t Prince Rupert Doiiy News Thursday, April 26. 1951 down five good diamonds, to defeat the contract two tricks "As you were saying yester I combination of cards, i Finally he put up dummy's aee of diamonds and took the club finesse at once. Mr. Muzzy Blackwood on Bridi day. Mr. cnampion," said M- r.li .a lit j auie will iett.i tonight for a six weeks" field trip to the Okanagan where she ' w'U paint and sketch apple j blossoms. WTille In the fruit belt! Miss Faure will stay with Mrs. j Willis at Okanagan Mission, neari Kelowna. I T,, "II ! I . ' Mll7:...u. 4 jwon IK. Hn .f olnl,. airf ii, 10 linn c imporiant to himse'f 7 k t . , Everybody's Talking About This Great Razor Ba When Mr. Muzny misplays a hand (and that's not seldom) Mr. Champion really makes it miserable for him. In yesterday's hand Mr. Champion told Mr. Muzzy that it is more important to know- when to employ the hold-up play than it is to know how io illeltelSffig the host of unclaimed baggage. "In this department, we've found everything but the kitchen sink," Hutchings said, "but ; just the other day, we even received that. It came from over- ; seas and was probably left oy some immigrants." ; B-'oks, too. are among articles travellers seem to forget aboa.d trains and their titles include anythiiv' from "True Confes-:io.W to "Paget"? Thesaurus of EngH.-h Words and Phrases." "This place could be a regular gold mine." said Hutchings as he glanced arouiiu at the thousands of forgotten articles. "Although regulations stipulate that the c m;ifuiy must keep each article lor a year alter it is found, we never open the 'trunks or suii-ca-ts. Tory are sold just the way COMPLETE WITH 10 GIIUTTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER! BIG $2.00 VALUE For Only -VS. JERE'S the grcatrst bargain in shaving history! It' the new Oillettr Rocket Razor and the amazing Gillf tie Blade Disposer, now parked in u permanent Stymie travel case. This razor changes blades inst ant ly , shaves like a dream. For tops in shaving fuse and convenience, buy a Oillrtte Rocket Razor -only $1 .29. Instant Blade Changing Ral Shaving Comfort Doubla-Edga Economy iMi I flSV'?';:i am JO U lia is 1 ,1 " Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning : Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE I.IMITFI) Builders & Contractors r.'i.: B ' - .-Sr- hid t:-V o5 1 r . ft""0"11 ' i i II vickers' iondon dry oin :II is listilltl ii tuiii ul listriliteMi Calvert (CANADA) .. . i i. .'a.'.'! 1 t- - .11 Cla.'fificd Advertising is payable Iti advance. Please refrain rimi tf-li-phuning cus,-win. pi r Insertion, minimum charge 5(ic. Birth Notices .iOc. Cauls of Thanks, Uju Fuiii iuI Notlcs. MHI'l iage and K igugeineiil. Aiiliiiiiiiri-iiienlj f'luj SI'KCIAL DISPLAY, IXiUlil.E PKIL'K FOK KALE FOU SALE One 29-f.xit trollliu t'ASh lor scrap cast, i bout. Phone Oieen Bu3. uuai i ii uauwics m , raune can & I'ARS KOK SAl.K I Ciiy. vi-J Yl" r-'' - v dickers' mm , smcc 1 i ""I l . M XTnimriu nnv ftiw I 8 Lost Leg in CN Station Variety of Articles Include Kitchen Sink TORONTO. Somewhere, walking around Canada, there is a man who last his leg la the Canadian National Railways burgage room at Toronto's Union Station. -At least, that's tho only conclusion Charlie Hutch-ings, CNR lost artk'le clerk, can liine to for the artificial leg :i'.s one half of a baggage check icd to It. "lliiw do I know it's a man's eg?" asked' Hutching. "Wei!, I an hardly Imnne r woman b"-ng as lo.eetlul as that. li-jides" lie added, "there was no iik stocking on the leg." Artiiiciai limbs are only one 3f the headaches Charlie Hutcn-.ngs encounters as he sorts :hou.sands of lost articles and unclaimed baggage before they ire sold at public auction. Faiae eeth. bapy carriages, a bath-ub from Poland, counties.; .runks and suitcases and even two Civil War 'words are among LIMITED vT, jr"T . 1 i x; anci MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box S20 330 Second Avenue, Prince Huoert, DC. HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733-5th Ave. W. Black 503 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 - 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 ROME & T.AIIID ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Bcsner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. I, HUGHES D.C 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 r By Easlcy Blackwood South dealer North-South vulnerable Mr. MnlT 8 K 8 6 H K 8 3 J C t 4 l A a Mr. Miitn Mr. Hnlr H- 10 6 H J M I II QS II J tt 4 O KQ8542 U 1 c Kii olds ttr. riiiimiitH A q 1 II A . 7 II J III I I- A J HI 6 'ti.r IjltH'.iiM : HiiiiIIi ttrnl Nurlll (not 1 T IU NT PltH I mairy high cards he could have. Now if Mr. Muzzy had both the king and queen of diamoncs the right play was to imck in dummy and let the ten iu the closed hand win. But what If Mr. Mu.zy had bid on six diamonds to the king or queen. He often does. In th it case Mr. Dale would have a dou-olelon honor and to play low from dummy would permit him to win and fire the suit bark immediately, setting up the remaining diamonds In Mr. Muzzy's hand. Mr. Champion was somewhat ; inclined toward this latter setup. One reason was that when Mr. Muzzy has a long suit headed by the king -queen he !s usually undecided whether to lead the fourth highest or the king whereas in this case he had ; led very promptly. I If Mr. Dale did have a double-' ton diamond honor, the right ; play at trick one, was the a:? l'rom dummy. That would leave ; Mr. Dale with a lone honor and ; when the club finesse was taken 1 and lost ias expectedi the dia-: mond suit would be blocked, j Mr. Champion gave the silua-j lion a lot of thought. He rub-j bed his head, closed his eyes, ; crossed and uncrossed his legs, ! stared at the ceiling and lit a cigarette when he already had i one going. He had a tough d-teiiion, all right. Anybody could go wrong on this particular I LAND RECORDINQ DISTRICT Of I i PUlNl'tt KbfBKT 1 1 TAKE NOTICE that tin. Columbia ' Ollulosi' Company Limited ul Prince ( i Rupert, B.C.. manufacture' of iti-ilulose products. Intends to apply Inr ; a lease of the following aescnbeU Hands, situate In Wainrl;ht lin'iii ; trontini! on Hie Government Reserve 'nd part of Lot 251. Itanije 5. Coai.t I District: v-ommt-ncinK at a post pi ant ml on the North Shore of WiilnriBht Basin about 30 chains East and 30 chains North of the Northerly end of the Canadian National Railway BrldL, across Zanardl Kapids; thence N 7U E. 4a rhalns more or lews to a fimall Island: thrnci- N 10 w 18 chains more tor less to the North shore of WainrC'ht Basin: thr-nce Northerly Westerly and (SiMitheliy following the bhon- line of Waini l ;ht Basin to . point of coinine'icement and contaiu-lllt! 1H0 arres. more or less, lor the purpose of a lot; atorace and sortkiie. area. Dated March 21st. 11151. COI.tiMKIA CEI,I.IIU)SE I t'tJMPANV I.IMIIE1). ti. Mel, lire. Axi-iit. i (Apr5 12.10X0) i:j he THR "MBt'IlANIC'S MEN ACT" ' TAKE NOTICE that lletMnu Ul S. Ounanoot of Ilaelton, BC. liavlm; owed Bob ParLir Llinlti'd of l-rlnee ltii)ert, BC. the sum of iiiK-K) for a period of over thri'e months lor labour and materials bestowed on it 102!) Chevrolet U;:ht Delivery. l4:i Licence No. CStm, Ermine No. 4.r(83. Serial No. 372H01. Model International, the said Hob Parker Limited will offer the said vehicle for sale at Its premises on Third Avenue, p. inee Rupert. B C on Tuesday. May 22. 1B5I. at 10 o'clock AM unless the nald Reginald S Oui.anoot shall RfK.ner pay ui the wild Bob Parkrr Limited the aald aum of dibmi and the eoswi of advertising this Notice. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 18th dny of April. 1061 BOB PARKER LIMITED. (io:n ; -mm 654 25c pn doEcn pid for tmptiti, PIcim luvt them rtady when tkc driver ulli. TKti dvcrtiicmcnl rt not Bubl'thcd Of ditpUytd by die Liquor Control Beord or by Ult Government. of Brrtilh Columbi. A classified will buy, sell or find it. employ it. In today's hand Mr. Muy opened the five of diamonds Let's follow Mr. Champion's thought processes before play- in to the first trick. First Mr. Muswy must have at least" five diamonds for his overcall. 11 was nuite probable that he h id six diamonds as there weren't 1340 Kllnrvrli CFPR RADIO DIAL (Subjec t iu Clmngel THUlUiJAy P.M. 3:3b Llsfnt-m' Choi; l.UO-Thf Sunshine Kocl?!y 4;3J- 23.UO0 Leagues Under the Sea 4:4 titork tiuotalloi'.s 4 :SS- CHC News S:00 Int. Cumty. 5:10 Rawhxe 5:30 Prima Donnas Pinh 'ml Size 5:45 -"Canada at Wurk" iiu- SiiniK-r Serenndi 6:15 -Tex Beueke & Orrh. 'i::mi Musical Vanei'es G:45-Ted Applewhaite '.Ml - I BC News ;:15- CBC News Roundup 7 30 Event. (ie 8:00--To Be Announced 8:3'J-?oints of View 8:45 Radio Cartoons 0:iH)-CBC Vanciuver Conceri On hesl ra 8:3(1 Winnipeg Drama :0:00-CBC News I0:in.-CBC News 10:15 Dateline Edmonton 10:30-Ktan Kenton's Orchestra 11:00 -Weather Report and Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 -Musical Clock 8:00-CBC News 8:10-Here's Bill Goon. 8:15 -Morning Sonf? 8:30 Morning Devotio.is, , 8:45-L!llle Conceit 9:00 BBC News and Comtv. 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 M( ning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:10 Morning Visit 10:15 The Barry Wood Show 10:30 -Mc'odv Time'1 10:45 Musical Kitchen 1 11:00 Kindergarten of the Atr 1 11 :15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period ll:33-Rcc. Int. ll:40Scandlnavian Melodies FRIDAY P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 11-15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 1'2:30B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 This Week's Composer 1:30 Musical Program 1 : 45 Needle-pointers -:0t'-National School Bdcst. i:3l) -Reeoros at Random 2:45 Solo Ouest 3:00 The Music Box 3: 15-Don Messcr & His T.slanders .2:30 Listener's Choice SAFE BUYS 1950 Monarch Sport Sedan 1950 Fod Custom DcLuxe Fordor 1950 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 Ford Fordor A few new Pick-ups in stock Bob Parker Ltd FORI) - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert. B.C. SEE MAC for your . . ', ROOF RE-SHINGLING o? SIDING 'hone Black OfiO (MlBpi For Your PAINTING ond DECORATING See SPENCE&MATlUr? Phone Black 215 (evenings I aJ bi'is """i,.s!r,::ss 1 I ! . ('! I1 '-: , . ptusoMi TASTY TEA HULLS f lamed luuav ami re the Kuuen Batov L IH3 lor oiilem. At COt Mi' 1 public accounts: Tax snrna.ijl, s iiLu,.e UuliUltltt. nr. HELP WASTE A VACANCY JJBii P.iriii pfuarmiMr, of Prince Kuner; aole-otiaied siMit' sitiun of.ers te , with fiee iilu. tn ana (titota s r lor Dark laoor lir mcuuw M m i ies lor reiiniiiaer Totai remune.mil. i- Siououd ws recreation uars tiiat should mi i amtunt. Fu-iiK lars mav be oto-under.-ianed a! Hall and imbibe in niv km, Moncav. Aiml 9 I len S.eta Board. City o! r. Deri. WWTED - AKr'.' sib c a-'i'iil f "r ex-. tv rival and ciistrirU ' 81 l i,'f. Tins ' Unlimiii'ti w.'SiiW'1 l lit- r i"Ht m.i. .. . V;,P;. UK Cloverdaie, Hi W'tMlrO MtlMflf local wlwlww' C,:l oiwuriuiiw lor rxhi ; W. H. Malkin to. W i;l'RD.-MAN GRADr ner am'."111 :'" of Smlthers vu-mrnt VC Off. . fied ready J, Full a of BC. roisters a' ,. Servre Prnlovnien'"" CJi" Office' Aim!''1': "liable infj- 1110 west GeJr-i- couver. 551 J g I FOR SALE - One '48 t,-Um Pick-uu. one lwaO Hilinun l-anel. tlood condition. Prince Kunert Plumbing and Healing. Pliuiie 1(18. 1 101c i FOR RENT 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41. Ill Uienviile Court. ttu FOR RENT Laree briuht un- lurnlslied aoatiment rnvate cam. Adults only. Box 1792. i t9c FOR RENT Furn.Siied aiwrt-' ineiit. To obtain must fcuv fur-' nlture. Reasonable buv. Writ" Hox 90. Daily News. 1 100P i FOR RtSNT Five-room iiauw with batn: newlv decorate .1: tnl stove healer and Hour coverini Reasonable rent. Ao-piv 801 Borden St. tlOO.'t FOR RENT-! 21 51 h East. (98c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Four roomed wartime hou.-e 9!h Ave VV. aL McBiide. Phone Blue H'..i. (tf-ncp IOR SALE Lovely home with harbor view, two iois in mtrdcii aii.l la n. breenlKUl.se, cement basement, furnace, hot-WHier heat ins svstein. ultra in o d e r n kitchen, living room with open fireplace, dining room, and two bedrooms ui). This is a line home and is available Kit' I'ailv Dccunancv. Full price $9(100 00 with $0000 00 down and balance on easv terms. For in.soecl Ion uul further particulars nhone 57 G. l'KHCY TINKKR & CO I.'l I). - Eves, lied 578. Ill' ' FOH SALE Five-roomed house, harbor view. Price S.'iOOO. 122o and Ave. West. Phone Red 154. (991)1 QUICK SALE for cash - 5-room house with basement. Close in. Phone 88 or Red 928. (lOlP1 FARM FOR SALE Two miles from station, one mile from school 80 acres half fenred-18 acres cleared, biu frame house.' rhlcken house, barn. hav shed uond wells. Price.! IV I. ; m,,, .i:!nd and. f-r all I kno'v, ' the l:ucr could be purchasing a suitcase of rag dolls or one liLed with thousand dollar bills. It's strictly a surprise package." ' As scon as the unclaimed items are catalogued andt ready for the auction block during the first week in May, Charlie Hatchings will head for Miami and a well-earned rest 3000 nines away from lost articles and force! :a! people. ; .'l:'5'p!rarfi?5 . .. t1 r' isv " ..f i.fi'i j ii ediiona HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 1.)?. ked 894 P.O. Box 1070 II. G. HKLGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 98 Evenings Black 899 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL coujssrs MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 2in 41h St. Ph. Black 389 ERNIE SINCLAIR PAINTINO AND PAPER HANGING Phone 22 or Black 280 General Delivery 3'liis a.lvertisement Is not puhlislietl or displayeJ by the Liquor Qintrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. . .' 11 i ( " i'r:) ' 1 1' -, LOST LOST At Aero Club dance on Saturday nluht. April 21. Urev fcauaroine uveroui wltn wnne scarf and package ciuareties In rittht nn.iu uocM-t. win je. -son haviiu taken tills coat by mistake please pnone iiieen 894 alter a p.m. iloOpi LOST-Pet duck. Friday. Reward. Phone Ked 4ua. 316 ath Wesi. UOOpt I OR SA1.K NATIONA1XY KNOWN NAMES Lilis-Oelt HlJeeder KIloveN; Cranes: Druiines; Adams Hoad Graders; LitUeford Bros. Biack Tod Road Maintenance Eauioment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Hock Oiamle.s T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders lor Stockoile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Pumns: Na tional Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hotsts; National . Portable Sawmills; Nalionnl Rotarv Screens and Convcvois. Foil Information from National Machinery Co. LimileH. Vancouver. BC. (tf FOR SALE New ai.t. used fur-' nlture- hardware end tables. I chests of drawers, beds c im-Plete. bedroom suites, small size caruetii. field elapses. u..cd lovtciiu bods, sewuv machines, radios and bicvclet.1 also other useful lioiisehol l , articles at lowest pi ices. See B. C. Furniture Co. U ack 'Vil. (tf-CP FOI SAT Er-Three f in'rle windows 3x0'. one triole 0x18', ideal lor earnte or workshmv cheau. Picture table, lovely piece of furniture. Two-!nu nee liotohile. Lady's suli. .sie 18. 13.S3 Frederick St. Plume Red 739. (102pi FOR SALE-12-ft clinker boat. Turner built rtutboard model, extra plank liit'.h new oars, removable flour boats, seats 7. bait locker New Atmust. $250 'ah. Health Unit basement or Black 712. 1 1 1 p i FOR SALE-2!)-ft. salmon trollcr "lovce." eaiiinued with 52 h.n. Gray marine ermine newlv overhauled. Gurdie and cross drive. Phone Blue 05(1. HOOpi FOR SALE One FriRidaire like new. One tricvcle. new front wheel, verv eood condition. One Iron bath Inb. Phone Blue 939 between 0 and 7 n.m. (98c I ?OR SALE- 3-wheel motorevclf : 330 rifle: 410 double barrel shoteun. Cabin behind 1425 Graham Avenue. llOlpi ""OR SALE Tennis raciuct and baseball clove, both In perfect condition. Apply 318 71 h Ave. East. Uf-nci FOR SALE Four spools Lemco "iirdles. new with wire. $90.00. Transmission onrl oilier troll-Inn eear. Blue 924. dOOp) FOR SAI.E-5-room float, hou--e Well finished inside. Can b" seen at New Floats east of Drv Dock. (101p) FOR SALEWohnson Sea Horse outboard motor, 2V hll. Box 85. Dallv News. ( 98c. I FOR SALE -150 chickens S2.00 each. 1805 11th Ave. East. I98pi FOR SALE Pot burner, like new $lsnon. Dresser $25 00. 215 7th West. HOOpi FOR SALE Dnv heri nnd drnn-side couch. Black GG0. (ID FOR SALE Babv bimav. Phonp Red 832 after 6 nnv -MOOn. ! FOR SAI E Davennnrt and chair. 1412 First Overlook. J103RI FOR SALE Beattv wnshln" machine, wood condition, $7iS()(l. Phone Green 504. (ltpi FOR SAT K . Kelvinator friw. Green 491. (102c) FOR RALE Semi-finished house trailer New ehnssi.s. wheels nnd tires. $275.00 cash. 1235 Park Avenue. (101p) . ,. to sell with or without m - wANTEu-;.'u"'p mi u&uxeM MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 3TONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oeo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL, C.A. ROY SHAND, C.A. 353-3rd Ave. W. Box 203 . Phone 88 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branch's 201 4th Street. Phone 655 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1628 For genuine parts and service phone or write above. .'l... BPllilV orv 2-West. - i.: firu'd'"' Hiacnmr ,ne i nd tureTaffert after 2 Dt- car trw "'r H'S)r Terrace M'"" BC. . WANTED - fw male or C altera"1"15' n-0'!' ler. " " STEADY f ieaps Nor ihland H,V P 0- B f'r "'',nlV iili' se - slllDO"' " y rtb'K HELP API '2nd Ave- Store. chinerv. Apply Box 207 Ter- race B.C. (99c ' FOR SALE Five-room house with oil ranee and neater. Cash cr terms. Phone Red 5i.O. ilOOin Vkpaiijs OIL BURNEK SPECIALIST -noil iritove seivice cDuti u Honson. Blac 503 ill ' AftTCH REPAIRS -i'rompt. efficient service. Georue Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction Kiiaran-teed PLl'MBING AND HEATING and sheet metal work. Phone 54J. call 629 6th West. J"1 WANTED TOP MAF.ft.El WANTED - - PRICKS PAID for scnin inm steel, brans copper, lead, etc Honest eradint! Pioiiinl- PllV; ment made. Atlas Iron Metals Ltd.. f50 Prior PLVm- ronver H C. I'lione ra1 6357. (tf WANTED TO RENT Small furnished nojrtment. A J- so''"" way, CP. Airlines. Pone j7,' IIOVSK WANTED WANTED TO BUY A three- or fonr-lx'droom home Willi bas.-mcnt. preferably c"';fer.n iv Have $2000 cash. Box 89 Daily News. (99-nci WANTED to buv house Cash if reasonable. Must be m nrea between the two brides Thone Green 491. Glc