YALTY AROUSES FASHION INTEREST NEW Snarl Slut ICS VAN'COl'VER CIVICS (Continued rrom pafle 1) ess is The official proceedings at way up island, there will be brief Victoria will commence Monday, pauses at Duncan, Ladysmilh Tuesday, Wednesday and and Parksvlile. Thursday will be pent at Eagle's j An official visit to Nanaimo Crest, Qualicum Beach. On the ' Is scheduled for Friday i I Furred Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, October 20, 1951 " 1 , , !" . r j y j J: ,, jmiMirtant pail 'j'j'o.sHiiiies of Prin-on her tour ol linns depend-.IvMtiH-r and the A. v are the same i ,vai!.iliie in Prince , ,.., made from the animals of ii ..tern Canada Her ,jt"s ore brown I .,n into the win-.J.Vi Northern On- prainw she don't broun mink coat LOW PRICES The Furs You Want For Winter 1951-52 Princess and Duke riding in an open convertible, was accompanied by motorcycled Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Cheering crowds lined the thoroughfares and every vantage point such as store windows and roofs were filled. Early in the day, hours ahead of time, people were In their places. Many had comfortable pot, sitting on camp stools to await the arrival of the royal pair. Days ago all camp stool supplies had been bought up In downtown stores. Augmented police patrols held back the crowds. The streets through which the procession passed were cleared of all parked vehicles. First official call was at the City Hall where Mayor Hume made the presentation of a gift and r illuminated address. A bouquet was presented to the Princess on behalf of the city by six-year-old Elizabeth Marilyn (I.yn) Keenan, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Keenan and a pupil of Livingstone School. The formal civic ceremony was kept short under Vancouver's plans for a democratic welcome. The civic ceremonies over, the party again took to the packed streets and moved via Twelfth r . . . ,,. 11 tho Pn nu - tlie highly formal - Mi m i lie! liit wory to tiK weur : iii't awe .rate cveniti THE IWKE OF EDTNBURCII took over the throttle 0r tnc giant Canadian National locomotive 6401 as the Royal Train sped from Vineland to Winona. Ontario, a distance of 14 miles. Here he is neen looking out of the cab window Just prior to the start of the trip. Clofe by was veteran engineer A. S. Heron, of Toronto who kept a watchful eye on things. .'( lu nula nmuir l(. nival visit will I r Pn'nce33 jSeh lltineslone eweffenj Now at a new low price for this year and here In a large selection of perfect pelts. Stunning styles to flatter your own figure tn full and 3i-length coats. Make your selection now. n.s H.S l-ULi:i eiici't on uu ail all j ' fin -Sin n 1 II . III. a a J)n pyramid Kin I "' ! I -S (l inn This year the pyramid silhou BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ette Id the popular theme for women' apparel. FuY coats follow the pattern and aij styled this and ; a?ilies call . k; mo. hat" ii -a hats, oopular with natural mooth shoulder I D-i; i; the "three- , lines falling to a full flared liem- 3f c triiiiir.es, hel- line. j 'Avenue, Cambie, Be-atty, Georgia, Hornby, Robson, Burrard streets to the Georgia Street enrance of I Vancouver Hotel. There, after a rest of half an hour in the royal suite,, the Princess and Duke were guests of the city of Vancouver at luncheon. Then It was on to Stanley Park, va Georgia Street, to Brockton Point Oval where North Shore residents and children were gathered and another bouquet was presented to trie Princess. I Next came Shaughnessy Mili McClintons Meet Princess, Duke Inspector J. H. MoCllnton. RC'MF, who was a servant . with the old British Columbia Police here several years ago, t'-olc a trading part in the great reception which the city ot Kamloops extended to Prin-ce. Elizabeth and Prince Fhilip yesterday afternoon. Inspector and Mrs. McClin-tnn rode In the royal procession ir.im station to Riverside Park, where th? official reception took place in the presence of hundreds of cheering school children. They were also presented to Their Royal High-r.essr.s. Mrs. McClinton Is the sister of Jock Redpath and Mrs. David Geddes of Princa Rup:rt. loijaf dochtaif maid-lrom-Mars ; sleeves also reflect the pyra-eil as unusual mid design, fuliini; from narrow' dies-y hats with thouldw to full bell cuffs. The ftrmw. : versatile double cuff which can ' -r:r.R hats take on be worn regular lejigth or lurried featured at HUDSON SEAL (Sheared Mtiskrat) ........ $495.00 CANADIAN SQUIRREL S195.00 u MUSKRAT CENTER BACK , $295.00 MOSKBAT FLANK $325.00 MOUTON 'Sheared Lambskin I $ra5.00 CONEY (Jap Rabbit?) '. .' $165.00 Fowlie-Ruttle Ltd. FUR REPAIRS AND REMODELLING AT LOW COST George Cook J EWELLER Prince Ruoert a"d Terrace 4 us well, or a new back to shov; -At pretty opera ihat sit level, or length gloves Is a veiy popular 4: crown; with or i feature of many fur emits and fm!,; off-ihe-fare ' Jackvts this seaon. j I tint sit well to Fashion news report skirt' Head. lengths shorted than last year.'. hsve been Intro- but suggest coats be chosen with-i -m.nent tliis sea- "ut much regard to skirt lengths. tary Hospital for a stay of 25 minutes to visit the disabled veterans and on to Queen Elizabeth Park where the Princess was greeted by children, planted a tree in the arboretum and received anotner bouquet of A l-'lts. velours, 'Style-conscious women with an up vi i vet. or hats eye for the practical often choose braid and jewels the three-quarter length coat tr which Ignores the trends of, '. changing hemlines. j Here la the recipe for a fruit 1 cock tan which is proving pepu-V,J i-.inchu f,,,. i . i .. emphasize the h t0 p , izbPlh variety of woolens. an. Prl,.0 ,,, t ,, Z3 Most luxurious t! the furrv. i,,..h. ap red toe makes a.iDearanre . . . is pla'.n opera 'ws a id ties are to make tile foot .wr, mmv lemin- widely-acclaimed li o o d 1 e-cfut h Fruit of Cream Jamaica eli-gant. ty bill scuby 40 ounces of rum 40 ounces of grenadine Three cases of grapefruit Three cases of oranges Two boxes of apples One case of pineapple One case of cocktail fruit Three dozen honey dew melons To serve 400 person. After a brief stay at Queen Elizabeth Hall, the University of British Columbia campus is being visited lor hall an hour. A private dinner in Vancouver will be followed by a display of folk dancing at Exhibition Park and a box-lacrosse game between Vancouver Combines and New Westminster Canucks. The Duke will be the guest of honor at a men's party at HMCS Discovery. t HI RCII TOMORROW Tomorrow morning Their Royal Highnesses will attend a Trafalgar Day church service In Christ Church Cathedral and will then go Immediately to Pier BC to embark on HMCS Crusader for Victoria where they will be guests of Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Wallace at Government House. It was a real international welcome in Vancouver. Thousands had journeyed here in cars and special trains from centres n the other side of the i "e to s.-e the royal which originated in France, but now Is made in va-i.'t.es in Am-! erica. " j Almost as Important as the curly fabrics are tn" shaggy ones, the blends, such as sheep's wool, I alpaca and fine kid mohair. The , long alpaca fibres draw nto th surface, lend them resilience at well as a misty beauty. There are many new, unusual and fascinating tweeds. Some1 have a long, loopy curl, others ai a,'.-; feature calf, if rail ami suede, and suede and Cc.ors run much ns mid greys and i theiio. and only unulit shoe spikes .i-inral roslume. HUDSON SEAL Hollander dyed muckrat "Youthful trotter featuring four-flare back" h (I'll, A LONDON P-Peter Davis, who has travelled on street cars all his life, hired one and made a smooth and supple, S'ldom, if in f-ift n-ruii- nostalgic 32-mlle trip. London's ever, have tweeds marii! for sheer f .or. stoekiiiRs in . !; -r-lm!i sn-guage of fall and win- ens, of a weights and textures :l':- rars are ot'm" "Placed Dy be.-n more appealing, more lm-. b'J?l's iw,runt to fashion, says Mayfair! j:r-4f F hivfr Ait-i xn-.-Tht. in its New York fashiun report. most northerly storage propar gas plant in the world has begun operation at this centre of the Alberta Peace River district. 4 mut than they 1- -o. but vary from I' 's to contrast with "i blown and misty I to Wend With " fall ciilnis, 1 sf,ason have that f -k beranse of fab-f -"es of which is f shangy, nubby. CANADIAN VISITOR LONDON -O-Howard WW.'.ton of Haiifi'.x. earliest ov -rseas diocese of the Anglican Church, was specially welcomed at an exhibition at St. Martins-in-the-Fields Th? rxhibition depicting the history of the church was arranged anH staffed by voluntary BLACK PERSIAN FIRST THE STORE THAT'S LAMB STYLES.. WITH THE NEW FAIL MINK TRIM "Highlight of the new season" ft 1 !'' '5 ill pnrs COATS I jTi ' ' ""-A ' - ! Jit for ti Pn mice AS MUSKRAT , CENTRE BACK MINK DYED "with rolling shawl collar . and ODera sleeve" 1 I EW fAll colours j Y I M V 1 i PSTl few tht-lashuaablc litMH tinu ! ft I - SILHOUETTE fBSf taupe Ion ' ; a I " C s ' fRfSC8 "itl1 ww',l,in"' ' U.- Wm PGRTRAT -liiili'afrte fcoum ,rt kf 1 7a NATURAL CANADIAN WILD MINK "the pyramid coat" BROADTAIL DYED "with wing collar trimmed with muskrat' Jhantom f gomorous sheer I 1.59 to 2.25 ) V 8'A to 11 J v OUt f nil nj ... ....... , . jfc,Ujf "u u" wuner in one oi oui I. Ull'y tu0red coats. You'll surely find J u casual style want NYLONS BILL" SCUBY JAR'S STYLE WEAR-) Hd Ave. Phone: Black 780 ashion footwear Box 1362 Phone Black 974 Prince Rupert, B.C.