Prince Rupert Doily News Thursday, April 26, 1951 oca en in a Mr. and Mrs. Oeorpe McAdam ; Miss Marilyn MMr. formerly cf Terrace were visitors in the of this city and now in char? V and PERSONAL city, yesterday. Next Monday of George Cook's jewelry store I they will be leaving Terrace for, at Terrace, was a visitor in the j Victoria to spend the summer ' city yesterday. She ai rived f ram PLANTS GROW FASTER WHEN MOVED THIS SCIENTIFIC WAY Attention all Elks. Monthly Meeting of Intel national with M MAij'nis mother, the Interior Tuesday night fcud returned there by car this to return north in j SPECIAL! Alberta Deep Seam planning October. bo NOT I rc Nune top SOIL MUST M- POUR STARTER ! SOLUTION OVER ROOTS Or PL ANT FIRMED AROUND ROOTS WHILE WATER IS IN 1 6-75 PER TON JMP 1 '-xu THb HOLE XVvK --'v' ' 0- rV I soil from 10 SACKS 8.50 ! general meeting tonight. (98c) Union of Operating Engineers. ! night. (98c) Local 510 Carpenters' Hall, Frl- . . day, April 27, at 7:30 p.m. (99) S. M. Ouene, general passenger agent of the Canadian National Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Dahl re-Railways, Vancouver, will arrive turned to the city on the Prince hire tonight on the train and Rupert yesterday from a trip la . sail cn the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. I Vancouver. j prnce Rupert Football As- Cambrai Chapter home cook- sociation annual meeting. Caning sale, McRae Bros., starting ad'an Legion Hall, Friday, April 11 a.m. April 28. (99c) 27. P ,99cl Report From Parliament, Ted Mr- and Mrs. A. S. Nicksrson, A'lolewhaite .Station CFPR wft0 nave been spending the Thursday, April 26, 6:45 p.m. Pasl f- weeks on a trip to Van- (cjjjC) cuuver and Vancouver Iaiand, ' I and the southern interio tt- 3. D. K'Rae, KLA. was the turned to the 3ity on th Prin.-e fpeakjr today at the regular Rupert yesterday from the weekly luncheon of the Prinre south. PHONE 116 - 117 or 58 MIX TEASPOONFUL J OF PLANT FOOD WITH SOIL. SOIL fROMl . I -0. IrrTkirvrl ' XA VaV (COYER. V i it i AN INCH OF FRESH SOIL Albert & McCaffery I IMITtTl Latest Transp!ant'n; Methods App: jved by Experimental Stations bllTII I kl I 1 Rupert Rotary Club today. Tha For all your spring painti ig and gardening needs, call Kays Cove Hardware, jour Glidden dealer. Phone Green 441 for five delivery. itf-c) .. club also heard reports from When the danger of frost Is twec.i soil and root and making it President Bruce Brown on ths over, gardrn plants which have exsy for the plant to take up tennis court project and from been started unc'.vr protection can water. , Charlc? Roberts on the proposed be moved to the garden. By using Rr0t,s 0f plants should not be minstrel show. methods which have been devel- pruned. In removing plants from . oped by rtas?arch, amateurs will- nets, flats or seed beds, care To taste it is to prefer the huperb quality and flavour of - HAMBURGERS Ing to take cai j can i.tart plants ihou'd be taken to avoid break-growing in their new homes with )ng the root system. Replace-a minimum cf shock, without nifnt. of the lost roots must take Open Mission at Catholic Church ; wilting, and without losses. place before thvj plant can grow HI In the diagram above, the best very much. methods of procedure as .-mm- Tops of plantg should not be mended research scientists by arj d as snown by resear!.h re. lather J. A. Carroll, O.M.I., will cp-n a one-week Mission in Annunciation Church this coming nusuuLeo. irnsp.umiiig1Snor- guts prumng rernoves part of HeffercrWx I with vm l ttr "factory which has to make Sunday. Two and a half years the new pant material (carbo- ag0 Falher Carroll was transfer-hydia'.ei upon which growth red from Prince Rupert to Fort . in uiluic niiigciY, unu au rtfiy : step In this technique has been ; carefully tested. To prepare for i transplanting the plants should atl3 aaCl arj,-.nnj. rruning is nueiy wu st. John. j bff fed with liquid plant food a take o(f more foliage tnan neces. On Sunday mornine Father nry. Dead or partly dead tissue Carroll will preach at the three does no harm, though wholly Masses (8, 9 and 10:30). The d-ad leavr.3 may be picked off. m-rning sermon is intended -as Shading is good practice when an introduction to the Mission ween Deiore vne operation, ins i day before, a starter solution should be prepaid, by hanging a ' cloth bag containing chemical , plant food in a bucket of water -4 fund Mrs. Con Michalof f, & 1 n v.,,., t, I BUY.' m ru oil iiiu .-uuwi,, hate! arrivals P!a"ts are feculent, when soil proper. The preacher will explain and letting it scak overnight. Use " Qtiri nil. rim onrt ii'hon tun 1c the nnrnnco rf tha Mu-cinn Thp BhI to tne 1 1 y from Van-it in the Piinre Rupert PREPARED MUSTARD 4 ounces of a 4-11-4 mixture or (Prince Rupert) j s'm"ar to earn gallon of water. . Make a hole for the olant large G. F. Hoar, C. H. Hosken, J. nri riprn ,,nnh tn hnirt it,, ronU hot. But good plants can usually congregation will also learn what be set successfully without they are expected to do in order shade, esoecially if water or to derive the maximum good ttarter solution is used or if good i. om the Mission. t Urt.,,nnn nnrl r-r.t Ic C I JAnilnn. ...Ill Barrv, R. J. Coop.'r. Mr. and Mrs. wlth.ut crowding. Mix with soil G. Nesbitt and J. Parrott, Van """ "u ' OUJluajr evening UC.UUUIH will of th Kitlnm o ( nf Disposable Pads for couver; v. Meraruin, Montreal; p,ant food, and cover this with K. Ketchem. Nanclmo. 8i;il tne p.ant ln place tnen ! pour into ihf hole, over the plant VANDAIS BUSY r"oto, V, oint of starter solution. NANCY DIDEE PANTS Soy perennial flower seed in the spring, when cool, moist start at 7:30. "Salvation" is the title of Father Carroll's opening evening discourse. During the week the guest preacher will be heard daily, both morning and night. The morning Masses will be at 6:30, 8 and 9. Morning wor-i hippers will have the benefit of While the solution is In the hole, weather will make germination Now in hsm Baths I OPtN j . roon to 1 2 midnite 1 Phone 658 t T 3rd Ave. and 6th St. VANCOUVER (CP) Four new jraw in th loose soil and firm it easy. Seedling plants transplant-motor-cars stored in the Exhi-i around the plant. The solution f-j to a nursery row ln June will bition Building were damaged!"0'' onlv supo'ies nutrients but make large clumps by fall, when an appropriate morning lnstruc- The - -Stork Shoppe puddles the soil making close contact be- border. very be reserved ior evening devo by vandals who had hidden ml tne building before it closed,! and then apparently started a ; iame of tag with the vehicles,; r 'VK tions. The nightly waek-day de votions will be at 7:30 or the tii'ivinj them into each other. Charge Doctors for Collections a me hour as on Sunday. Tho choir will be heard at the Funeral of Fred Olsen J last Mass on Sunday and at all Prince Ri:;oert General Hospi- Funeral services for the late tal which for years has collected Carl Frederick Olson, 76, pictur- anaesthetic fees for doctors as iiiiiif uw btttP LJ us mugif Hhhhm ImJ 1 M "oui. elrv Dioneer who dd in P" 01 nci.u.m cms u uiK-nii tns evening nevouons. ine Ren!r Choir is under the direction of Charles P. Balagno. Sister Marv Lawrence a.iects the Girls' choi". People of all denominatiins are extended, a warm invitation to attend as many of the devotions as they wish. D:cpos? hcrit'elonh to charge the cltv April 20. were held at the doctors ten percent comm's- Grenville Court Chapel yesterday afternoon. .ft, i v.i ,JUrCa.i U Officiating at the service was!betwe?n a rcrrrritte "f the h s- Rv L. A. Thorpf. R'.l- pital board prA the r pert Med'c-J Av-e'ntl" prevent it "When I Survey the Wondrous Cro.'." anH "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" were the hymns sung "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim I'hone 17 for Orilrra To Take Out Commodore Cafe to the organ accompaniment of! v.'-. . J. C. Gilker. 1 IniHifiit. rincnls ,..ros th: years aheaoi - jING CHILDHOOD All Colors, Including White PRICED FROM $2.95 o $7.95 1J FASHION FOOTWEAR Tallbearers were P. H. Llnzey, v. 1 etchford. -T. Clark. N. L. Jon?s. T. Peterson and P. Petteniteio. Burinl Wowed in Fairview Cemetery, wilh aiTangements In :haigc of the B.C. Undertakers. Itching Scalp-Loose Dandruff Try This Home Treatment For Quick Ease and Comfort Here Is a clean powerful peuetrat-1 Ing oil toat brings speedy relief from the Itching torture and discomfort, i Don't dig with fingernails, that only serves to spread the trouble Just use equal parts of Moone's Emerald Oil and olive oil. Apply with the fingertips once a day and shampoo every fourth day. You'll find Canadian Lc ,.on card party April 25. St PcUrs iipiliig Sale. Apil 26. United W.A. Spring s-.ile. May .V H.MC.S. Haida Chapter toa sale. May 5. Card party. Catholic Hall, nqcrS May 10. Sonja lea, May 12. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hal!, May 16. Eastern Star Tea, Mu.waic To Stewart (today) L. D. Dadford, J. Webster. From Vancouver (Wednesday) this treatment not only soothes the itching and torture but helps promote more rapid healing loose floating dandruff becomes a thin? of the past. Scalp clears up and hold be gins to thicken. You can obtain Emerald Oil in the original bottle wherever drugs art st)ld. H) WALLACE PHARMACY Temple, May 17. Lutheran tea. May '5 Job's Daughter's Jam'wree, May 31, June 1. S, Mi. Ketfhen. R. Hart, B. Tur- chanak, W. Eady, C. Hale. E. Mc- , Arthur, A. Marshall, Mrs. E. Rodgers. R. A. Ritchie, Mr. Weid- man, J. Webster, J. Delaney. I From Sandspit I Wednesday) If ! t"r !':- I f &: ' mi n--.- LI Annettes Weekend Specials Friday and Saturday April 27 and 23th NYLON SUPS $,79S. M to 4? Rluf., Pink, White rcg vnlna to $5 9r 4,(9 SICClAL RAYON SLIPS Sizes S. M. L. White and tearose, built-up shoulder . 5J..29 rcg. $2.95 SPECIAL PANTIES Sizes S. M L Satin, crepes and rayon. Reg. to $2.95 9 for AH TO CLEAR NIGHTGOWNS ECONOMY 14-OZ. REGULAR i-OZ. SIZES G. Hoar, Mr. Naraity, D. Butcher. To Vancouver (today) M. ; Bcwden, J. N. Turner. Mr. Simp- j son, C. C. McLean, E. R. Thorni-j cicft. T. Latuientzen. E. Butter-field, D. Candow. D. McCarthy,' Robert Mclnnes, F. E. Ladner. J. j Stewart, H. Phinps. J. Sullivan J l -i win I R. C. Lewis, C. A. Walker, Mrs. Gagnon. To Sandspit (today) I. Gagnon. From Vancouver (today! Miss E. L. Clement. Sizes S. and M. only. Striped rayon in tearose, white, blue 115 krl Give your chil- he benefit of thii filing new method locking tooth decay. v Yes, only Kellogg'a says: "If you don't agree these Bran Flakes are fresher double your money back!" (Mail empty carton to Kellogg't, Dept. 4A, London. Ont.) Week end Soccial V Reg. valiie $2 50 Week end Special $100 Keg. values w.vd HOUSEDRESSES NYLON HOSE . JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist e John Bulger Ltd. . Third Avenue Dark seom, every pair perfect. All sizes to 1 1 . New spring 39. shades. Weekend soecial PR- ferine Antiseptic make this same formula readily available to you and to your family. Use Listerine Ammoniated Tooth Paste regularly, as directed, morning and night and right after eating. Lambert Phar-macal Co. Canada) Ltd.,Toronto. 1 r''Kminary tests conducted lhifomou formula t the lvTKityof Illinois Foundation, ' Jofcaseofreductionintlie pn of tooth decay was re-N- No wonder it Jias caused ! J Merest in dental circles! Ip the manufacturers of Lis- DRESSES Crepes, sheers, prints Sizes from 12 to 24 Weekend Special Elastic Girdles & Garter Belts to dear at 100 ?.?!!"! ctlon rduct W The biggest bran flakes - in Canada! And on ly- S Kellogg's are ao crinkly-crsp X. ? Wonderful way to get extra j bulk to help keep you "regular." f SvVTtMEPTD Mechanical action claanl sur-0 2 faros ai. tpoth are brushrd helps lirciik up and remove det-ay-biwding deposits. - -.hi aouiiiy. Moulh aoirt- enrourag. d-y. Chemical action checkt acid-forming bacteria a major cause of decay. VIEW-MASTER REELS Reduced ' 50c each WRATHALL'S IMioto Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. PURSES Peg. values to $6 95 Weekend Special CO 95 BLOUSES Reg values to $6.95 Weekend Special $1 95 jinnee Wonieff 525 3rd A venue AMMONIA I II LISTERINE W, LICENSED BY UNIVERSITY Mod, '"Conoda . OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! i