Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 10, 1951 DAILY NEWS Bowling Schedule Talking Up New Bouts The Wily Birds May Move But Hunters Ready A long week-end and cool weather conditions have teamed For the MEAL that REFRESHES PORTS No'. 1.1 Sunrise vs Commercials; 75 Taxi vs Shentons; Radio vs Cook's; McKays k - FINEST: , OF COOKIN' BEST OF FOOD vs Manson's; Big Sisters vs 7th Avenue Market; Toilers vs Co- op.; Annettes s Savoy; McMeek- ' ins vs. Wrathalls; Skeena vs.' Stars; Lucky Strikes vs Rosa Lee; j L"ibb Printing vs Cloverleafs; Lyons vs G. ti A, I . 1 1 NEW YORK (CP)-Talk of a Sugar Ray Robinson-Rockv Graziano middleweight title bout at Chicago February 20 and another American visit by Britain's Randy Turpin has livened up the boxing beat. Turpin may be matched witn Kid Gavilan, welter champion, in an over-the-weight match at New York or Detroit next January. At least that Is what Al Weill, International Boxing Club matchmaker, has in mind. This would lead up to a third Robin- FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 20B BROADWAY CAFE son-Turpin meeting at London next June providing there are no upsets. Robinson's manager is talking turkey with Jim Norris, IBC president, about a Chicago Stadium match with Graziano. up to make the opening at sun- ritj today of the duck and goose j hunting season In the western : district "mighty fine." According to many, hunters who left yesterday and this morning by boat for the coastal regions, small Islands and the Queen Charlottes, conditions are "Ideal." But still the hunters have their I i misgivings in this area, for they j know how uncanningly clever ! ducks and geese are these days, j The western district opens, the ; eastern district closes. "Now I where do you think these birds are going to go as soon as they i hear the shooting?" j Answer: "Eastern district of course. Only 50 miles from here." ! Still more dubious hunters aren't putting anything past thesv wily i birds. Says one: j "Bet these birds took a good : look at the calendar last night ; and today they'll be laughing at us over the fence." Local Skiers Join C.A.S.A. Prince Rupert Ski Club will be one of the newest members in the Canadian Amateur Ski Association, western division, following decision last night at an executive meeting that "it is time now to join." i With nearly 50 active mcm-I bers expected this year, the Ski Club will enter the Noithern B.C. Amateur championship races again and unless members belong to the association they can not be recognized officially as winners, should we be that lucky, quipped President G'.-orge Mos-tad. Honorary memberships were approved for Mr. and Mrs. Wally Langford and Mr. and Mis. Jan Ekiadany. Mr. Langford spent t jveral week-ends with his power saw giving "Invaluable help" in cleanng this season's new runway and cutting firewood. ' fc'kladany, a former Olympic team ski Instructor and member or the Czechoslovakian s k 1 troops, now resident in Prince Rupert, has offered to give ski Instruction to Ski Club members this season. Meanwhile, to '.take care of additional members, several mat-trcjfcs and two bunks will be purchased and a transients' dormitory will be opened at the ski camp, providing at least four bunks and cooking facilities. This week-end will see many club members on Ml. Hays gathering ana cutting firewood for the winter months and doing u pairs to cabins. r nior Hoop Stars !n it Tangle Tonight Tanight's senior cagers promise to put up a thrill any crowd as the main stems of two 4 year's teams wage a hoop war for the first t this season. ; . fVm features Eii Everyone Gettina sillily iM.m.suns. Both these! ;si,c a game each , ChailCe to P.QV -vw .w , tfc other lineups in the j riwy I ics muted Gordon & "It's our intention to give in the first bill of the everybody In Prince Rupert a , nile Mansons slaugh- chance to play basketball," says i"cCC 300 last Tuesday. j Fred Calderone. Two teams in the 'nag down the edges for, Pee-Wee League will be spon- mokt Siucct Caporal Cigarettes IN VANCOUVER ue an AUSTIN 0 DRIVE and enjoy the purest form-in which tobacco can be H Alii op fay opiiug, jouiea oy me vivic centre, wnile I Game oince nere reports, how-iever, that geese and ducks both have been plentiful In the east-I em district this season and are ,Hm and Mickey Webster, I iwo oiners, now registered, csme :from King Edward and Burden Street schools. smoked - roiled in the worlds purest paper? Remembrance Day November 11 Poppies on sale as usual Give generously I,owttt Cojl er Hour, per Day, jkt Mile BROAOiAY U DRIUE LTD. BAyview 6161 Broadway at Oak VANCOUVER 9, B.C. now moving westward. So get the pan greased, Mrs. Hunter father may bring back that goose anytime. , name oT Don and Sid -j ', Tiny Carlson and Mat-. flj;; ki'cp the hoop busy -(. E.k-s. ', r,U4tr League show :et i tsliiim vs. Hi-Green in tu-sle and junior will nit uitli two jewellers' .. fc.iiT and Mansons. Hockey Scores 1 A Old ( uunlry NOISY NEIGHBORS LONDON 0 Families In a local block of apartments comp'ain-ed they could hear noises In adjoining apartments. It was decided to apply sound-proofing to one apartment, and if successful she others will be similarly treated, . 30TBALL Pacific Coast Vancouver 2, N.'w Westminster! 0 ) Ca'Kury 5, "Edmonton 3 ! Eeatile 4. :a 2 V,' item International Trai' 5, Kimuerlc y 4 . Okanagan Srnioi Kamloops 6, Penlioton 1 SARTORIAL PRIORITY LONDON F, r- A eculiarly-shapvd package was given top priority at London airport. Lab-tiled "Urgently Required, Handle with Care," and addressed to a Mr. Son Chee-Wong of Hong Kong, the package contained a shiny lop hat. --t r jlkli Lr?n', Division 1 ' , j! o c t Hi omwirfi Al-! i n. f'ha lton Alh-, ,': ! o H.-wcintlc United rn' I 1 M-.imiiter United , i ! , ( i v 5. Fulham 0 1 Fight Card Nov. 30 To At Home and Overseas SEE1UE CANADA in the "Front Lines BASKETBALL TONIGHT 6:45 Junior Bulger's vs ManSon's 7 :3C Intermediate ' Fashion vs Hi-Green 8:45 Senior Elks vs Manson's Feature Ratzo-Morrison Tentative arrangements have been finally made for a Prince George-Prince Rupert boxing card which wiil feature as the main event the Mike Ratzo-Mouse Morrison fight, a five-rounder, November 39. Nick S c h m e 1 i n g, Prince i George's trainer and matchmak- Prince Rupert bovs wiil have a of Freedom!'. 8 i I own 1. Totten- 1J '( 1 tlel 00 i 1- 13 ill 'in Wanderers i .,:&( .Icr Cily 2, Middles-it 1 axuilh 4. St.nkc City 1 '. 0. Burnley 0 (tiel vijl .inviiim Wanderers 1, i N nth End 4 ilish I fifrc. I vision 1 k l.rict Hter City 3 1 H .vers 0, CardlTf I I mi lampton 2 ;4;v 1 1 1 v 1. Doncasler ler. .informed Joe ward good chance, but that Ratzo Elks four Boxing Club trainer, that "has dynamite in both hands." -1 Ufi llMfm ! entries would be ab.e says 10 meet i "We're still not scared ' Ward. ' ' (.Prince Rupert boxers. , Jttf j Besides Ratzo, who weighs 15, j -, are : 1 Rene Mieiioud, K5 pound;, j fighting Andy Marshall, 162, lour rounds. I Ken Larson, 141 pounds, to ; ; fight Chubby Sta:ey, 141, three' IT j rounds. i Larry Brewer, 133. to fight Infant's Weaf Boby Panties Bibs Slscpzrs Sveatcrs Corduroy Overalls (4 Modern iiiventions have not taken away from the Infantry its all-important part in victory. Again and again, in the battles of 1939-45 and in Korea, Infantry has proved itself "Queen of Battles". The job of the infantry-man has become tougher, more complex. He mut be able to handle more weapons and to meet a greater variety of situations in defence and altai'k. Charley (Chucki Place, 135, four rounds. HEAVYWEIGHTS The heavyweight event will feature two fighters under the same colors, Glenn "Tiny" Carlson, 197, against Art Senft, 19"). Senft, former Golden Gloves contender and well-known amateur boxer In the -province, is located at Ma-sset but has offered to fight under Elks Boxing Club colors. Trainer Ward will match him against Carlson in a three-round event. Other preliminary bouts which IfOV mm - &'v o. Birmingham City i f -1 ui 3. Shelf icld Wod-& 1 I i.n y 1. Leeds United Park Rangers 2, Roth- " United 3 " Lnitfd 1. Notting-af irest 4 i 1i mi 0. Everton 2 8 m Lulled 1, Brentford Us1- I.f.uuc, Divis'jn A 4. Parliek Thistle 2 1 Vui'i'ii of the South 3 2, Hibernian 1 ''! 2. Dundee 1 " K-ivers 1, Airdrleonians st 9. St. Mirren 1 H Alb on 2. Celtic 1 1 ' ak 1. East Fife 3 Q ICE SHORTAGE fc '-n estimated the Ant-W ap is big enough to a hole earth to a depth f(ct. in 553 ' . . I E L Ward expects to match will be in the paper and featherweight class of the boys he is training. In all, Ward expects to havj eight or nine bouts. i Meanwhile, Schmeling admits in his letter to Ward that 5 SUP ERTW 1 Aim MEN ARC HHDBD IMMtDtATUY! To enlist you must: . - 1. Volunteer to serve anywhere. 2. Be 17 to 40 (Tradesmen to 45). 3. Meet Army requirements. 4. Married men will be accepted. Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot: POWEB CHAIN SAW A L'qS: ONE-MAN SAW with a HEAVYWEiGHT'S POWER It; endurance a id dependability arc "field-proven." Whatcve- the jjb. yuur ... ..,14 V A 'i A it "A '51 Sl'PER TWIN takes in it its stride. No. 1 1 Personnel Depot, 4050 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Some of tl.j'fcaturcs arc: 9 Dyna-Torqm single cylinder engine : U Army Recruiting Centre, RCSA (CST t AA), Work Point Barracks, Esquimalt, B -c A4T4B-BC J SEE IT! 7 ;.V It ( 1 y TRY IT! i 3 VH,,i I Join the CAEJADIAH ARI.1Y 49 Automatic r clutch lnfh tuifl and roulnrl rewind starter. CZZ S ACTIVE FORCE HOW! i 9 Balanced design for easy cutting and carrying. Only 25 lbs. without cutting attachments. Cutting attachments from 14" to 16" Fill in and mail for full .particulars: J Name , - - j Address - . Litfn fn ''Vni'rfl nf tha irmv Tuecrnt . pjJ v .-' and Thursday evenings Dominion Network. t Dealer: RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED . j-.kji Prince Rupert, B.C. gj5j. PtlKVES & RITCHIE & SON LTD. ffi'lS'iV Hornbv St.. Vancouver nr. 5VER7YEARS old - .u k i w i "tnicnl ii mil .,,il,l;.l,.l ... l,v t.lnnnr Control tV tilt tiuveruuieiit of British Columbi. J