1 HOSPITAL INSURANCE (Continued from page 1) Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, April 26. 1351 t ff- nil '. . umt, i in- i V. 4 : " i I R 9 ECIPES "BULD B.C. PAYROLLS" Salmon-with-Vegetables 1 lb. can salmon 6 small onions V7 PLANNED BLAST NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP) The ' big boom that crashed across' the countryside here was the re-: suit of explosion of 15 tons of dynamite on a highway diversion project. More than 60.000 j sticks, of dynamite were used in j the operation which took months to prepare. , PACipJ BABIES LOVE PACIFIC n I" ' i n i " r Jfi i,doa 3 medium sized carrots 3 tbs. butter or margarine 2 tbs. flour 1 cup milk 1 cup canned peas '2 tsp. salt dash cayenne pepper 2 cups seasoned mashed potatoes. i Hoiuogenii'd loi easier digestion. I J always uniturmly good, racmc Milk is recommended by doctors or infants' formulas. Increased, Vitamin D content makes It a 'ita' food necessary for builcj- W mg strpni healthy bodies. -Oetf Paf'flc Mi'k for ynnr baby nHay"" Cook the onions In boiling salted water for 10 minutes and j.iiii. Cut the Carrots In strips and cook iiv boiling salted water for 10 minutes and drain. Melt the butter or margarine, and stir in the flour, add milk, liquid na cil trom the salmon, and the seasoning. Cook until this white I PACIFIC MILK 11 'i 'iiiw mlvi-rtin-mi'iit w int pulilistieil or displnyeil by the l,iiiiir (.'iiiitml board or liv the ( 'mvi'rniuent of 1'ritu.h Cluiiil)i. - 3 j sauce is thickened, stirring constantly, brean the salmon in pieces and combine with the unions, carrots and peas in a 5iia..uw baking, citsh. Pour the -auce over and, liute the mash-' ,ii puiavoes in Uuee strips on ne tp. iJa..e in a moderate oven Canadian Pacific Airlines Announce ue recs V.i about 30 min-ntes, or until the potatoes are browned. Eight servings. NOIE: Pink salmon can be used in tuts recipe, in mt interests oi economy, it lias an the foou- value ot ant oann.iu, and is less expou.s.vc. Matured tnd Bottled to t3 in 1950, formerly the cost ' had been based on mere hos-, Pita! care whereas under hos-' pital Insurance such costs as X-ray, drugs, etc., were taken care of. So, if hospital costs were fairly analysed, it might be found that they had risen possibly only about 10 per cent. And anyone In bus.ness must realise that that was not an exorbitant increase. If there was believed to be waste in hospital operation, It was something the local boards could control. Turning to the Prince Rupert General Hospital , Mr. McRae pointed out that there had be:n an Increase In admissions from 2145 in 1948 to 3458 in 1950 witn an increase In total operating costs from $153,000 to C275969. The speaker also upfendeil the medical profession. There might have been individual eases of lack of co-operation but he declared his belief that "the doctors, as a wnoie, arc co-opcratins." One aim in connection with Hotpital Insurance, he declared, was to give short and early periods of treatment and save lives rather than Ion? periods of hos-p.taiization under hopeless circumstances. "BCIHS in no way wishes to keep people out of hospital," he declared. The American Hospital Association had recommended 4.5 hospital beds per thousand us an Ideal level of hcspital bed accommodation. British Columbia now had 5.8 beds and in twu years would have 7.6. But all this cost money and this year the bringing In of 500 new beds in British Columbia ..ould invoive an expenditure of $1,9(10,000. Last year a deficit of $2,500,-000 had been budgeted for in .lO.pilai In.surancc but the defi-ifi ai.iiialiv amounted lo $4,000,000. And further increases In . casts must be anticipated during t lie coming year. Mr. Mcliac a.u;ctl his listeners that ' the increase in h,r,-pital insurance premiums 'an.l the imposition of co-iivjuraiK is net meant to provide the funds lor past dc'lcts, already taken care of out of con so i-dated revenue but to ta!:e ca:c Of future deficits. Turning to provincial financing generally. Mr. Mellae analyzed provincial expenditure 'if W 18,000.000 as brought down in trie" budget including $30 500.000 In social service and public health, $17,000,000 edacation $17,000,000 debt charges, $12,-000,000 government services on; administration of justice, $12 -000000 grams to municipaiiti."rs and $21,000,000 public domain MUNICIPAL LIBRARY ROUYN, Que. (Cr) Major Maurice Coauette announce 1 that a municipal library iui-Rouyn-Noranda is included In in J England Irmj. IT.'flL "" mill plans for the new court nuu-:e building to be built this year on the boundary line between tne two municipalities. The Que'jcc government is aiding the DOUBLE CENTENARY Two hundred years of living are represented in Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Denault of Slwrbrookc, Que. Mrs. Denault celebrated her loi.st Imthdny on April 16 and hir husband will be 100 on May 2. Married"-78 years, they have oi'U'vcd six ct thjir 13 childicn. Eolh are in govd lieallh. . (CP PHOTO) INCREASED SERVICE TO VANCOUVER Saml-.pil ami Prl Harrtv EFFECTIVE APRIL 30, 1951 j I Monday - Thursday - Saturday LEAVING 2:10 M. (Pacific Standard Timet i F-r Resrrvat dns and Information '; PHONE CANADIAN PAV1IIC AIHUNKS N. 75 OR VOl It TltAVI I. AtiliNT 5 ROYAL NAVY t VI E R A R A RUM Jsomcnl is not published or displayed by the Liquor Board or by the Government of British Columbia Jubilee Hospital in Victoria. Mr. Meltac answered a number oi rjiie.sticns, agreeing with n o ub-erviition that Prince Ru-iK-ri. ivas bi'int; discriminated !''.-fi!i-.t toL.iy by having to pay he air.c premiums as the rest of t!-n province whereas it was !V)t. - deriving the full service wh'lo i ; costs were lower. Pre-iiient Don Forward was In the iehair. He congratulated Mr. M.'Rif for his courage in tak cm might be more like 20. Meantime, he outlined efforts th.i; were being made by I he ciivcri:-mrnt to briny evcry::ne into th" .scheme lncluciiiv; compu'so'y payroll deduction provision. Mr. McRae defended the cj -insurance provision, do.-iar.i;': that, if it had not been invo-evl. the premiums would have had to be further increased and he believed that co-insurance w:'s already having a deterrent effect on -any tendency to make of the hospital a "free hotel." For instance he had been informed that there were now 40 empty beds in formerly crowded Royal ; V Local Firm- . I In Nanaimdj Watts &i Nifkmson of crlhc Rupert ard negotiating tbt"l3ie,i purchase of a men's fcrid.urb1; en's wear business on ,!ommer- , clal Street in.Nanairno,.-it ; be- 1 kW2uSw v-W1' : I . Mi osai fcA tm j . I'rtON'K EEN C84 I (IK LDING ll types trial .Welding ing, the initiative in defending F.CIIIS and acknowledge the ef-ltctive manner in which he wis ioi-knr; alter the interests of his ' i i'."tit s jn Virt ar.a. FRASER & PAYNE COMPANY came known tbdtjf. .'5 ""' The business It that of' H. F. Noel, who for many years was In, the men's furnishings business at Smithers before he was burned out some seven years ago and moved south. ' W. M. Watts, formerly of Friday and Saturday Specials (public works, etc.). and $5,800,- VriHfj for Prince Rupert, would move from Vancouver to Nanalmo to take personal charge of the store there. "7 rrce m.hnn" DRAPERY SPECIAL if fnd Gentlemen Fridav and Saturday are the last two days for .our Drapery Special. NG tailor 000 for hospital insurance. Mr. MoRae compared the benefits of ECHIS with other group Insurance plans such as Blue Cress. 1 lie most disastrous .situation a family in Prince Ru-r it could face In a year under ..CHIS was $32 (premium plus co-Insurance' whereas, without the plan, a family could be faced with thousands of dollars of hospital bills. NON-PAYEHS As for the complaint whicH might be hearti that many people were not paying their hospital insurance premiums, Mr. McRae felt that the estimate nl the government that 10 per cent might still not be paying was mall. He was inclined to believe that the percentage of non-pay - ESKIMO DELEGATES ST. JOHN'S Nfld. (CP) T'VO Eskimo delegates from Labrador and North Bonavlsta spoke In their native tongue at the recent fishermen's , c o n e n tlon here. Speeches by Martin Martin and Jerry Slllett urging formation of a fishermen's union nxi-o murlr. in the Eskimo tongue LADIES' SLACKS - AH woo! man-tailored, Ladies' Slacks i-i a variety cf greys, fawns and browns. ALL SI.FS IN STOCK MEN'S HATS Oi-iiiiii, fur felt hats made by a lead-ini; Canadian manufacturer. All new Spiinc; shades, smart styles. Priced at Phone 649 LADIES' SKIRTS All weel gabardine tailored skirts Assorted shades $795 MEN'S SOCKS Bubstandards ol cotton and rayon in assorted colors 2 pairs for QQ 1. Shines brighter than everl IMER and translated by another dele 2. Shines longer than ever! 3. With ess polishing! S. C. JOHNSON SON, 1TB. - rn,f.rd, 0n..rl." gate. e Rupert For a -tion ubc News classifieds 1 KA1I,S FOR ancouver i Jiilcrinidiale I'orls i Kh Thursday l 11:15 p.m. I ' 1 KETCHIKAN WSHAV MI)M.I!I L'ry at Low Cost 'efQ$fiw(f as spring. I Write or Call i' HV UK Kr.i'oi I'lUNLt, .vU'i'E'U, B.C. MING and ti 'EATING I Pliable and rPt Service Y3u K now 174 " "1 Alterations lEIkinsLld. Bx 274