7 ! William Di aney will be manager of the cannery, with Thomas Prince Rupert Daily News Thurntlay, Aoril 26. lu5l (jijs from ll and tiiut any limit on purchase from Canada will: lorce that nation to further : ,! re-opened in time for the tea.,-. . r II , II xr. 'en Gallery of in r smam i May n has1 25 YEARS AGO J I Inane i ben eUmi t0 the puWk ince Apri' 26- 1926 gffcJ UpSllS i S3. j Over $200 was realizedTT a Scott, foreman. Use of Pish Is Boosted curtail its imports from the United 6tates. I more fish, especially tuna and ; Canadian purchases of Amer- skipjack I nruiKineu nave oeen oceupiea nara Times dance held in the for months in repairing and Exhibition Hall, last night. It to the United States. lean automooiies ana omer 5S (p The Golden Gal-counting the dome of cathedral, is to be Japan, Mr., Herrington added, By a vote of five to three, the city council, last evening went on record in favor of having the policing of Prince Rupert done by the provincial police renovating the windine stalre.se wul bt 01 donated wn&iea lor exhibition Japanese Competition products" he pointed out, "go purposes. Music was provided by Referred to at Btston Meet a lona wav toward Drovidine fu'l 1 now has a fleet 01 1-m vessels employment for the United. n me aeep-ea iisneries alone, Tttfiz? Crate? " ! tsritfc Ilitnunrii. .inuin li In- IMF' BOSTON American and to the gallery, which at 281 feet above ground level, affords a striking panoramic view of I central London. It Is almost 100 feet highei1 than the Stone Gal- liLES Canadian fLsh producers and me Boys- pipe and Jazz bands. Committee in charge consisted of R. E. Benson, Bert Morgan, W. D. Vance, D. Jabour, Fri Scadden, Aid. J. McKechnle and ....... . uE"VwkJ ciidimv -,yrPflaia Iff A . With all blades stripped Irom amriDutors have been urged to it her propellor in striking a sub- join an international campaign American Imports of Mexican nergfd object in Masset Inlet, to increase sea food censump- shrimp were assailed by Virg'.I With the reopening, visitors Howard Frizzell. .aula i crease this tnifi ormaiiQ armada in to nnu any size cWo V "'r'. , 1 when conditions permit. He pointed O'lt that Japanese fishing vessels are government licensed ta fUh only one species. Tuna fishermen' for instance, cannot bring in any other Kind of fLsh. . k " n wnce twn oe uie vo enter L""" & three of the cathedral's fam- 'lliw ailvertisfinfnt in in A puUltshwl tr displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or hy thn Ciovcrnuicnt of ltritish Cjlunibia. . E, ii.c arm rtiu frmumm ous gallerie. Two others, Uie the Fisheries patrol boat Given-chy will be towed to Prinre Rupert. Col. J. H. McMullin. superintendent of Provihzial Police, arrived from Victoria for the dis- A new up-to-date cannery will be built at Masset Inlet by Watson It Kennedy, Vancouver contractors, for the Gosse-Millerd Canning Co. at Shannon Bay. uon in the two countries. versaggl oi Brownsville, Texas. Clarence Morrow of Lunen- He asserted that these Imports, berg, N.S., has invited members which hit the 40,000,000 pound of the American fishing Indus- mark in 1950, would stifle the try to join with the Canadian American Gulf Coast shrimp In-industry in raising and spending dustry if not drastically limited $1,000,000 a year to develop big- in the future. ntir rviiflrot.. In. car, fnr.A in Jo,- tfrilltnm UA..lnlAH nS I V. K Jm&J WhU paring and Btone Galleries, ,. Vyuuue t ai.r. aiso dosed In 1839, were re- L.4rfit ilruu, - rl -l , ...... o;enea in f ;niRY 01 P""ine WHh adVand tn VnT Sutes United "states Fish d WUdllS 11 V ' A prominent spokesman for Service forecast a big increase in " Canadian fishing interests and the extent and production of The Duke and Ducne,ss or j an official of National Sea Prod- Japanese fisheries. Formerly A? 'hom a dauKhtpr as lu.ls Ltd 4n HallfaXi Mr. Mor- with the Fish and Wildlife Be--wn this week In London, are row Spo(ce before the nth annual vice in New En-land, Mr. Her-ic Jbrating their fiint born nam- : convention of the National Fish- rinijton spent several years in id Princess Elizabeth. cril.H institute at the Hotel BUI- Japan as a fisheries adviser to - - ler. About 1,500 persons are a'.- the United Stales occupation au- David F. Robb, crandfather of , tending the meeting. thorities. William Robb, of Prince Rupert, ' EXPANSION OF MARKETS I Because of great pressure to celebrated his lOOlli ytar birth-i Ueclaring that there should be btiost Kg food supply and pro-lay recently. :an cxpaiuion of markets rather vide work for thousands of un- than talk of limited imports and employed fishermen, the Japan-I restrictions on Canadian-Ameri- ese are planning to extend their P HLead in FUR W5TORAGE MONTREAL, April 26th Wishing won't make it so, as I've discovered time find time again. When you want a enke to turn out ju.-t right, it's wiso to follow tlie recipe. And it's tlie same with the tliinps you want out of .life Haphazard wishing won't do the trick but I've discovered that Perianal Planning will! Yes, "me, too"! I'm a very enthutfktttie Personal Planner! My income's the same but now, somehow, it does a better job. That's because the Pirxonnl PUinniitq system of money liiannsi'tiient detuned bv the St BONDED STORAGE vcrnFUE " SERVICE can trade, Mr, Morrow auvocat3d fishing operations and export K 111' .MOM Ul'.AL suits your individual mcdsuid wiuiU. W iiv not trv it yourself? ,,t too difficult and it's far from dull! Tic k up your copy of "J'WtsiONAL i'LAN'MNU" ii r neighborhood H of M branch today. 10 YEARS AGO a five-year campaign to "up" the April 26, 1941 Ten ships of sixty-six involving p It light And Luneioui! One very sure wiy to make a Spring $175,000,000 w:i lie built here iccording to private advices .small per capita fish con.sjnio-' tion in North America, educating the public that fresh fish can now be "easily obtained at points far inland as well as along the coasts. Invited to present Canada'. viewpoint on fish exports to the United States, a trade which has 'earning Victoria today. Minister if Munitirins r.: D. Howe, said muuiiug ru.-v i " bc'vc mi fjWMMHft ireui 10 llie fcnaily ...gt.tKi.lt Pl l I i:iJ ttHKAi'.. And wit morum Huliy (jl'AJvhlt ITU LI J KICK. Yes, Ijfiiii ijuiiker Puffni Hlit-nt utul J'tiHul Hire are "turnabout'' tii-atu (or Atiiil lm iitia-iuit:. Vim siioul'l trv tin in Willi fro-ti fwit on lop, Miiuiliiitxi m uiilk uinl gjiiiultleii Willi ?ujt;ir uo HavoiirHi! mi nHtr-Hiinif no entiiiy timl KiliolVirm! 'i'ntrl yiiur fuuitly luiiiiirrow to n ''nliiii(t QuuW l'fi4 linn mid '.hat he had been Informed by H. R. MacMillan, president of At' Wartime Merchant Shaping Ltd. PHONE 9 74 A Bonded Messenger will call for your furs , THE BEST ... COSTS NO MORE BILL SCUBY FURS Box 1302, Prine Rupart, BC. been roughly assailed at the con- hat a program for the building yention. bv renresentatives of the Irr I'urTid Wlitut ...the l-'t Bitiiiiiih; brcakiu-t iji m yti! of ninety-six cargo ships was on - New England fishing industry. Chop Suey - Chow Mein HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Latl ,Vifla we li.ul I!RIS I'VE FnaiU Cwle Gr0 lii'aiu for its way to the minister. Mr. Morrow pointed out that Canada buys more than ten times as much goods from the United States as this country A committee of Rev. J. H. for A Siting Perk-Me l' p, X ure )'uu to try the (mhaiitHiftit tit tlmt new l'llKKUMI U 1LKA-tsi,USS XAIX, LACQlF.K! It's us exciting a liie timt April flowers m fi iiiinine &s the new fiHtn f;tiurti, 'l lie ten aton ti.tdeii file uiu-rly dt-lijriiU'ul and the prr-fume, comileU'ty bewitching! IV a evident when the Utafuer is tira on your witix, v$, lor "Uuo Tom-h of Spring", just treat your-fc'li to ilt? eeiteinfnt oi tlti Jovrlv new Pcrfmiud Dura-Clow. It has tiiut Janiotis Dum4ilot durability, of ouui- . , . stay ''put'' bauf ifuliy loHfr-r. A?-k fur rfunied i)ura-ClQsa Nail f.ac qner jut 4oc and Dura-filons Nail 1'olUU iifit i.lc ut dnit, department and chain Mures k u(mI lucy are dttn'ious; All the lui'iii-lteHi nr of lin-N 'epcciiilly n lii-Utii liemift is eaplnriii pi 'iiiurk-frcizi'n' o Ihat. you serve unii esl limn jp.i' pi ak of thi ir swi-il, younic O mli rni 'I'lii fr:.e, slinilcr itrli of tliciie fvi't-n Im-iiiim took ; -j(l v tin a pUt oxi ami yet thrrt'a no -uHio ur M folk mvolvt-il, jut cook as p.-u-kaKe liiroi'O. 1 wu r'iiiMil ut iiow emnomiruj tlii'y a' . . .one itt'kuK4 'itA loiir o! uk most iEt-ntTHifrtv. V hv not 'rv lliuU Myrwang, Oscar Bather. John Btoreth and Peter Lien will be In charge Of the Norwegian Inde-vindtnee Day celebration. Gen eral William Bteffens, eommand- I I rni' h Style (oitfQ lkiuu fur dinner tomorrow , . . I know your isiiv vill love them. n-chief of Norwegian forces itt I 4 Ttemuf Trot of nun. in Canada, imormea ur. Jens Munthe that he would visit the city May IS. ' The entire British Columbia derl'ul homo k' piii( tipal , . , one hundred and Jijly-tme of lln ni in a rlurminfrlv illtimnited l'Ul.K ltOOKI.i: T call, pil " 4 I.Jth Hud uChiUVi Hay" to clean the m h 4 l if v , fa I 7 salmon pack may be taken over this year by the federal govern rofneorator'rtith KNKHCTKK (M.KAN I NO li.nu! so wlea viiir little eirl k tn lictn ment to be used far the supply ot military forces. ' HELP WANTED Permanent positions for suitable men. Most desirable working conditions. Top wag-cs. Two weeks holiday with pay after one year employment. 50 Medical Services Association fees paid hv firm. . t 2 First Class Automobile Mechanics First Class Automobile Body Repair Man and Painter.' 1 Helper and Clean-up Man for general garage wo-'.. Apply: Rupert Motors Limited 1 'MOT JlOMSoriruiuuK, how her bow caey it i with In aid of the Canadian War Services, $164.05 was raised in one evening at a concert and dance held by the Skldegate Concert Band, at Skidegate Friday. Why They Juit Slmrtrd! And . . . look tlu-y'v iraeoeallv liuheil (leaning all tlei-e wiinlov! It's t-aey to ie mv Hicirt ni Hrlibnurs ar u-iuit tt IM)I A HI'HAV! A liudiami tr I a Kill Lick out of he-lpitlg In Uouech-4tl -.f'l4 yoi put a but t It) of W Huh I in his liaitdl (iuitn frankly, till you du iray it on and wiae it orf eav ail pie and it takes no time, at all! Window aiv pruiit of the li'tter ch :initiiE qualitit s of V i n 1 e s fiirrayl l'.vcry spnk of eiiiua disappears . . . they xleaiu like newt Ve iiidi .sparingly , . . it's nio-t economical . . . p.vecially eo when you Imv the liiir -o-oe. relill size! Try V index Spray yourself your grocer and cleaning suppiier but it sell it. Whmiptl V hal'$ The Hurry? ' U lt". Put out for you liy Uie tf Mk'. tine hooklrt liivcs t a ii'iiiiii nl nioniy-'n'-timiv - imar tis on eiHikuiK, hou?1- Hiiim and rlmlica care. How lo ' 4 ait yours? Jut (rrt anv one Himi- untnil I.1N-X Hi IM K fj . H T I : N K rt S irVle Wax, lii-Shp S If Pil ilr infr. Wmx, ? Sinudtri: Jurniuwe Poli-li) : fuur prnrrry, liarilwari' or ilc-:rii'iii Kline. Tear off the vkh'l-offer ititker anil tnnil, la mur nani4 arirf aditrett, to f . . 489, MonttrnU V.t). i.iii'in unarconipaiiieil by kIiiU ciiinild enclose 15c in coin or r'Hjtue stamps. B. J. Bacon was elected pre?i- i dent of the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club at the annual CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS meeting last night, otner oincors included Earl Brochu, vice-president; F. W. Grimble, secretary; G. S Copeland and Harry Edgar, executive. Seagrams Kings Plate Enerinp she'll hav ft wombMid tfin'! J or I jieigino tmtken ebdd'g (day ai itiuuy, many hottM-bold eboii'8. It woik like mapic to nirifc poreelitin snirfnre parl:lt rcfngitiJoin, baibiub. ink, tibnjj, Wfiyli-baiit!. Ami ijieitrin is 'de:ith" to prease spois . , . will pet ril of even those deep-down Ptains on tipholnteiy, drapes and ruirs. Cont.-uim wo canities hot neids nnd will not harm fal-dyed fabiies. Just try it one, and like me, you'll know F.nerpme ins a lnrti'hoM 'imit" . . . saveu time and eh-aner's bilU. At drujr and department s'ma for o-s little aa 2iiu, A Big Hit at a tea party yesterday wan thm lmon 8M'ad on the n f hot biaruiU. I k p Cimed (he r VJ j ciH from our vw ? Re-roof with ii a I) v (trows so ACDUAST rt Adjutant and Mrs. Edward Brunsdon, who have been in 1 t a s t uurinic lus .rharee of Balvatiin Army work t i - f. i HJI8IHLI y ' r Htmdt Art dl-bronmed for oi hiiikt?, j it afti r doinit it ' 4, wlu n I'lfio dune that api tvni, nrzi 4 H've ''4 white A' wiihont rod iiiinot. si? tutu ilo-in it pet I inn biBit' r and n min '"mi. ru Mr rr t at Hazelton, are being transferred to Prince Ruoert to succeed Adjutant and Mrs. Ivan Halsey who are belli1? moved to Nanaimo. er ei ery day 1 I'ar-lieitlarly when ymi give Ji i m loudd made 9ittci'ill(j for him . . . foods FOR ESTIMATES SEE 0T Scagranrs Snxt , ' Thit odverlisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control board or by the Government of British Columbia. like lliosa (loud Heinz l'rr-Cooktd Cereals and. a little later H V. I XZ . tTKAINW) JiAHV lUIIDS. M-nimm! . . . those phone 909 GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. r.o. nox 721 Halibut sales: Canadian, 61,000 oounds, 9.2c find 7o 'o a.Sc and 7.11c; American. 74 000 pounds, C 4c and 7e to 9.8c and 7c. you. i s i n 8 t; X K I T L E M O X S luscious strained meat products, aeupj, vegetaliles and ilesuerts . k!;:, every one ot thini cooked to !-i-! 1'vcry day I hear Ihat and more women who've ' Sn experiim ni insr with some of rm-nn-e ehcniicals are cdiani-'f id liiti. For Dm don su e if wonderfully while, sweot-wa-hes and truly mar-i c are fur your hand! ml I'm comliines ureal quantitiea 'j'i'ti. nal snap with tn netivo 'I!I'!1H iriVI'J yuu Hinw-wllite and leaves your hinds " ir.l wliite, tool I know, onca trnd it. vou'll aeree that dm f.'t'friiitfbeautifullyt lnre-:(it)ilitv in Jlcinz bahv-readv WEEK-END SPECIALS jutlr kitcliri)!(. Ak your lit'iil-fi lur .lifuu H:iby and Junior Fnoth, T)i is Sat tonal Hahy W'tik, m lic'll have a W dis-jtlay of Ilcinf! pioilucts, with rc-l.iif it iirnis u-i d in tlie cure and ,'rrdin; of baliif.s. , , makes thu flaviiiir tlifferenee you can taiMe the taniry guodueM of their fulMmdivd juit. Tbi recipe tnnkea 2-3 tlassi, and it will keen 4o vim as toii-t and biscuit spreads, or for filling tarts and 'f-VCUSH tEMOM BPREAD 6 wU twaten 12 cup Sunki-t kmon juicm 2 cups sugar 14 cup butter ;' ' C(Kk over h-ot water until ttiiek. Pour into sterilized g!ass. V9 us needed. It's so ejisy just be sure to ue SunkiH lemons for most flayourful results. Women's Navy Blue PUMPS T5 at Ot n,.r t . . . : :.,. , . i , .. i aivriiiiia it uuit in cave juiu iiiiiiid ' 1 Wear 'n' tear niml l o.,.-o .im i,.nvl l,..!...,, LADIES' BLOUSES ! MEN S WORK SOX ' "ut, the part of your home that takes the worst are (lie floors. And that's why so many wise fi'iMc'v" '"s'5t 011 llie I'ro'eclion of tllidilen ' wliL.NAMKL. It'i amazingly touiili rt;si.,t 4tl,e and wears hunter. It s ea'V lo aonlv and Approx. 3 Hi Whlt Httl it T.ie Uarl Wearing Otie Large Size $1.00 New Styles Waffle Weave Pastel Shades Mirror Crepe Sizes 14 to 20 i I'i'oiiuniieal. And, for the outside of your lionie, IS.' nolhin liner than Glidden "linduranee $9-95 SPECIAL $2-98 I ; ?V'" ' "-M l It'standa tip under all kinds ot lonuerl And, retnrmber l'.ndttraniM! l'aint applied over W irance Hase-Coat spreads further, sivinit the euatiiifc more boily and A home painted with these two paints ii a job well-done a V"'vf "sen of salirt'tieiion". See your Chdden Paint dealer w llhdden Florenatnel and (.Hidden Endurance House l'aint in f ty of truly hamlsome colours I '' T'imc " " Din m t- i:-i. .i . tii. . .i t..,r r.n.i E I ' : ;r t H ' ! H i", LADIES' SLIPS some! somethinii limit that that kivi gives you as mmn lor your money as 1 MAHGAKIM'; does! 11 a soo-o (jooil VI Msy-llien l'n i !" I V-I UI-UK BONXET j V I so eliuek-uf wkJ Vitamin A eonlent if fv?v 1 use Hlue lloniu t o of rounlry-fri'sli flavour and its Sandals CHILD'S SIZES 5to 1012 $2-75 ent is limh every month of the yearl NYLON LACE TRIM for mv nan-frvine and tmkimr. for ITkercrer 1 ou Co Thii Summer, you'll lie the "lielle" if you trust to the Invelv flatteiv of that new voomirRV uhkam ktuf tliaile Sl'NNY DHKAMI One put wilh it puff arui it warms your skin with h soft, pearh gUm gives you that, wonderful golilen-liirl Innk! So if you have dances or teas pitriVa partir or jut a sueet'BKfii! day at tiie ottire in mintl ...trust to "fSuuny Dreum" to Vci'x you liKikins vour loveliest I Ami trut to Wixullniry Dream Stuff to give .vim a "natural" tint powilery kiokl l'or "Dream StulY" is not drying or greasy, hut a sheer sal in-lextur'ii make-up. It's a tint, foundation and powder in one... only title. Choose yours from five dreamy siiaiU'sl Cood JVrwtf Did you think it 1 sea&ninir vevelalileK mid lor the labk1. too. ror now hltte llonnet. enmea in that, liandv. l'llim Uuih hair o that you can eolour it for table u' in a jiffy! Just prei Ladies! Come in and see these values: Lovely straight tho iflMiip l.iiiiim llm l,.tw Lnoil llie I ii.cr nnd in 2 minwfis, Blue Bonnet is a luseioiia, golden yellow! 1 es, I Ji feel l m getting so mueli for so little when 1 buy delicious, fitwus Ulue lionnet in the Yellow Quik bat;l ' To Begin a bright April diiy with a breakfast treat of "Cream of GREEN RED. WHITE Misses 1 1 to 3 3-25 cut Crepe Slips in white only. Filmy Nylon lace trimmed. Sizes 32 to 40. Each .... $2-98 i osinoo-tn soatmetuing ami so just right ft'vour! And 5 Minute "CRF.AM 01'' WUKAT" is l""ly good to en( it's gotxi for you. tool For it i les Iron for good red blood, and Calcium and wi'liorus for diets deficient in these fitments, 'iV 5 I'nute "Cream of Wheat" some morning n 5 It takes just five minutes of boiling to eook to 'titm. M-mmml That rich, wide-awake flavour wonder so mnnv folks like to start the day light ' ,l Minute "f!rem nf Whonl" l.renlfiuit. I iil!!!i;i!II!!!i!i;iBl. l!B!II!l!!2!!li!l!:i!!!!B!I!II! was impowihle to keep a sliee of tomato in your refrigerator for itftien iijs and have it. come out pnrifen freshf Thru just wait 'til you use the NYLON DRESS SOX LADIES' PYJAMAS. ' it Boys' Crepe Soled I j Oxfords . 1 Sizes 1 to 6 M SPECIAL ffft H $4-75 I "Jirton ever made a rabbit vanish faster than my CUoenlate Icebox S175 Substondards of our regular $1.75 line. Ankle leiiKth. Sizes 10'i to 12. Pair Ladies' Rayon Pyjamas. Butcher Boy style. Pastel shades. Sizus 32 to 38. Pair SJ.25 Cookies did at the voungstfis' partv vestenlayl I make them with BAUKR'S UNKWEF.TUNKO CHOCOLATE so they have that irresistible, real chocolate flavor that everyone Invest., . CHOCOLATE IC'KBOX COOKIES (75 Cookies) 2 cups sifted Swans 1 egg, unbeaten Drtwn Cake Flour 2 squares Baker's Un- 134Upns. Calumet sweetened Chocolata, Baking Powder melted li cup'bmter or other ' amazing new Wilex FRESHF-Il-ATOIl the only home eiAitaiuer tlmt keep" food abmihitvhj fevsk! It'a a glaw runtainer with all almninutn and rubber lid easy to use, ea.iy to clean and it ru-ver wears out. An air-tiiilit vaeuum. faeal keia fnml of all kill la fi'Hsli Up lo l.'i rfuj Umtft'r .. .turns lefu overs into Mtuwinkrrs! Ak for the 1'Vesherator Set of four jars . . . ai'eii'iiiU: tutte ut your favourite department, hardware, appliance and general sIoits. And, reriietulier, llie Kreaherator ia niaiio by lh makers of (he famoiia SileK Clii'S Makers and Slt-am Irons. " t A THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY SHOE STORE snortentng ,vue . S4eup sugar broken Hhr, .onr. measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift again. It h5 , .r'ninif. sugar, esg, chocolate and vanilla, beating with spiwn I ri,, Sed; ,du nut- Add flour araduallv, mixing well alter each addi-5 dough in halves: shape In rolls. 2 inches in diameter, rolling ri(;.,.ra,:''11 Paper. Or pack dough into cookv molds. Chill or store in lioiiJ unt" ''rm- Before slicing, let rolls stand at room temperature iu -l. .v unM "o" enough to dent when pressed with finger. Cut in -i'Ji. '". uing sliarp knife. Bake on iinsreas-sd, baking sheet in JW! ven (350 deg. f.) bout It) mmuiia. 3rd Av nu at 6th St. Charlie Roberts Box 638 Phona 357 !!W1!!tfflftfflWW!f!WI!llt''W PPbTW1P!!IIIIWIIM iiiiliiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiUiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiihiailiil'.mauliiiiiuiiiJ iiii.i'iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiifiiiii