; ' LiAl '.MY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL. No. 246 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. SATURDAY OCTOREB tn iqi ....,. ' i x-iwc rivji tnicj BUY GYRO APPLES tl V CABS t r. - .- F3 - o ' IT J f J mw Egyptian Forces Keep Out of Range lis This Winter? Asks Burns Lake ! BURNS LAKE. "Is this it?" residents of Burns Lake are asking after three inches of snow fell here following the recent 12 below freezing temperature. H. Vancouver Gives Its Greatest Welcome to Touring Royal Couple Commencement of Six-Day Visit to Pacific Coast CAIRO (CP) Anti-British demonstrations !L"-rrefar!f!:ired in but no eriouS inci- I for October is Jar below last I dents were reported. it Mllkrf .-0 : if- itrt'y '. . J , ; - . j . 5 , : year. Anyway, "I m agm it, Isays a well-known Irishman. j Meanwhile Egyptian forces carefully kept out .Attended by Enthusiastic Scenes I i VANCOUVER. Scenes of unrivalled enthus- iasm marked the reception which this metropolis; gave to Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edin-i burgh today. The city's own cheering people in thttirj U. ..,!.. J tl 1 i ii . !! To Receive UBC Honors ot range of strong British forces dug m along the Suez Canal. Britain now has more than 40X)0 troops in the canal zone. Egyptian police are again patrolling Port Said and Ismailia with the agreement of "the British, indicating a quieter situation in the trouble area. iiunujeus ux Liiuu.anus were augmeniea Dy lens on Vancouver 9- An Ameri-1 thousands more from all parts of the southwestern !can-an Englishman and a cana-1 oian will receive honerary de- r r 1 r i i- ii . , corner of British Columbia as well as Seattle and ere. from the univers'tv of i elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest. LUNCHEON - Frincess Elizabeth, es-orted by Hon. Rav Lawson. Jieutenant-aovi rnor Britibh Columbia this year. Honorary degree of doctor of! laws will be conferred on Sir I I Defence Production Beginning to Mount The city was in gay holiday . 4:;o enters the -lieutenant-governor suite, at Queen's Park to attend a luncheon 1 l. 1... T nn.mn tPin Dt.ilin J . attire and mood to give the royal ' rf a Pnmfortahl(1 fmnf,ratllro ,;T," JU" ."u "lu 1 iui.ui"i, ".: 'm iwrs. uiw.son are seen at thp pft. The nnifo minuics latr to address a luncheon m ethiK of Toi jnto's Board of Trade on Saturday , 'CP PHOTO) couple a salute to the Pacific bi , r- ,S I CnS; W Cad" !thuSsa.serta atthintheThav; 'CM,ont y intervals -: Ho Milton Greg "v.C..Sn& musiasm to anytmng mey nave enough to enable the royal cou- 0f laboi and Stanlvv Woodward received In Canada. Their . , ana oun..y vyooawara, yet Aise..rr wiutPr fin , winter finery Mm.!ple... m.SCdrcl (American arrival h. mrt th ambassador to Canada OTTAWA (CP) Production Minister C. D. Howe After the royal salute and in-iaI(er the investiture of Sherwood on Friday told. the House of Commons that the QOvem ot honor'., t)l ,,p. rhan-.r nf th., -'- j-r i. L 3 em ui a iA-o-ay vu.ii io speclion lection of of the the guard guard vegian Forestry Men : . r- ';"' ""nueni i ueiente urouuenun scneauie s Deinq main ; me racnic coasi. lomorrow mey at tne gtation. Their Roval HiEh- 1 Old Country FOOTBALL j will leave for Victoria to receive . nesses were soon on the , move I (the official greetings of the aU)n Cordova Granville, Hast- tained and outlined a program which may result in government defence spending of $15,000,000,000 during the next twelve months. Looking For Spruce Seed; piovince. n mree-uay nonaay ai irltr!i Rrra rrt trPtc anrt Qualicum Beach next week will j Twcmh Avenue t0 the City Hall, mark their stay on Vancouver ; Xne procession of five cars, the Yanks in i re British Columbia ends in the north is! In the Throne Speech debate. International Wales 1, England 1 tie I Mr. Howe said that, in addition, Mirway begins in the south a rough geo-j Prince Philip Drives Engine. industry has planned to spend $2,500,000,000 for production of strategic materials in a five-year period from 1950 to 1955. The minister said that Cana- I comparison between two of the largest pulp! of the world and that is why Norway's! Kumsong t (Continued on Page 5i United States-May Negotiate on I'.C.'s northern forests. " vcral Western Euro-1 ! Knglish League, Div. 1 The royal train arrived Bolton Wanderers 2, Huders- j promptly on time at 10 o'clock field Town 1 . j from North Bend where It had Bumy 0, Manchester City 0i spent the night following an (tie) .hour's visit to Kamloops yester- Charlton Athletic 1, Arsenal 3 day afternoon. At the flag-be-Fulham 1, Blackpool 2 j decked station Lieutenant Qov- Manche.ster United 0, Sunder- ernor Clarence Wallace and Mrs. land 1 1 Wallace, Premier and Mrs. B. I. Middlesborough 3, Liverpool 3 Johnson and Mayor and Mrs. F. diet . J. Hume were on hand to be the Newcastle United 3, Chelsea 1 first to greet them, being pre-Preston North End 0, Derby sented to Their Royal High- VANCOUVER (CP) The royal da's rearmament effort is just train yesterday skirted moun- ! emerging from the tooling stages tain peaks, thundered down the ! and in the first six months of ! SEOUL 9 American tanks ' smashed into Communist-held ' Kumsong today and blasted Communist targets there for one Ja nes which import tree seed collecting agencies' tmi other countries, have opcrated in Vancouver fori ,s found in 30 years years, and these have bought! ..ntation that north- cones of fir, spruce, hemlack ' western slopes of the Rockies, the 1951-52 fiscal year $1,222,000.- Iran Dispute hour. They returned to the main j moved siowly through the' 000 of defence orders has been K-.lKa spioce IS Dertijnii rwiar Imm flshprmpn tran. ' development on lis ; ncrs .settlers - and others, lor! NEW YORK Following '""""'"is the l" """f6 f"0"8 llne,f tw0 , milf Thompson and Fraser canyons Placed compared with $760,000.- . south without casualties despite . ... 000 uu" for all of last vear and finally rolled into the green , TITH iJ K intnl , 1 , Ca, ,1 ' k . n coast. 1 traiLshinmpnt tn Noruav an1 County 1 "eases uy nun. n. vy. maynew, ( imlef.nte uiutiime su-iivmg shelving yesterday yeseeiuay by uy h jjeavy Red Red anti-tank anti.tank and and artil Stoke City 1. Wolverhampton m'riUiter of fisheries, who repre- ! the United Nations Security lory fire Fraser Valley and on to the sea t " """"i"1 WuiuiiTers 0 genua uie icuri ai suveu.meui w imeu oi me ngiu-iraiuan uu , oth United Nations i"-"s forces uill.es this morninu W...JL1 . . . anrltrawU'tl-ltli tVif rnva Viarftr Winnl the" n.v. mno. In th . ... .u'"-eu. inis morning ,u,uuu,uuu,uui .ui .nr.. tnu materials durinj a .thrcs--vear rr- iu ii nam ri(LS!iiir z. ASTon i " ...t ... i hurled high explosive shells intol : the city. x .....jj v wic u.iu.- ( iuu, liic urieiicL piut;ram cans ror tie for 32 twisting miles from 'building of $1,250,000,000 of air-Notch Hill to Monte Creek. i craft. Villa o , during their visit to British Co- j exp.osive situation appears to be West Biomwich Albion 5, Ports-!lumbia' , 'a new attempt by the United mou) n o I 11 was not L royalty under wraps , states to use Its good offices to- English League, Dir. II : here as it was in Calgary where ward settlement by direct nego- Kamloops, at the confluence Hfibern, professor of ; other European countries which' aiid.Tullef Ruden.j import the seeds. ... t the nee breeding But ony ft fimaU part Qf N(jr. j '.' . "Penment ; way. reforestation plan depends :ebekk Norway, have; on lmp0I.tcd seeds That courts! ..ice Rupert several t ow and , ne whlch t an dtort to locate imms Ule maJor parl 0 Us lum. i uki and other spruce and pulp woodSi have been ( rest seeds. ' cultured in plantations since the i wed hi which the beginning of Its . reforstation i-emeiy mierested is'poncv. j rthern BC. Douglas jWnercver the geographical; they believe would i conditions ! are suitable, one or tuia mm uitiiifici.a wcic uscu lu ( nations. protect Princess Elizabeth and , Thp rnitnrll plimavpH a eprips Leather Prince Philip from the wintry f h ntlrl . t , Flames Raze Telkwa Home TELKWA (Special to Daily of the North and South Thompson rivers, was the last stop before Vancouver. The cattle town's population trebled to nearly 30,000 for a one-hour stop. blasts. The weather man provid- yesterday for a Frencn resolution withholding any action in the council until the Internation- Birmlngham City 2, West Ham United 1 Brentford 4. Bury 0 Doncaster Rovers 1, Luton Town 1 (tie I Everton 1, Notts County 5 Leeds United 2, Hull City 0 Leicester City 3, Coventry City 1 Nottingham Forest 2, Swansea Inirn 2 (tip! Synopsis There has been a gradual improvement In coastal weather as the last of a series of Pacific storms crossed the mountains and moved through the interior. uimru norway. the otnt.r secics 0f tree is seed- 1 Stalin Wishes Koreans Success MOSCOW P Prime Minister al Court of Justice at The Hague ' News I Fire completely destroy-rules whether the court itself has ! ed the Sleot residence, a large jurisdiction to intervene in the two-storey wooden frame build- 'it.'V. BOOd deal Of!Bf) nrl ri.Illvalpri Kn that Nnr- ! argunrent. Over the interior, however, ex Mayor Hume Breaks Arm VANCOUVER Mayor Fred Hume fell and broke a bone in mg, late yesterday afwrnoon. Snow hampered the efforts of fire-fighters. Most of the ground floor furnishings were removed in thirty minutes. The entire upper storey was enveloped in flames before any R'.therham United 4, Barnsley I JosePh stalin on Saturday wish-0 ed "success to the brave Korean Sheffield Wednesday 2, Black- i PPl" In a telegram to Premier burn Rovers 0 ! Klm 11 Sung of tne Communist Southamnton l Queens Park i Korean People's Democratic Re- To Increase War Pensions tensive cloudiness still persists and some rain is still falling in the southern sections while snow flurries are occurring in the central and northern sections. The trend for Sunday indicates fhot nnKim,. ...ill i (! public. Rangers 1 (tie I his arm late yesterday while re thing could be done to save tire OTTAWA P The government : contents. j -leu wunin me Arc-;wayi well as seVeral other vet tree grow past Scandinavian countries, notably "l i .'" the forest ' Denmark, finds Its forests in developed way past jpatcnes of different species T ra. n)aterlals- ays i throughout Its domain, 'ix. Although rcfor-i l MARSHALL PLAN cutting on a nus-jlNI)ER W- l)asls began nearly Mr. Heiberg and Mr. Ruden are il-o in that country, visiting British Columbia for a 4111 able to catch up : month, part of a five-month and. tour of North America sponsor - laming of forest, ''ed by the ECA (Marshall I plan, t is been tried to solve ; In Canada, not under ECA. their j j trip is sponsored directly by louks to be the an- j Norway. ' ! in Mr. Ruden, who ' The largest industry today In -.filled with timber .Norway of which raw materials "its tliruughout the ; are forests Is manufacture of 1 i pulp and synthetic materials, in - ,rom countries ; which it comes third in world " ir soil and climatic 1 export. exinuiwiun lucru&j; game vnuuu i .jnUi , , . . m . i ,,.nm ' siderable amounts of sunshine The loss is covered with "3' p!'" :.." gions. The polar air Crash Victim Formerly Here will slide a little farther south told Canada s 160,000 war .disability pensioners Friday that they aie going to get increased pensions but left them guessing over the size of the hoist. Veterans Minister H u g u e s Scottish League, Div. "A" Airdrleonians 3, Queen of the South 0 Dundee 2, Celtic 1 East Fife 3, St. Mirren 3 (tie) Hibernian 5. Partlck Thistle 0 Mot ton 1, Raith Rovers 4 Rant, 'rs 2, Hearts 0 St. Albion 2. Motherwell 1 Third Lanark 2, Aberdeen 0 Duke of Edinburgh. The mayor, an ardent sportsman, had ordered that there should be no fisticuffs in the in the interior but otherwise there will not be much change in these sections. Fresh northwest wind's will King is up And Around Eric Melanson, project cngin- Lapointe informed the House of game between Vancouver Com bines and Commandos New Westminster : muw uvtI lne coasc ioaay, moci-The et.ir.g tonight-. game itself ; eer for Kitimat Constructors , Commons that lesislation will Ltd.. who was among the victims! be introduced at this session of of the Queen Charlotte Air Lines I Fariiament to increase pension Can.so crash on Mount Benson I dates now totalling $100,000,000 LONDON CP The King is up should provide enough excite ment for the royal pair. It ! 30 years. Several near nana mn werinesnav ntirht. i a year. and around again alter nis lung Hockey Scores was well known in Prince Rupert. 1 Forecast North coast region Cloudy today and tomorrow, sunny intervals both days. A few showers today. A little cold'er. Winds-northerly (15) except northwest (25i in exposed waters of south- Recently he had been acting George Drew, Progressive-Con- i operation just a month ago, doc-servative leader, tried to deter- i tors reported today, mine the amount of the increase. I A medical bulletin said the Mi. Lapointe said that the in- monarch had been allowed out of as inspector of new school construction here and as late as w and TIDES - - Sunday, October 21, 1951 last week had presented a pro- i formation wlllbe supplied when! bed for several hours a day dur- 16.0 feet j em sections today. Lows tonight 17.2 feet and highs tomorrow at Port 11.1 feet! Hardy, 42 and 52: Sandspit and feet Frince Rupert, 37 and 50. gress report to the board of the legislation is introduced, I the last week but he is still High ' 5:30 school trustees. j possibly in a couple of weeks. i confined to his room. 16:52 During the war he was here; The increases are expected to1 Drafty corridors of Bucking- Low 10:51 in connection with Royal Cana- j be at least twenty percent with ham Palace are out of bounds. I ation man Air force construction at possibly mor than that for 20.000 Prince Rlipert and Terrace. war widows drawing pensions. SjJ ive-P;,i,,i l" tommons ' George Drew, lli 1P.. Norway's forests are 65 per cent privately owned; balance is owned by communities and the state. State laws, however, govern all forests, but there Is little contravention of the laws, says Mr. Ruden. "Our people know the value of trees. They respect them." The striking difference bulh emmisaries have seen betaween B.C. and their own country Is the population factor. In Norway, people are scattered throughout the land, wherever there is a suitable plot for farming or a fjord to give shelter to fishermen. 1 hey were astonished- to find hardly a soul living between here and Vancouver. In Norway, settlers make their living hundreds of miles inside the Arctic Circle. "But if It wasn't for the trees, the people couldn't live there eigth," explained the Norwegians. "Those Arctic trees are not big and they don't grow thickly, but they provide fuel and shelter. Every tree in Norway is worthwhile." . v ... , lumrssivo- T Party will vote ! CF request for dHcp 01 - v Women Swoon as Former Princess' Suitor Weds LONDON (CP) Politics, high society romance and pageantry Friday gave thousands of Londoners the time of their lives at the wedding of the Marquis of Blandford to Susan Hornby. ' i Princess Margaret was there 1 5iibsid.es, Friday " "i? House of Com-'"''"t Program aimed "'flution. Jid Uie government t s Pacific Coast . Saskatoon 4, Vancouver 2 Tacoma 4, Victoria 9 Calgary 2, Edmonton 7 Western International ' Kimberley 1, Trail 9 Okanaean -Mainline Vernon 6, Pc nt.icton 3 Keluwna 0. Kamloops 4 Nanuimo 4, Kerrisriale 3. Boss Yields-Strike Grows . NEW YORK 'CP Dock Boss Joseph R. Ryan, unable to control his rebel stevedores, is ready to join them tn a wildcat tie-up of the vast port of New York, affecting more than fifty ships. Now sparked by some of the men Who fought it earlier, the strike spreud Friday through a great part of the world's largest port. Rebel leaders said "by Monday the -mi tire port will be tied up." The dockers went on strike to jettison a new contract which became effective October 1. They want to negotiate another one with better wage, vacation and working clauses. cost of govern - "lotion by remov-"s on production. real building pro- j as a guest at the wedding of ; the man Britain once thought she- would marry. She attended Race Fixing Is Alleged f IWlrd a program for along with the Queen. Some women fainted and oth Canada's re- ers wept as the bride, beautiful ouccuve controls i Ted Williams For " t. n0id down. 1 US or snnr.ll. - fe:'l8!Sale-at 'Fiaure - r 'dMii.'-v t to i - iifiiii irrriii PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island fl Three jockeys and three other men were Indicted by a grand jury Friday on charges of attempting to fix races at Lincoln Downs and Narragansett race tracks. Assistant Attorney-Oen-eral Francis J. Fallano described the fixing as country-wide in scope. and 22, left fashionable St. Margaret's Church. The groom married a girl from an untitled family. Her father directs a chain of Took stores. For his best man the Marquis had Margaret's latest suitor, Billy Wallace, son of the wealthy Mrs. Herbert Agar, wife of an American historian. LihV'111' selective-&lare ted BOSTON. The Boston Post newspaper says that Ted Williams is nn t.hp hlock but that FAMILY WIPED OUT Eight persons an entire family were killed when flames raced through a two-storey frame house at Bronsoii, N.B. Only thes ruins were left of the home of Alphie ' Dupuis. 32. his wife, father and five small children, all of whom dieet in their beds. The little comnuuiiiy is 33 miles from Fredericton. gp pHOTOl -irjii fj 8 buying fori his sale is unlikely. "The price 1 is high," says the paper. J