AIR PASSENGERS n ii iCe Mipeif uuny iNeV.3 Friday. August 31, 19bl Long service With Red Shield Blackwood on Bridge By Eosley Blackwood CANADIAN FORESTS CITY CESSION Canadian forests are estimal- Hong Kong was ceded to Brit-td to cuver 1,290 960 square, ain as a crown colony by the miles. ' ! Chinese in 1841. five King mirror finish BAKE PANS CUSTARD CUPS UTILITY PANS - easy to $ ' PIE PLATES MEASURING rrc- Canadian aviation companies carried 1.211149 passengers In 1949. PORTRAITS Films Developed and Prlr.led i PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STl'DIO 21G -4th Street ' Box 645 Phone Green 389 ' J Prince Rupert I ' "Everything happens to me," moaned Mr. Muzzy as he went down one on this hand. "Look how those INDIAN CANALS Thompson Hardware Co LsMMMIllllllllMii't'iMIPIIIMllWlllilt mi i ' AROUND THE OFFICE SMALL TALK . . . - - - s. ttr"----: :v y.f all in one hand." South dealer Both sides vulnerable . Ninth Olr. Cktomilon) S A it H H-10 a 5 D-J J 10 9 4 c a 4 IVet fust (Mr. IMIe) (Mlli. ,,.,, b li uo 8-J' lu 1 4 3 H K J H O H 7 I :l lk g g a 1.1 is one cv-u io 7 a i C J u 3 Hmith (Mr. Mil) S K 5 3 H A 2 1-A 7 5 J C A K 5 f The bidding: smith vtcst rtii Kant P "si a " Puss NT AH puss . . monds. Mrs. Keen showed out, playing the deuce of spades, Mr. Muzzy played low, as did M,Da'Gr?d" Mr- Mll'f' lrefallfd the. ,ul1. Imprtrm. the ately he played the jack ol dia monds from the board ami ducked It. ' "I'm handing you a trick," he said angrily to Mr. Dale. "Uu ahead and take it!" "A bomb vnn slionlH h;in,l The total length of India's boat and irrigation canals is; about 30,000 miles. J j ' ( 1 ! i J ri ! Seagram's "83" c? ,. c - 'I "Psst, Tom . . . get a load of the Tiling (he boss' wife hired as hi ni w secretary . . f FARMERS ALL Agriculture is the occupation j of 92 per cent of Pakistani . population. ' WATER tells the truth about... SKY t Put Seagrum'v "83" to the water test. Tor water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to trie whole truth about any whisky. Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S and bt SURE.. i ol the fined diamonds were divided Mr. Champion pointed out that the division of the adverse diamonds had nothing to do with the case and that three no trump was cold against any de-i fense. It started out with Mr. Dale opening the six of clubs and Mr. Muzzy winning with the king. Now at this point there is on'y one correct play. In order to make the play, Mr. Muzzy had to be able to count as high as nine and he had to be willing; to give up practically all chance of making four-odd. two requirements are fairly easy and, although it might be close, I would say Unit I Mr. Muzzy could qualify on both counts. However, there is one more thing, Mr. Muzzy had to recognise the need for the j play. This he failed to do. j At the second trick he led a small spade to dummy's ae and pulled out the queen of dia- SEE US FOR . . . Hoists, AU-Steel Dump Dodles. Winches all shws. Heavy and Light Trailer Frames and Wheels. Power Take-Offs, , All Certified Operators for high pressure and general welding INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. !'!." -1st K. Phone Green 884 "How about (filing down fur collet. Agnes. The boss won't be In 'till noon." BOATS Kill SALE (C'LOSIKB TIME IB a.m. n day or piililit alion) CloMifled Adveitl .lng U payable in advance. Pica .e telraln Ii om t. lci.limiiug a. Word per Insertion, minlmuir. charge 50c. Birth Notices Oue. Curds i f lli.mks, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement. Ani.ouiiiTmi.nis $'W SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUliLE PRICE. ' 'arl 1,1 mo- 11,1 W!1S Plwintei1 Mr. me," grinned Dale. "You hand. , FiHtl Secretary for Canada, on play your I'll play mine." And he followed with tRe six-, Jlly 5 194d-spot. j Colonel B.'st married In 1913 As you see, Mr. Muzzy was able t Captain Louise Keid. They to get only one more diamond huve three children. Two sons trick, the ace. Thus he won only' served overseas with the armed eight tracks. Voices, and the daujlii .. r is a Of course the correct play at i cnistereii nurse. trick two was the ace of dia- ' " monds. Diamonds should then taken four diamond tricks if be continued until the king is you'd started on them right knocked out. The ace of spades away must be preserved in dummy at .. d four , y dfamond?nC" V v;,wn t wiUin t0 e uo up diamonds. king of dlamollda as a saft,,y "Muzzy," said Mr. Champion play so you give up the whole sarcastically, "I would like to hand." Thi. advertisement Is not published or displuyed by Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. FOR SALE - 30 ft. sail boat. 8 ft Kik f 7; beam, draws 4' it.. !mki nauare .,.,,, ' ,. .. '' It. of saiLs, 4 cvhndi-r niaiiin' iiuii.ih cmune. Sleens tnree. Lavatory i ' ' oil stove and to .kills ti-i n- ' 41 U-IUUVK I AkS sils $:.i(lt) c,ii.h. Anolv Knur ' ill tui nunc i , Winils." Prince linnet t Yacht ' Club nil t)i A NKW HtT $1500 4tl' cabin cruiser "Or-1 aiiit'iiia11 ""' inle": 90 liiiiver.c!: comnlele,' - - ... readv to bo Mooted at Yacht r' IH KKNT-Onw Cluo. Box 179. Uallv New.t. i ' unit-li'rs. i (2'jjci ; l'ii'iiie time we i inc. PI P.SOVAL COUPIJ; will mana -e or run on WATCH Hr.PAiUS-liares or hi'H small hot! or it-nut mivi - (i give you some information, I would like to tell you that Hires no trump calls for the taxing of nine tricks." "I know that," replied Mr. Muzzy sullenly. "Then tell me," Mr. Champion asked, "why did you try for 10? You had two club tricks, two spades and one heart that's five. And you had a five-card diamond suit missing only the king. That means you could have Colonel. Gilbert Best, 'Field Secretary of The Salvation Army in Canada, was born In Carbon-: ear, Newfoundland. He became an officer from St. Joint's I Corps, prior to which he taught fchojl for three jvurs in St. John's. He received his training as a Salvation Army officer in j 'iVront-1, and was commissioned j in 1903. He served In three field appointments In the Canadian i jr. U1, following which came! ! appointments " Territorial! ! headouu'ters, in the Chief Scc-i lelary's office and tile Field1 I)i riart-nei.t. Fir Mm years, the Cnlnnl srrved in Divisional offices at I Tun nto and Vancouver, and also I :,p''n; a neriod as Private Hrcro- tary to Commi tinner Richards, ji-ivin til's tipp lininfnt, he was .apixiinted Chancellor for the Vanit John, Hamilton and Toronto Divisions successively. ' In 1025. Colonel B".st heram" Divisional Commander lor 'the Ottawa Division. Other Divls on- nl commands followed at Lotted .ii, Montreal-Ottawa Divisions; and in 1039, f illowinsj tlie move-in "lit. of the Canadian Arrny overseas, he was appointed H rreta'y for War Services in Canada from which work he returned to the Montreal Divi-lon "Nuts." said Mr. Muzzy. "It certainly was," Mr. Champion agreed. Notice In hifrcbv ffiven tnat on the 12th day of. September next the undenitKiied lntfnds to apply to the .'A ' . ' , l RIID5, issued In n'Tt of premise! belli part of a building known ns Helmont Hotel situate at 72ft and 727 Third Avenue West, prince. Kuperl. British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 5 and 6. Bliick H2. Section 1, Map 92n Prince Rupert Land Reif-tral ion District, of the Province of British Columbia, from John Hosklns to Belrupert Hotel Limited of 404 Randall BuildliiK, 535 West Georgia ytreet, Vancouver, British Columbia, tlie transferee. Dated this 11th day of August, A D. lUfll. BELRUPERT HOTEL LIMITED. (ail) Ji .vtm war', to sen ft, n;ivert:s BLONDIE Zipper Loose Leaf Binders We have a complete selection of school supplies Fountain Pens for School $1.95 Sheaffer Fineline Watermans . . AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE Saturday, Sept. 1st at 2:15 p.m. To be he'd in Smith's Warehouse (Opposite Naval Itiill Hall) Corner 1st Ave, ami Miilrklr 'Consigned to us for immediate sale as follows: Beautiful Walnut Bedroom Suite (spring-filled mattress), perfect condition if I ; Kill HIA J mi iict. ha-.i; li'iil. lll.t.P AM WAN I ill) ... lt-..o l! l-.ul t'.lk'! ' ilt:L iUilIKH):'', BU llliHHIj. AtlliiV d WAN 111) l'n;i,f 3 ililuhy Kt'!ii Ju' i.-:n-r. h 'jr. .) : Alllnv fti-- i Ha trance of lA AN i ! I) Ci.,h;er piv Hri.acvc.iv MUSIC tsiiuon 23 'Jeieuaullc Ku.'us Olira ilii. - i.' 1 r. .i ' ii:i r .- o;;t pi ,uiT Ku:t'r! B. -ck. hours 8 ! Ailrlic..s aiHji.''a hunit-wmuK fc l Ci;v Titnatttrr m exoc.'ti'd. eyjf-ii i.e. m.irita! -''i in -ai.n'v aT'er i m-i vii e jt sj1.!;; HELP WASTED - tor iviit-rai lajri-1 ulv in mr.-ci. i ' i ( 1 1 1 1 ir-L'ar.daw.'. . WANTED Taxi if" li2 Taxi WANTFD - S'enn ( iili-nnie (-rnpi-v Kiiueti K.uli( iii MAIDS re.ii:irerj :s i.iiindrv ai:t J-J t iinn ruli ! '' : Pt iti-e Huiirrt s -per tii'in'ii If 51 ' and Imi il an;V-'-to M.i1 roil M""' Iiu.,uit:i!. Praia !i p un rs or -lit.'' r so that a r-rn-.i steaiii-hf.i'i" ' can be ub',na. noiiini i'i e S'l'i ' nfter tin1 ill" .. t s.h r,i rrci rart". C J relarv. T.riat ' E0YS OR G Opcllli:'"! for V on Pally Nr various parts APPLY AT or Special W for Good S" N0Cc i n nJiilis " ' r (in. islanJ 5 Channel . " Bv CHIC $JL75 coffee bar Lxuet len i ii, Reuiy to Box 182. Dully News. i20&ui THE SEPTEMBER 1 Kuturdav Evenina Pos. con'aiii a, Lnj article on tlie Coiumbia Cel-IuIosk plant at Port i, To be sure of a conv net it tarlv from mir newsstand I i;'t:Trl 1 GIVE the fo ks hi home n tri-a! : . pet one of our HoltriottF i cakes or oles Ruoert r iki'iv Ltd. Phone 641 fur order, 'tft ACCOl NT VNTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax siH-ciaiust. fc. o. Fork. i t(iieBuilditia. Red fiU3. 2imi' WANTED WANTED 35 calibre Winchester I ammunition, tuiv ruiaiititv. Write Box 131), Daily News. tl-nd WANTED TOP MARKFT PRICES PAID lor scran nop. Steel, bra.s. copper, lead. etc. Honest tfradme Pronmt mv-ment made. Alias l:on 6i Metals L'd.. 2i0 Prior K! Vnn-couver. B. C. Phone PA.iiii' ' 6357. dt. ; CASH for sewn oust, brass, copper, batteries and ladiaiors, Ph-ne Call 023 61 h Ave"-- West. City. (tf) Bt'SINESS OPPOItTiMTIES J Oli SALE - -P limit 'ire repair and upliolst erv shop Kinlv enulpped find doiln? excellent : buxipess. First ci.'ss oi)i'tii-nitv for riulit person Oiivc inleres's require owner to .S.-11. 1 Box 523. Prince Ituui it. '"' i HOl'SES WANTED TO Bl'Y j WE SOLD .six houses In Almost cRaeBros. IN MrM(ltlAl McMEEKEN-ln loving memory ol mv dear mother. Funny Lliza. Who possfd awav 41 1944. Not till the loom is silent rtnd ine .sntuties cease to flv. Shall Ooit umoid tue canvuo Anu txuiain the reason whv. The dark threads are as needful In tlie Weaver's skillful hand As the threads o gold and silver In tlie pattern He has planned. Ever remembered bv your CHiuhter Emma. Karnle Mon-ttith and Familv iltci tAKS I-oil SALE FOR SALE-4 Pontiae. Finance , can be arranged. Phone 4ii(J. Teiraje. 2t)8ui EOlt SALE BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS-New shades, brown and lirev. kooiI lit. lots of wear. Sizes f'i to 12 vears. Real barmnn. now U 75 to $4 25 pair. BC. Clothiers. (tic) FOR SALE Household furniture, new Kriifhler chesterfield, wash in i muchiiie. two bedroom suites, end tables, etc. 910 Alfred St. after 6 n m. 1207 m FOR SALE -Chesterfield and 2 chairs, lair condition. $30.00. G.E. radio, Kood rereotun. $1500. Call blue 483 alter 5 u.m. , UOi'ipi FOR SALE CarDet babv carriage, davenport and bed. Red 831. (2051)1 NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES LitiK-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draaliis; Adams Road Graders: Latleford Bros. Black Ton 'Road Maintenance Equipment: Owen. Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granoles; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers-Clark Forkllft Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal; Rice Portable Centrifueal Pumps: National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets: National All Steel nSKDllna lilliKts- N.jlfnnul Portable Sawmills:' National I Notary Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. UO FOR SALE Lovely lOMOiece black walnut dlnlne "room suite, larae nolderi oak library table, 2 larae upholstered chairs. 3 occasional chairs, lurire commercial floor waxer and polisher. Hoover carpet sweeper complete with uarU. one lrae electric fruit luicer. electric massauer and reducer. 4 electric heaters. 1 small pot burner oil ranne 2 KOod oil heaters, nice pictures in frames. 4 floor lamDS. 1 table lairm. fireplace with all tools, laree complete' exercislnw kit. 40 eallons of naint. Standard tvpewi iler. 7 laree new French nlate mirrors. Black 823. Mr. Hicks. (tr FOR SALE Three niece bed-reasonable. room .suite Phone ureen Vto. (20(io) FOR KALE 1939 Ford Coune. 1008 tilh Ave. East. (205pi FOR SALE New and used household furniture. Rliuhtlv used Kitchen Sets. Bedroom Suites. Chesterfields. Bovs' Bicycles Bedside Runs. Cribs, Studio Couches etc.. se!lln t the lowest possib'e prices. B C. Furniture Co. Phone Black 324. y (tf) LOST LOST Brown and white ounnv. White face with bown diamond op forehead. Male. Phone Green 719. (200pi i n i) rof-eddiona Maytag Washer Walnut End TaMc 2-Pc. Chesterfield Suite, velnur Complete Walnut Dining Kc ini Spite Dinette Suite (Buffet, Table and 4 C hairs) natural finish 4-Burner Electric Range, high oven, white enamel Kitchen Cabinet C Electric iUolm, 1 ;-h.n. 2-!5urnci Electric Rnngc, like new Oak Book Shell, 4 sliding glass' doors Occasional Chairs Chest of Drawers Kitchen Tables and Chairs Cmnoi Washing Machine, excellent condition Cement Mixer with gas jline motor Morri;: Chair, leather upholstered Oak Buffet with 5 matching chairs Also various Chairs, Tables, Lamps, Mirrors, Book Shelves, Tools, Magazine Hacks, Heaters, Ice Box, Pots and Pans, Ironing Board, etc. We can sell voui'K. Have :-v-1 - - ernl cash buvers for two to WANTFB- Enerr.f four-room house--. For toi) (,,r Mn-t la" TERMS: CASH OR CIIEOl ES THOMAS M. CHRISTIE, Auctioneer 'Phone Blue 720 or Blue 9B4 yill'-rv .tini n.Tii'ic vrr... "ni)i,J ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 B.ticK 197 (eves) (21!lci REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Four acres clcarei land tmod soil. 25. fruit trees, small fruits, two warm thr.-e-roolll houses, u-nodsiied. ehi.' etc. All elerlrlcitv. 1 mile town $4 ion. Phone 89Y. G, M. Perrv. Terrace. ( 201 u ' FOR 4 rnonn mi l bath. Central location S4MH! cash. Phone Green 59. I2i)llpi FOR SALE Wartime Four with laundrv room Newlv decorated. Furniture included. Price 3950. $2250 down balance, SHO.OO monthly at 5. Blue 804. (207pi ! FOR SAIE furnished home with .self-contained fur-nislied apartinenl Must sell lnimediaielv. S3500 or best offer handles as down irivment. Income from mart.nient nrikeq DavmenU. 107H 71 h Ave. Far t. or phone Black 293 evenings. I and Colussi's Music Store Agents for the finest ;" irt Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 R0RIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F.,L. HUGHES D.C. ON VACATION iiMneSS HANDYMAN : HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS . OIL BURNERS PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1C70 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. "hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R. W, COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1026 for genuine parts and service phone or write above. Cleaner Cutting Saws Tew ewwe will nit eleener, tmwr, fatr when filed on ear precision michint. Quick Mrviceon ell type of mwi, Brine; your mwi tn Ie4r Old mws retooihed. PRECISION SAW FILING J'Ji: PIGGOTT PLACE Bix 1011 Station B fAfint? Pii Terminal) Terrace Builders Supply Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 Znd Ave. Opposite Liquor Storo MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING " Phone Blue 128. P.O. Box 528 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 899 NA Hi.MII.K WATI KS PHOTKt'TION l I' R.S.C. liaptiT 11(1 Aluminum Company of Canadn. Limited, hi'reby Hives nntlve that it has, under Section 7 of the said Act. deposited with the Minister of Public ! Ini; Deputy Registrar In thp Itcgistry Othce for the District of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, a description of the site and the plans of a pier proposed to be constructed on the foreshore and bed of the easterly side of Kemano Boy. Ranire 4. Coast District. Province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice. Aluminum Company of Canada. Limited, will, under Section 7 of the .(aid Act. apply U) the Minister of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated this 8th dav of Ant-ust IBM ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA. LIMITED. PAUL S. WHITE. Secretary. , (A24.31.S7) JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist e John Sulger Ltd. Third Avenue Complications in the Suburbs. i I ' TT 1 0M. FINE-NOW HV il II I ( r j ( 1 DECIPFDNOT l '( " ''' l' V) J LJ HAND IS CAUGHT IN ) 'I .X nTOGOOlir Wl,u l ',u4 ) ? ''" f?-x n Kt.Zu r?r-i ,iri - 'J 1 M,.. JJ v-.feALja L