Prince Rupert Daily News As i See It welcome in London this year but the picture, pretty "oon, g'.vim-it seems the creatures of the wild piace whitehorse as the caoi ' were not numerous. However, no w 0, Yuk Territ , one will be disappointed as the ' lur eveui various sound reasons. In a tire' business of eniovine the way. Friday, March 16, 1951 to scold stages of the fesUval proceeds change means a new deal. ray.. Reflects and Reminisces' Members Visit New Brunswick OTTAWA About eighty Members of Parliament nui the:r wives spent thre. nays .-gently in St. John, N.B., at the invitation of Daniel A. Riley, Liberal mem be - for St. John-Albeit. Mr. Riley's guests u.e entertained or a critic . forthwith. The King will salute Whitehorse, for years terminus . i . .. . . LlllVlllO h. me uuaras as iney swing past, oi tne wf 6i Y railway, and a mm The spectacle will be a smart point of expanding aerial iravi " ..'0Ii r. will gorblimy." ' one, more recognized on an even state, a'n; Independent daily newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupirt and Northern and Central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION flATES: Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association . A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director ' Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, rVa $3.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 SJhS Published every afterj-.oon except Sunday by ! I THE V WON'T MIND I It seems a shade early to take for granted, tales of fewer tourists, steamship cancellations and a renewal of anxiety over the by the St. John Board of Trade. I With Whitehorse u be the new the Province of New Brunswick ' capital of Yukon, Dan McOrew should fee! strangely disturbed He's never known anything else citatinn in Knrps They were and the city of St. John. Th visitors found St. John in the midst of mid-winter activities, including th.-; handling of wheat. PEOPLE'S ! DIPLOMACY save Dawscn. The lady known as not s0 tlmld ln preViOU8 interna Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. in Easter Sui ls may aiso conciuue mere is tional arguments. As a rule, something pending. mid-summer boats were packed, Tney wanted change anything i I hUl.MJ!) snrviKinririi LUUltAL to get away from dusty stuffy Its going to be more difficult routine to thp ...,., KPa. of ,h NEW DELHI, India. namely, the rifcht to a s;para'e When one of the most in- E""16111 f its own if they s fluential editors in India oCo Transportation Report , to buy a car. More walking will north. And snould a dasn of ad. AND ALL HOLIDAY CLOTHr AT REAL SAVINGS? told me that the Western AFTER THE MEETING p oper, probaoiy be essential. Less nnv-hv invito m a - , ,hvin:i 1 lng means more exercise. That venture be thrown in, so much the mora entertaining! democracies in eeneral foreigner from farawav in have 1 ought to lead to sin improvement See our Display Windows! Shop and next week. Hundreds of ,tki ..... '"M Dawson is going to be out of tea and cakes with the executive I in general health which in turn unrl thP TT ? A in nnvtim. ana me U.&.A. Ill , . paitlCU- amh..S9rinr . fnnnt1 him will bring about reduced hospital K.C, Clothiers lar were izzlne cit in Asia bj- a jolly fellow. He agreed that the ' service. Hence, brother, in the border between Canada and th? midst of all our blankety blank RE WOOLS; 1 ttinac onn trmihwic nhsprvfl hnur .'election of W.1 things have a way of getting smart ior wear a" tk... around the corner after all. In a wirte variety of coiJ and double-breast iVte SnlH from Ur. , ' wmm :ause they lacked direct contact with th.? Asian masses, I de:idt i to see how the Asians were acting within the!: own famiiy circle. I A Moslem fiend told me that . the Ambassador of Afghanistan j was to sj'.-ak that very afternoon to a students' meeting. I drove to the Dassupta College at 5:30 on' a Saturday after U.S.A. was the freest and friendliest in the world. I did not want to be even on. small eomT of a wet b'ankt and tell him that, although that is the t uth. even our fre? torr'.T is not quite ai free or faendly as it was in the good old days. oCo THE AMBASSADOR TOLD ME "J DU, i sm i u. A snow storm, seven boys and eleven marbles were all seen together at the same time yesterday, Thursday, March 15. Usually, one can depend on the evidence of his senses. .mom MORE BARGaJ noon. Tile college buildinu itse)f is FOR THE MEi, TABAKDIXE COATS - lii.'jd belled coals. Al' a, Hhnrtuu .r n- j was crude by our standards and that Russ!, Afghanistan's big ") ECOMMENDATIOXS made by the Royal Com- mission on Transportation, whose report was abled in the House of Commons yesterday, are such s might have been reasonably expected. For a long -ime it. has been obvious that loosely-knit transportation services in Canada have been due for streamlining and co-ordinating towards the end of efficiency and adequacy. Transportation, if the report is adopted, would be considered from the long-range and over-all standpoint. Control of the various forms of transport would be unified and highway transport would also be brought into the federal picture. It is easy to see where the implementation of the recommendations would result in more satisfactory service on a sounder financial basis. For a long time it has been recognized that the Canadian National Railways should get some kind of a new deal and be relieved of the load of debt that the system inherited and which these many years has hung as a millstone around its neck. All in all, it appears that much good could ensue from actions which should not be too long in ensuing from the recommendations of the commission. This advwt!3.meni is not published or Ui.spluyrd by lh Liquor Control . BBrtl tit by the Oovonimenr' ol ' Hriuh Columbia. "EVES RIGHT" Bearskins from Northern Columbia would have been ul ulCy ajn, Brown. NOW Ij i neighbor to the north. Now she has Communist China as a iwxt-jdoor neighbor, too. ! That means that she has to I tread very warily in the Interna-tional field. In most bloe-clat'h votes at the UN, Afghanistan a')-i Stains. Around the UN, th.-1 b3." II ma: veiled to hear that it had no less than ?.3 emolled stu-Ic'enis who attended on the two-! hif t system. Thr.: must hive ;rern over 4::3 of the 530 total of .the afiernocn shift nreser.t, and : ajain I auked myself: I "What r.T??ntage of our Can-ud:an students would s'iv til' :f:30 cn a Saturday afternoon to ihea- a scc-ech on their next-door ' neighbor country?" I oOo ft .Ay A A Nyi-OV SP0ET SHUTS colors o' Nylon-Aceuit. Pegular '7.50. Now DIAMOND SOX -Pn,,, Diamond Sox. Shrink-. In nice patterns. Vm'ij sell i S3 50. NoWmlr.. a i THE MTINPt ITSFLF TOOK place outdoors. The air was soft i Work-Saver Ranges by DRKSS PANTS A large variety of nicely talitw Plains, stripv-H e'erts and herrlngbonet. Ailctj Real bargains at $ W ORK PANTS Pure wool heavy work Danti TnV (fishing an'1 a'l tvpes o' work. Retrularlv $850 , Still No. 1 Need iook to kidding thn Aff?hans. calling the country Abstalnlstan oOo THE ONLY MINOR MISHAP that I suffered at the meeting was when they passed m.1; a plate of what looked lika little white balls. I wasn't sure what they wer.-? or what I was supposed to dd ith them, but my neighbD whispered they were a sort of candy. I ate one and It tastd fine. The only eatch wai that it spurted Juice all over my ni?e tie and shirt. oOo I CAMF AWAY FROM THE meetine with a htte idea of what they mean when they sav there is a "renascence in As'a" and ths thre has to b mo-e direct kind cf peoples' diDlomay if the Western democracies are stronRly tailored. Now selling et c kRINCE RUPERT seems to be back about where BOYS' WEAR and warm. Ther? was eoori lo'irl speaker equipment, with two mi-: "rcchores. I wns a bit di'tted if'om the srveeches became l'ter-!ally hundreds, maybe thousands ;nf birds, swecred overhead. They tare called kites, and have an I annoying caw, like crows. A3 the meeting prcceeded litU street u-cliin. tarefcat. passed ' back and forth In front of the crowd. i oCo j THE AFGHAN AMBASSADOR to India is u friendlv down-'t''-.sarth sort of -hap in his 40's. He .spoke in Enpllsh and apologized PANTS. SWEATERS. SIURTS, WINDBREAKS' started in regard to the long-campaigned-for H2S LONG PANTS All wool heavy weights. We Usually seM from $8 .00 to $7 00. Now WOOL WINIIBREAKERS Pure wool wtadbnti-effect, full zipper. All sizes. Regularly $5.50 to (! Now SCHOOL PANTS Strongly tailored, Ion ol re New, ra'r f Vipi fri -n vith it. SCHOOL SHOES Well built, strong school liiw I in advance lcr. his lack, cf flu-' " ency, though in" fact his iangua?' iwas excellent. I 13 and 1 to 5. Special U He spoke for S3. minutes anc 15 1. I E DENIMS 8-oz. Denims, fancy decori'Joa Repulariy $3 50 to $3.75. Now, pair over and ov.?r stressed the them? ithat India arid 'Atghanistan had always teeii iir.Kd in, vast hi tory by literature, religions, as r hop and air field development. Department of National Defence is reported reliably to have ruled out the project as a defence necessity. We may have our ideas but it is difficult for us to argue from the defence standpoint. It is a technical matter and there are experts upon whose decisions we must stand or fall. But we do know that from the commercial and business standpoint, a landing field as near as possible to Prince Rupert is becoming more and more a vital necessity. There is no other community of this size or importance in Canada that has not facilities for land-planes. The present service is slow and circuitous, inconvenient and inadequate because, as long as we have to depend upon sea craft, we cannot have adequate size and speed. We may have to start all over again on the campaign but we cannot give up now for, until we are provided with a landing field by some means or another, Prince Rupert is going to be completely behind the times and inadequately serviced from the , standpoint of transportation. And that is not good. ave at MOFFAT 1144 i;i we'.l as by geography. He pave us all a first-class histrtrv lesson. Wh.-n he ?$n&' down to the pre-ent situaticr? it became very cltar that Afahi.nistan's relations with India are closer and more cordial than ?re those between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The ambassador was most ex-rlicit in urging "self-deterrrtina- I hiti" fro- tvio PataTo 9nH kin dred tribesmen who make up j what is now the Northwest Fron- j tier Province of Pakistan. Al- though these were of nrecisslv j m Pllli: Call in today! Sec this modern Moffat Electric Range, the last word in cooking convenience. We will gladly demonstrate the new use-value features which save you from kitchen drudgery and "oven peeking". This new Moffat has all the features: Syncrochime Oven Heat Control Time Clock and many others plus famous Moffat quality. Your choice of Moffat Red-Spot solid type, or Oon-Rad tubular elements. the sjrr? race ad religion as their next-doo r"i?hbors in Afghanistan, he fo'd h"? government mad no elnim to include 'hem in f"hiic'a"' b-'de"' Rl't it, (Hd nv- thV nilH Vow nrRc'selv tv" wmn rth "5 pViotPn hnri e'ai-i:pi fir H.sel' (tatafc Stands SupUfHA " TANQUEKAY, GORDON t CO. ITO. ... the largeit (in diitilltri in the world Above Model $359.00 jjJ YOUR NEW fa rVCf-o is now on This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ol British Columbia. 1 i- ;,-- u I is, i 'x ., at fashion footwe ri ? i cJvtTl I P"bli3hed 'Played by the Liquot Control Board or by th. Government of BritUh Columbia. ler (jift PAARl for home and homeff, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ! OAL SPECIAL 1 ton At dinner, your family and, friends will enjoy the warm hospitality of Paarl South African Dry Red Wine' It's a distinc- rJ . tive wine, deli- V. I cately d. , i fifl-richly ted. A Hl perfect cornpU-V ment to heart "vJyjJ meat like rare vfV roast betf. Serve this superb red wine at dinner. No need ti. wait for a special occasion . . .' Paarl South African Dry Rd W;ne makes the occasion special! And the You Wll f or ' WILTON CARPETS, 27 54. Special AXMINSTEB MATS, 27 x 51 CARD TABLES, from CHESTERFIELD CUSHIONS, from SMOKER'S STANDS TWIN SETS, from "pi MEN'S GLADSTONE BAGS, leather MEDICINE CABINETS, steel, plate ""'"" MIRRORS, Bevelled edge, many lin,' CEDAR CHESTS, walnut, latest hinge op"1 Moth Insurance ind just what you require EASTER... DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE BUNNIES and CHICKENS EASTER BASKETS and EGGS EASTER NOVELTIES and CARDS In sacks of one ton or more $14.50 per ton This special opplics on our limited stocks of Alberta Blue Flame Egg only Foothills Alberta coal available in all sizes at prevailing prices PHILPOTL EVITT&Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 BUILDING SUPPLIES - LUMBER - COAL ! moderate price say serve I it often. i I Co-Oprerl Win Grawwt ' Auoclafln cf Sou . tiiea, limit J I Paarl Sou Alrka. I This advertisement ts not published I or displayed by the t,iquor Control i Board or by the Government of j British Columbia. A. MacKenzie Furniture 321-"" Quart" PHONE 775 A Good Place to Buy - Over rg