Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday. October 20. 1951 J 7 - S p.m. i in PAINTING Wallace's Dept. Store THE C , 0, p "!" I ' ' "' j,Vvi NOW! rp . J ' ' ... WATERFRONT - - W7f f5 Nf STOUT or m.,ot Still Room For Bashetballers There is still room for more basketball players, says Civic 4fcjf I 1. Hiiuicai-joHiaoi PLAYTEX FAB-IIHED GIRDLES Af Nationally Advertised Figures s7.95 58.95 Sttrlina Mondavrw-:e, Alaskan Indians Learn Marine Jobs at Sea An unusual tvue of vessel nosed its way into JOHN WAYN'e". tn.-.. ;Centre Sports Director Fred CaldJroni. who Is f pecially inter-iested In forming another junior i team. j "We'll get the sponsors if we ; have the players.'1 he says. There j may be junior boys, he feels, UJsat have not played before, or were ! not picked for a team. All those TOIMY 6:34 - O 1. J V in "FLYING LEATHeK' ' SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AND MONDAY MVTIU, WILLIAMELLIOTT . Rm J j interested should contact Fred at Prince Rupert harbor yesterday to seek shelter from storm-lashed seas and to lay on a storage of fresh water. A United States government freighter, the USS Mount Edgecumbe is a floating school and its,' captain and crew of 22 are Indians natives of K V, ! AH'i "SAVAGE HORDE" 411 "DESTINATH BIG HOUH the Civic Centre soon as possible. Meanwhile, basketball opens tonight with the exhibition came between High School Rainmakers and Gordon it Anderson. The game is free to spectators and U . 1:11 Alaska. STARTS MONDAY 3 DAYS mam ' played to determine the strength g Every' him; you enjoy about 9 the P'ayl.x" Living Girdle . . . but -now with a cloud- JJ oft fabric lining! It s bone- J J .:ca:n.s . . . with the a lir:inr fused to a .sheath of B imo th -Latex." Gives you complete f:r:U'im of action, v i a::d pats dry in J seconds. '! j WALLACE'S j jDEPT. STOREj The Place to Go for g the ISrantls Vou Know .rwl : of the new Rainmakers' lineup. On Tuesday, the new 300 (CCCi team will fate the Elks, in a similar bout. Hie Eiks team Is composed of last year's senior players here, but most of the men are new. principal and the superintendent, are Indians. In recreation, Mount Edse-cumbe students excel in basketball, and this year hope to hare the opportunity to play a Prince Rupert team, says Capt. See. Last year, the Island team won and lost a game with each of Juneau's 1 and Ketchikan's senior all-star teams. Talking about radio. Capt. See lecalled a startling story. A 16- And this is only a .small part of the Alaska Interior Department training scheme for the natives. Capt. Benjamin See explained that the Mount, making her 55th round trip fiom Seattle, .sailed from i school on the Baranoff Lsland.s where a perpetual 700 young natives are in training. The school is calied Mount Edgecumbe. Five years ago. the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs appro Irabuloi! THIS UNFORTUNATE fire ended in the loss of Archie Cameron's g:llnett"r last, Monday and ser.t Rotter Powell to hospital with :xr out burns The boat exploded when Powell entered the cabin thas;ht. Before firemen arrived, the burning vessel was cut from its mooring among othvr vessels tied at Cow Bay floats. Pat Wils-n towed in the gillnetter back to the floats so firemen could douse the flames. year-old victim of infantile par priated funds for the Depart The sport-s director Is a little disappointed in the virility of Prince Rupert men. A men's gymnastic class was formed for Tuesday niRhts" at the Civic Centre, but this week tlwre was only one In attendance. "If we don't Bet any more than one or two at these classes. It's just going to fold up." But to ment of the Interior to embark noapiwieu uie i- pedic hospital there two years problem that helped multiply acknowledged that dulse Is prac- ' .in the "training at sta" scheme I c i it ago, took a radio course by cor- grey hairs. It is no overstate-' tically unknown here. A taste respondence. A transmitter sta- ment to say practically every-! lor it is easily acquired. The tion was built for him which he body suffered from financial weed is supposed to be good for IEZZ , -God(,ejj0f . JaitoriiiCj jor operated for the government disability. One had to exist. And one. Dulse grows on sea-washed rocks convenient to shore- I counter this. Fred has another j suggestion. Invitation Is open to il there was than another. -long, dark one thing more in the practical from his bedside, having obtained his certificate. Today he rubbery looking leafage, all members to make appoint- nnoratoc thp Kitlra hrna ricAxt in(7 realization OfThis . it U'ttji fiih hrnun sliinv and ririnnino Tr ; . . . . . . o . -- - - - nienis ior any nignt on which a station. and the generosity of the hardv pack a bag or ba-sket full takes ' . ml nt , h I SluuJ ""B"' WBI1V lO play nanQ- .mon ti-hn Krniiirht lh l,,tl t,r.,o n If. 1, j Ladies and Gentlemen LING 5 ihe failor S ball, volleyball, or even badmin- n .. u,,..uumi uuti .iiiiv. nunc . a 11 " a J 3 J U.w Tlie USS Mount Edeecumbe is in. For there were hundreds of as well to kecD an eve out vim- no stranger here. A former U.S. families who, if not dangerously ; dcr and not be trapped by the I ton the small gym. Army freighter and troopship, close to uicngence, ieit the ne- tide. ihe plied the seas steadily from cecity of making every possible ! lM next step is t0 scatter' Today. 200 Alaskan natives have spent their nine-week training period on the former U.S. Army freighter and two-' thirds of that number have gone to sea "I hear from some of them qi'.e regularly, from all different parts of the world," said Capt. See. 1 "These training cruises arc very popular with the boys and there a standing waiting lUt of around 100 young men from li to 18 years of age." When their ' at sea" training pen id is over, which follows after a considerable period of training in marine die.sel engineering at the shore school, the apprentices are given government exams and emerge as qualified seamen. ' We make sure they're going to pa,ss before they write. No t j 22') Sixth ft Thcne 649 j Alaskan ports to ine Aleutian copper go uncommonly lar. nna wn, you hnve plucked from the i 'Wings over the Interior' Islands during the Japanese en-: it was to friends and ocean over a field, with the ' counter in the Second World neighbors that an occasional cod 1 warmer the sun, the better. Treated this way, dule becomes as dry a-s it had been wet. , fresh haiiout. salmon or would be gladly received. fly rr: -mm It takes on, if not a curly shape, War. For a time the 200-ton freLjht-er then named FS46, was stationed in Prince Rupert under U.S. Aimy command. The vessel Is equipped with mi 1 1 Aw SAT . . mmJLJJ The first deep sea merchant certain twists and curves, vein-ve.s.sel ever built at Prince Ru- ed here and there with the fine pert was named the Canadian ' whiteness of sea salt, and in-S:ottih. She was constructed cidentallv readv for c'hewinz. Also CARTOON - NEWS mm staterooms to carry 10 passen gers, besides the crew. On her and launched at the dry dock, , Shows 7 - 9:00 yaras ana gave gooa saiisiaciiou trios from the Baranoff Islands ADVERTISING IN THR DAILY NKWd BK1NGS KE8'." to Seattle she carries freiaht annougn ner iiieume was oriel. one has failed the exams yet,' the clean-cut. ( The Canadian Scottish lounder-services brown-'kinne'd cargoes for other government so that each voyage is ed in a wlld st"1 oIf the Scan- captain beamed. V still job 13 go, and not just a cnnavian coast. "And the boys are sure of get Concerning the naming of British Columbia ports, Alberni has a lot of history behind it which is more than some others ran say. This is a Spanish name. It was bestowed in 1191 by Lieut. Francisco Eliza alter Don Pedro Alberni. captain in command of the soldiers who were sent by the viferoy of Mexico in 1789 ting a job when thev have fin- pleasure cruise. USE HALLOWE'EN ished their training." Capt. See has served the U.S. MARINE BLACKOUT j Harbor publicity du.-'.r.g the To Terrace doily lo Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kitimal and Kemano Doily Exccot Fridays from TERRACE Central,. B.C- LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent second war was riisoarajed. The press mlsseci man,, at rattling good story The editors knew it full well, and hv. But PUMPKIN LIGHTS to re-cccupy the British Columbia coast, after Martinez had V AM l VI K VICTORIA Sunday. 8 p.m., Chtlcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE AK.VI, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Ci.-tiid'.iain, 11 p.m. MM: NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS October 26 ss. C'hilcotih MIR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS i. Chtcotin. Nov. 2, 16 and 30 9 p.m. FRANK i. SKINNER if mey cou.un t pruu a aemicuion. . returned to California. The marine page was prepared ' td accept anything except news ' and there being none of the STOLE BIX PRISONERS on the Christmos lighting string The same applies to the nun- government since 1938. dreds of natives who go through "I like it. I'm doing a job and tne large island school. 190 miles according to all reports I'm do-north and west of Ketchikan. in it airight. I've got my tickPt "About the only thing they mats i 1 they've asked of me don't teach there is radio, and They haven't asked me to that's coming pretty soon, too." j change the color of my skin." Girls and young women, as well Five others complete the per-as men, are taught at Mount manent staff of the crew. They Edgecumbe, not only how to do are: Mate Jack Huff, Bot'sn things with their hands, but the Jake Lestinekof, Cook Robert American way of life. Wolf, Chief Engineer Charles "And that is the greatest thing Clark and Assistant Engineer that has ever happened to-us," Robert Burns, declared the captain, who is ' Mount Edgecumbe today is on proud to be an American. " her way to Ketchikan, and then Ihis Is the one way, he feels, home. that has made them feel equal , to their white-skinned brothers. . Union steamship Chilcotin, latter, the next step was to cancel the department. The plight of the press was appreciated by the Navy. None could have understood it better. QUEENSTOWN, South Africa -Two white farmers and an Ati lean laborer have been committed for trial on charges of ervtlm(v civ r.W,ilrn T. -t Prin-f. Rupert Agent The men in blue were good-hu-, fh';' was' ieged ,..H lhy took lh the j , , ... ... a youngsters Third A'.vnup Phone 568 mored and helpful as far as it without knowledge of the par- Prince Rupert ents and set them to work Terrace Phone 133 lay within their power. One day a fullblown admiral dropped anchor at Prince R'.mert A lo- Phone Black 907 larms 1,000 miles away. No Hallowe'en party is complete withou' "Noma" plastic pumpkin snap-onsosor effective lighting rlecoration. SEE THEM TODAY AT NORTHERN BX. POmm Brsnrr Block I'hone 211 Prince Kuprrt, BC. S"W For example, there is no doubt, Capt. James Hunter, arrived hi Lai eorresnnnrlent didn't neizlr t he says, that when a native girl port Friday afternoon, at 2'a minute in flashing names of n i i i - il i r i ifi i " ii m n Modernize . . . YOUR WARTIME HOUSE with smart Inexpensive windows. Eliminate the woik of cleaning multiple panes and provide more daylight too.. Sr-r- us for these modern sash which are made to fit. J ust remove the old and place in the new. Island City Builder's Supply IinLshes her course in secretarial o clock from Vancouver with big shot and ship to Vancouver work that she will find a good full cargo but a light passenger , Neit'her did the hard-boiled cen-job, if she is efficient. Many of list. The following disembarked ' w iose time in giving the them are tmployed in Alaska as here: James Spence, P. Ryan, ! northern scribe a perfectly well as in U.S. government de- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sampson, understandable rap on tn'-partments throughout the States Mr. and Mrs. A. McDowell. G. knuckles ' and by commercial firms. E. Moore Elizabeth Shaw, Mrs. i This training is open to all ;E. Spencer, The Chilcotin sailed Research ships are back, alter natives of Alaska and the Aleu-: at 9 p.m. for south Queen Char-!lon alld diligent effort to dis-tians and brings together the iiotte Island points and will be 'cover what had become of tne northern Indian, the fcskimo and , ' back here tomorrow afternoon t(Sna 6t.nools. And all they can the Aleut to work with other , to sail south at, 8 p.m. report is flat failure. The vc.-,- Amencans ; : sciii cruLsed for weeks between Some of the things student. After spending a few days lhe Queen charlotte Islands and learn at the school-which is inspecting various local fishery the Calilornia-Oregon border, recognized as one of the best ; plants, A. W. Lantz of the engi-' ,n thls area. there had been in the States-are marine die.sel necring division of the Fisheries j mMiona ()f albamore tuna. Then engineering, galley cooking ; Research Board of Canada left they vanished just as quirklv as shipbuilding and other carpen-by yesterday afternoons plane lhey had come. Apparently, try. electrical trades; and home on hls retUrn to Vancouver. jlheJe i, nothing studied, gra.l- tconomics bookkeeping and; 4 Uf or deliberate about tuna. stenography for the girls. Plenty of today's wage-earn- ' Many students are also sent ers cannot but admit that back ! To call dulse seaweed may to American universities and in the melancholy thirties they possibly be incorrect. Anyway, colleges, and a lot of those come , could not find a job for love, it's often done. Dulse is sold la back to teach at Mount Edge-, money or threaU-and some various parts of Canada, chiefly cumbe n fact, all teachers and lived in Prince Rupert. Many alon( the coasts and, while administration staff, buti the were with families and how to ph,. n,.,,-t i riv . mn. 505 Mi Kride street Phone Blue S!0 new McCULLOCH ! clothe and leed them was a time community, it mast be . Ii! 1 '' 7-HP Chain Saw CIIEER'LY MAN j - i 'i X THE BEST I OiSil QUALITY W CUSHIONED POWER ("usliloned power neutralizes vibration and (jiv-s nmazing snr-olhncss. Full swivel t.raiisml,s.ilon, full power suwing in any position i and quick starting, l.U LHfivi'-"50 Vouxholl Sedan Oh Nancy Dawson, hio! . . . Cwr'fr She's got a notion, hio . . . Cheer h0 For over a century Lamb's Navy I been the call of those who km good rum. Smooth and mellow,"6 matured, blended and bottled Britain of the finest Demcrara run J h hi i Jri Hi Full-Siza Circulatorl Smart new "Impcrial"ityling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from every drop of oil. . Money-Having Waste Stopper, ; Automatic Draft Minder. Fully i Coordinated Controls. i I'uwrr-Air HUiwer for forced-cir-: culatiou optional at extra coat. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for 1 to 6 room. Buy on terms at GORDON & Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems 1 1951 Austin Sedan, 3000 miles, new condition. 11947 Monarch Sedan 11946 Ford Sedan 11947 Crosley Coach Superior Auto Service Ltd. PHONE 234 c carry Spare Tarts for all IMctt'I.LOCII SAWS Authorized Sales and Service acific Electric I bunk's Navy ! Ttm .Jvcm-cmcm is not published ot P"! Control Bcrd or by the Government ol Bnwli j f An oU i. thattty. ANDERSON Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK Third Ave. W. Phone Green 217 If you want. to sell 11, advertise il, News classified. Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992