agriculture. Good re- j PWe Curie Trio. BRITISH evening papers of October 8 all carried an amusing little Associated Press item Vou can wear the smart, casual Vhipt on any occasion,' with any ensemble, and know you're well dressed. Watts & Nickerson Men s Ciothing 3rd Ave. Hine 345 pool it ls uivided among the artists, no .booking agent getting a 10 to 50 pjicent cut as is the custom with any other concert series. Mrs. Harold Ilcilaml -1: nhty cents lor an adult's rush seat and 25 cents lor children no ine three-tier wvdding cake was centred on a beautiful lace dated CALGARY, ONTARIO. It j turns are being obtained this reports a visiting British peerij ar by growers of Jute, rubber, as predicting a Tory victory. j nuts and ollbeed. The Brazil nut Calgary or the AP must be : crop may reach 30.000 tons, or slipping. ! 8.800 higher than last year. uiienqeri I cordial invitation I ifMiip wi th us. t-i Ave. East. 1 K. A. Wi:ght. D.D. BICVCUS wmsr WATCHES E J. Smith, I H m f Mam, Td Vancouver (todayi T. J. Ccglan. Miss Joan Koford, J. L. A'herton. R. H. Scphton, M. Pos-tak, M. J. Kelly. Mr. Hatcher, Mirs i. Harris. Mr. Holynaty, P. Martin, Miss R. Richardson, E. Walsh. Curne "it. V. OCT, CT. KADfOS KJtTABll SflVING MACHINES 21 k. one can complain about that j price! j Mrs. Maxim Si hapiro (on her j way north 1 It's been years unce my husband has become ! reany excited las he is now 1 about a voice. We mink Don-' u.a Gidinm is sjmethmg very ' j j-'pecai- and is going to go a long, long way. I've had two ! wires trom my husband in ! Alaska, faying they have been ', playing to packed houses and ' receiving a great ovation. j Mi'is Jeanne Fame livery muih enjoyed the concerts last year and I m icoiins loi ward to Hie concc.ts this time. I personally think that good music is the highest art and tends to better us through the lasting enjoyment it provides. Cow Bay Man f"i''hip- 11 o'clock. '01-12:15. ' fc of Praise at ' " mp'rs T p,ic church par-' service, f -'c by the choir. ; 'P Sabbata Day . . . . Youf ihoict of then ami many other wonderful priw. for winning i50 word or. We'll lend entry form and full Information upon receipt of yogi name and addresi In the coupon below. Thie essay contest aims to acquaint students and all people with the increasing importance of the Pulp and Toper Induitry to the economic life of this Province. 0D YOU KNOW? '. . . losf year British Coumb.Vt Alp and Paper Industry paid snr II million Mlm , , mp(oy wage, which e.enfvafly go Into the fi'Mi and pocked of all British Columbians. mm Iha Dies Friday Angus McArthur, 77. a bachclor who lived at Cow Bay. died last night in Prince Rupert General Hospital aftor two weeks' Illness. i A 1 II irmi ... C I M5 Oom,n,.n k contest te. I o I .!., send full y'To u y ;!! 111 it .in. "'"il.IV S,, , f ' Hlll.niii,,-""" "I'nimiir 8t. ,?,''!'(," 8 .(o Hm. i?'.,"'1 2 U Pin. ' 'an. R A . B D f'u" iBluf.7001 'i mi'iiv, T "oct Aiumbus. J it;rri.,i :il2, "1 I I IMAN " 1 I " 1 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Ccmp etc equipment for 37 scat Fountain, including 20 Gal. Fountain, Carbonator, Four Toaster, Jackson Dishwasher, Shake Mixjis, Coke Dispenser, Steam Iable, Ice Cream Machine and Cabinet, Sandwich Toaster. 3 Booths, Horseshoe Countc, 25 Stools (with backs i; Elect, ic Hit Wat.-r Heater, Back Bar. Cutlery, Di.ncs, cic. Ail in excellent condition at LESS THAN 1'3 COST I'hene, Write or Wire k. STEELE, 2H5 W. 41st Ave., Vancouver 13, B.C., Phone KErr. 37(14. Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland oz. faottlei " I Nome j " I Mains - PUIP I PAPER I N D U S T R Y ...u, auvulbiliiLiil la nut puoilMr.l i ir tlHplayed by the I.iqucjr Control lonrtl or by the Government ol British Ciilmribm OF!-' TO KOREA Msgr. Mauilcc Roy, Roman Catholic Arch-bi hop of Quebec and Vicar Geneial for the Canadian Armed F'.wc-f. is seen vllh three travelling companion-chaplains in a 1 rans-Canada Airlines photo prior to their departure for Korea l'.om Montreal by plane, via Vancouver. Left to right are seen: Cmdr. Michael F. Mclsaac, navy Group-Capt. L. Costello. RCAF, M-.'g.. Roy and Col. C. E. Boaudiy. army. ' CP PHOTO) OB'il 4 (Orci-n 1 i l M Av, Hallowe'en Sirlirp r. K'l'iX'll 613i """N AIIMV v"yk FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH DONALD GRAMM BARITONE MAXIM SCHAPIRO ACCOMPANIST Oct. 31st I I Illicit J00) ' Till RAN Terrific Stock of Masks, firccrcckers, etc., at -CHINA CHALLENGE' This motion picture will be shown tlunuf! the Siimluv vt-ii 1 11 K st v i ce. It is a Oren t Cnministsion Film, in sund and Kodachrume culor. . Showins time: 40 minutes, It -will also be shown Monthly i c ii i K t the Children's niectinji at 7 p.m.. and at 8 p.m. tu the older Young People. This Is a dramatic documentary film ot China's hopes and heartaches la the face of today's crisis. It was photo-graphed bv Bob Pierce. who tm wiled 30.000 miles throuuh China to bring this UiApirln fuctuH) fitnry T ), I lUtack 0101 Cove I a m -4 lii'ue 827) iTTTT1 8:30 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Oct. 25 ADIXTS Reserve S2.50 - $1.75 General S1.25 STUDENTS 25 cents Season tickets (20 off i may be obtained from: Dr. R. G. Largw F. Conrad. McRae's Music Store. Mrs. E. J. Smith, H. S. Pluym, E. D. Forward. Fraser & Payne. Ormes' Drug Store. Vance s Home Arts. Kaien Hardware, Family Shoe Store, L. Starwood, Poit Edward Generaf Store, and the Civic Centre. ft AmA , i in Hi Flltirilr .w.ori Sunday, Oct. 21 J