occurred. "A luvirite Iivuin ut the deceased, The Old Kugcu Lacrosse' was sung." a Prince Rupert Daily News ASTHMA As I See Friday. August 31. 1951 ray.. Reflects and Reminisces : ltiK !ts share of criticism. from ZIT'I. "'""v. m.' : the standpoint of lack of neat- ntv it -r , J" i 1. I ness and alt that, but far greater uuy. o.x. m.js ''''Jt cities do not escape. The presj An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding ol Prince Rupert and Northern and Antral British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. U. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Of t more of Washington declare broad f; H (j'7r - lawns ragged and untrlmmed. way Ornanvental pools are muddy Some of us remember, back when a child who was un- and weedy. The Montreal Ga Sy Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c Per Year, co-oporalive was taken to the zette laments inexcusable care- $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 woodshed Instead of to a psycho- : i(s,,n(.;. A streets made practl- Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dai!y News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Biiuijsi.. mn.ir.in-.i ..v cany unwaiKHDie, grouncw Btiwn Record, with papers, bottles and cartons, and acre of weeds including SO FAIR poison Ivy. late summer sea, along the j Talent Advertises AFRICAN PIONEERS ihores of British Columbia can bo all the fond fancy hop.d for The Orange Free State in Af- Bulrlc wa? l entered by Euro ticula.lv t:ue of thi season. i - peuns about the year 1750. thti-e is ano'.her picture few think about or even dream of, when dtvp water U culm and sunsets have the spell of beauty. Gen. Ike Half Right GEN. EISENHOWER ; has told the U.S. Congress that there is only one answer to the so-cali-ed "German problem." I There must be a federal union of Europe, he says. That is. one great federation of Europe must have a common . citizenship . and one defence force for the whole union. ! The genial Ike admits thai some 01 his military colleague. will think he is "half crazy" for suggesting this. He docs not ro into details, but hU implication is plain. Some of the Bia.ss Hats in Washington take as dim a cow about creation of a new, view as the Brass Hats in Mos- h Type,, Let Ui Sol,, CLOSE INVESTIGATION A m.'inber of the Scottish Air Cadets gets some help from Canadian and US. counterparts while inspecting the intake of a Sabre fighter plane at the Canadian National Exhibition. The Scottish cadets are repiesenting Brita.n in the diill competition at the "Ex." competing against an Amtr::an squad and a Canadian team of boys from Maritimes Air Cadet sauadrons. (CP PHOTOi Tour Printing fc no.Nfc at Dibb Printfe Venereal Ills Controlled STEADY NERVES This is when one awakens to suddn shoc'.t and crash, and pessibly some cases, thrown from that luxurious bed. Or'else, away forward, there's a feeling of ice watei. This is an tinergeiuy demanding plenty of presence of mind and self control. It is reported there was no panic in that collislun yesterday, but those new to the hazards of the ocean, even mid happiest of circumstances, might huve been excused hud they been o. lil'.SNI R B1.IK Call 361 By New Antibiotic Successful treatment of three of the major venereal diseases nours Dosages of one gram and by terryamycin, a wide-range of two grams of terromvcln pro-antibiotic, is described In a cluced equally good results, group of five new clinical stud- Xnere were oniy 13 reiapsM. The C2 uinteu Europe, fully armed and able to stand up to both of them. t WHAT GENERAL IKE has told Congress in 1951 is along the same lines as what I have oeen saying through the press and FOB RET I Kit . , , Planning Suilding j- Repairing radio of Canada ever since 1938. .,;r u " ",,ame researcn team ODiainea 1 cuie rales of 95 t0 98 Pr ce,lt : Many other ordinary people, like , . , , . 1 111 one scrles of 177 cases of ln treaUng second group of myself, long since saw that the oniy way to keep Germany from 80IU)rrnea. a primary cure rate 260 gonorrhea cases by means of upsetting the applecart in Eu- 01 92 ti pi'r cent was obtaineci bv b'h terramycin and another Dr' Loul T- Wright and i group wide-range antibiotic, aureomy- rope over and over aain was Newsboys had a windfall yesterday. Thy Daily News was on the street about the same time the steamships Frlnce Rupert and Princess Kathleen with more than it hundred tourists, and other visitors a. rived and all hungry for the latest. Some bought half a dozen copies each to mail away. to shnlkh rivil n-itinnnliim 011H ul dMuviaws at naiKHl nus- cm, On a comparative DOS1S baiance-of-power politics pital, New York, giving terra- lhe.se drugs, they concluded, mycin by mouth. "Highly grati- "are agents of choice in the fish vkxit fcife Here'i an idea for those d,iyi when you Irel like goii duKii to ileal willl the liOi it rinully. Inltrpul s 1 11 U hIio, with ijie.ir in li.iud Antl web mi fHit, cli.ise hsh in houthetii waters, f in now increase their range will) aluminum harpoon gum. Alimiinum is used txcause it is light and rinci nit rust T licse arc the main rcav.nu tsliv tliit inrial u mi popular, un.I why Mian is busy with piujius tsliiili are planned to iiuiiasf (.anala' iio(liuiion to jon.(HN) tmis a year. Ahum-mini ( ouipaiu; ul Canada, l id. (AU..11). tying ' results J were - - obtained treatment """-" of gonorrhea." Un- But SI RELY NO SIN in, which must be half rij surely ireiv General ueneral Ike ike is 13 only only . ght. No federation of wutn ds wne" glv?n to 20 , Ilke Penlc111 Patients sufienng from lympho-, injected Europi Europe alone Ls now int intramuscularly, thev western LOCAL talent in the past has done a lot for the locality from which it stems. In fact, quite a few small centres have been "put on the map" due to outstanding local talent which received sudden recognition. Prince Rupert has been on the lips of a lot of people this month due to our' local talent, for in three different parts of America in as many different competitions, this city's representatives have competed in contests of wide-spread interest. And even across the "big pond" people have been hearing a little about Prince Rupert, for a member of a British Columbia choir, touring Britain all summer, is from Prince Rupert. If, then, we are interested in good public relations getting people to learn more about Prince Rupert we should not forget that local talent can play a large part in obtaining the recognition we desire. And Now Housing FOLLOWING two years of continued strain for action by this city and by this newspaper, a housing scheme for Prince Rupert may finally be adopted if a fair building price can be found. Now, a lot has been said about the difficulty of building in Prince Rupert, but it appears that the situation is not nearly as bad as it has been painted. Following a survey by a government housing engineer yesterday, he remarked he was pleased with the sites and could foresee few building difficulties. The government housing authorities have assured us they will seek by tender the lowest bid to build 50 units here. The sites have been approved, and the main points of the housing agreement between the three levels of government also have been approved. But we are dubious that local contractors will ring a bell on this job, if their bids will be higher than those tendered by Vancouver contractors. But we don't think there should be any reason for such big differences in building costs between here and Vancouver as indicated in the past. Our labor which is the greatest cost is no - higher. Lumber shows only a slight difference in costs. Naturally, it would be an asset to keep an extensive building program such as is mooted in our district. It might be well for local contractors to sharpen their pencils for once. Housing authorities have advised the city that capital investment on rental houses must be recov n u u granuloma venereum, a virus- may moil be ra taken-by roLfan. hitt mmilh mouth practical politics. If Uiu-le Sam caused venereal malady which causule. considered an imoort S iiiietimes things will become1 hcptlessly mixed, and there is p.c explaining. Tl.j less the better, unless its the frank admission that other, instead of the proper thoughts were in mind. Anyway, most of us love sport, and often argue about it. For examDle. a funvrai fervlce ceed he will have to join it him- "ai nunerto Deen unsatisiao--. ant clinical advantage. &elf. He can't just tell Europe tory and discouraging to treat," 1 Lympho-anuiuma venereum, MITCHE it is a good idea for Europeans only. The obvious answer of with with a a total of 43 or climatic bubo, is reported in experience creasing in virtually all coun- cases of granuloma inguinale, a third venereal infection, is also reported by this and another research team. ; Europeans is, "If it's such a good j idea why don't you join up your"-1 seives?" j ir;,s. One reason ror ns ;ni,ract-; was belng printed not so long ability to treatment has been I agt., in which the following line LIMITED Builders t ('win. "The discoveiy of antibiotics ! tf-it '.a cauiatTve agent Is a !i ihe HUME conference on world government, held in : wltn suc" remarkable spectra ; virus a microbe so smail as to April 1951, I spoke against the and ease of administration De almost Invisible under t.:t piecemeal federation of EuroDe. ! brin8-s eradication of widespread:- - - (Continued on page 3) rflITj I argued that it was sending a venereal disease within" the boy to do a man's job and said: i realm of possibility," the Wright' "Surely Britain will not join ! BrouP. reporting -on their , any federation which would tend '.studies, told the Symposium-on to detach her from the rest of I Recent Advances in the Study the British Commonwealth Can- 01 Venereal Diseases, held in ada will not join any Trans-1 Washington, D.C. - Atlantic federation unless her' Gonorrhea, in particular, is: I next door neighbor, the United one of the most prevalent, trou- ; PLUMSK and HEAR States, is also a member. Also, ble and ancient of human and annexions, its incidence The Reliable c a federation of Europe, in which , Britain . was not a member, i would be dominated by Germany." I , NO MATTER how the United I States, and other countries, j may try to dodge the issue, j there is only one answer to the i great crisis of our times. CANADA'S GREATEST RotoiyuuHVie. PICTURE MAGAZINE dislribution are unaffected ty geography, climate, season, agn, race or sex. Its complications may be extensive and 1 incjude sterility, semi-invalidtsm 'and the blinding of babies born of infected mothers. In the series of 177 cases' already mentioned, bA'terial cultures from patients were nega- Prompt Serr You Knew PHONEj; VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p m., Coquitlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ' ss. Coquitlam August 3, 17 and 31 FOR SOUTH QUEEN That is a world federation a For Repairs ind AH j brotherhood of man, with a ; tive revealing elimination of j democratic world parliament, I the gonococcal bacteria which ; elected by the people themselves, i cases the disease within 24 Smilh&Ek r 0. bi si DEI! j and a world police force ade-; quate to deal with any attempt CHARLOTTE ISLANDS to upset international peace. I ss. Coquitlam, August 1C and 24 9 p.m. FRANK 1. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 will be E25li ered at a rate of eight per cent per year. So it is ' ouite evident that unless the units can be built for around the $9000 mark which would create a rental of $720 a year Prince Rupert people will hardly accept the proposal. FLYpfQ .CORPS fj ' i 1NDJA TEJk i ' Britain's Povnl Flyme Corps India's tea crop in 51948 was Was formed in May, 1912. estimated at 590,000,000 pounds. to the big uncle Sam is blundering and fumbling toward such a goal right now but on his trial-and-error way there he is making Just about alf the mistakes that it is possible for a big power to make. ; The truth of the matter, however, is that no matter how sauve and skilled the U.S. leadership might be, rather than crude and clumsy as it now is the basic grievance would remain. On our side of the Iron Curtain, the policies which are driving us toward war, or peace, are I made by Uncle Sam. In other undatun For the MEAL that REFRESHES I 1 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING Men's and Boys' Clothes and Shoes Good Weorinq and Very Reasonable in Price MEN'S SUITS All wool, nJW styles. Perfect fit. Now $35.00 tn $43.50 .MEN'S GABARDINE COATS All size and good shades. Nrw $25.00 MEN'S ALL-WOOL TWEED SPORT COATS Good fit. All sizr-s. Only $17.75 PANTS Hundreds of pairs to choose from for men and young men, all sizes. Best tailoring, good fit. Prices far below regular. Now $6.00 to $12.75 MEN'S WORK PANTS Heavy weight, good fit. All sizes. New $4.25 MEN'S DRESS AND SPORT SHIRTS Big selection. Now 82.25 to $4.45 MEN'S SOCKS Best Canadian Makers. For dress and work. Now 50c to $1.25 woras, even ln Canada we are likely to be plunged into a war which might be prevented if we had the same kind of responsible government on the international level that we have inside Canada. So Ike is only half right. He is right to tell Europe you must federate or perish. But he would be just as right, and a whole FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE STARTING SATURDAY SEPT. 8 48 pages of sparkling ROTOGRAVURE! it 20 pagei ot the best comics in full color! (Regular Sunday Sun comics increased to 20 pages), A World-wide photo news coverage! i Top flight feature stories by Canada's most ; famous writers! The new Sun Weekend Picture Magaiine I is en exclusive additional Sun feature. It will not replace the regular Sunday Sun MACAZINE SECTION. No other week-I end newspaper offers such outstandinf I value! IVJIJilMl.lTT-m lot more effective, if he said to the U.S. Congress all democracies must federate or perish. ISLAND GROUP - r J The Fiji Islands noun of New- & ALL YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS Now availabfe on we sw Zealand Include about 322 islets. jhanfc BOYS' CLOTHES Pants, Sweaters, Underwear, Windbreakers, Shoes, Tee and Sweat Shirts BOYS' PANTS For dress and school, all sizes. . Now, from $2.75 to $5.50 BOYS' TEE SHIRTS, now 95c BOYS' SWEAT SHIRTS, til sizes, now $1.65 BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS, all sizes, now $1.45 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS, size 2 to 6 '95c BOYS' AND GIRLS' RUNNING SHOES Selling out below cost HUNDREDS OF OTHER ARTICLES AT REAL REDUCED PRICES Moke sure that you are in the right store! Look for the Big Siqn! I j Sunday Sunfp fhe exciting I -DECCA 45's- ot Rupert Radio and Electric '7 "VI . r; 0 ... IUP: I., ,, . rio"' I 159 to 2. I BICCEST, MOST EXCITING WEEKEND j READINC VALUE IN CANADA! j j ORDER NOW ! I From your new dealer or Sun representative. f I MARK HILL, Northern Distributors. Phone 640 I I Dally & Sunday, delivered hy carrier $1.25 per month. I 'SELL i ! Buy TC. J. Hi hop and ave at Wmmy tym$ '. ft j