TODAY , 9:05 p.m. PAUL DOUGLAS - mtr "ANGELS IN rStou Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 10, 1951 'VU tlfi. -"'11 Family Comedy Is Uproarious A teen-ager's misunderstand New Test Oil Well IMMIGRANTS WANTED South Africa's labor shortage. East London, South Africa f said G J. Bulman, president of Laige-scate immigration of sleet- the national federation of bulld-d groups is the only solution to Ing trades employees. WATERFRONT - WHIFFS ings about the relations of her - -v.'. .. i ;V VANCOUVER i A big Ameri attractive mother with a handsome young doctor comprise the can Iirm, i-niiups rruuicum, I announces new test well the British Columbia Peace River j RUPERT PEOPLES STORE txcitingt, told! ,p-. i district. The firm has been conducting ' extensive exploration work In the Peace River district for some Troller Turns lo Crab Fishing Twenty Grain Ships Coming? : s T time. theme of a sparkling, witty comedy which jromes as the feature to the screen , of the Capitol Theatre on Monday and Tuesday. The picture is "How Could You, Mom?" and tiro stars are Joan Fontaine, John Lund, Mona Freeman and Peter Hanson. The saucy comedy Introduces an unforgettable family in the throes of a wild dilemma. The laughs start rolling when husband Lund and wife Fon For l.i veai'S F.d Lino- h:is trnllprJ sulrrum in tv,?c! The announcement said that m . , "'the tost well Is about forty miles vi i.- t- u- oo l area with ratima, his trusty 38-f outer and, even as from Fort Nelson. he announced yesterday that he was quitting, he! The el1 u called Pnlllios -mm co-STAtima -O I : r d : e e RICAftDO looked a little wistfully towards the sea. MONTAI RAW. A; ST. THOMAS, Ont. f There were a lot of glum-looking sheep But tne veteran fisherman is - jnot putting the sea behind him. But crabbing wasn't a profit 3 IJj-L.iiriim.i .. "... winl1 around Humphrey Campbell's farm here after the first mass In fact, hell probably spend able business until a few years! more time on the rolling, shift- aio. Once, a fisherman dipping and drenching ing tides than ever before. Ling luckv to get 50 cents a dozen , sheep 4h. Mini EE?!! k' VALUES - BARGAINS - VALUES - BARGAINS RUPERT PEOPLES STORE operation ever carried out in this district. A total of about 300 taine return hom after an absence of several years and set about to re-win the affections of their adolescent daughter Mona and two other children. Mona interprets an innocent caress bestowed by her mother upon the family medico, Hanson, as proof of an Indiscreet alliance. To preserve the family ties, she contrives a fabulous scheme with ensuing complica IiitS ',,! .,'1 W "'"tub ingoing to'be a crab fisherman, j "Now they're two bucks a doz Aboard ine Fatim-a yesterday, en for fair-sized crabs." tamping tobacco leisurely into FISHING THE STRAITS the bowl of his Dine. Linf? ston- . Linir i.t trnlno- tn fish th. in. were given the full treatment. TOTE ped awhile from lixlng his rig- tre of Hecate Straits, where the i tnis area' Lln8- crabs cau Eve. Shows 7-9 p.m. Mot. Monday 2 p.m. King to chat. Crab fishermen in depth of the water measures an Prince Rupert are few, although average 17 fathoms. He's lnstai- the large bank area between the led an Echo-Lite soundpr to keen I siX mcnes in sue, me minimum tlons which have. New Yuik s mainlaiid and yueen C'harlo'te him on his course and he hopes I s'ze ""owea or fuming, in the upper-crusters on their heels. Islands know as Hecate Straits . to operate around 100 traps and jsiraits. however, crabs may av- Ifhe confusion Is finally Ironed is believed to be the best "crab-! rings, fishing them alternately. ' erae nine inches and some- j out Wtn Rn uproariously im-bing grounds" in the Pacific. Rings, the simplest means of ; times grow lar8er- I probable assortment of situa- TODAV 6:511 - 9 JOSEPH COTTEN- LINDA DT 'n TW o FLAGS ttrsi" Silvertip TIRE Service BURNS LAKE Vulconizing and Recapping Ship your tires to us for prompt service We prepay return shipments "Ol couiac on tne Islands catcning crabs, consist of two Beam irawiers oiten pic up j tlons. they make a big thing of crab hoops, one slightly smaller than a huge catch of crabs, even fishing," explained Ling, telling the other, to which is laced net- though they're not fishing for of Simpson's cannery at Masset ! tine forming- a three-foot pan. i them, says Ling, and the dozen or so vessels that ! From tne inner hoop, three pr j "The other day a fellow came INFLATION (Continued from page 11 fish for the company. SUNDAY MIDNIGHT - MONDAY MATIMB MARTHA HUNT . gj THE BOWERy "INSIDE ) ""HOLDTun STORY" ) BABY Remember the Matinee Monday it 2 H 1. (Under the Australian system this 1 increase was related not to the price level but to the capacity of industry to pay. However, the Increase has since been subject to changes in the cost of living.) tour lines are attached to -a m wun a ioaa or nai iisti and stouter line at the end of which had some 3000 crabs to boot. But is placed a buoy. The buoy keeps they only keep them the last the main-line-end on the sur-1 day they come in." face and provides a marker. i is there mdney in crab fish-Traps offer a different propo-'lng? Ling thinks so. sition, in that they are larger I i know of four voune fellows i and made of wire and hoops. under 20, mind you that fish- There Is no unemployment in MOTSCi How You'll ROAR When Sk Opens fne Closet Doorf c, r1""1 t onnpson a couple or years Australia todav nor has there traps and crab fishermen are aSo and made $4,000 each. They been for several years continually devising innovations took themselves a holiday down'quentlv the basic and eeneral-r,nhmflnntFh0r '"kTh' thls California and then came Howei ,lgr h C, a5 flsher"""ack for more. One lad bought been starved of labor while less wT 7 . "'" a trucn ana now aoes a good essential Industries have been onaycu nay, witn a jjise out-, business right here In Rupert. able to attract workers by pay-Inn considerable ni.i i; m a over torn ior easier loading. -Of course, I don't know ho similar I'm going to make out l m going to use he add-1 t,he "basic w ac. idea but am going to put an ed, "but we ll give her a whirl. r i .. f.'il.i 1952 Telephone Directory Any change of listings for the 1952 Telephone Directory must be submitted to the telephone office not later than Friday, November 23, 1951. For advertising see Dibb Printing. A. E JANES, Telephone Superintendent. extra loop on it so the crabs Better than being Idle all win-can climb in easier," Ling drew ter." a diagram. With traps, as many i k as several dozen crabs may be j There appears to be a fair caught at once because they prospect of 20 grain ships com-can't stray away. Once they're ing to Prince Rupert this winter in the trap they can't get out. ; to load for Japan. Many of them The former troller will use his! are expected to be Japanese, own boat foe operations and will I Though not Dromlsed. that manv VANCOl VER V ICTORIA Chilcotin 8 p.m. November 11 25 Chilcotin midnight, Nov. 18 Tuesday, u Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NOftTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS November 23 fs. Chilcotin midnight FOR SOITII t)l W.KS CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin. Nov. 18 and 30 midnight FRANK J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 These are me factors operating to increase inflation. The policy of the formi r Labor governments of John Curtin and J. B. Chiflcy was to curb inflation by controls, of which the mast Important were wa ; ; pegging, price control, subsidies on basic food items, anu control of credit and land sales. Only credit control rc:r.aii:s on tne books. The fcovernmt :-.t ha., found it desirable tu re-Inn-control of new capital L-sue.s ;nd in the budget recenay in rfriscd taxation raus sharply. Mean Plus C'ARTfMIN - NEWS Shows 7 - 9 00 MONDAY and TUESDAY install a spray pump in the hold has been mentioned. What to to supply water to the crabs in ; do with their wheat has worried order to keep them alive. (hundreds of ranchers this sea-"C-.f.-js l.: 10 be alive, or s son. Between this year's harvest -H.rr n,, goocj soon as, a atld last season's hangover, how crab dies, he begins to spoil.' to dispose of what is available CAPITO A FAMOt'S PLAYERS Till in nearly all waters of be-; for marketing Is another of tween 20 and 12 fathoms deep Canada's problems. There Is time the little man watches the niithinrr email hKah! 1. . 1 fear and ..... UL ."c ciimi,ing index with grown in Peace River, which is .,. i,. lieved destined to be loaded - . i I in rrince itupen. Beiore tne L CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Court of Revision Re Municipal Voters' List . oiu.ii.iuit uiuttis, it inuy bUKe ail of 20 ships. First ship to load ; hi re is due this month but grain i will have to be coming to the elevator quicker than It has been ; so far If there Is to be enough ; on hand lo fill a ship. N, (OTICE is hereby given that 0 Court of R-. Canadian Legion BANQUET 1 pm., Mon. Nor. 12 Legion Auditorium It will not be until next February or March that there will j be any change of consequence 1 In the regular Vancouver-Prince sion to correct and revise the Municipal V List will be held in the Council Chamber C Hall, Prince Rupert, B.C., on Thursday, No ber 15th, 1951, at 10.00 a.m. R. W. LONG, City Clerk j uupert service of the steamship .V h4 -r r 1 i j prince Ueorye. The handsome I l.ner has had a busy summer j taking care of the tourist trade ! north. Every indication, as win ,-t'- ter approaches, suggests plenty CIVIC CENTRE ASSOCIATION j of business throughout that sea- j I cn. It may not be until March ' i or April that the Prince Oeorge j will be taken off for general i overhaul In preparation for re- I I sjming the tourist traffic to ! iAABERSHIP DRIVE T..' ! Alaska In June. She will then be replaced by the Prince Ru-' pert. ir .Drive Friday, Saturday and Monday. It's not often a vessel has to have two launchlngs before she .s considered actually afloat and In a position to move through blue water. In an English yard recently the 275-foot fore part I I - Y f Canvass by High School students on an Inter House competition. Buy a family membership. Pay over a year's period if necessary Last year's membership 1800. This year's membership 2500' Do not pay the canvasser. The Civic Centre will bill you. Just fill in and sign the card. It Takes Only One Rotten Apple To Spoil The Barrel What's this got to do with building? Plenty! Because as w;th apples, it takes onlv n 'c-' oieces of faulty lumH:r to snoil a house We Sel! Quality Materials- ROOFING FLOORING BRICK and TILE CEMENT AND ALL OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS or the Norwegian motor tanker rtondifjell waited for her after part, 290 feet in length and In another yard. It is here a six-cylinder Doxford engine la be-.12 installed. Some time soon, both section.? will be joined in a dry dock and properly launched, after which the 23.00u.-ton tanker will take her place on the high .seas not partly, but wholly, down to the last rivet." THE CANADIAN LEGION AM MUAL All Repairs to the underwater sec- ! tion of Princess Kathleen's hull, j damaged In collision with the Prince Rupert last August, were recently completed In Victoria. : About three weeks' more . work remains to be done on the Prin- i cess Kathleen before she re-! sumes service as a coastal liner, j ON KF.MANO RUN , j ' Inaugurating a new service call which includes a weekly stop at Kcmano Bay. Alcan power : access point in Douglas Channel, ; Union steamer Chilcotin, Capt. i James Hunter, arrived In port In good time at 7:30 last evening from the south. Having had considerable freight to discharge ' here, the Chilcotin sailed at 3 am. for north Queen Charlotte Island points and Is due back , here tomorrow evening south-! bound. The vssel had 39 passen- j gers from Vancouver and Ke-' mano. Charles Ouy of the Union-Waterhouse traffic department at Vancouver and former well known purser, Is making the round trip on the Chllcothu, For Your Building Needs See MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH I. '- f ' ' 4-V i' fV-' "fiV- .J ' JS WW $1.50 per couF 9to1 HILPOIT, EVSTT & CO. LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHONE 651 to tin 'The Dance of the Year Be Sure