Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 29, 195X local and , PERSONAL I Mr. and Mrs. J. HHlman are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron I'ROUFIC FISH I HUMBLE START A four-year-old female smelt The vast insurance business of of about nine inches will de- Lloyd's of London began in Ed-posit as many as 20,000 esgs in ward Lloyd's coffee 1:usc in the spring spawning season. , 1088. i f i -'' - ' :-. - f ' : ? f X ' V, 4 .- . ii sailing tonight cn the Prince are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vuncouvt-r. Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. f.KOP WHERE THE CROWDS SHOP 1 COIL MOW! i meets F r 1 d a v. 8 SHEARD'OWNS Robert Woods returned to tlio city on Tuesday afternoon's plane from a brief trip ta Vancouver. S. O. N. whisi and dance Friday, March 30. Whist 8 o'clock. Refreshments. Music by , Mike Colussi. Everybody w;;l- come. i (75c) I'l o'clock. (74p) Mi . and :.:rs. Harry Blackburn rc-turiM'd lo the city yeste day on the Princ Kupcit from Rf. 5 1 . BliTTifR SPECiAt COt)l FRIDAY AM) SATURDAY ONLY C71Z VI; t 7-t iJi" v BUTTER Limited Stock. 1000 lbs. While it lasts &9c. Hear Mr. anu Mrs. E. T. Ap- 0't.whuile reoort from Ottawa.1 Due to late connections at. tF'PR, Thursday, March 29, 6:45 Jasper, tonight's train from the : FIRST GRADE Limit 2 oo'unds LB, p.m. (74c) cast win De seven nours anu ju minutes late, bringing it in at Until stocks are cleared we offer the following Alberta Coals at bargain prices: 29c 14c 27c 14c 19c 39c GRAPEFRUIT JUJCE 2 Tins S.O.S - Pkt. MAPLE LEAF SOAP 4 Bars ASHCROFT CATSUP Bottle LYNN VALUY FEACES -TIN RAISINS. Australian 2 Lbs. Miss Frances Civ. returned 5:45 a.m. to the city on the Prince Rupert - I this morning from a trip to Call-1 Don Tucker returned to the fornia lity on the Prince Rupert yes- ! terday frt-m a business trip to NAVY DRILL HALL, Thtirs- Enderby. Formerly with the day, March 29, at 7:30 p m. Free )Uiiy nws staff here, Mr. showing of film "In Which We Tucker is now joining the serv-Serve" to all those interested in jce of the Royal Fish Co. on the local waterfront. 16.75 per ton 15.75 per ton 13.75 per ton 21.75 per ton the work of the Navy League, followed by Navy League meeting (election of ofliicrsi at 9:30 p.m. (74c) Regular meeting of International Union of Operating En p Seam Lump !omat Egg ilomat Nut i ver Briquettes I O 10c Tin DOG FOOD i gineers Local 510 Friday, M.irch 30. Carpenter's Hall, 7:30 p.m. (74s) OPERA CAPT--Tiie Cowiclwm Indian legend of ThutK'erbiid and Killer Whale i.; told in the first North American Indian opera, Tzinquaw. currently playing In Victoria. Among the cast, who range from a 78-yvar-old brave to a babe in arms, are Mrs. Abel Joe and her daughters Donna and Glenda. Mrs. Joe is from the Cowichan tribe cn Vancouver Island. icp PHOTO) Gcii wea:h'r" is rep:rted in Vancouver by Jchn Fraser , Canadian Fishing Company Lt'l. ! canne y manage here, who re- ! turned to tne city on the Prince Rhpe.-t yesterday after a two weeks' business triD in the south. ! i NOTICE Those owing accounts to Balagno Florists are requested to remit same by March 31 to the store which will be closing at that time. We are desirous of having these ac ROBIN HOOD CAKE Pkt. 32c MIRACLE WHIP Pint Jar 49c TUNA FISH, Flaked Tin 29c Program at tire weekly luncheon today of the Prince Rupert Rotarv Club featured an auto- PHONE 116 -117 or 58 PREM, Swift's ' Tin 52c PEAS- Choice 5's Tin 15c GREEN BEANS Lunchour 2 Tins 27c Children's PT MATTER OF COLORS j biographical talk by Pierre Le-SHEPPERTON, Middlesex, j Boss one of the new members. England (CP) Tenant? com- president A. B. Brown was in counts cleared up at once so it GLO-COAT, Quarts 99c Class Popular I lained to the local council the chair and there was a good will not be necessary for us to aDout, us decision to lone aowti attendance of members with a make special collection arrange- Physical recreation classes the color sehem? of a house. Th bert & McCaffery (75c) ments. few guests. I COFFEE Nabob ib. 99c. LIMITED i held each Tuesday and Thursday house Ls known as Rainbow Cor-in the Moose Temple for the ner becatre of its red, rust, yel-children since varly In January, low, white and powder-blue I have been proving to be very walls. ; popular as well as beneficial to 1 to, color, l hi PERFEX, V2-Gal!o - - 62c RUMBA COFFFE Lb. 92c TEA. Roval Tudor Lb. 75c PURE LARD. Swift's Lb. 32c WALNUTS, Shelled Lb. 69c or New Rod MacLeod Legion Head tnc participants. n , The average attendance of 13 . Jnnuuiuemenfj young boys and girls, ranging in ages from 4 to 14 years, find Students' recital, violin and capable supervision from Charles Piano, Common Lounge, Civic Logan and Mrs. Berle Karasosky Centre, March 28, 8 p.m. who are proud of the skill dt-' Cathedral sprli.g sale, March velopv-d by their charges. 29. The hour of twice weekly ses- I Legion Auxiliary Spring Sal", sions is taken up by games, April 4. i Specials Good from Friday to Wed,, inclusive ite Plan T i V Protest Hospital Hike-Seek Reasonable Rent Control CARROTS PEARS Choice, 1 r-oz. Diced 2 Tins 25c 19c Blue Bonnet Margarine iidicnes. lumuinig anu pnys-.cai Card party; Catholic Hall,' exercise routines e.-p-'cially de- April 5. New president of the local Canadian Legion, elected last signeQ i ueveiop individual mi tiative and teamwork. Bciore the iei initiation of clas- I APPLEJU1CE Tin 29c. ' ses for the season Mr. Logan f Alternative System 4 il by nice Chamber I i Ilupwt Chamber of i. vas among ninety )i Biunls of Trade! and s of Ciiiiimerre in B.C. " 'I l.ivci'iibly to a re-ji' uhiiaiie on the single I ' vnte for electlohs Hi Legislature, live ('(Hiiiminiiv orrcan- Presbyterian spring sa'.e, April 12. The Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E , homecooking sale, April 14, Gordon Anderson. Conrad Street School P.T.A. White Elephant sale and lea April 14 at 2 pin. Canadian Legion card party April 11. W.O.T.M. Spin. g oamr, April Sunripo night at its general meeting, Is Rod MacLeod. First vice-president is Alex Haig. Others elected are Graham Alexander, second vice-president; J. S. Wilson, zone commander; A. Guyatt, sergeant-at-arms; Executive are Charles Anderson, Joe Gillis, Frank Wright, Stan Veitch, Len Hitehens, Robert Bone, William Brett and Victor Duncan. plans to have a parents' night, probably the second week in April, when the parents of the children will Le invited to sec them go through their routines. WJ CaJ tjCcfjion i I'cipuled in the sur- aiiiinunced today by 20. SUNKIST ORANGES Juicy 2 Dozen 55c TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 23c SPUDS. No. 1 Whites 10 Lbs. 39c CELERY 2 Lbs. 25c TOMATOFS Tube 25e FRUH COCKTAIL Hunt s 15 oz 25c CHICKEN. Whole, in Tins Each. 2.65 i. i n I'lestdent of the I Park !t:. 'it Chamber cf Com- Ol toil CI tliis survey was conduc- I 1 St. Peter's Spring Sale. Apri, IG. Unite j W.A. Spring sale, May 3. Sonja tea. Mav 11 Presbyterian Missionary Tea, church hall, May 16. Lutheran tea, May 'Hi. i . ,03 I i s'' I To make Blue Bonnel flf j look a. deliciom at it taste M ! Preit th button M V Knead the bag 3 Rev. Dr. S. A. Wright was appointed padre to replace Rev. C. L. Lomas, skipper of the Northern Cross, who asked to be excused from further dutus due lo pressure of his work. PROTEST rlL PREMIUMS Increase in B.C. Hospital In if Hie auspices of the B.C. il Associated Boards of ii l:c. PORK CHOPS. No 1 Lb. 65c 45c 1.69 SWIFT S PREMIUM BACON. ViAb. cello ... CHICKEN, Cut uo. Tins Each 'I '.ins feature of it !r. (.lilr.iT, "is that nil titular size of Twelve tables were in play at a Canadian Legion card party in the Ladies' Lounge of tire Legion las night. Winners were Mrs. A. Norton and A. K. Olson, cabbage; Mrs. William Rothwell, Mrs. E. Chap-pic, bridge; Mrs. Eileen Page, A. L'. Chilton, whist. Winner of the cake, donated for surance rates were protested and :v which is more favor- than others. The a resolution will be presented at 67c. Farm Fresh Grade A Largs Caponed .. Dozen golden-yellow ready JjM the annual Legion convention "vigorously protesting the action of the government in face of ;iis mid villages, strongly '1 system. This Cham- raffle by Mrs. Molly Montgomery, ' y " ui'u us lavorauie UCI wllc 11 & auTcioc uuuu us m.s. o. n.-, ORDERS PLACED TODAY, DELIVERED TOMORROW I PIIONK GREEN 834 FOR WELDING OF ALL TYPES Industrial Welding COMPANY ;i .a!." opinion." Catering were Mrs. Holbrook : I .nils ami Chambers In i 1 Another resolution, that the and Mrs. G. V. Hanley under the W-W'i a special com- provincial government establish : convenor, Mrs. William Rothwell. f wive it to their com- a "practical and reasonable rent- ' filling with governmen- al control system" will also be 4s us a special study pro- lorwarded 4l'.unatory material on m. Wilson zone commander Ye, it's easy . . i it's fun ... to muke Blue Bonnet margarine tliat apeli.inp golden-yellow color everyone likes. 1'uken two minutes Hat! And the Yellow ,iiik plastic lias actually seals in Blue Bonnet's delirious rotuitry-sweel flavor ( keeps it fresher, keeps it longer. Ask for Yellow Quik Blue Bonnet today! """ systems lies- ,ui hn nnlv rlolPirnU in the con- . i.iuy, advantages ventlon, it was decided. tfc!;i;.Uf 'f!e T' i A vol of thanks was accorded nun. uie OA-. t, , .,.) , ,1,., r. ivi. ixuy, luiiiici ocvi utui j , win. 11 Assncia ted Boards of is leaving on a visit to England ti'Miiniliv th ni,.( I William Murray is new secretary B4r,. " . manager. ; " "-is piesenieuj ,he referendum W l'i"ci:.l Cabinet. In nrj- Jdi faring jar Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor VAST HARBOR ft 'AI'J ' X J EM l,.,,v,. nr SvHnnu tut. T I liTlief HIM ? 'I 1:" t 1. ' . . T 1 Ml IP Kl.murl thn. fli ' in f1 i ''I was confident tliat tralla, has a water area of about si. I FEU BETTER FAST! i . ol significance as a 21 square miles. 111P.I. atlrl ' ' a.MjIlr ft'in to the t.liink-lnu nf Phone 649 0 Sixth St " "'"'s of the Legislature '' Cabinet when consid- Riven to any proposal f Uie present system of tins province. , 1 I - Possibility of standby ';"' ' m the dying hours of I Call 363 I OR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing tl AN A SHAVE ''Hi'. Scotland (CPV- 'l'"r has been in 'he bar of the Risln i f-Srjh 'a Project iy' Ik frf$ tf-fiZZak.'-v FLEISCHMANN'S V Tlfz?2xiZ F Blue ffJ "'Wi BcWi n UDPln,nnet i1 BAKING P0WDE1 X b&1&i' 1 Us MARGARINE ' "" ')Jgi 'ji K7 ood products f ' i V!L------ 1 f" "r" " WrsM BOXED STATIONERY INK Jj KV tT-vI J L ' WRITING PADS W l l7 1 ' ENVELOPES AK QJj ballpoint ( te'JuoMCoJSiJfl PENS & PENCILS J$KL ', ( I jfjfVl I I SCRIBBLERS X' EfSM ) i 1 una customers may lavc while enjoylns llffDOM j Nothing better to help noweis qu.c-K.y i ii! -jrrt KPtltly. No "sleepy" , "'i'tr-no dulling effect, t t'seJ by Mother, for '""re than 60 years. i Also for relief of teeth 5 troublF". stomach up-( i t and other minor nil. iwt of babyhood. Be , '"e-OeLpaekage today. Only 2U( t drugstore.. MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors ' j Packed In B.C. ' wtl family diMH'4 Aytct Caa&tf , Intki. a. '301711