Hhnt hurt been undei -amua it-pairs there. THE EXPERTS Sail . . . ALKS . . . However, ne oeuus up tm e" or two" men are so casual about the high cost of living and mixes this with the potatoes. The dish is seasoned with salt and pepper and popped into a moderate oven for 20 minutes or so. "Excellent," says our friend, "with milk or lager." Oollen e!!t;s. j However, left to his own de-. vices when the wife is downtown shopping hubby most frequently will seek food from a ; can. One chap goes after any tinned salmon that may be around the house. This he, puts In a casserole and spreads left- j 1 over potatoes on the top. First, Tlie Catholic Ladies' Auxiliary held their monthly meeting in the elubi'ooms on Monday iiii;lit with a small attendance. It was decided that Friday's bini0 be cancelled on account of the ba-iiiar belriir heirs nn that nit ' f t 'i 1, m.- A H. Irvinu and By KAY REX by the ladies of the Anglican .ttJf 5?-. V vwiuii.ii. ine arawing lor the raifle will take place at a later date on one of the bingo nights. Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, NovemberMO, 1951 l bv p.iW visit to the iamite over the week-"'rh,.,' ' win, Jerry, Is an ,"4n in the powerhouse rj)'v report that the road 't'-cn Knu'ako and Fort :''tcrP niovetl, perhaps a) ,WP,.,i prank. It could bi! njiiMiii; to travelling mu- f 1 '5 ,4 Mrt and Mrs. A. Ruyter ' of Innlsfail, Alberta, have arrived to make their home In Telkwa. They are exoecllnir their pur. CanxJian PreM Staff Writer MEN AS COOKC. Ever try letting hubby loose in the kitchen? There's no telling the surprises he may dieam up dishes you didn't think he even knew existed. Men have gained the reputation tor being able to make coffee and cook steaks "just let it kiss the frying pan, that's all." But whoever thought they could bake a cake or whip up a dessert? And a friend of mine claims her father is a whizz at making porridge. ' . ! load of furniture to arrive any auy. M'-ade, well-known 3" ,.BJ A number of the younger set attended the masquerade dance held at Lake Kathlyn at i:iim at the Copper v'r . , 1 c r 4 i r M Here's proof that the head of the family can turn out as cute DUKE AT WHEEL The Duke of Edinburgh too:: the wheel of a rancher convertible for 100-mile drive to Eaglecrest, where Princess Elizabeth and he spent a three-day Vancouver Island ircan-t Gifnerson left ,:ne in Evelyn to .spend ,s' va'-ation bclore rc-. Ti'lkwu. Paul Sargent of New Hazel-ton made a surprise visit to town and visited with friends and business associates. j an array of bridge-club delights I as mother would wish to set be nouuay. L-neenng crowds lined the road at Dun?an, B.C., 40 miles north of Victoria as tlte royal j couple drove to the holiday spot. . . (CP PHOTO) '6' , A'' . Hi -' fore her friends It's a bread-and-mushroom-soup special. Slice a fresh loaf of bread IIOI'SFKEDPING iCcr.tinued from page 4 ...jer ntirt M I k y mi ii from a month's ip to Vancouver, driv-ina k. It Is underpins are being made rt a luine Quon.set C. B. Foreman, purcha-sing agent for the Cellulose Co. Prince Rupert, paid a visit to Telkwa looking over the coal situation. He had planned to do permitted during hLs .short stay here. VwWlf lt 4. - : come soggy. Secondly, don't ; make sandwiches of Lsh salad vegetables such as cucumber or tcmatnes because they do not freeze well. In the third place, df. not freeze hard-cooked egg fillinps because the white tends to become tough and porous. Most important of all, package the sandwiches inwrapping sold specially for freezing foods. n. cli i expected any ::(i,n Vanmuver. i Mi.s. (,'lotworthy re-,m their motor Uiu POMR SAW for the FARM ic interior. Mrs. E. Brickwell of Vancou-sonie hunting on the .side if time ver arrived on Tuesday's train to make her future home here with her daughter, Mrs. A. liernt. fata lengthwise. Spread canned cream of mushroom soup heavily on 1 the lengthwise slices. Roll it up , "like a Jelly-roll" and fasten down with toothpicks. Toa.it, to ' a golden brown In the oven 1 (about 300 t.o 350 degrees i. ; THE NEW LOOK I This male has picked up at i least one of the cooking whim-j sies of the French. He likes to use a wooden spoon. Break eggs into a bowl. Add salt, pepper and stir lightly with a wooden spoon. Melt pat of butter In fryin:;- I pan. Pour in eggs and stir with wooden spoon "It must bo wooden," says our m ile friend ! Woman Takes Over Man's Job TELKWA Miss Betty Martin, ! only known forestry service ; woman taking full charge of a mans job, has accepted. Her ! responsible work entails check-! ing and issuing permits of all I lumber going out of Smithers and Telkwa. She also operates ; the radio at Houston, Topley, . Soulhbank, Burns Lake and ' I entiln in Buy as he;' territory. , Checking of cars of lumber, whither spruce, pine, or any oth t kind, much planed, destination and shipper, this nil must be recorded. Miss Martin va", a Monographer at th( experimental furm fct-fore taking over this important work. I : !' lf I I l : ltJ itt-i1 they take very little time to thaw. Leaving them in the kitchen for about an hour should be long enough. With some types of cntcrlain-Int,, sandwiches aia a necessity bu!. ol ten for such occasions it is a problem to get them ready. It is good to know that a variety of sandwiches may be made in advance. All that needs to be done is to remove ttym from the freezer a couple of hours before they are to be eaten. Fillings such as ground meats, cheese, fish or poultry are excellent. In freezing sandwiches the main points to remember are, In the first place, do not use too much mayonnaise in the fillings as the mayonnaise tends to separate on freezing and the bread may be- XT' I iia.s been completed PP-r H"l;e from tlu-v.ay at tlie foot of Mihtaiii, 18 miles east William Cameron, E. E. RJnkle, accompanied by R. K. Newfort of Vunderhool, .spent a few days In and about the town on business. Masset School Principal Named Masset is to have a new High School principal in the person ct D C. G. Sibley who has been at University School in Victoria. "A.', 'iibley and family expect to ;i!.i'e at Mas.-:et by Christmas. ,,r the cuntractor, h. iclurns tlu.s week-jiii-c Cieori;e. Cirlllin of the Copper Mrni'd rom Prince ini'iim back the jeep CORDWOOD POSTS TREE MAINTENANCE PULP and SAWMILL TIMBER CONSTRUCTION Here's the saw that's designed to lessen work and raise income on the farm. You can take it anywhere up hill and across swampy land if necessary became it weighs less than 25 pounds. And cut anything heavy timber, limbs, hardwood, softwood, frozen wood -because it haa a full 3 horsepower. Many other features too make the McCulIoch 3-25 tops on any farm: automatic clutch, built-in chain oiler, recoil starter, and full-power operation at any angle. A. Howell of Bums Lake, representative for D.V.A, was in town on business at the until almost cooked. Renuve ! f 1 I ' , , f K v !S HOf 1JO 1 I ( L' LAlf lO MAKE ) I ' 1 i VO:iO AweuPS S f ( CIVS WIM A UlC SAIX 0 4 MODELS AVAILABLE J pan from heat, add' a pat of butter and let it melt in. Servo. Just In case you think men regard salads as panty-waist food, here's a favorite of one masculine connoisseur who tips the scales at tle . 200-pound mark. One pound head cabbage; one medium-sized carrot; one medium-sized onion; four stalki cellery (large); one large apple, i Put the vegetables t)irou;;h a muck f ArvTEViArt r, ALL Wcj VAtS Of f ' fU.i M'klad. 10 Hod. lS'kowMw SEE US TODAY FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION n. tany .Spare Parts for ail McCCIXOCII SAWS Authorized Sales and Service PACIFIC ELECTRIC l-rincc Kutittt, B.C. Box 1309 Phone Blue 902 -4 , 'V:. w. i - Hi' i shredder or use an ordinary 1 grater. I Dressing; Juice of one lemon; ' add to this two tablespoons of I sugar, one-third cup of boiled ! salad dressing. Salt to taste. : Toss all this together. Garnish ' with slices of tomato and harj- UiaHTwi KJ.rawy-, j, J ' LL Wv HIM A )l . 1 1 LET'S 1'A I'M 1 spates j- ' - ( - ' rrty s rtf-jz n'j-i , , . : : , ( : 1 '-i.wwt. on. i i r-, ytf L Hi 'UUK I Ht WANTS. MC N t f out o doing "S VClAl "Ad yli ASJJ V evetwfciODv out te J I a kino deed ) 'vO Q-Tf lAVi sack poos? SEcocB T ? : ; ; I S I 'i. .1 f 1 ' J V Mi iru I I ' c- w 'l r -. r E r 1 k I J' i - mi if iii n i i im .1 iii.i . m I,., ,i . ni ... tt- i - -ii nn i j r l I. II Ijm I 6S J E3aggrTBTT J. ( f.TMP RAfK i I I I Mil I V I fl ' I - ' I I I - . - V y ri I I I II. - - "Vx7T VH f I 12 1 V"T ' rS f N , U W --Zl I I Tr 1 "" 'I M' V KJ H - 1 I 1 1 : . 1, V "r t' if' A A L7-: um. i mmmmmammamimmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmimmmmmmmmmammm i n im - I MM1 I lain mm II I I I I i Lucky Lager Extra Dry Beer, ii winning nev friends every day. Always in (avour wherever happy people get together. III I. . : I . - a 71 w Kin A A. I .- T V . w I I I v . V "V ' I Winner 1950 DLPLOME' cavadas mcsr Distinguished world renowned brew masters meeting tt Brussels on Aug. 10-11, 1950, awarded Luc!y Laser (he Diplom and Star of Excellence, acknowledging this traditionally ne. B.C product, Canada's finest. Also Brewers of Burton Type Ale f -' 9 I I --- . M; I'M XL 1 ff JFS EUNGTOHAVE TORAV GIVING rfil-k , BOS?J K X I rLvoUATENDOLLAU ) rfljliJ V 1 'lrV-S -LX 7 1 SlTV I YOUR EMPLOYEES I t -Mi Brussels Award This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Rnsirri or hy thf tiovernmcnt of Canada. 14 l J "