I . ' - I ,L. I i. - PROVINCIAL Liss.m, 1U VlCii.,LA, is. C. J -V Daily Pknni fil CABS I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER j i)isPAT( hed I Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XL. No. 98 ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS Details of Agreement War Depends Upon Russia IjTj J I How TKe Plan Will Work f by!? '''-'""( 1-tHAK0 llVti BAM slo, .ostw.l flow. M I : I 2 WHrt h droimigt oim (outlnwil) iH batk p tooid Wtit ;. 1 7 neres y what Alcan B. Plans in R u C ) i iiiti.htooVMoUntoiniw.iN(oa.o).ffrooinoot K- Truman in Tolerant Mood A woi'king agreement between the B.C. government and the Aluminum Company of Canada Limited calls for Alcan gener- ating equipment of 400,000 horse- power by January 1, 1963, and WASHINGTON, D.C. Pi President Truman said today that it. Ik up to Russia whether war with Korea spreads. He declared that United States policy is to seek lo confine the war to Korea and avoid a Oreat War. Mr. Truman said, too, that he was very well satisfied with Sec 750.000 horsepower equipment retary of State Dean Acheson , installed by January 1, 1983 .The and said he was not considering final licence will be issued De i W " ' 'if' ?""' '?'''w'w ''!''''' U en 2,400 fwt. - (( A-V. - P, mountain will be capable o( developing l.i mHlmli. f 7 S. - -I f ,' " l 5 41 wile tranunhtion line will catty power to Krtimal. T Xy jfL H CaN - ; tfowtf Veloted would permit electric untiling oM,100 million lb. el PRINCE RUPERT, ' J5$S& "V . . - XVj yVj'r ' ' 4mfMpmsmMebXMfiwwmmiit. f" f i 5 Ttanemietion Line) ; Z -W--.. "''T Ae i?1'1! f -J V " " JC y --l 1 Canyon Dam I j - WyJL 4 Powerhoo.. JbfiwV f : 1 ( , 1 r J. "' y tachuk, lok 2 Reeervoir Area 'i I I , Y i , II " .. .... .. ..... ... . ... .. ',.11 i i . . -r-.. , i Ine - f'moncial foel ' ; replacing him with Paul Hoffman, former administrator of the Marshall Plan. The President also said he will "not pull strings" on General MacArthur but will let him say what he pleases when he pleases and where he pleases. (By law the President could restrain Mac-Arthur. The General is today in Chicago where he received a rousing welcome.) cember 31, 1999. The document was signed between the provincial government and Alcan hue last year and confirmed by the Legislature recently. The power development will utilize Eutsuk and Tahtsa Lake waters for an aluminum plant at Kitimat, about 80 miles south of Prince Rupert. Waters proposed for use have previously been unrecorded by the provincial government. Alcan will in due course sub mit detailed plans and descriptions showing crown lands required for flooding or for other 43 Perish In Crash purposes in respect to the works. CROWN LANDS The agreement calls. for the government to sell to the Alum KEY WEST, Florida The inum Company crown lands re- ( Continued on page 4i big Cuban air liner and small United States Navy plane, which collided with explosive lorce over Key West yesterday and Terrace Mother spun into the sea, carried 43 persons to their deaths, it is announced. Water splashed fifty feet into fuming Announcement by the air as the transport, with 34 Today's Stocks 1 passengers on board as well as Sees Her Twins VANCOUVER W) Mrs. Shirley Bilton, aged 21, saw her six weeks old twins Wednesday for the first time since, thjy were born. She and ' her husband, Tom, came down from Terrace to take the children home from a Vancouver hospital. A Royal Canadian Air Force Company Heads five crew members, nose-dived (fourleiij 8. I. Johnston Co. Ltd.! Pay Hike Left Off Federal Civil Servants Wire Member of Parliament E. T. Applewhalte, M P. for the Into twenty feet of water. . The Navy plane went to pieces as it crashed into the ocean two miles west of the transport. It carried a four-men crew. Allies Abandoning North Korea Again TOKYO (CP) Allied troops today abandoned their last foothold north of the 38th parallel in eastern Korea. The Reds are how 20 miles or less" from the South Korean capital of Seoul. Hundreds of sun bathers saw the planes meet at 4,000 feet al titude. fv'TRKAL (CP) Nathanial V. Davis, presi-Aluminum Limited, announced today plans 4 aluminum development in Canadian in- include the development in the Tweeds- 4) k area of British Columbia and construction ci' major hydro-electric power site at Chute I in the Saguenay River area of Quebec at fated cost of $60,000,000. Eye-witnesses at first believed plane flew to Terrace March 14 to evacuate the newborn twins because an influenza epidemic was raging in that town. "This Is the first time we've seen them since they were born." said Mrs. Bilton as she left the hospital with Tiny Judith in her arms. The father carried Jimmy. Skeena, was wired this morning by civil servants here requesting VANCOUVER American Standard .... ' .27 Bralorne 6"0 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 109 Congress Hedley Mascot 48 Indian Mines 28 ' Pioneer '. 2.05 Premier Border .27 Privateer U Reeves McDonald 4-50 Reno '2 Sheep Creek 160 Silbak Premier 45 the Navy plane had blown up while flying alongside the liner However, the Allies are sun m but It was late restablished that they collided. Davis estimated total capital expenditure in North Korea alongside Hwachon reservoir on one end of the 100-mile front. They beat back Red attacks on both sides of the reservoir today. On the western front United Nations troops extended their roll-back to twenty-seven miles in five days. United Nations stragglers fired Great Fight by Canadians ram at $220,000,000 of which $160,000,000 Anscomb Hails Mean Advent VICTORIA Minister of Finance Anscomb today greeted the announcement of the Alumlnuhl Company of Canada 'that it was definitely coming into British Columbia as the forerunner of a Vananda '. 22V2 special intervention In the recent stoppage of the $15 a month allowance given to civil servants in Prince Rupert and the north for salaries under $3,000 per year. This recent cut was noticed by the local civil servants when the under $3,000 wage group found that their cheques did not show the recent general raise of over 10 percent granted in an Act of Parliament. The raise, to range from a 10 to 12 Vi percent increase, was retroactive to December 1, 1950. TheWeather If the cost of the first stage in British la. British Columbia scheme will require more years of construction. "It is currently S'c l" bring in production of first aluminum iii 'ilumbia in 1954," Mr. Davis said. fc'NKVS MESSAGE: ' artillery at point blank range to hold back 300,000 Reds pressing toward Seoul. The western withdrawal from Mighty Attack ! Beaten Off WEST - CENTRAL SECTOR IN KOREA (CP) i Canadian moun Salmon Gold 3Vi Spud Valley Vi Silver Standard 2.35 Western Uranium 188 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.20 A P Con 42 Atlantic '2.85 Calmont 1-25 C & E 12 25 Central Leduc 2.30 possible "industrial revolution" for British Columbia which might well make this the leading industrial province of Canada. above the parallel began at midday. Eighth Army headquarters said (Synopsis) The dry spell is almost over. A weak disturbance moved over the coast last night and there Is cloud in most regions of the province and scattered showers in the Cariboo and along the coast. A more active storm is ap tain warriors, who were f Kciuicy, minister of i "Elasticity in construction 1 wests, . advised the schedule will permit flexible de- not trapped yesterday as had been reported, instead Mercury - 14 Okalta 2.76 Drinoavc 1 AO f wiay that he had velopment program to be de-rt the following wire termined from time to time )n Sw nt R. E. Powell of . iccordanr.e with our estimates Hospital Insurance Vigorously Defended British Columbia hospital insurance was vigor- flilm ComnaniJ of Can-1 r.f nnKsihlo HninnnH filmllnrlv tf Allied troops are "fightmg a magnificent delaying action." MUNSAN FALLS Munsan fell to tire Chinese driving down the main highway from the northwest. The town, 21 miles from the war-battered capital, was the site of an American paratroop landing last month. Royal 'Canadian "'.'.'.".'. .'.. ' .10"2 ' won their spurs by holding their I front and refusing to budge TORONTO I even though outflanked and en- Athona .- B'j circled. Aumaque .21 j It was a kiiock-down, drag-out Beattle '. 4 hnttlo uiltv, wiv iinnn wave of I' ' j it is considered at any time that ; ! fliiusctl to inform you the additional output will not! ani(iU,,ng a decision to find markets the production I '- .. . . llT1l1-lllinlnl.. 1 1 I. 1nn.Unnnl A f first stage develop- coinside with estimates of re- ously defended by J. D. McRae, MLA, in a luncheon Bf7court ' Chinese Communists who did BobJ - 4'everthine but drive them from Buffalo Canadian 26 . their positions in the west-cen- Consol. Smelters H6.00 i tral sector northeast of Seoul. -I me Kemano-Kitimat quirements ana resources avau- address before the Fnnce Kupert Gyro Club 'ai program outlined ' & "The prenrpian is to pro- 'lay. He claimed that the plan had stabilized a chaotic sxiViai(.n of channel ceed with the construction hospitalization situation that had been gradually de- T house cavern suffl- schedule which, if maintained, , . . ., . 1L , l l ' w'.oiio horsepower and win bring first production of i veloping in the province until the plan had come into Most of the withdrawals were made in daylight after Allied forces had held steady against Red night Ume probing attacks. Terrific fire power of American artiiieiy and Allied planes had protected the rear of 'Withdrawing columns. Cut off and encircled, the proaching the coast. Rain and winds are expected on the Queen Charlottes this afternoon. Tomorrow morning there will be rain on the south coast. Temperatures will be slightly lower than yesterday but tomorrow it will be much cooler in ail regions. (Forecast) Vancouver city, Georgia Strait region Sunny today, cloudy tonight and Friday. Intermittent rain commencing early Friday morning, becoming widely scattered showers In the afternoon. A little cooler. Light winds becoming southeast (201 tonight and southerly (15) tomorrow afternoon. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Vancouver airport and Nanaimo, 45 and 55. GALE WARNING North coast region Gale warn on on und und by by late troops fought uuueci installation of aluminum in 1954." , i,.;,,. Tuniiwrv 1 1CH i Mr. Kenney added: I. equipment and 'InCntX For-illl to ...111 "The future industrial success f for annual capacity of Northern British Columbia is Outstanding benefits of the ! ""'y 60 per cent of hospital cast scheme, the provincial member and 40 per cent was being writ-declared, were the elminatlon of ten off. Hospitals generally were the possibility of 'disaster to having difficulty in financing. 4 w 100,000 tons in now fully assured and we can morning cleared the enemy from their rear, beat him off their flanks and held him on their front. The Chinese employed all familiar battle procedures in attackwhistles, bugles, banzai chorus, massed assaults following one another in swift succession, but the Canadians held while others on their flanks were overwhelmed by sheer tmii.. inm.. whlr-h mbh . nuyai juouee iiospuiu in vit- go forward with confidence. My one UWC regret ICKiCt is ia that Limb many iiiaiiv wi of uui our Rist nf RrilioV. r-ni-.m J ... In. n fn, Inntnnnn Vm, 4 mooVldri I bulla, lui iiiotaiiv., nau isowjvu' .vji uuiuill- i - j l , , rKe and Caribbean early pioneers have not survived fmti"g, and "nuT the . a point where it would have to; close its doors because there was ; w'oximately 180 mil- to see justification of their con-f of which 23 million fidence in our future welfare of the north." y year. ing. Cloudy with a few showers pital treatment placing of community hospital finances on a sound footing. It had been the honest and fair thing to Increase hospital Insurance premiums rather than absorb future estimated deficits Conwest 2.94 Donalda f. 50 Eldona 20 East Sullivan 8 25 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.50 God's Lake 39 Va Hardrock 16 Harricana 10 Heva lOVi Jacknlfe 5Vi Joliet Quebec 60 Lapaska 03 Little Long Lac '.66 Lynx 14 Madsen Red Lake 2.12 McKenzie Red Lake 44 McLeod Cockshutt 2.50 Moneta .33 Negus 80 Noranda 77.00 Louvicourt 20 '4 Pickle Crow 160 San Antonio 2.30 Senator Rouyn 17' Sherrlt Gordon 3.70 Steep Rock 8.50 Silver Miller 1.68 Upper Canada 1.56 Golden Manitou 6.85 weight of numbers. They held on today, continuous rain commen- like rocks cing late this afternoon. Cloudy Alcoa Plant no money to pay coal bills. Hospitals were being kept open only by subsidies and in that year of 1948 the province had paid out no less than $2,500,000 in this way. Continuing, the speaker compared costs of hospital operation as between 1948 and 1950. The increase had been from $15,800,000 to $22,000,000 includ BASEBALL- National Boston 6, Brooklyn 5. New York 1, Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 4, Pittsburgh 0. Cincinnati 4, Chicago 3. American St. Louis 6-7, Chicago 8-4. Philadelphia 0, New York 4. Washington at Boston rain. Western International Vancouver 8, Spokane 6.1 Wenatchee 11, Yakima 2. Salem 8, Victoria 2. Tacoma 9, Tri-City 7. Pacific Coast Portland 5, San Francisco 3. Seattle 8, Hollywood 3. . Oakland 6, Sacramento 5. Los Angeles at San Diego-postponed, rain. P Rt'PORl R'vcr Highway In massed hundreds, the enemy assaulted their hill front-ally then from the flanks, then from the rear, but the Canadians held. with showers tomorrow. Little change in temperature. Winds southeast (15) becoming (25) this afternoon and 35 to 40 over the open water by evening. Winds-southwest (25) after midnight, becoming light tomorrow after In consolidated revenue fund : which would have to f i(id the I money somewhere and from j where at the expense of roads 'and highways? debt charges? At Wenatchee i public health and social serv to Terrace Fair f f'asiunally rough. to Dorreen Poor to fl' :l to cars only. , Smithers Fair to noon. Lows tonignt ana nigns ing an increase in wages and ices? grants to municipalities? Mr. McRae traced the events lco "i "'"s", leadins up to the bringing into uu.uuo. mm nuKruua u. plies, $800,000, being of the hospital insurance plan. Since as early as 1928 re tomorrow At Port Hardy, Sand-snit and Prince Rupert, 40 and 50. Three boats have been gill-netting for spring salmon near the Skeena River fishery boundary. A few catches of steelhead are reported caught. More boats are expected in that area this week. ! SEATTLE Aluminum Co, of America today announced that it would build a $50,000,000 aluminum plant near Wenatchee in the Washington Okan-ogan. Agreement lias been signed for power between Puget Sound Power & Light Co. and Chelan county authorities. 30f I win CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. Hon. J. Walter Jones and his Liberal government have been returned by a substantial margin of seats in today's provincial election, early returns Defending hospital boards generally against charges of wastefulness and allowing costs to run away, Mr. McRae pointed out that, while the average cost The English first adopted St. Fishing boat Chief Skugaid is George as their patron saint in quests had been coming in for some form of assistance in hospital financing. In 1948 the government was faced with a climax in the problem of subsidizing hospital operation. The average man was able to meet TIDES f' April 27, 1951 r - :55 19.5 feet !8:34 18.7 feet H:54 4.4 feet - - feet per hospital day at Prince Ru-; in port from Vancouver. Skipper the reign of Edward in, wno pert had risen from $5 In 1948 ( of the 55-ton vessel is Capt. H. died in 1377. (Monday was 6t. (Continued on Page 5) (Llnder. ! George's Day.)