f " 'ML i. W1: Prince Rupert Daily News Friday. August 31. 1J51 i Uf?Ttf Fire Takes Terrace Mill And Lumber TERRACE Fire destroyed the TERRACE . I OPICS I 'vf "f Mrs. E. W. Rodd. Thia Is a new school which has been opened lor children of the employees at the Western Uranium mine 12 miles from Skeena Crossing. South Hazelton, 18 pupils R. W. Mclnnes. New Hazelton, 50 pupils Miss Jean C. Robb, Miss Margaret Sharpe. Hazelton, 150 pupils E Wln- ter, principal; J. T. d'Aoust," Leonard Leightun, Mrs. Doreen Livingstone, Miss L. M. Dcrk-sen, Miss Marie Decorby. The Hazelton school, an amalgamated school for white and native children, was opened early ln niiiiiiiaciiiiii' mm I PEOPLES STORE jj i Fall Opening! : Special : L -v r . Word was icceived in town on Monday from Prince George that Miss Ellen Samograd. a teacher in the elementary school here last year, was seriously injured in a car accident there last J I Mill ARDMITCHFU-WNRYWNfl.il TODAY , IS Matthews Mill at tho north end ol Lakelse Lake early Wednesday Homing and about 50.000 feet of , lumber was lost. The fire was' well advanced before it was' noticed and nothing , could be ' done to prevent it .spreading to j the lumber piled on the loading! platform. Owned by Ralph Mat-; ,liews, Lie mill has been operating fur about six years. I Also CARTOON - NEWS Eviniii Shows 7 - 9:03 5 JJ Ladies' and Worhcn's Chenille " ' "" ' - -1 CAPlTr Mrs. Adrian Meier left Wednesday with her children for h-r home in Redwater, Alberta, after , Saturday Matinee 2 - 4:2(1 .. ......... V the year and as an experiment of the local school unit is proving to be very successful. 4-Mile school (Kispiox Roadi, eight pupils Mrs. Helen Luxtou. 1 '"S '"VERS T.,. spending the last two weeks with I her mother, Mrs. L. Newhouser Housecoats $5.95 MISSED MRS. M M m a n P n M . B m Terrace Schools See Increase In Attendence Mr. and Mrs. W. Schroeder have arrived fiom Wintiipeg to .spend the next two weeks on holiday with Mrs. Schroeder s voii and claujihter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker. They spent the week-end at Prince Rupert visiting with relatives there. As a symbol of their individually, women In Pakistan generally keep their maiden names after marriage. HYDRO TURBINES Quebec province has 53 per cent of all the hydro-electric turbines installed in Canada. TERRACE. School Inspector Ferguson was a visitor ln town this week on official duties in connection with the opening of ALL SILS 1' to 211 and 4U to 41 SWIrV t'henll!r. C'llll-foitiilie v.rap-arnund slyl' I 'i'.;: sleeves and r-nwi lo'l iv. ropnlar Fall . li.iui ,. I u .sio.k just ai riV'd at l' oplrs Sl:)re. Sprcial pi-ire r.!;i,()VV city lirucs. Mr. and Mrs. Skillecorne of tiie Home for the Aged returned la.st week from the south where they have been on holiday. CfNf TiflNJV . COHNNl CAM! IROfrESSIONAL HAZARD Stunt-driver Chuck Breit of Miami Bea?h. Fla., was Injured in this trash at tiie Canadian National Exhibition grandstand show. Breit swerved his car at the top of TOTEM , i hmovs rmtis imiiM th ramp aim smasnea sidewavs into the kt.atinnnrv r,ir tni..nrt For Results ADVERTISE Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. returned on Wednesday of pancaking on top of it. (ft1 PHOTO i 4UVKKTISIN IN THE DAILY NfcWS BRINGS Rmuir, from their motor trip to the)- " south where they travelled as thanked the crowd for their lar as New Mexico. i patronage and expressed the r grateful thanks of the fire de- SDe.i DOMS' Terrace Holds Blood Clinic TERRACE Mrs. C. J. Norring-ton, chairman of the local Red Cress Blood Donor committee In Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Alger, ac-i partment to the Canadian Le-companied by Mrs. E. Greenlaw j gion which had worked with and two children, drove to them all the wav through to i Rupert : ;Peop!es Store: " M STEAMER jllUt'i I Prince Rupert on Wednesday to auKo the affair the success it spend tiie day there. Mrs. Doris Brentzen and two Biving her report stated that a Pastor and Mrs. W. G. Solo- tnuk drove in from the south ! daughters. Phyllis and Enid. very successful clinic was held the schools. The school enrolment for the whole district is expected to be on the increase. j There will be approximately 400 pupils in the Terrace elementary school with about 90 newcomers and beginners. The high school is expected to have about B0 pupils. Appointments to the teaching staff for the district have been announced and is as follows: Terrace elementary Principal, Miss A. Lips; Grade VIII? Miss Lips; Grade VII, K. C. Baker; Grade VI, Mrs. F. Labelle; Grades VI and V, J. A. Wilson; Grades V and IV, H. Noakes; Grade IV, Miss L. Goodfellow; Grade IV and III, Robert f. Bernie; Grade III, Miss Blanche Matte; Grades II and I, Miss M. swnzt:; Grade I, Mis. M. Mc-1 1 mash. High school-Principal, E. S. ,Lairci, Andrew Toews, Miss P. Pendergast. U.sk school, 25 pupils F. A. Mandzuik. ; Cedarvale, 20 pupils E. L. Nornquist. last week where they have spent ! leave this week for their home 'n Trrace Thursday, August 23 tne past month on holiday. ince Ruoert SATURDAY and TUESDAY BOYS' WOOL PLAID JACKETS $7 0 TO CLEAR in Creston after spending the ln lwo i"si'"''s aiternoon and the last few weeks with Mrs. . evening. The nurse in charge, Bientk:en's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Miss R"b'nson and the techni-Will Robinson. j cian, Miss J. McLelland, expres- . sed themselves as being very Mrs. J. Edgar and son are Phased with a "most successful leaving next week for their and worthwhile" clinic. KAILS FOR j j Vancouver ! ' i The danoe at the Civic Ce'ntrt last Friday evening, to raise funds lor the putchase of an auxiliary fire truck, was attended by a very large crowd and i the success of the evening was : assured. Stan- Lang's Mell-O- home in Westview, having spent ( Mru. Norrington wjth Mrs. W the la.st few weeks on holiday 1 Collier prepared the Oddfellows' lones supplied the music and : with Mrs. Edgar's parents. Arch- . wall whicn had bc.on donated for BOYS' WINTER C0A1S Sizes 2 - 6 deacon and Mrs. Hudson. ALso'th occasn,.i. M ?. ' i rift . a:id Intmnrdiatc Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN w i:im:sia y midnight Luxury at Low Cost refreshments were served by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cana dian Legion. During the evening, Fire Chief Jim Smith returning south to Ocean Falls I The appointed committers are Darrall and Ronald Hodson, ' worked well and willingly and Rc9. $12.95 NOW ONLY $5.9) who have been spending tiiwere as loliows holidi.7s with their grandpar- 24 pupils Ray Kitwanga Miller. ents. Secretary Mirs Elliott Head. ; Registrar Mrs. L. Newhouser. ; ; Nurses Mrs. J. B. MacKay. i ; ISkeena Crossing, 13 pupils LADIES' SUITS AND SHORTIES H. Kh e, president of the lo-!K N-. Mrs- Stanley Mills, R N. Fur Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE To C'cor SI 5.95 and M cal Libeial Association, has re-! Mrs. J. H. Smith, R.N. Mrs. Doris l'KINCE RUPERT, ceived word from Jack Maltman,' B''-'ulzen- RN- and Mrs. Vic i B.C. Liberal organizer, that Hon. "'iud. ! A. D. Turnbull, minister of Reception Mrs. K. Wold and health and welfare, will be in Mrs- E- Krnnedy. : Terrace on Friday, September 7, Coffee Room Mrs. W. Fell. B.C. DOMS7 DEPT. STOR RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AM) KI.KCTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 9!2 i and will address a public meet- Mls- w- Martin. Mrs w. Ros I ling in the IOOF Hull at 8 p.m. Thomson, Mrs. F. Clitford. Mrs. McBRIDE STREET and FOURTH AVENUE n. Fire Razes D Apariment LABO DAY Chop Suey - Chow Me in MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, in terms of family health and home economy. Coll Bue 846 jot fair BRATIONS 0H n 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE for Outside Orders Phone 13S ; TERRACE Fire gutted the1 if.pprtmcnt above trje Mary , Lynne shop on the southwest j corner of Lakelse Avenue on Kalum Street late Wednesday I evening, destroying the contents. J The flam-s were seen near the' rear stairs by Frank Peters Who: put in the alarm. The fire department arrived immediately, i Tenants were away from town and cause of the fire Is unknown. ' Constable Brue and Constable Adams kept the crowd back while the firemen worked un-I hampered and the flames weie soon under control. 1 The contents of the store below, a women's and children's juiinunus ana Miss t'nyius llrenl-zen. Beds Home for the Aged per Mr. W. Skillicom. Bedding Red Cross Hospital Laundry Mrs. Tony Cote Transfer Terrace Transfer fSUnley Smith), and Chuck's Delivery iC. Vantinei. Publicity Tillicum Theatre Theatre (C. Adam) and Omlneca t:. laid. Hall IOOF iper E. Hauglandi Coffee Made and donated by Corner Snack Bar (Mr. and Mrs. G. Lamblyi Canvassers Mrs. E. Head, Mrs. K. Wold, Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. M. Olson, Mrs. W. Christy, Mrs. H. G. West. Mrs. Frank Gavan, Mrs. J. Harris, Mrs. W. Fell, Mrs. W. Collier, Mrs. E. Edmonds, Mrs. Hazel Morrissey, Mrs. H. Cote, Mrs. W. Bailey. Miss Elliott Hwid; Messrs. G. Duffus. W. H. Spencer, J. H. Smith. H. Seaman. Mrs. E. Kennedy, Omineca Herald, Terrace Drug Store. 227 registered donors. The team of 11 nurses, technician and aides were driven to Youngs an1 Rev. Basil Prockter. Terrace by Mr. and Mrs. Norton They were accommodatea at the Motel, where meals were served, and after the clinic was over, they returned to Prince Rupert the same night with their driver-hosts of the morning. Mrs. Norrington was wry gratified by the willing help received, and also by the hearty cooperation of the donors. PLUMBING SaanicH TERRACE, B.C. To Be Held at Civic Centre Grounds apparel store, w.re removed in about (wo minutes by many willirg helpers and little damage was done to anything. I The building is partly covered by insurance, and until the store can be cleaned up, the business of the Mary Lynne shop is being carried on in the IOOF Hall. ft ISLAND EXPORT Phosphate of lime is the chief export of Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. CHILDREN'S SPORTS LOGGERS' SPORTS 2 FAST-BALL GAMES TERRACE VS PRINCE RUPERT USUAL GAMES OF SKILL BARBEQUE Yes, when you drive up hero you're putting your car in expert hands. Our attendants have had years of experience end training in proper car core. They , know what you need they hove what it takes to keep that car of yours in "new" condition longer. Drive up here, today! HERE'S WHY WE SELL , B-H PAINT We've got to give you the best our reputation demands lU-that's why, you can be sure when you buy B-H EGGSHELL It's a satin-like enamel finish that comes in the colors you want most. School Opens Sept. 4 10 DISCOUNT ON ALL BOYS' CLOTHING FOR ONE WEEK! We specialize in clothing for your boys from 2 to 18 years. Also Men's clothing. We carry a full line of Pants, Jeans, Jackets, Shirts, Sweaters, Socks and Underwear. Our Specials Are Worth Seeing THE SPORT SHOP , 622 Third Avenue DANCING IN EVENING START AT 10 PM. , nje(- O- Jonci Orchestra ADMISSION FOR DANCE LADIES $1.00 MEN $J.50 Superior Auto Supply Ltd. McBride St. Phone 311